Apex Legends: Legacy Season 9 LEGENDS TIER LIST

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johnnyandthepnuemoni: Rayn hittin us with that jazz bgm. Love it

jack of everything master of nothing: I think a sweet mirage buff could b giving his decoys, the firing range bots a.i. skills (when activated). but with halo non-lethal rounds.

Triston Assap: Are u kidding me about Wattson Her 30 secs for 1 fence node While Caustic Canister is 20 secs. Why has no brought this up. Each fence is about a minute Wth came up with that logic

double tyell: Getting pushed by a rev ult is more annoying than getting scan in my opinion.

Tegan Zschering: Im really happy I came across your videos today. You are such a cool dude

Shadwayne: Caustic is a c tier champ easily , life line is d easily

Mary Smith: I think LL dropping gold revive shields in care package is going to be key. She moved up and they made her ultimate better. Im salty that the revive shield is gone, but I've still been able to use her revive in combat.

Raymond Gene Santiago: My boi Raynday should do a cooking series after talking about Horizon sheeesh 🔥

Nick Frank: for some reason this reminds me of the Cool Wall on the o.g. Top Gear show. 😆

Ezequiel Garcia: As always, the best content creator out there.

Claudia Borges: Wattson players are doing great rn but the legend itself is falling a bit behind, just like Pathfinder, they can be a bit too underwhelming at times

Claudia Borges: Rampart is powerful af, she just isn’t fitting in right now She can make a huge difference in the right hands. Only problem is placing barriers against knowledgeable players because they’ll destroy it, and making sure you have your barriers charged otherwise you can’t replace if one is destroyed I’ve seen a lot more Ramparts later in season 8, people started trying her out

SCI: Use silence as ReVenant on Bloodhound ,Lifeline ,Gibby ,Wraith and PathFinder in that Order ...there is a reason why Half my Kills are Silence Knocks

Henry Jiang: Did you account for low profile being removed. I would move wattson, life, and wraith up one tier.

Kintaku93: I think Valk is good but her ult requires communication. I got ignored multiple times playing her yesterday

SCI: Tips ....Revs keep yr 1 Silence till Bloodhound uses Alt Make them Useless

SCI: Rev Tear in S Arena and S with Valk in rest

Xxthesaver: Raynday is the best

Scott: I feel like Mirage is a really good legend for a smart player

Dray Belle: Loba actually has a voice line when she ults "Set up shop and shut em down" and I always thought Rough Riders

ApexxVisions: I like playing Valk! But Wraith is my mine with or without Low Profile. But NO low profile is amazing!

brainbox: BH is hella loud, and tbh at least for me as a Crypto main, I find they give out a lot of useless info I don’t feel that useful at the time, my playstyle as recon is less about tracking the enemy and more about rotations and general intel around the map, just prefer Crypto tbh

Caleb Gerber: Bloodhounds biggest weakness is the giant head. I could hip fire from 100 yards and still somehow get a headshot on a bloodhound.

Claudia Borges: Making the gravity lift slower is not actually a nerf, it’s an adjustment, they should add a delay to the lift and keep if fast, it’s easier now to time when to get out of the lift

Claudia Borges: Horizon isn’t a high skill legend, she’s a high knowledge legend, you need to know where when and how to use to your abilities, I’ve seen highly skilled players mess up with her if they haven’t picked her enough. Skill does still matter tho, missing crucial shots will always mess you up You gotta know the difference between a high skill legend and a highly-picked-by-skilled-players legend

Claudia Borges: Dude, once again, getting scanned by Bloodhound is bad but it isn’t as bad as you’re thinking Crypto can deal damage, respawn quick, grab banners... Bloodhound has no flaws, but Crypto has more potential, only problem is he might be a bit dependent

Maxwell Holzworth: Omg as a Mirage main its so nice to finally hear someone say its possible to get bamboozled, and have that determine the fight. I feel like so many people feel like they are "too smart" to get bamboozled and I have over 100,000 bamboozles that may say otherwise.

The Cloaker: I’m gonna be honest, valks tactical is shit. It’s SO inaccurate and when it does hit it does like no damage.

McRae: I think valk is gonna end up being the most op thing ever

Mangoman 9895: Nah Octane isn’t S tier anymore, with him getting nerfed and low profile getting removed it may be wraith back at the top

Dumpy: Anyone know if the bug is fixed yet?

Kermit the frog: Lifeline’s care pack is sooooo goddamn good I love getting free upgrades it’s frikkin great

Mark Gallagher: Gotta agree with your Valk placement, just had my first win with her and her ability to deny opponents the chance to take cover and heal by using her rocket barrage aggressively got me a couple of knocks and kills. She’s a strong pick

Cael Fernett: I'm happy with another Recon legend, but Valkyrie being a Recon doesnt make sense to me. Her Jets and Rockets make her seem more Assault to me, or her Redeploy makes her seem more Support to me.

Scout: What bruh I thought loba was good now? Not watching with sound but what was the reasoning ?

iTuber012: @9:00 Watson has entered the chat @17:04 I disagree - His ULT is not just an escape tool and can be used as the opening attack on a coordinated push - Mirage will enter the attack space and use his ULT to distract the team while your teammates follow up(e.g. pushing a team camping, Mirage will enter their space first and use his ULT to cause confusion, allowing your team to come in afterwards and attack the distracted team - i have personally done this many times) I have seen SooxFar do it just a few days ago as well lol

iTuber012: Valkyrie is a B for now but could easily be an A... Too early to tell

It’s Just Dorian: US Revenant Stan here... lol I silenced a Valkyrie mid flight yesterday and took her out execution style... just think about that for a min... S TIER!!!! 😂

Ssreaper24: I like how know legends are completely at the bottom. It's a blessing for apex ps. Great content.

John Nopey: Arena games are not as long as BR and you cannot just run and hide as easily. Revenant's silence is very powerful in Arena mode.

Jack Pepper: I think a nice team buff for mirage would be when he rezes his teammate or calls them down from a drop ship they receive a lingering invis that lasts a few seconds so they can relocate

Dadbod Delights: I haven't got to try Valk in anything other than firing range but I like her abilities alot. She seems like she's in a good place. I really hope rampart gets a buff soon. They've just been ignoring her and she's so much fun

Momo Studio's: Make tier list for arena

Jan: New loba is a or at least b

Shyenne Noel: Bruh bloodhound fine don’t be crying for a nerf

aaron johnson: Alotnof crying in the comments watch the mans tier list got a whole season ahead

Marcus Johnson: Valk is meh. The next 2 characters I’d like to see this year is a tank and a healer. The healer could take inspiration from lucio in overwatch (I always thought his kit would be great in apex) The Tank id like to see a mobile person. Maybe like the juggernaut? Tactical could be you summon a shield with like 100 health? A passive would be that the longer you sprint with the shield out the shield health recharges (doesn’t trigger until a decent distance) and for an ult I’m not sure. Thoughts on an ult for the tank and any criticism ?

Markus Fredriksen: OCTANE BABY Apex do not nerf my boy Octane😐

gabe blume: personally, just from playing him sm, mirage is at least a B tier legend. he got a decent buff in season 8 to give his decoys footsteps. extremely usable in ranked and very underrated :/

Static Defender Akame: I was definitely expecting Fuse to get a buff to his ult but I guess we'll see in the future. Meanwhile, losing Low Profile is wonderful. Btw Gibby isn't the only one who can deal with a Gibby ult 🤭

TheShinShoruken: I recon bloodhounds more like the ryu/ken Bangalores more like a sagat

Elementary: So a character like caustic that is useless for 99% of the game is B tier??? My guy needs a buff. No damage increase just bring back cough stun and increase particles. No-one would complain

Cas_Waterpas: I think loba would be a bit higher. She is both good for the team but also real decent in solo play with hey bracelet but now.

RedVIII: Isn't it a bit early to already rank the season 9 Legends? But ok, I take it.

ItZ Coop: Hello where's valk

iJaden: I watched the whole 45 min video 😊👏

Clarity-Stigma: I was there duing the stream, love your vids man

Magnus: I think it’s very silly to make this video on the first day of the new season

Out of Patience, Got No Time.: Bloodhounds scan needs to get reeled back to between what it was and what it is, or reduce the range of their scan but it stays this large while in ult.

Ronny Santana: So glad I was there for the stream. Rough start with the server issues but man was it a good one! Casting tips/some gameplay and that unfortunately brutal T-bagging on Arena mode lol. Good vid as always -RustyCake on twitch

Saiyajin Pride: Literally its more than 5% less dmg, since legdmg is no longer chestdmg this is huge. So more like 6-7% dmg. Valk is way too OP btw.

Aaron Morales: Just wanna say I was with octane day one bro, where the real ones?

Draven_Sword: Great vid! Thank ya Mr.Raynday

KafiTheIcyGamer: Literally last week I was laughing my ass off cause the enemy kept getting bamboozled 😂

zeidT: Yes it's soooo annoying when you get scanned

Shaked Moyal: If Fuse had a mobile ability.. His abilities makes him like a defensive player with offensive kit .. Although he is really fun to play.

Smxy Goat: Every legend has a secret passive ... Magnetic punches from unlimited range

MhemeeD: S tier: Octane, Blood, Gibby A tier: Horizon, Wraith, Bangaloore B tier: Valk, Luba, Rev, pathfinder, lifline, C tier: Crypto, Caustic, Mirage D tier: Watson E tier: Fuse F tier: Rampart

Lost_Aayan YT: Please tell me which legend should I buy in your opinion (pls response)

Gin William: Idk why you're doing a legend list when the season just dropped, and I don't think a tier list is as good when you're still deciding where to place legends during the actual video. Just my feedback. Cheers tho.

Try sky: Fuze is better than rampart

Coño Man: C tier loba????

Samir Lima: As an FFXIV player, I love the free publicity for it

Ykyri Scott: Caustic trash

Dippindott: Great video!! I suggest you download dark reader for the next tier list so that the white background isn't so bright for 30 mins

Silver1989: 19:12 bravo, mokeysniper

ryan behrens: Love the vid ran but next time would u turn the music down a little please

Bryce Hardy: I stayed up late enough to play the game fully. Got a couple Valk games on BR and arena. It’s so much fun, hope everyone else has a better time tomorrow.

Ash Bankston: Really Caustic in B? Have you played with or against a caustic nowadays? Hes terrible. Only marginally better than Fuse.

Geerlug: Give me timestamps, now.

Loose- Hotline: Wattson is in a good place tbh..... I successfully play her aggressive and passive, but I think her shield regen should be double, or even triple, but with a longer cool down, like that shield regen ltm

Aqif: Mirage mains rise up!✊

AMP Productions: bro I got this game back because of your content and Arena’s and I absolutely love it! As a solo player its hard for me to expect to have fun in BR but even with the average or a little worse teammates I was still eating up. Turned from a Pathfinder main to a Bangalore main, who woulda thought? Anyways love the fantastic content Raynday keep it up and take it easy g!

Ponyboy Golden: "Stop, drop open up shop!" -Loba

Chase Arp: I agree I think i bloodhound deserves a scan nerf, it feels very strong

AFZ: This video could have been cropped better i can't see much on my phone everything is too zoomed out, but great video from what I can hear lol

shadowgames: Bloodhounds one weakness Bullets

AcidCat247 YT: Yea mirage is actual a lot better than I would like to give him credit for


Yourself Gaming: I think fuse is in a weird design philosophy place because they want him to be the legend that just deals damage with his abilities but they can’t let him deal enough damage to kill people with his abilities.

Lenny Billups: ME: I Been in arena with Bangalore all day GOLD SIGHT, R99& VOLT Bangalore:LOCK AND LOAD LADIES😎

Viper Clar: I think valk is mid tier b/c her jets while her jets are strong they make lots of noise and an easy target her tactical can be very effective and I’ve only played arena where her ult isn’t needed as much but looks like a good relocation spot

AcidCat247 YT: Ahhh yes the infamous bloodhound scan

AcidCat247 YT: How you making a S9 tier list. I can’t play anyone but the first 6 characters. Lmao

Stewie Griffin: Mirage should be A tier , his revive is arguably better then lifeline (after nerf) and his decoys not only bamboozle but give off enemy locations that’s helpful to the team

Ink Lorde: That loba stop drop open up shop bout to be a hit lol 😂

The Imperious Caww: I would love in game lore reasons for balance changes. For ex: Bangalore has been working on her smoke or caustic messed up his formula and now it’s not as potent. Obviously in reality respawn is just balancing a video game, but it would be fun ... for me. Maybe for a line of novels based on the seasons. More lore idk

MGoblue Wolverine: People already quitting arenas just because you lose a round or two. Such bs!

Beatsby LsvEn: Only thing I hate more than gettin scanned by a bloodhound is having one on my team who never scans 🤯😡😡

Mad Morgo: ... I'll go watch your patch notes video, while I sip on my morning coffee (or several cuppas)... Morning boss! Glad to see you so pumped up, as always, thou art a bloody legend!

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