10 WORST Champions YOU SHOULD AVOID PLAYING in Season 11 - League of Legends

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Emilio Gil: Where is taliyah?

QueenDaisy: QOTD: Senna. She's a late game carry (who have all been effectively nerfed) and her heal sucks now because every champ can build grievous wounds. All the S11 changes have fucked her over big time.

Oxndv Vfkuhl: Noo my bird is on the list :(

Wir: Corki....... - Corki otp

Randy Ma: This list so meme, gp and ryze is still good if not better

Ryan Endicott: QOTD: Yorick. I've been a Yorick main for a long time and honestly, he can't keep up with the current meta/items. Not to mention the numerous bugs. Too much mobility in the game and his ghoul-based power doesn't work when they get one shot by everything. He's a great champ with a unique kit, it's a shame Riot couldn't care less about him.

Meng Lee: I love playing Kalista, win the early game but everyone else pretty much out scales her.

Richard Harvey: "Cumpunk chainsword"

MICHELE DONATI: UHhh wow isnt there yorick so??

Albert Kryński: Such a bs

Klookko: To this day i still wonder why the fuck does Shyvana have AD scaling on her Q Switch it to AP and she will get a massive buff from that

RightClickOnly: Where's tryndamere ?

D1ETPUSSY: Me maining Sivir and Karma while watching this video: 🙃

Grzybiarz: YOU CAN'T TAKE MY BOTH JUNGLE MAINS FROM ME! But imo gragas is the worst jungler at this moment. I haven't seen one good gragas this preseason

GamingWithUnderGround Albania2004: Me being a 1.5Million Pts VLad one trick, are these guys joking ? XD Edit:No i dont build protobelt into Vlad i go RiftMaker iNto Void into Dcap+ sorcerer shoes along the way then the next items depend on the game state,

Jozekoks7: Lethality Gangplank is op

Harry Smith: 6 item Magikarp can actually outduel a 6 item gangplank. Imagine 6 item Kass, Jax, Cass, Kat, Anivia, Graves, Kayle, Master Yi, (insert any champion) against a 6 item gangplank 😂

D I: How isTrundle missing from the jungle list. He went from being OP last season in all elos to being a literal (unsarcastic) troll pick.

Ming The: The biggest issue about GP is that the divine sunderer passive does not proc on barrels, fix this and GP will be great again

Trevor Kelton: coup de grace /ˌko͞o də ˈɡräs/ -.-

you must enter a name: Any season 1 champ that hasn't been reworked and any adc that isn't Jhin Kaisa Samira

jacob griffeth: Where is the giveaway tab? I only found the bot lol

Cheri: As someone with an account named "TransTaliyahOTP" it's refreshing to not see her on one of these lists

Dpack Gaming: How about aphelios? He is SUCK rn Im aphelios main and honstly even me dont dare to play this champ in this season

Antonio Miklečić: I am main azir with penta see azir us bad and you shoud not play him Me: No i don t think i will.

Lucas Garcia: I thought they were just going to name every ADC that isn’t Jihn or Samira

Sjamaan22: how is tahm kench not in this one :P

Joseph Hayes: I can say for fact Kalista doesn’t fall off special when it’s a smurf that has 32/35 kills for her team

Amir Alić: I see,Johny sins left his old job and started working in ProGuides with a fake name. This man is amazing

panoskaiola kala: BUFF NOCTURNE

Włochacz ___: Shyvana :(

Dénes Kun.: Jesus that kalista rune page

max chait: wow coming for my shyvana like that?

Kobi Koba: last day a tried azir and i really like the champ. Next day this video came out: Im pretty sad bruh 😪

MOMONGA LICH: bbbbut you guys said kass will be a shit champ in s11 but is a hard carry lane dominant in s11🙊

Dávid Sneff: QOTD: The new items just doesnt fit for Kindred

robert25t: Sivir is not that bad i play in mid plat and its ok lol

Champion Azhan: Sett feels much stronger for me in season 11 compared to season 10 but in top lane,not support lol

CGN OSO: sett top lane is nasty he is so good

kangfu: If you want to play nocturne, I recommend playing him mid cuz of his roaming potential.

SpEd RelentlessMercer: The top 10 champs for season 11 right here.

Halim: Corki mid : am I a joke to you

UpRealBug: ok so...this video is jsut wrong. Yes in high elo universe, late game carries like GP od Vlad are weak....but in low elo its jsut the opposite...you cant apply High elo laws in low elo. thats jsut wrong All those late game carries are very strong in low elo for many reasons: a) ppl dont know how to abue your early game weakness b) ppl dont know how to abuse their early game power c) games are longer d) ppl throw much moreoften e) there are more kills in the game in general (more gold generation) f) probably something i cant think off right now

sára hhh: Sivir is actually hella broken with new items, you just building shits

onódy márton: Like usuall, a lazy and bad video from pro guides...

Hans Hysher: Playing Ziggs feels weird this season.

M4DA: QOTD : Vladimir, he just feels very bad now. He is now outscaled by most mages lategame where back then he was the scalling god 🙃

DrLaw: I am a Nocturne Main :(

A Hanák: 10/6 are good btw. GJ ProGudies Silver LoL Guides

Adrian Vaduva: you're trolling with that sett pick

zx z: Why no buff for shyvana? Ryze silver Kalista karma already got buffed in 11.1 .

Jake Litz: lissandra? lol

Marta Cerofolini: I think taric is unplayable

Ags B: Hell Nah! Sett still a god

• Phantom: Actually talons kit was greatly nerfed. You can't kill anyone anymore. I'm surprised he's no in the list

Saura Cifer: On noc you showed wrong boots icon

tautvydas grinkevicius: Kalista isnt that bad. I play her with kraken slayer and she's doint well vs meta picks like Jhin,MF,Varus.

Brep Brep: Question of the day: Nocturne or Trundle, nobody plays them and they have horrible win rates. I think for Nocturne they should give his passive a boost +50% damage to monsters, if possible more life/magic resist/armor per level, he’s too squishy and unlike khazys, zed or Talon he doesn’t have a way out one he is in battle. And for trundle reduce the cd of his q by 1-1.5sec so he can use divine sunderer better.

Bj ay: Did he just say nocturne is bad? he's quite strong actually building him with kraken slayer is strong for him well for me

Undead Justice: Vel'koz with old items 1068AP with new items 700AP 😑

Captain Flint: GP is much better with new items, but his buff is something better than just dmg. You can oneshot mage minions with legendary items what leads you to better farm and snowball

Erazre Erazre: Someone using an op champ: Lul ur just bad at the game. Me who keeps getting oneshotted: Your opinion is irrelevant.

Rafael Magalhaes: QOTD - heimerdinger (main heimer here) i can be like 4-0 and still be useless after min. 25

Kweon: Kassadin is by far the worst mid right now.

Marwanoob: I don't think Cheap Shot is really a good rune on Shyvana, Taste of Blood works better.

Dat’s manager: Urgot. Ppl build sunder but dont think its that gd

Elias Partheniadis: Yorick?

One does not simply: I thought you have culture. Its CU De Gra!!! Ffs

Miguel G: Senna is unplayable

zx z: why you recommend shyvana with cheap shot?

Bryan Purcell: Vladimir feels impossible to play right now

Tmntblue9: It’s real pain when you’ve mained 3 champs on the list

Cru nisk: Lol nobody mention Yorick , he has ton of bugs and new item doent work with his kit😏

oD Juicy: 6:38 Xhonyas deathcap lmao

Arcade King: Sivir is getting buffed next patch luckily so we’ll see if the buffs fix a littllleee bit of her weaknesses

Андрей Бабичук: >kalista adc is bad >Kalista average winrate is 48% >Dont talk about ezreal which is picked in every second game >Ezreal average winrate is 46% INTERESTING. I mean the list of objectively bad champs which became troll picks is much, much bigger than that.

Paolo Gramatica: U guys just don't catch up on best azir builds. Nashor's tooth is at best a third item right now and only vs tankier comps. The standard runes are electrocute or HoB to be able to pressure lane more effectively and azir just plays more like a burst mage right now, Luden into Void Staff. Vs tanks u still go Lethal Tempo and Liandry's, but thats not the only Azir build

RemixedYoshi: No reksai Interesting i hope she makes in a list somewhere

David Hardy: 1:40 Each and every day I obtain 163 thanks to that to own it too seek out online for *f un da ily p a y*

chaz izatt: Azir main here, I want this to change lmao I wish they would give my boy azir a little love 😂 I'm gonna try and climb ranked with him this season, I'll have to splash in some zed and stuff to climb because with azir being in a tough spot I only maintain like a 50-52% winrate 🥺

Joel Clayton-Greene: yeah that gp build aint right. wanna be going trinity force cause the sheen difference isnt insanely big and the attack speed is so insanely useful. rav hydra 2nd item, lucidity boots, collector, navori qb, and ie

Gneo Z: I think the worst champ to play right now is Vlad. Even if you burst people they will just heal it back or be tanky enough to not notice it or both

Jaybee Caranza: u can go imperial with azir to be helpful if u wanted and dont want to scale farm


_Blueshift_: Singed feels like garbage rn

LivingHell99: Rumble support and twitch support cannot be better than a sett support

kinoshkiwa: is Karma really that bad? I feel like I'm playing her quite good in platinam. My ten recent wins on her is 7Wins 3 losses which is very good. Maybe because she match my play style that I able to play her more effectively but isn't there other supports that just worst than her? There has to be. Why isn't the catfish the worst?

Kolby: QOTD: Trundle since he is supposed to counter tanks but tanks do more damage than him with new items and can 1v1 him

Joseph Luck: Proguide is telling us which champions we should avoid… Yet they tells us the full items we are supposed to build on all of them…

Citronelle c:: Building moonstone on Karma (or locket if you need a bigger aoe shield) I think works best for her. Her Q becomes useless after early game so mandate won't help as much. Her e being her strongest ability work really well with moonstone instead.

Arthur Handley: Gangplank is really strong idk what y’all are talking about. Check out Solar Bacas guide. I currently have an 89percent WR with him out of roughly 30 games

Rex Odom: champs to avoid: Draven Ezreal Xayah Twitch Caitlyn Ashe Miss Fortune Jhin Samira etc

Aganie: 6:14 Using a sweeper on a pink ward. *Lcs Move*

thuanink: QOTD: Jhin, Jinx, Varus, Samira, Lucian, Senna, Vayne,... do I missed any ADC?

brendon livingston: QOTD: In my experience I can't play, and have never played a good Victor, I just think is underwhelming and impactful. (Keep in mind I've only played for like 3 months.)


Club Sandwich: Worst champ i think is amumu, he was finally good for once and riot thought that of all of the champions that AMUMU was overpowered. Now he sucks.

Gilbert Jeremy: Warwick jungle

oksami: Xayah

Fantôme de glace: QOTD: rengar

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