The WORST Spot in Apex Legends History - Apex Legends Season 7

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Nero 111: That Rhyme at 7:35 was sick

Akeem a.k.a. Kavu Diabolicus: How you not see that fat gibi in the thrown emote 🤣🤣🤣🤣

gamingwithvithu: Ur so close to 1m subscribers keep up the good work:)

SIR_ YES_SIR: i feel like your the best PS player on apex just started watching you btw

ɳɮʞɸTUC: which server is this 100 ping

Delmar Anthony: 9:15 like the t rex apex predators rich and soofar only see movement

Jacob Billyack Cooper: Yo Rich have you ever had a huge game that wasn’t recorded I recently got a 3.5k damage game that didn’t count towards my stats

Taylor Brassette: Who the fuck did they not see the gibby

George Hudson: Why dont you have any heirlooms? @Itemp Plays?

Fenumbras: Imagine getting queued with itemp and sooxar and leaving.....

J Dubs: Better less appropriate title could have been “Three guys drop on my head at once”

J Dubs: Your 3rd teammate NEVER stays. It’s always you 2 versus teams of 3. Yet you still get the win.

Benjamin Reynard: can we 1v1 plzzz it would make my day

logik: The bombs you are hearing are actual bombs in the game landing near you. You can also shoot it to blow it up .

RAJANIGANDHA panda: Unrelated but have you tried none deadzone

Comic Kodi: There’s nothing worse than fighting a Horizon that’s good at playing Horizon. So annoying lol

Samuel Downs: 1 mil is just around the corner!

Prada YT: 9:18 how didnt you see the gibby ??😂😂

redpandaaa: New video idea: Hammerpoint Harry and Longbow Larry combo

David Sanchez Perea: Finally you changed your minimap :D i can die happy

James Shackleton: 3:08 look at death chat

Apexlegends Train: 9:16 there was a gibby standing behind the holo spray in the building after rich's took all sooxfar bullets

Ahba Leman: You didn’t realised the gibby was at the door 😂😂 9:17

L Yang: hit Marvin 44, Marvin is craked ! that craked me XD

freazzza: Does temp have a live stream ?

[FOGG] Casper: So what was the “worst” spot, I don’t think i seen it...

G52408 YT: 9:18 afk gibby 😭

Niklas Kornaat: Does anyone know why Rich and Zeus don't play together?

Raheem 247: rocket league

Raheem 247: Play Rocket league

Bobby Howell: Rich you did hear a rocket drop it's a teaser for the new legend that's coming out soon. When you shoot the rocket I believe thats what his ultimate will be. Much love to the best duo on apex!

Camafrog Merchandise: No one, Richs’ cat: I’m playing with plastic

Wattson: 'We have aim assist so we win this fight' Words to trigger a mouse and keyboard player. Hahaha. M&K has better strafing so we're even

Jason Trower: It would be cool if they added something in the camo menu where you could add your preferred sight for each alternative tier weapon (gold or otherwise like in the new mode)

IAmSpd 2002: 9:15 bruhhhhhh... how could u not see the gibby 😂😂

King Moxie: That bangalore was a perfect example of the sweaty toxic trash players in this game. They get killed right away and leave right away

Andrew Keegans: What a game

Andre Stephany: Need more iTemp ranked content

Steven Felix: You missed the Gibby!!!!!!!!

Sirajul Alam: 09:16 people, there is a Gibby right there ... whaaaaaaat

alireza kalaie: 14:35 PS5 ? It seems that ps5 find a new thing to be

Mmati: Imagine finding yourself with these guys on a game and you go down and leave. Smh. If i ever in million years find myself with this duo, i'll stay in The game (which unfortunately isnt possible cause i play PS and in Europe servers...). Much love from Finland!

Mr Vandervaj: LIKE for a settings video? :)

Victor Geshev: 9:18 300 IQ Gibby

SHRIRANG GARJE: I love rich and his Content alot but now a days in Apex he just uses R9 & G7 & Flatline and it is getting stale.

Carson Banks: Only OG’s remember when this was iTemp’s second channel 🤝

Antonne W: 7:40 start spittin

Apex Guy: 5:38 only problem with this game full teams holding hands triple focusing everything

LEAZY FPV: Taking all the offense about PC lobbies while i throw a 4-8x on my triple take and chill with a head glitch 👀

King: 9:20 gibby chilling in holospray as his whole team dies

SAMEER MOIN: 9.19 can someone say what just happened to rich is he dumb litrally there is gibbi standing there

boostie gaming: 15:46 . 16:00 . U heard correct. That's actually a rocket. A teaser to fuse, the next legend

Avatar Mehrad: Marvin cracked 😂😂😂👌🏼

Hyper dG: Should I get a legendary loba skin or legendary weapon skin if legendary weapon skin what weapon

trenity seer: Hey I need advice I’m starting a gaming channel😭

SI IS: 5:38 the classic solo experience💀

Bartholomew Hunt: Just can't break a million...

Mr_Yoshima: Anyone see the Gibby just chilling inside the holospray? +1 deception

Liftss: Hey Rich. Do you hold you controller claw style or a different way or maybe just regularly?

Ronit Dama: 0:56 Rich i believe there is a on 1X the alternator

yeehaw y'all: omg you played against one of my clubmates😂that's so cool!! pretty sure that Sammy is the one in my club anyways because he's a lifeline main

Clipatron: Bro can we get a cat reveal???

Rafael Cifuentes: Woah rich named his cat after me! 😃🥳

Bignick82411: Unintended spit take at 14:31 The names yall come up with for locations (and accounts too!) are hilarious

Withered_Witcher: Bro IMAGINE getting the one in a million game where Rich and Sooxfar are your teammates and you quit off drop lmaoooo

ILiekTurkey turkey: Anybody else having serious issues with the game lagging super badly, with it being the servers fault? Me and my friends have also been blue screening a ton on ps4

Hupaks Legend: Why can the quality only got to 480p ?

Qush Wit A Q: The rocket is the new legends ultimate

Phinneyes: I don’t know if Rich actively uses G-Fuel but sometimes he definitely seems like he’s chugged a pot of coffee and I think it makes the greatest content

Ethan Roberts: 1 million here we come!!!!!!!😁😁😁😁

ScarFaced Kwaan: Yall should do a collabe with zylbrad.

HOOD BLACK SHEEP: Luv you rich but come on bruh y’all ain’t see that fat azz gibby by the door posted up 😓😂 9:15 check the time stamp coach

Yxng Gas: How did you guys not see the AFK gibby lmao

Alvaro Cattani: Am i the only one that doesn't like those spikes on the flatline?

James Shepherd: I honestly think the better you are the worse your lobbys are for people leaving because I am not good at this game and it never happens yet itemp n soxfar ect. always putting vids up where the rando leaves it must just be the difference in lobbys

RedBeard yt: I watched soofar video of this same game so cool to see both POV congrats Rich can’t wait to see you hit a million

Mashruf Ahmed: 11:39 Rich and Wraith, two peas in a pod

Smeltz13: Not gunna lie, based on the thumbnail and the arrows placement, I thought he had a hemmy and the 3 stack was in the worst spot, lol

Zykon_Ree: How dare you not get killed trying to res

FaTMaN Trav_ Arkenzangel751: Rich did you and sooxfar not notice the gibby in inside the holo quip 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Tiger Naifeh: That Gibby was a god! A literal NINJA!

Makeleka Maluasi: do i dare say that i like itemp better then sooxfar 🙈

Noah Jaarda: How did they not see gibby


Orlando Perez: 5:36 Me every single game trying look cool and have more kills

Diego Son: i’m late but that R301 is back DANGEROUS AS EVER reminds me of season 2 lol

Dajo: Marvins cracked 😂

BOBARDO 1: It makes me lol when the team mate leaves when that have I temp and sofar on the team

Hyper Pepega: Anyone else see the Gibraltar by the door at 9:18 😂

Ociel Benitez: I cry whenever someone leaves the match like bro you are playing w itemp and sooxfar

Ninsam: HOW DID YOU NOT SE THAT GIBBI!! hes just afk there and you dident even see him DX

Jackson Boutin: I can’t imagine getting into a game with sofar and itemp and leaving....

Juan C Trujillo: Hey I think I heard your voice on this channel called amberry that my son watches

Plasma Zhyrox: When crypto is doing the emp you can drop your shield until it’s over and it won’t damage it. So you can pick it back up right after

Rory Campbell: The ‘rockets’ you keep seeing drop down at the end of games is a teaser for Fuses ultimate.

Aron Antonio: I had a game with randoms and they ended up leaving, but i ended up wining the game

Emily Wise: I love your gameplay always I’m a big fan and wish I could be like you

Aron Antonio: Itemp a wraith main now ? 🧐

Dylan Campbell: Did no one else see the gibby in the holospray at 9:19?

Bob The Builder: If you leave before the game ends you are a terrible person and deserve bad things

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