Champions in Season 2021| Dev Video - League of Legends

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rica lovendino: miss fortune and sivir pls

Gokula krishnan: Can you update teemo a bit more nastier 🤩

seesaw homicide mondo butter: oh boy, the ruined king is being added, cant wait for doran, liandry and zhonya

john: i hate riot games

aktls123: Mundo still looks way to fresh, bois

FozzE: udyr, skarner def needs a rework but not the other ones he mentioned they are up to date

Ty Francis: Are you ok Ryan?

KhârnTheAngry: Mundo pre-haircut was a basically a very buffed E-Boy

Master Massa: Please fire this guy for lack of creativity...

Paolo Del Rosario: At Viego's Bio, it says his late wife Isolde was a Seamstress. The Ruination Cinematic also hints that she needs to be saved. She's definitely the first new champion teased. (I think)

Hard Format: What about Sona's rework ;-; After adding Seraphine she lost her place...

LivingDew: Can’t wait for that gloomy mage

MarelWhite: Yo I really love Viegos kit and design overall, but please take your time before you release him. He has way to many bugs in the current state. Keep up with the great work!

Warren Zkie: Alright so old Mordekaiser but better???

Apple: I was hoping for a nagakabouros priest support 😔, maybe next year

Zack先輩: yall ignoring that Zilean needs a vgu

SufferHead: Look, riot. I"ll level with you. Update udyr, and i'll return to the game. That's it fam.

michael pemberton: Hand gestures this year increased 300%

SEMAJ DXD: Old Morde ss

King Natsu: they wanna add more ap fighters.....what ap fighters you ruined sylas hes ap burst mage or assassin now....turn hes skills back to sustain and dps and he will be a fighter again

Keza Motlana: Why do the guys who speak in these videos have the emotional range of a Mark Zuckerburg robot clone? His eyes look so dead

Kiran Rajeev: I think Sylas and Viego matchup's gonna crash the entire game.

Oğuzhan Akdoğan: Honestly,all of those champions need some kind of VGU or rework, plus Ryze and Singed.

Dela Croix: GG, can't believe you made the VGU worse design than the old Mundo.

Šimon Odstrčil: Udyr should never be reworked

Carlos Luque: Stop making new and broken champs and balance new items and champs.

Andrew Cheah: 4:33

Lacrima: Before you try and make an AP Toplaner please remember, your AP Item's don't support AP Bruiser's or AP Assassins well enough to warrant ever making a new one. There's just not enough legendary item choices to make each game feel like your item choices matter on those champions.

BertVanBeterbed: I dunno. I've always thought the ruined king would look more badass. More dark fantasy, dark souls like. I kinda feel like such a mysterious character throughout leagues lore would also have this mystery in his design. He kinda just looks like a generic anime villain.


bbyspectr: so this is the dude that said "yall remember ' nerf irelia' ?"

Ash Kenchum: HOW about Arcane?

Kenneth Charles Villanueva: Cithria, Aunt Crownguard, Ledros, and many more interesting characters in lor should be there.

Keiji FPS: udyr 100% vgu

Mr. Cringe: Please launch an Asian server please


Empress Of Art: Yuumi needs a buff, or a rework on 1 of her abilities. You see all these other support champs that can 1v1 and then you have Yuumi only having 2 dmg ability

Kafiul Haque: moster heros

Ximena Muñoz: I hope that you won't touch Mundo's skills too much =/... He's my only toplaner and I like his style a lot ;w;

George Lagrazon: Waiting here to recreation of shivanna

Philip Shortt: Can't wait for the new toplane champion to become a support champion

A Witcher of Night City: Change Shyvana. I still don't feel like I can play league and feel like a dragon.

Hiru Noah Jimenez: What happen to shyvanna change her look

William Brown: I think the presenter should be dressed in cosplay for these videos. All these cool looking champs than we look at this boring white dude lmao.

Harizho: If you are going to pun, be better about it.

Pure Death: Sung Jin-Woo LoL ver.🔥

Bellathekid: how about instead of making new characters you fix the old ones

HighLanderPony: Udyr VGU pls, I beg you.

Elijah Burnett: rework udyr

Ignacio Mugica: Update Kog, hes not viable right now as adc :(

Null: mundo has potential to be bruiser with just his two hands due to his strength but he's throwing infinite cleavers instead. kind of odd game design and was hoping you would be removing the whole cleaver thing with the update. oh well.

Kylesorry123: Seraphine removal when

Mana Thief: Would like to see new champions that aren't Kings or Gods in the game. Can't we have some aspiring new champion in the lore for a change? I mean, there are already so many prestigious people running around. It would be nice to have a different type of background, instead of the whole "omg super OP elite Commander super person" (which we had no idea existed) is now entering the rift. It becomes disruptive from a story-telling perspective when you're adding new layers of Gods to the League universe. Older lore had warriors like Riven and average but promising kids like Ekko or Ezreal but the new stories aren't really my thing. It's flashy and everything, but predictable... and that makes it boring.

Adryll Gasagas: shet

Elly Itari: y'all better vote udyr

Chaos Gilleon: Velkoz/zigs player-artiles mage?!?!

Erik: I'm hype for another artillery mage, regardless of personality

Kyarth Nohktiss: God dude please don't rework Shyv, just give her a visual update her gameplay is already one of the most consistently thematic and varied and enjoyable in the entire game

CraZysho0ot 619: wHERE IS THE ANIME ????????????????????????????????????????????????

Cutie Meow Meow: Now ... I'm motivated.

Xiaolony: you can hear his soul dying with every pun

Frost: OH hey just saying can you delete Yuumi thx in advance :)

Steve Sharofsky: Update Amumu! he's the last Blocky footed champion!

Steve Sharofsky: I like this! the idea of releasing champions that go together in a story!

Jens Heika Simonsen: 200 years.

Khoa Nguyễn: I'm only watching this to remind me reasons why I should stop playing this salty game and this video shows me tons of them

Sir Karhu: Viego Mortensen in Return of the King. Heck the guy even looks like him a bit

Arrest this man: Skarner and Udyr needs at least a looks rework

I have a dream: So we will get a tailor champion Me: Hornet in LoL

david davidson: udyr udyr udyr udyr udyr udyr udyr udyr udyr udyr

ACE乛 Clown: looks like frankestien from noblesse 🤣

markos saar: I can hear the 200 years already

Mighty Plum: Is riot leading us on to a seven deadly sins group? Evelyn = lust, Tahm = gluttony and this new yordle champ being sloth

Virgo's Window: Next champ: steal your golds

Bamnt: pls slow down with the champs... feels like you are running out of Ideas and copying champs

Richard: Im still angry here.

HQ Huy: wait... have anyone noticed... he said "snip" and sew sth - and Viego's wife is a seamstress -she could be the new champion being released :o

Albert Szollosi: The champ after Viego is gonna be Kushimaru Kuriarare :D

Сергей Тихонов: I really hope, if they chose Shyvana as champion to rework, they will only rework her skills, not her visual... She is super hot!

AX: viego has to buy his own sword from the shop

jacktjong: I'm very interested to see what the sewing champ is as the thematic sounds pretty cool. What worries me though, is that they never specified the artillery mage is meant as a midlaner. We already have Viego for the jgl, the sewing champ for top, and a marksman that's not meant for adc (so supp or mid). Considering that we already had one marksman support turn out as a disastrous balancing dilemma for Riot, I don't think they're gonna try that again.

Accel erator: TANKS, MASTER YI, DUSKBLADE, BLUE KAYN. Need I say more? Lol

Jeandrei 9K: Sylas and Neeko had a baby?

AyDonkee: I want to know mordekaiser connection to veigo

amira Sharawy: Can we get a cinematic with Vlad?

The Hiddeneye: another jg adc callin it now

Meme God Yato: Isolde better be a Thread user like Rui or Vanessa if not I'm going to be so Disappointed

Roberts: We need skarner update so he can destroy Seraphina for using his race as slaves

Libra Blinkzy: Why do I have a feeling that the new top laner is or related to the ruined king wife?

El Tio Michel: Riot pls: Gragas visual rework and katarina pentakill

El Mascarilha444: Ranged top laners are cowards

Annie Carlsedt: After 2020 Every new Chams is TOO MUCH MOVEMENT! ~

Switchblades PH: "I use a fake name in Demacia. Jarro Lightfeather. Sentinel of Light, 8th Order. He's a national hero." — Ezreal

CHAOS: I thought the ruined king was gonna look like Mordekaiser. I'm kinda disappointed

digbetajr: 200 years

Kimy San Gabriel: Why yorick can't return to the rift xd!

FvN Accelerator: Naaaaaah Not My ska-ska-skaaarner

ECHOxLegend: Yall really didn't pay attention to the mundo feedback did you? If Mundo was, for example, the Joker, he should be less Jared Leto and more Kevin Michael Richardson from 2004s "The Batman". Yah dig?

TK45236: His hair is so distracting.

Iori Hoang: He looks like if Dante and Sephiroth had a child

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