Skins & Events in Season 2022 | Dev Video - League of Legends

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Oliwier Michalak: imagine saying that awesome history of the worlds destruction and saying that the main protagonists of it will be battle bunnies dude wtf

KOERPASKOES: i cant wait for event like odyssey pve

M Ri: i want dark kyle and light morgana

Neard: Can we speak maby again for it that we don’t split Xayah and Rakan again?

Messatsu Dragon: Thought that was Trick2g with out the glasses for a second.


мelc: WHEN

Hassan Javed 7F: cannot wait to see ahri update

Dusan: Okay Beerianna skin's W is going to be suspicious honey splash from beeball for sure

Dusan: Bee Sin???!!!???

:Axis: One year to revamp a champ, I don't think I will break 140+ years just to see them all upgraded to more than 10 pixels lol.

Dior: Having game modes in custom would be pre cool, like urf, spellbook, etc. with friends :)

Kilimaro: Well done riot the player was afk 7 minutes and for losing I got a whole pool of negative points !!!!

Jonathan Martinez: project bunny ampota ..

Ginkoss Shijima: Go! Go! Battle Bunnieeeeeees!!!!

Hanz Vo: anima squad so starved, so desperate, very apocalyptic themed.

NathienSK: Prestige, mythics, gemstones, shards, essences, milestones, IP, RP, LP, ... fun.

Lisa Puiu: Okay nice... now BRING BACK TWISTED TREELINE


Ali Algorafe: is this guy Tricks lost brother

Niclas W.: Monster tamed Yuumi or DJ Yuumi is also what we need!

Alessandro Stimamiglio: Can we just get a pool party yorick and urgot already

DorsettBarbra2014: family

Noelia Maldonado: Star Guardians😍🤑😍🤑😍

Paniboi: How about a Bee Sin

Permy: Please include Aatrox. thx riot!

Óscar García: Beel'koz???

Majd d: Tell me he doesn’t look like a younger trick2g. My guy’s trickLTE

Smofdor: sucs

GGPlayer: Please don't censor Ahri

Koo Levente: I dont see poor Ornn anywhere in this video. Just sad.

Camille Chaffard-Luçon: THE BATTLE BUNNIIIIIIESSSSS OMMMMG YEEEEEES <3 I wish we could have a cute skin like this for lillia <3333333

KatStinct: Battle bunny 💀 please, no

LunaCoco: Give my boy gragas a visual update. I want to see some jiggle physics on that hunks belly.

Andikesiao: but all of this things will it be shown in the garena league of legends also?

Ima Hoare: i need beexath

EmbreoRed: As a Yorick main I can safely say: 'Where Hat?'

KappaDestiny: Apocalypse earth lore: Death, suffering, starvation, mass human extinction. Rito: BATTLE BUNNY

Luan Phan: Nerf Akali.

is blind legal?: All is now weebo!

Driplordissa: the theres no lol 2 coming was funny

Sahil Goel: Justice to Warwick 😆 where are new monster Champs nowadays we only get humanoid champs

necromancer heart: high noon zed when?

not danielchow: Trick2g ?

Kyle Nope: People gonna be mad about losing battle bunny riven

Harry Lau: the camera angle is quite weird kind of bothers me the entire video (?) anyone think so. Above all, pretty good improvements.

Miu Iruma: Ashen Knights sounds like a hollow knight plot edit: FINALLY AHRI

João Mateus Zepson Capucho: and bees

awanuddi gokuro: The story, "skynet controling the world, human gonna extinct, we need saviors. Battle Bunny"

Banana: finally, prestige project irelia

Parado Marlon: waiting for ahri's visual update

Utopia7896: Please bring back the Star Guardian Invasion Gamemode. Make it better than before two. Give it augments like what y'all did with Odyssey. Please!

DizzeEko: But forgot the events?! Oh that's right we don't get actual fun events like Star Guardians or Odyssey anymore only repeatable missions and repeatable game modes that are the same but the difference is that they rotate. As a player that only got to play Odyssey and not the previous ones like doombots or star guardians i am really bumped and dissappointed

dungeonmaster16: 5:00 aka “hey you seen/played LoL ruined king? Yeah the ahri art and model you saw in that it’s gonna be that.”

dungeonmaster16: 0:45 aka “so we finally see ppl prefer how we do it in LoL wild rift so let’s do it on pc… despite majority of other games companies did it for years but hey at least we doing it now right? :D”

League of Legolass: honestly p cool but plz update vlad vfx he has a egg skull

Chandler Lemons: How about an Udyr update?

Tony Yang: Battle bunny F*YEAH!!

godofm3tal1: if youre going to be working on ahri, you need to work on her run animation. its the most awkward looking duck waddle of a run imaginable.

Kapmeh F: I hope they bring back PvE star guardians that was the only thing that brought me back to league tbh

Banjo: Battlebunny Trundle

Antony Ngo: What about new game modes??? Will u bring back star guardian game mode??? I miss those types of game. Fyi i find it bs that they are releasing chromes on a chrome (exclusive chrome for old prestige owners). I feel like they should make the exclusive chrome grind able. Like if we miss the first time the prestige come around, let us put double the lost effort now to earn the both the prestige and the chrome...

Alex Wu: The Events pass is the Dummest thing I'd ever heard. Started from chinese phone game Glory of the Kings... Every single game I'd played are destroyed by this stupid system. Can we have our old version back...?

ryu: can you bring Astronaut Yuumi icon back? T_T

Wero Wero: Voting for Infernal Brand

Jared Bettis: What about kindred? I hope she gets something for the lunar event and/or monster tamer cause lamb as a tamer and wolf as a beast would be awesome.

--: Am i the only one that can‘t tell what champ is on the right side of the thumbnail? Female with two guns has to be mf but that looks like ahri

emryy: nerf trynda

Alberto Barbosa: disliked just cause im toxic lmao

Liz Park: Yay!! Justice for Ahri haha

enrique baez: Udyr

Unicorn Pink: I voted Gothic, Arclight blinds my eyes

OmmarCG: so ekko project prestige? so disappointed...

Elgeen Harvey Bernardez: maybe add NFt

Zackkusu: he looks like trick2g with a college degree

Rees Russell: Bro I am PSYCHED for the new season now

Shasivarnan Sengainathan: Ornn crying in his hole once more

Kiko Ramirez: Master Bee >:D

Bean Wins: cool cashgrab losers

Jerrold Samonte: corki vfx when


Narumi N: But why are all the new champs lately humans and no champs with cool lore like aurelion sol or ornn....

Ko Mirai: Riot literally hates Rell

B Worm: "there are no plans for league of legends 2..." Riot throwing shade at Blizard, lol

Typhon Arindam Draco: So you guys don't have any plan for India .

LJ: get rid of emotes

bradly smith: I voted Gothic.


Alec C: The goths need this win ya'll

Jellyfish: Trick2g kinda looks different here ngl

Cherry Panda: Bring back twisted ✌

Dean Bautista: Battle Bunny Riven Let's GOOOOOOO!!!

Egghead: astronaut thematic , and bee thematic is the hottest that i was interested in. i want more fun thematics like these. gothic thematic could be nice, (emo amumu, goth annie, maybe a gothic vex, maybe a gothic swain) :D

Crimson Plane: PYKE!!

CrusaderNumber 455: Master Bee. I just like the how the name sounds.

boltoms: This guy is perfect at speaking! (Except for when he said “fam” 🤮) please make him the main spokesman for all future updates!


dasen: hey jonathan, can i get star guardian irelia

CristianCAC: Do Cho'gath VGU, he needs it more than Ahri

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