Season 2022 Livestream Teaser | League of Legends

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Alex Paris: The game is highly rigged, rank system, matchmaking and in-game mechanics are totally manipulated to make you play as much as possible

EQUiPE FUNK DE SÃO PAULO: EQUiPE FUNK DE SÃO PAULO aqui Desejando sucesso, saúde, sabedoria e atitude certo, próspero tudo de bom

lhano Santos: Enfia essa transmissão no uc jogo lixo do caraio

Nhân Nguyễn: I think it's better to make a new map instead of a new champion

Lara Luv Taehyung: Coisa mais horrível foi esse modelo novo de elo

Антон Дугенцов: ненавижу эту ебаную игру

Xmariokiler: cringe

natsuki redfox1: 0:06 team secret

Luiz Eduardo:

Adriano Delta: Lol lixo

Josh Van Den Broeck: Im just excited to see pantheon and ornn in

trym idsal årthun: Uh oh, orn occupies five seconds of a cinematic? Tank meta incoming?

Gabriel_exe: Any Ornn enjoyers?

Alexandre Tremblay: new rank borders so ugly

Guilherme Santana: wild rift no switch vem quando sua empresa bosta ?

s_uing: In what were you thinking when you changed the colors of the loading screens, the lobby and the rank emblems, even a mobile game looks better than that **** you made

Ezequiel Chavez: Orgulloso de ser main Ornn que salga en una cinematica se lo merece 😎

mysticles7: tank meta?

LaughedFilipW: nobaski

Oskar Hylin: Ok but I don't see how the new way to pick lanes is better????

Marvel Enhanced Forevermore: NEEKO BETTER BE IN WILD RIFT

karl: I can't tell what is wild rift and what is normal league

Leandro uwu: Omgggg

Dust Kyara: NEEKOOO

dang hai: nice

Umbra Dread: *O R N N*

caroline ff: pls dont change the rank elmblems


Matyas Kupka: all... asian.. targeted... garbage. Give us more anime champs, cuz why not

Jan Štihel: okey, nice wild rift teaser, but where is legue of legends?

Edvinas Šamonskis: Making fun of league and you cant stop playing, Riot is winning and you're making fools of yourselves.

Miguel Fazendeiro: Is this a remix of Zayde Wolf - Gladiator?

Luis Angel Cruz Quispe: all is good and nice but the tp WHY! :C why change the tp

Expirens jonny: Why the fack does the clint look like and the ingame like its the mobile version?? rito are u saving money?

M. Douglas: Ornn!

Raven Plays: anyone know what the music is for this trailer? it's so good

Ali Can Taş (URGAN): 2 second ornn scene was better than arcane

Monique Nojiri: nss dsclp mas ficou uma merda as novas borda de elo pqp

Kofja: Ornn?

Keven Yilmaz: The new ranked borders look horrible. And there is nearly no difference between gold and bronze or plat and dia…

Yasuo Trần: Cktg wild rift nào

Plebias Fate: so skarner, nocturne, tryndamere, shyvana and kog maw is the next vgu huh....... hmmm i think i will pick skarner but tryndamere needs one because how toxic and outdated and very noy balanced his kit is

Ahmed Khalid: WTH why the new UI looks more outdated than the one before it.

All hail our king: WHY JUST WHY? the client literally looks like a moblie game now WHYY RITO WHYY?

Lihtcaol Hijodeluna: Ziqq rabbit 0:23 -0:24

JY Hwang: the title "League of Legends" half the footage is from wild rift.

Toufik Zouaid: every thing is not interesting but ORNN a story line? a cenimatic? maybe more

Umbra Witch: I hope they will add recall effects in the shop, I really want to have one.🥺

Spiri: Bring the old ranked frames back, the new ones are terrible

Hong2ya: 0:25 중국겜 아니랄까봐 ㅋㅋ

Yahya Khamayseh: Finally the wide short guys are getting noticed, lets go Orrn🤣

BraxTer: so excited for new Crit auto + shield + dash away champions. OMG yess. They are missing also 50 damage per minion stack and invisibility. So much fun

ReMeTiX pLaYz: Yoo this looks dope

Lenny: the new rank emblems, loading screen, and lobby looks lousy.

DeadsidE Fox: The previous season was bad, but this.. is going to get worse!

Fresh TEA: Oh god, please don´t rework Skarner, pls don´t hurt my boi. And for the love of god, please don´t take away Shyvs hybrid scalings.

생갈치의행방불명: taiwan number 1

CAP10: this game is 100% chinese now

RybcioPypcio: JD

dang hai: nice

Сердюк Сердюк: отвратительное новое оформления ранговой брони, на это больно смотреть, НЕВЫНОСИМО. Ради чего я старался добираясь в алмаз? ради блестящего как раньше шлема, эта броня была символом покоренной вершины, а сейчас это ранг из мобайл ледженс кек крылья, боже мой, а лобби чего стоит теперь

Piotrek Tibijski Zadymiarz: Okey, so it is mobile game now

Stuff: Do we really need 150 cuts in 36 seconds...Couldn't even piece anything together...

rogerio alonco: the edges are horrible frames too bronze iron and gold everything else opaque and lifeless colors ugly of apples

rogerio alonco: as bordas estao horriveis molduras tbm bronze ferro e ouro tudo msm coisa cores opacas e sem vidas feio de mas

Something..: Finally, a Tryndamere and Skarner rework. I'm satisfied already.

Bob Productionz: 0:08 +30 LP not in placements? can I have that account?

TheXGamer: I'm only here for the Wild Rift's contents, and I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna be extremely happy after watching this stream.

Kostja Kazlauskis: АНАНАСИИИИК

Weslley Petylon: Riot, sou nuito fã seu, mas essa atualização nova ficou muito feia, o cliente tá mais bugado que antes. O cliente antigo nao era assim, bem que poderia deixar ele disponível pra quem quisesse usar.

Sebastiana Odete: omg WILD RIFT IS SO GOOD

River of Styx: Please pick Shyvana or Nocturne 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Navoneel Das: Elemental rift is coming is wild rift let's goooo

Peurpael EN: I saw Zeri and I honestly thought it was the new Valorant agent. Wasn't this supposed to be about league of legends, cause I saw wild rift as well.

요킴: This game is just getting worse

Ben LaPak: Man was half of this not just wild rift footage?

Manusia Biasa: I'm so excited

Sho Yami: 0:06 is dat a new champion? O_o

Kyle: Pina kita yung team secret pH wohoo

Charlie Pea: Finally Ornn has been remembered. Gonna wait for Rito to remember Kled exists.

[xPROx] Asura: T1 on Legends Team!

Serlem_La: las divisiones se ven de la misma vergaa...

Melina: opaaaaa

xXCoolProPlayer360Xx GAMER: The new rank emblems is less scarier than the older ones.


ARTHUR: Juan Carlo🇯🇪🐎😪🗿🪢㊙️🟪

MadResonanceX: Do you guys think league of legends should create a first person shooter, I'd think that'll be awesome 👍

Angel Espinoza: Puro faranduleo, todavia no arreglan el maldito sistema de emparejamientos. Que se pudran con su juego.


Johnny Camper: Did I just see Hexplorer Galio?

마왕 벨: 스카너?

xZed: Looks like someone spent 5-10 minutes on this "trailer" whole bunch of nothing


Mrtwittch: Half of it was not even league of legends, it was that mobil game

ً: 😳

Jonas -: Usually love Riots videos, but this is the worst one yet.

Draxci: 0:13 is that kindred in the icon? The icon in the wild pass


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