Season 2022 Opening Day | Full Livestream - League of Legends

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ValarStyle: insta thump down cus game still in beta and champions are not balanced, client still crushing, kids still flaming/inting for no reason, gg riot!

FBI: Why do they have an easy mode for esports? And it's just the same game.....

Ishiwatari: hey riot i have idea for 2022 fix your client bug about 12 years exist x) Thanks <3 ..

Jordan Kadelbach.: anyone else find rioters in this video to be extremely creepy and almost android like?

Run Man: Give us some Monster Champ yet wholesome

지혜jinxan: Why is he using autotune?

Snips: I would like to see some love for Kindred too...

Macademia_P: Such a shame think the Garena one cant even compete because we using the Garena said of client.... This is just making us lefted out....

Rahsab Dassa: riot plz update jannas hair

Tommy Roque: Aatrox in WR plz

Daniel Hoffmann: So sad worlds is going to be in the 2 worst states in the US these days.

Valoria: Hey where is legends of runeterra?

say what?: i hate how some pc players wanted to "skip" the wr updates, like bruh? can you at least be happy? wr needs it's moment, unlike you guys we only rely on mobile due to some of us not having enough money to buy our own pc, hello "poverty" exist especially in our country (Philippines). it's not our fault we are not as rich as you high pride idiots.

mtjskzm: How can you take away the reroll for mythics??? How can you do this to your largest supporters?!?!

Paul Andrei Medroso: Mordekaiser coming back to Runeterra when?

Andrew Harvey: We don’t care just give us season 2

Sköll Hicus: main Zeri desde la beta

Supavat Dam: Hooray! battle bunny

Light yagami: how your placements going ? mine going 5/10 with 5 defeats

PC: Wild rift 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾

InCar: Началь новый сезон,но без казахов....

Vamshi Goud: India please

David: Where is zilean!?

Мистер Огонёчек: As long as league of legends is around. My life will never be boring.

Biel Mór FF: Top

Heinrich Jacobs: My only wish for e-sports worlds is that once you can have large crowds back that you return to Brazil, I remember the last worlds there how amazing the crowd was, I could feel their energy through my television, it was so revitalizing and actually make me tear up a bit on how they were able to sweep me up and make me feel their spirit through the screen!!!

Perez Sanchez: MÉXICO CITY!!!! AAAAAAH!!!!

Clarence Lim: Goshh, there are so many toxic players from league pc when wild rift updates came at the live stream😭 Can't they just support both games and not make them separate? I'm so disappointed with them

NoticeMe Sen-Pie: *When will you enable the mic on wold rift* ? Im spamming these coz its hard to use discord when playing with the bois, battery usage is killing my phone




Emmanuel philip Petalver: when udyr rework?

Lion 1: Since your adding the Comeback kid, i think you should revisit God King garen considering he was dethroned

Thai Hung: Riot entertainment

Flame of Mage: Ngl. Don't really like the achievement stuff. Also, thus new client update us trash. Messing up my muscle memory when queueing up lol.

Platypus: Excited for the new support and jungler :)

Francisco Aguirre: Move the bar of skills to up

Kimikun: Kindred ♥

ทรงวุฒิ อุตสาพะแล: ผมเป็นคนหนึ่งเหมือนกันที่ชอบเล่นเกมส์ในแนวนี้ ปกติทุกคนตลุยไปข้างสู้และหวังจะทำาลายทุกอย่างที่ขวางหน้ากันหมด สู้ไม่ไหวพลังลดทำการถอยพอ พลังเพิ่มก็ลุยต่อไม่ก็ลุยจนตัวตาย..! แต่สำหรับผมมีสเต็ปในการเล่นที่ไม่เหมือนใคร ก็ขอสรุปไปเลยว่าไม่บ้าพอที่จะลุยไปทั้งๆที่ตัวเองยังไม่ใช่ขั้นเทพ ถ้าได้ขั้นเทพมาแล้วผมถึงจะพร้อมตลุยไปกับทุกตัวละครและเลเวลเกินร้อยและหัวใจก็เกินร้อยด้วยเช่นกัน..!

mlechopa: BRO WHAT HAPPEND AT 32:22?!?!?!?!? 26:32!?!!?!?!!?

Flame of Mage: Okay. Ahri is fine, good choice overall, but I guess Zilean is modern.

Apollo Eon: All I want to know is, what that Ekko rapping bc when is the next True Damage album/EP coming?? ;-;

autoaim16: They ruined Battle Bunny Riven?

JΔβΔRΣΣ ҒΩRTΣ: Mobile legends could NEVER XD❤

Iguinho Apenas: Ornn tava fazendo uma espada pra quem ?????

Alden chin: rell as a bee, bell

[HENAH] H0T Girl-C0me 0ver L!ve: everyone : huge fight Ornn : chills and build weapons

Who Reported: your goal is to add the fear of missing out, to make your community more frustrated

Drifty: It feels bad to not have a new champ in a new year You hear that blizzard??

Annie 🍆T[A]P Me!! to Have [𝐒]𝐄𝐗 With 𝐌𝐞 🍆: Pretty excited about the "dark enchanter" support. The last support that had a chaotic alignment was Pyke. Also hoping that the weird violet empress thingy is something from the Void, but not similar to Kai'sa.

꺄꺄오렌지: 2022도 기대됩니다🎈

Ni Ka: The "Skip" in WildRift bruh. I Dont understand why? I mean as a league player who's busy in life now is happy to have Wildrift. Because we don't have the same time we have when we play League And then these peeps can't control their Toxity bruh. I mean it's just the same it's still League of Legends....

S.A.M.IkariGaming & AMV: Thank you

Evan Saunders: Only one VGU per year is weak. Why the lack of productivity?

Canal Ink: Melhor temp

Serbian Empire Ball ♪: *BETTER THAN REAL LIFE*

Timmo: As a Nidalee main I want title called 1 shot babe

Respect Yasuo Mains: 0:39 i cant unsee tobias fate

NuloPlay: Parabéns Riot, vocês merecem o mundo <3

Christian Edzel Cruz: Taliyah looks like Anna Shaffer(from The Witcher in Netflix)

Oreo Ex9: " Hey guys this is Wild Rift" - " Money , money money money, money money, Money.. Mooooney, Money money money money" THank you...Money

LBF LittleButterfly: This kinda of new event pass is kinda similar to what they had in Garena Vietnam sever lol

Raven Joshua Rivera: gothic rework please

Juliana Misas-Segovia: where's lilia

Faraday Das Neves: h O R N N

prince vincent evangelista: Moon toon is shaking🤣🤣

Mandite: But, where's my new toplaner... :(

Jon Lester Diaz: You know what I like about Riot? THEY LISTEN!!!

Chris Ho: get us a reliable client !!!!!

Frank Castle: Gracias por traducirlo para Latam

AKBARJON: Top moba game league of legends

oh no rapha: That's pretty great tho. But please, make those achievements have some backward compatibility. I wish the same had happened with the mastery system. It'd be great to have some rewards for those who still plays the game even after 10 years+ and being able to be rewarded for their commitment throughout the years :)

Ritchel Cabello: I like the song and movie 😍😱

Maria Sebastian: Please tell me it’s coming to wild rift 😀.

Dead Soul: Picaos :|

Julio Hinkson Jr: Can we get updates from the Universe(?) team about what we can expect in terms of story for the future?

Sterydd: Wszystko fajnie ale gdzie klany w oryginalnym League of Legends?

Heaven: Ok I'm kinda excited for a supp, swarm void champ I don't know what to think avout new non-traditional botlaner (I think it will be mage looking at how he/she/it looks). Possibility for finally removing useless passive from Kog is also exciting :D 2 new champs for bot is great from Riot, but let's be honest we won't be able to play Zeri until heavy nerfs cause other roles will take her over... Concerning Wild Rift... Yuumi? XD playing Yuumi couldn't have been easier than clicking screen on the telephone

REMONA--C0me 0ver L!ve: "Humanity is at the end and everyone gathered their hopes to create an advanced technological suit" The BATTLE BUNNIES

frustus_shitpost_: Rework chemtech map, Bad to play it 6 times out of 8 Games.

J B: lmao brightmoon is so cringe lol

solasatio brushes: Whats the name of the song that plays close to the end?

Jonna 🔞 T[A]P ON [M][Y] PlcTuRE: Taliyah gets picked more in trailers than in the actual game

Kent Pangilinan: i thought kaisa is finally home but then the monster appeared out of nowhere

Soheib Toumi: Until now i've never regretted installing wild rift on my phone the care and love riot gives to a Mobile Game us just too good

Rahmoun Tahar Zakaria: 17:44 I can hear my boy solarbacca saying it

Sloane Cieckiewicz: CHILLS!

Eric bautista: As a support main (TANK main) hope the new champ give me enough thrill to play. SHOUT OUT TO ALL THE SUPPORT MAINS OUT THERE

Chase Salvia: I hope if shyvana is choose they keep her ap/ad felxability with her e not changing. Also i wish that we could choose to take more then 10 or more emotes to use in game rather then the 5 we are allowed. Ive got so many good ones and they are useless!!!

Ocean Park: Mobile legend is number 1 best

Melissa MeLiSsA: “Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith: Christ was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit. He was seen by angels and announced to the nations. He was believed in throughout the world and taken to heaven in glory.” ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭NLT‬‬ Human body(Jesus) Spirit (Holy Spirit) This is explaining the holy Trinity. Jesus died for our sins so that we can go to Heaven. Get right with Him today.

Thomas palaypayon: Let's Gooooooooo

AReallyRealisticGuy :D: We don't think our champions have overloaded kits


Hang Haam: here we go, cant wait to get more inter in my game

SpicyTaco Sauce: a "caitlyn level update" for ahri, does that mean youll nerf her down 2% wr ?

Alice Fantinato: Ok ok, everything is really beautiful but… when they release Karma and Shen for wildrift?!???

Edgar S: League might be the single worst thing that has happened to me.

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