Season 2021 Opening Day | Full Livestream - League of Legends

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عبدالله بندر: واو

Kaillyne: I'm calling it, Riot is the next Blizzard... I used to dream of working at Blizzard one day, but after so many disappointments I want nothing to do with them. This is the beginning of a new era, I hope Riot you keep up the good work!! Cheers!

Kaillyne: that Tristana is the cutest thing <3



Josue Zumelzu: Is there anyway you could show more love to ARAM? I almost only play this map and it is sad that you take years to implement something (very small) and then we have to wait more years to get something new.

Wolkolak138: Riot, вы крутые.



Carl Buena: make individual servers for each country plz ffs

PockPack Chaeyoung: Why tf would would anybody care about visually updating quinn, the champ is annoying and looks fine, have they seen classic udyr and nocturne?

EL_ando: i cant wait to be stuck in gold again this season :((

Dr. Tomo: League of Endgame

Francisco Rebolledo: every year i hope to hear that they are bringing back dominion... and every day im let down every time.


Victor medina: i guess the animated series that was announced last year isn't going to happen......

Kyle S: tencent shills

MVPguideswildrift: amazing

閹人張翼德: NICE 👍👍👍

Bukan Jamiel: Garena servers takeover please

Juda M: Y de repente el comentario en español que buscabas

Cullen Aherin: I like what I’m seeing but when are you guys gonna have a dedicated East and West coast server? After the server move like 4 years ago or whatever my ping went from 60-70 to 90-110 and the game has felt awful to play since then

Jasper: Pls riot, close game "Mobile Legends Bang Bang".

Thee_King_Boo: For Thematics all I'll ever ask for is to see a Giant Zac appear to make my day

Fadli Alim: wait, no wild rift for console??

Joseph G: Make a movie or limited series already!! Ghad!!!!

Luvii W: Where’s the new Ixtal champ 😃🔫

Lovely Furmanczyk: Please make a Yordle TV series. 🙏 they are so cute

Aurelion Sol Ph: Wild rift : where is the KEYSTONE ADDED UPDATE.. Need keystone for choices, Dark harvest, arcane comet, hail of blades or leathal tempo, glacial augment...

Please Exit: make yone and viego in wildrift

박세현: 48:58 감스트

Benny: "here we go agane" my wallet

NTZRF: league needs an 80% win rate even low elo smh

Aurelion Sol Ph: 2k dislikes are MOBILE LEGENDS garbage people 😆🤣

Nam Pham: anyone knows whos that seraphine streamer?

Kai To: I would like to meet viego's "queen"

Jose Olvera: They forgot to end it with bjergsen the goat

All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!: 36:48 but i only play undying decks...

Arsenic AnDy: item idea was the dumbest idea ive ever seen

Nemo Nobody: Missed opportunity to make darius an even more hardcore badass and let him have at least occasional breaks in the ruination manipulation.

Effect: 48:46 name?

Martina Trapaglia Ionno: As a Tristana main actually I'm happy

LaurenceTristan: The absolute stink of "how to speak like you're being genuine and heartfelt" coaching that every Riot speaker has had in every video they post is vile.

MARC LAURENCE MAPALO: make nocturne more scarier

Bizzay Razz: Not only the ruined king is arriving, its counter is also arriving soon😂

Rico O' Rourke: you're gunna turn Lux INTO ATOMIC BETTY?! LMFAO

Kazedo: Sooo now that tencent has control of Riot worlds will always be in china, what a surprise.

Okanot: lmao. amumu is till crying(for his update)

Jaskcon Coate: I can't believe I missed the first 2,020 seasons 😫 😢 😩 😭

SekiBeLe: Już za nieuczesaną disa bym wolał w tym filmie.

What?: Thought this was the full movie.

Weverton S. Santos: A Zahri lá no final, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

LK Snow: Textbook skillsets, reading will take a while. Start reworking more of the old forgotten champs like trundle, janna and sora. And return the old voli. The balance team is funny, buffing yas and yone. Also ignoring katarina being broken. All purposly. Well warzone is fun at least.


Dark Angel Star Spiritual: HI

누구지: 48:59 in...zik


Alan Olmos: Ex jugadores al ver esto:me sirve

Fox Goku: si, si... dejen tirado el lol nomas, paos qliaos.

karmaster GR: 25:29 New Champion: Reaper

Leo Trelles: Placements: Ok! here we go! 1st Match: Win Lose - 2 afk Lose - 1 troll - 2 afk Lose - 1 troll Lose - 2 troll Lose - 3 troll Lose - 1 troll - 1 afk Lose - 1 afk Lose - 1 afk Lose - 2 troll Your position: Silver IV Is this game a joke? How is it possible to have at least 1 troll / afk in each game... every single fkng game...

HauntedSpirit: love the afk lp stuff how bout higher/more lp for kp and objective control

Benedek Takács: There was faker after Jankos hope they become a thing

Makyshko: Pay attention to my new video Where did I draw Spiderman on a tablet using Apple Pencil

Ryan Park: DC police let them in and was ordered to stand down with no provision. Antifa was there and there is film of them breaking the windows and supporters getting in front of the attacks. The police officer killed the 14yr vet as if he was playing a zombie game with no remorse and was highly likely ordered to take the shot. I dont like trump. Im just about policies. Bidden killed thousands of south americans flopping OP fast and furious, 900 USA citizens killed by drone strikes (obama even said "where was his dad" about one of them. Kids in cages started with Biden and so did the muslim bans. ULTIMATLY TO THIS DATE slavery in Libya was reestablished by Biden and he is enabling concentration camps world wide. What did trump do? Pay his taxes early and peace in the middle east. We are doomed asfff . "The worst is ahead of us" -Biden 2020

Rafael Calvay: I apologize if people find this annoying, but I feel this is important. All this things, are the world upside down. I think that we are closer to the end of times (revelations). If a person that reads this is atheist, I please ask you to see the bible and the signs, and make your own respond to the information there. If somebody is a christian, remember that your works cant led you to salvation. Only the Messiah. Please, make Him your saviour. Thank you for reading. (And, if somebody is asking, im putting this comment in videos like this on purpose, because im trying to get to the largest audience as possible). Disculpenme si encuentran esto molesto, pero me parece importante. Todas estas cosas, son el mundo al revés. Creo que estamos más cerca del fin de los tiempos (revelaciones). Si una persona que lee esto es atea, le pido que vea la Biblia y las señales, y que haga su propia respuesta a la información allí. Si alguien es cristiano, recuerde que sus obras no pueden llevarlo a la salvación. Solo el Mesías. Por favor, hazle tu salvador. Gracias por leer. (Y, si alguien pregunta, pongo este comentario en videos como este a propósito, porque estoy tratando de atraer a la mayor cantidad de personas posible)................................................

Da nny: No star guardian 2021 :(?

Damerksh 123: First game on someone left never again

Yair Baruch: we just want a movie

Seas Niaris: Pliz just make urf and all events playable only with friends and bots

Nova S27: Para cuándo el lol wild Rift para Latinoamérica?

Notafratdude: Happy new year y'all,Please repent because Jesus is coming soon. Like so more people can see this.

Papatya s Tars: 49:10 Who İs This Handsome Boy??😌😌

TooRisky Gaming: When is wild rift going to be available in ios?

Иван Георгиев: Give me back banner of comand

Eric Johnson: more kindred plz

Yasen 2222: Make a movie already!

Daffy Maestro: The cringe starts at 6:45

1call Bank2.0: Literally to 1% who'd read this, God bless you, stay safe have a wonderful Year....Sub

Dan Vitor Chemin: Is the void man! VOID!

Dan Vitor Chemin: Malzahar ults can be a scape if he wanna it

Сергей Черников: Very nice!

TheChosen: Honor level is bugged again

kiNU thESP4CEMouSE-3D: 2021 and still silver, anyone's with me?

STILL: Narrative of Self is the result of a feedback loop between “Separate Self” & Cosmos🎈

Dan Vitor Chemin: Malzahar had two uptades since 2012 man

Dan Vitor Chemin: When you will bring up my Malzahar ?????? Just give him a scape man!!! The VOID SCAPE !!!!

Zerodayz: Fix your client Riot!

Air: nice

bau mal: BRING BACK URF!!!

Stunned: Riot that's cap I report players who go 0/14 after feeding I lose the game I report them and of course no feed back, thanks Riot such a good company

Philip Aram: wait wait wait, i thought skarner already got his rework D:

panda bear: Major question for the dev team... WHEN IS THE HONOR 5 SHOP GETTING UPDATED GUYS? its been YEARS

theFLYINGpig 27: bro RIOT just make a movie already!

John Michael Orfiano: deadliest champions will face off? do you mean, rengar vs k6?

Everson Felipe: Curti achei bacana. Mas e o Client? vão melhorar quando? Esses bonecão quebrado também? Riot, Vê esses negócios ae pow

Ana Monteiros: 1q1q

XtripAs007: soy yo o se ve como un arthas emo el nuevo malo de lol

adolecentes en accion: Holaa Dios los bendiga mucho!! Perdonen si le molesto, les queria decir que Jesús los ama mucho!!❤❤❤ que lo puedan buscar en sus dias buenos como malos porque el siempre estara con ustedes si le permiten que el entre a sus corazones, el quitara todo dolor, angustia depresión y enfermedad. Solo crean en el y verán su obra en sus vidas. Dios siempre los va a escuchar cuando hablen con el, porque en su palabra dice: clama a mi que yo responderé y te enseñaré cosas ocultas que tu no conocías (Jeremías 33:3). Dios te puede sacar de la ocuridad que estes pasando solo clama que el oira y te sacara del barro y te pondra en su camino. A donde el nunca te abandonara, y te dejara, a donde habrá días buenos y días malos pero nunca un día sin Dios. El te ama y te espera con los brazos abiertos muchas bendiciones bye!❤❤🙌🙌 Y si querés aceptarlo a Jesús en tu corazón di estas palabras: *Padre en el nombre de Jesús perdona mis pecados, me arrepiento de ellos, reconozco que moriste por mis pecados y que Resusitaste con poder y gloria el tercer día. Te acepto en mi corazón como mi Señor y mi Único salvador. Anota mi nombre en el libro de la vida y borralo del libro de la muerte. Gracias Padre en el nombre de Jesús amen.*

Flo- Jo: 49:20 most hype moment when NoWay and Maxim appeared

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