Black Ops Cold War Season 2 Revealed! New Maps, Weapons, Scorestreaks, Fireteam Map, Modes, & More

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TheGamingRevolution: *Correction - as many of you have pointed out, it's the Skorpion, not the Scorpion EVO. I showed the wrong picture on screen - my bad! And yes, you can get the Death Machine and the Hand Cannon (like the Deagle) in the campaign, but they'll be coming as scorestreaks at some point too! Shadows of Evil Upgraded Apothicon Servant Steps Discovered 5 Years Later...

Extranosense: If we get a riot shield imma be pissed


R *: I hope that Summit comes as a part of the new Warzone map

Parker Neese: 1:30 bro said assassins creed odyssey lmaooo

Soviet Doggo: Can’t wait for the FAL to be broken as fuck in warzone....

Scribbly: Give us standoff. It's a russian map with soviet tanks.

Alex Lozano: Why do they always bring back some form of the dragonov it’s literal garbage unless you’re playing hardcore

نور الصفار: انت شخص رائع استمر

Dadricmaster97: Me:*sees rust in the season two title Also me: “don’t do that, don’t give me hope like that”

FoxtrotSierraProductions: The Laos Map will not have MACV-SOG and NVA Team bcs its Treyarch

chloe125cc: Who needs twitter when these gooses spoil everything deadset

Leighton Archabell: Bruh they might as well just remaster bo1 asnd be done with it

Shagg420 gaming: Screw tombstone bring in double tap

Mr Tootsie: Getting ripped off on zombies on 15. Fuck a game mode. Give us maps

Mr Tootsie: So no zombies?

Mr Tootsie: I want the mtar back. That gun was a beast.

Daniel Morgan: I hope the FAL is only in zombies cuz last time it was in multiplayer on MW it destroyed the game

Grandmaster CHOODA: Your gameplay is boosted af. My lobbies are never a bunch of newbs like yours

LimitlesS: Bring back combine and aquarium from bo3. Or infection/stronghold. Fringe and breach also great maps. Bo3 had the best maps of any cod

III: Ima just play cod mobile. These “new” cod games just keep releasing maps from previous games.

Johncena: Please no riot shield

Cain Leonard: It's obvious that treyarch don't care becouase the dlcs are free so they dont care what they throw at us just my opinion

Ricky Burgos: We need different bo1 map remakes instead of summit and firing range

Jamerion Coleman: I be forcing myself to play this game sometimes

Delightful Vibes: omg the weapons coming, absolute classics! Galil, CZ75, FAL, Scorpion EVO?! It's too good to be true!

CrustEpunK: cz75? where is the gd zykov? that handgun makes so much sense for cold war.

WortWortWort TheYoungin: I just want zombies chronicles 2.. ya hear that Treyarch??? You fuck

Andrew Murtiff: bruh the krig is literally the galil

John Rosales: So bored of Cold War already I already upgraded all my stuff for zombies. I'm literally just playing zombies just to help other people lol.

SoCal Kevin: Laos is pronounced like "blouse"

reke: This game already dead

Nova: Oh wow let’s get remastered maps for the 200th time 💀 all classics, but they have OG maps from BO1 that could fit the Cold War setting that could get a remastered maybe summit keep

Mista Tea: You said, map is called Jew? I’m offended 🥲 ❄️

gamer CJ: Why not hotel or convoy new maps please

Delfox10: i wanna DE remake! who else?

GRIM REAPER_22: Since people are complaining about nuketown, summit, jungle and firing range being in the game. Why now? Why wait for cold war to release and treyarch release teasers for those maps? They literally were in bo1, 2, 3, and 4. Why complain now? I just don't get it. Suck it up because those maps have been in every black ops games and you guys didn't even complain about it. It wouldn't be a treyarch game if it didn't have those maps.

Token Green: On 115 day we'll get a firebase z trailer.. A month before release...

DumbTryHard: 6:01 WTF is my man doing

Matthew Lobao: Want Stand-off

Zachary Mathis: It would be awsome to see 4 6v6 maps per season

Gamingismy Thing: Express and hijacked better be remastered too

Michael Giusti: Ma il krig e praticamente il galil

Anthony DiPierro: I hope all the guns arent hard to unlock like the FIN lmg in MW. That was terrible

8SR 18 Najib: God i hope zombies dlc isnt paid, i know they already stated all dlcs are free but im still scared

Chris James: If tombstone gets added to cold war, how will it work for solo players?

Garyn Grace: It's definitely pronounced "eh • sha • lawn"

Amir Bajrami: Am i the only one who wants the M16А1 from the Campaign

Twistr: They should remove SBMM....

Balder Kikkert: Im i Just dumb or is this the map Jungle 2:40 and 5:39. They look similar to me

Kendel burress: Just me noticing he plays bots? Ok

Bekomist12# Cold War content: It’s shangrila

Ninjaturtle _: i personally think naga stands for Nagasaki however I am kind of skeptical due to the location

BENTHEBEASTHENv2: Bruh I'm sick of playing Jungle it's a terrible map

its daz: Summit and firing range always come back I’d rather have standoff and array.

WZ Saj: Lmg could be HK 21 sniper %90 Dragunov because it was in a map leaked before

天使: 115 day is close an I'm really excited & hoping that tombstone is a good perk and not a completely joke.


User Name: I haven’t played AT ALL during the Dmr/mk10 meta. Let’s just hope the new maps are good 😌

Wes B: Bet your vibes would be like Morgz if you added a facecam

T.E.D.D: 0:28 انا جدا سعيد إلى ماب زومبي قادم I'm so happy for new zombie map

SlavSupreme: Swear to God we NEED to get the H&K G11 as a gun before this game ends it would be PERFECT for the 1980s setting :/

Penetration: You say here as hyeeaaaa

[TRAPSHADOW]: I really hope this doesn't just do all the same old maps

GOODFOX004200: Cold war multiplayer is trash the matchmaking is f****** whack as hell and there it barely any f****** content in the game unless you're going to buy guns every week and the battle pass is not even worth it

Brawny Key118: Wait is the krig 6 not the galil?

Josh Robinson: As much as I want more maps for mp and zombies they need to seriously focus on actually fixing Cold feels like a game that is still in beta

Margwa: Ok reverse booster

G Man 1690: That gameplay tho ffs 😂😂😂 💩

Homem Panda: mapa zombie origins 2.0 or origins remake ?

OnTheGrow: This is fucking retarded literally a terrible call of duty it’s worse than black ops one black ops two even black ops four was better. How the fuck can we have pretty much three months of season one? No new zombie

ToGangsterForuGames: No hate just saying pronounced lous, the country spelled laos.

Nitroh: im sorry but no one, literally NO ONE wants another fucking dragunov.... give us bolt action treyarch FFS

Beetle juice: Love you, baby brother

KuroSaki Hinomura: Bruh season 2 is like 40 days away so no one cares

Braxton C: Are we ever getting warzone for black ops????

tspitt m: How do ppl not realize they cut the game in half just to release the other half of the game little by little

João Pedro Stocco: Maybe, as the Universes between Warzone, MW, Black Ops Cold War and BOCW Zombies are now linked, every season with a new zombies map, at some form, the main multiplayer map and operator of the season (that probably we will see in the Season's 2 Cutscenes and will happen in Vietnam as the own new Zombies map) will have some connection with zombies storyline. I don't know if you understand, but resuming: Maybe every season with a new zombies map, the storyline of this season will be connected mainly with zombies storyline, mainly when you remember that all the storylines are linked now. Mein Gott, how many "Storylines" I said? Gut. Congrats to the AWESOME video, TGR!

Schregger: Good, the War machine is decent, but I want my minigun, miss being able to use it in Blops 2.

Stealth Gaming: I hope they don’t come out with a cod this year cause it’ll be even more buggy and battlefield 6 actually has me hoping it’ll be good cause the last 2 games dice worked mainly was anthem and battlefront 2 they didn’t work on battlefield 5 that much that was a third party cause anthem was in development hell then afterwards they focused on battlefront 2

CoralCarne372: New LMG huh? HK21 PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

R6Silence: Gotta love that recycled content every year smh

Lavatikan 69: One thing I’d like to see in Warzone within the new season would be a FOV slider for console. I can play on 120 fov for Cold War but then I’m locked at 60 fov for Warzone sadly

Ethan Baird: i’m sorry but some of that gameplay is atrocious

Ethan Morgan: The hand cannon is already in campaign though???

INFINITE DRIP: This entire DLC or season 2 looks so stupid 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️they are really trying to hit that nostalgia factor to try to get people back and it's not working because no one wants to play the same damn maps that we can just play and Black ops 4 we can already play firing range we can play jungle we can play summit we didn't get cold war to get the same damn mapsand this is exactly what I meant that this call of duty Lacks any creativity whatsoever it lacks in anything new there is nothing new to this game it is literally almost a copy and paste of Black ops 1 along with the stuff that they have learned throughout the years adding new graphics but absolutely nothing new there's no game changing new featuresthere's nothing creative in the zombies area in fact the zombies barely has any progression system so it's honestly pointless to play zombies unless you want camos that are really shitty anyway no wonder why this game is just slowly wonder the game devs are literally in desperate mode constantly putting free trials on everything and putting sales just trying to get any sales that they can towards this game because it is just slowly dying

Саймон Энекен: What about DLC perks?

PSYCHO RAGED: Don't get me wrong, I love these older maps, but we had them in almost all of the recent black ops games. What about Grid, Hanoi, etc?

Zombie Slayer8999: So martin sheen is gonna be a new mp person

jaden ha: i would like to see the hamr returning to cold war

Oblisk: Treyarch was like, “yea, cranked was fun on multiplayer, now let’s bring it to zombies.” Might as well bring search and destroy to zombies. The megaton will definitely not realize me ninja defusing

Slow Burn: the picture that ur talkin about looks alot like shangri-la

Karol Clark: 24th of February Imma die of old age before we get a new zombies map

K1nGz: Fringe from bo3 needs to come

zoocn: any news on the new warzone map supposedly coming?

Briske __: i have the sykov unlocked but its not in my armory? when does that come out

Its Niko: I think that the next operator will be mason There is a fully fledged and working model for mason and you can even see that he has animations for the snowmobile in operation red circus But that’s just speculation

taino: Im tired of Summit and Jungle!!!!

Bryan Leo: Cold War sucks... MW is far superior and they should focus on that! I don't even play Cold War because it feels like a game made 5 years ago, while MW plays like a much better game. Give me MW content please!!!

Brandon Kerns: I have extremely enjoyed Cold War! Why all the hate?? Best cod in years and finally a new zombies map that feels like a classic to come

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