Mid Season Update and Roadmap for Cold War/Warzone | Maps, Modes, and Weapons in CoD

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Nick G: I wish they would bring back groundwar reinfected. That was so much fun

Angelfox51: Well I hope they have not forgotten to add Soap, CX-9, Sykov and LRAM to modern warfare.

Luke D: Fix the attachments and buff some guns before adding in anything. There’s so many MW guns that just never got any love like the SCAR. It could definitely use a slight recoil reduction. Same with the AK.

Lupe Arismendez: They're more than 1 operators?.. I thought I was playing RozeZone

f1rebreather123: As much as I dislike the games flaws, Im kind of getting annoyed about all of the complaining. This whole comment section is filled with complaints, and I havent seen a single positive comment. Stop complaining about everything its getting pretty old

Clips505: They need to fix the UI/UX. Every time I finish a game or quit out I get an error and I don’t get any Exp or challenges tracking.

Raid IOS: Anyone keeps getting stuck in the loading screen?

phoenix887: Anyone know if weapon tokens stack with the double xp weekend bonus?

JustRockIt141: where dafuq is the last modern warfare update

adam yang: Forgot about the main api update...profiles are now defaulted to private cause they’ve been getting exposed!

TwiggyStemZ: Gotta do an engine update as well, add in swimming


Loucas: Are we gonna get any new modern warfare guns?

Don: They need to add zombie camos in warzone !!

Zeus: Any news on Zombies camos in Warzone?

Aaron Kailola: Exactly first get a playable game instead of these bs content

TaskUW: So informative! Thanks JGOD! come on activison lets get those attachments fixed!!

Deja Vu: How do you feel about Activision changing everybodys stats from public to private? Essentially ruining the closest thing to an anti-cheat this game had and probably tanking the stock prices of these companies that rely on the APIs?

sunwooooooo: There it iiiissss the “wacky-zahshi” 😂

Cree Smith: Yall don't remember espresso leaking the map back in august? Edit:The new warzone map

pedro Stokoe: J-GOD I know warzone has the id tech engine but how is this map going to integrate to warzone since the graphics are totally different with the treyarch engine

Hassi Cusa: Stim glitch still isnt fixed Jev made a vid bout it lolol

Captain Sum Ting Wong: Game played pretty good when it first came out. Then the patch came and i find it unplayable on the XSX

TYJ_Butler: I still don’t like how the new weapons are limited time

SOURAV Choudhury: this game is full of fukin hackers

Carl Thompson: Activison should hire this man

leconen leksa: Agreed, fix the game before content. But there was so little at launch. This is what should have been in launch.

Durden 812: Nailed it right at the end there "They should fix their game" :)

Too Busy Spooning: Have you haf problems with your scuf co troller? I have had issues with mine. Its the third one with the same issue and I don't know what you do. Please help me. I've reached out to a bunch of YouTube rs and have hard no luck. Like I am in love with my impact and plan on a vantage but tori the money how? And how are so many people using them when they can mess up out of the box?

Pratham_lad: make a video on Operators and check if there are any hidden specs.

T smooth: Let’s be real no one cares about Cold War

Sathya Naidoo: Hey JGOD, any idea when a next gen ps5 version of Warzone will be released?

soggydwarf 1: I said the same thing as soon as i saw the map that its blackout vibes mainly cuz the same grass colour

Mauricio Ornelas: Jgod can you do another groza loadout ... I want to know if any of the barrels got updated to match the stats .

J: I played it yesterday and must admit, the game isn't still what it used to be, but it's playable. They have still a lot of work to do but since yesterday i've some hope for warzone. Btw: Great content as always no bs

cykameister: hey JGOD, do you know if we're able to unlock Beck/Park during the free zombies week? I've been trying but the progress bar doesn't seem to be tracking. Not sure if bug or intended. Thanks!

Redshiftit: Blops has ruined warzone: change my mind.

Xena Frost: Will the new map me the Modern Warfare engine or Cold War? Would love to see a Cold War engine version of Warzone

Garrett: Trophy does not stop C4 anymore. Confirmed twice.

AJ W: Q: with the CW rocket launcher camo mission...what does Destroy Ground camo mission mean? Tried destroying cars but not working

triggerfs: evil laugh in the end ;)

Nuno Joao: How about fixing Stich operator mission most wanted?

NFMZ_ FIREALLDAY: Anybody else watch j god and wonder why Activision hasnt hired him yet.

Mike Smoove: Warzone changed the look on cod title. At this point Warzone is all over the place and not the same as before.

TheMichaelHopp: We need fully loaded option for Cold War guns 😩

FusionSniping: All they're doing 'is adding content' which is free cuz cod releasing with less content then ever so, it's bs anyway, adding bundles is all they really do, and just copy paste bo2 maps, not even changes, they've really lost their edge on new maps

Joseph Shim: How are these guys adding more content to a broken game. Why not listen to the community and fix whats not working properly, then add content.

Todd Bullock: Come for the analysis. Stay for the Wacky Zashy. Brilliant.

Taz1190: Seen that the stim glitch might not be patched but don’t know if it was a old or new video

Ryan Weaver: @JGOD APPARENTLY the stim glitch is still alive. There has been numerous reports of players losing games being abused by it after the patch stated it was fixed. Just wanted to let you know!

Ryan Hill: Jesus fix one of your 500 problems first they can't be to bright

Karan Malhi: I know the chances of JGOD noticing this low but meh. The stim glitch is still there and somehow people are doing it again. Idk how but the glitch is still there

Wilber Sanz: Try the Krig 6 with the takedown barrel

iZombie Gaming: X2 weapon xp from 15th - 19th cold war and warzone! <3

IcemanJuice: Zombies map free?!?

Ata: JGOD should be a part of the game devs, would be a way better warzone.

fink32: Wonder when they are going to fix the cw reload bug...

kingjoekur: I feel bad for anyone who bought CW

Cody Lutes: Please tell me Verdansk will still be playable? I’m excited for the new map, but worried at the same time. I want to be able to play Verdansk if the new map sucks.

Mike MacGuire: Do bullets do less damage when the target is in the air?

Michael Brin: Does someone know, can I have people executed in zombies mod? I really want to open Stone skin.

Blake Van Gundy: I’m a ps4 controller player. But I turned off crossplay and turned it back on after a few games. I also asked cod to quit selling my info but it bugged out on the form and doesn’t show enabled. I Have a 1.3 kd and for some reason, don’t know if it’s the update I’m in the protected lobbies. It takes forever to find a lobby (searching for 200ping) and only partial lobbies never full. No ones in a clan or has any skins or camos. I have damas. I’ve never reverse boosted but I’ve seen it. I’m going 30-3 consistently. What happened? Doesn’t feel good and don’t like the long wait sometimes doesn’t even find one.

Baz Adam: Anybody can help? I haven't been able to get a single Fireteam match ever since i purchased the game. It keeps on searching. Everything else works fine

DaSweetMeat: Activision should hire JGOD. Lol

Axcidentshappen: "fix their game hahaha" lol

Navarre Richards: SO NO SHIPMENT?

Yokesh -: Attention: Activision updated its "privacy" settings, so you can no longer view stats of other players on CoDTracker or SBMMwarzone

Imakeulaugh: Who else doesn’t care to know what’s gonna happen until it happens lol. Treyarch is always screwing us around with possibilities of this and that and they change a buy station location and that’s it. Gtfoh lol

Xav Ramirez: zombies is the only reason cold war is on my hard-drive. i still play MW mp and WZ... thanks for vid J.

DaDDyWaRBuCkS: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

TwoHand TeaMan: It'd be nice if they could fix the game before adding more to it.

Albiond Marku: Your laugh of disbelief was gold

Jackie Moon: Nice patch,they added a mode where you can carry a brief case for 3 feet 🗑

sky 7: hey anyone have any problem with the FFAR? .. each time I take it up or use one my game kick me an I gotta reboot warzone.....

DiamondTM: They need to fix the last mission for the Stitch operator. Complete 3 most wanted contracts.

Kill Kount’s Warzone Mayhem: Best new meta AR and S mg please

josephoverman1986: Thanks for the info jgod

Paul Broggan: Think Warzone should replace the 3 houses next to the airport with a large hotel. Also add another crashed plane but on the run way gives a little more cover from the control tower.

mike malooly: Waka sa shi

Angelo Bank: Aim Assist is still broken smh 🤦‍♂️

Shane Dinan: Imagine a company like activision having leaders who worked for them with half the passion that people like JGOD have in their pinky finger.. the game would be on a different level

Blitz Krieg: How hard is it to fix the glitch where you freeze to your loadout for like 10 seconds? In Rebirth that gets you killed way to often.

Blitz Krieg: How hard is it to fix the glitch where you freeze to your loadout for like 10 seconds? In Rebirth that gets you killed way to often.

VSM Yh: Love the new ftdb map sanotarium. All I want to hear now is that in march the map has cold war audio and movement.

Chris Fletcher: Solid recap...thanks.

Birbdad: No balance changes at all?

Daniel Pons: All I care about is when are they gonna drop those new guns in mw

Shoan Ngawaka: ..... should just fix the game!!....😁😁

streetie31: Waka-shi

Tahres Lila: You guys think the weapon variants with coloured ammo is pay to win?

Kristijan Rankovic: Why can't i buy certain blueprints from modern warfare now, they are disappearing?

Maestro 20: This is just stupid Fr

Alex Ramirez: Your really good

Romed Schreiner: when did DLSS 2.0 come to warzone JGOD?

Toaster Bryant: Keeping the same mechanics is great, but dont forget these new maps include a large portion of water on them. Warzone will have to add in a whole new set of mechanics for water / underwater combat if they plan on using the same engine.

JCasto7: Cool update and all, but let me know when the JGOD operator drops....thanks.

felipe manzano: so.... no dark aether on warzone lol it's crazy how they can't do such a thing that sounds like something easy

twomanyjuans: Do you think we are gonna get updates for MW?

Oranges: Can u see mw multiplayer roadmap

Endre Øsleby: But which shotgun is going to be the new R9? That's what everyone is wondering. It's coming. Just hope it will take some time before the new meta settles and we gotta beg for nerfs again.

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