the NEW SEASON 3 UPDATE...! 😍 (NEW DLC WEAPONS, MAPS, AND MORE) - Black Ops Cold War / Warzone

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G FUEL: I'm way too hype for standoff

Anthony Cross: Standoff is legendary

Jordan: Thank goodness its not a 3rd season in a row that has 2 melee weapons and two normal weapons

MidasGG愛: The Amp sorta looks like Kap from Bo2

daxkzy: Imagine one in the chamber 😳

Justin Tucker: Multiplayer is just dead now lol when you don’t like playing warezone cuz there so many sweats can we just get some new content for multiplayer sick of this Cold War/ warezone shit

ur mom Lister: ITS THE PM63

Just Ryze_: Will the multiplayer be free for 1 week?

Wilson Foster: I'm a f2p and I was hoping this would not happen (I'm trying to get dm ultra)😭😔

Dior: When I seen standoff I kinda freaked out I loved that map in bo2

Naveen Ramprabu: The cx 9 ain't there so I ant even gonna bother

Atlus Epsilon: It’s the pm63 they were low key god tier

VIBES plays: They should DEFINITELY put the enfield in Cold War, they honestly should’ve put it in black ops 3 and 4

VIBES plays: They should DEFINITELY put the enfield in Cold War, they honestly should’ve put it in black ops 3 and 4

VIBES plays: They should DEFINITELY put the enfield in Cold War, they honestly should’ve put it in black ops 3 and 4

VIBES plays: They should DEFINITELY put the enfield in Cold War, they honestly should’ve put it in black ops 3 and 4

VIBES plays: They should DEFINITELY put the enfield in Cold War, they honestly should’ve put it in black ops 3 and 4

ZK GamingYT: The AMP63 I believe was the PM63 SMG from BO1

Pre Flank: It says servers are down 😭😭😭

the Noob: i remember when me and my friends always got hyped when i got the PPSH in shi no numa on zombies, but they wont talk to me anymore


g unot: Already saw nuke event you get a new sniper rifle from Stone oops my fault I meant Woods gives u a new rifle (blueprint)

Nathien Duga: Dugas my last name lol

THE M D rizzle: Dat ppsh is nice


Luke O'Brien: Rip my Xbox storage

Bryan Rico: Smash like button for more videos

Evan Dainty: when can you do dark aether

Andru McCann: We’ve gone two seasons without a zombies map now

GUARDIAN11-77 FBHA: Kinda wanted Alex mason to be a operator maybe next season

Slim: I feel like diesel will be smaller than nuke town

Red Videna: Standoff BOYZZZZ!!!!!

Austin Johnson: kap 40 are the pistol from bo2 looks similar to the new one coming out

Lester: 3 more hours for dat eventtttt

Carter Shaulis: Where the hell is the bo2 maps

burn nazis: G11😱🤤

oliver ekjiuvfv: the amp63 looks like the kap 45 from bo2 and bo4

S3V3N Assassain: How much do you guys wanna bet it’s going to be verdansk 1822

Enfield Plays: Im so excited for this! But of course i get cod taken away again one day before the new season. Isn’t it so unfair that i wont even be able to experience the new season

NeXX_Drag: STICKS AND STONES let's go lol, my dad has been asking about it lol, hes 44 and I'm 18

tekzezz111: Kap 40 nice😊 I'm keen for that pistol also why isn't Menendez in this season it makes sense it's Canon

Gmannnz TV: What’s up raid away I’ve been i huge fan since early bo3 and it’s so awesome to see you at the top. Keep up the work legend

Regular Guy: We need Cod Modern Black Ops

DuckHasAnR9: The ppsh and stand off I’m really gonna need to hop back on this game 😂

Noah Talley: ppsh is going to be one of the bedt weapons high firerate bit of recoil

Tropical Kandi: Yet another character with a COVID mask 🙄

BLAZE_XTREME: I'm hyped for ppsh 41 it's gonna b OP on warzone

Billy Talksalot: Damn sticks n stones isn’t in here n it doesn’t say in season ☹️

NuKe_Aydan: bro the ppsh is coming im pumped

Mark Sandovich: Isnt yamantau a map from BO1?

Nick Paulo: Ppsh better be amazing

Hasan Srour: strafe run is actually from mw3

ZG K1LLA: Standoff LETS GOO!!!!!!!

MaknCheese: I think Modern Warfare 2019 is better than Cold War

ItsOhPanda YT: PPSH and Standoff oh my, my heat is happy

Glizz: I was 5 levels off prestige master and to complete all prestiges

Nebula Vortex: Where are the dlc weapons?

Tumo: I remember trickshotting in standoff ah memories

Damian Trudeau: Pm63 and ppsh-41

Anakin Quasius: Bro the new season is my b-day

llLockzll: AMP63 looks like the KAP-45 from BO4

Shitter Shitter: Treyarch turning the game around bruv

Levilondon Ware: Tell me wh pp sh it’s going to be the new wonder weapon

Reaper Raffy 90: Evrybody that was here for zombies: (-__-) *sigh noises*

Shinto. Canti: Yo i get nostalgia thinking about a dark eather ppsh like in bo3

Walker Paige Vlogs: you sound annoying

Officialray3x: Did anyone see the Charlie I’m Horny again😂

Tavis Wallace: Yo raid away do your thing your just a goat right know I sub turn on postnotivection and like I hope you have a good day

Marlboro Guy: Strafe run is from bo 3 it was like thunder roll

MMU SportsGodzFTW: They brought back Standoff?????? I am definitely copping that Battle Pass next Friday.

Disciple 1: John 3:16-18 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believes in Him is not condemned: but he that does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Jayden Sutherland: I can’t wait!!

Jayden Sutherland: Season 3 is gonna be AWESOME!!


The Actual German Dog: Has anyone been having problems with connecting to online services cause i cant playncold war cause of it

Soufyan Slimani: PPSH WORLD WAR 2 vibes are comming back

Shannon Loyd: Just like way he do vids reason why I hit sub

TAK1Z: price gonna be free

Waffle Not purple guy: You don’t know mount yamantau ur not a cod og are you

Jeremiah Williams: strafe run is like the thresher???

richi arreguin: Amp is the pm9 from bo1

richi arreguin: Carv 2 look like the chicom

richi arreguin: It looks like a cod mobile update notification

rooster 450: Who is better RAID or BAMS

darian shine: PPsh is gonna be meta I'm calling it

Tyler Douglas: I’m already getting the update 😁🤨

TheMakAttak: This game is probably the closest we'll get to a BO2 Remastered for a while.

V R: Her barber must be drunk cutting her hair 😂

Alex Bilyeu: Fully auto pistol was the kap-45 in bo2

Joe_Stowers 15: Amp 63 looks like an smg from bo1

Mason Holmes: bro the pm63 is gonna be bad

WBZ_King1018: Who else is most hyped for the ballistic knife

Halfdan: I can’t wait to make ppl rage with the ppsh

William Julien: PM-63 RAK=AMP63 PPSh-41=PPSH-41 Karabiner Modell 1931 aKa K31=SWISS K31 Now for the CARV.2 I couldn’t find any weapons that matches the frame, though it might just be a QCW-05 inspired version mixed with the HK G11.

ttlbroc: Imagine if they added the zombie map transit. That would be sick

Turk Thomas: That Gun From Black Ops 1 was called the PM-63.

CUMBERG INC: Amp63 is the pm63 from bo1

Stampyman2010 yt: The AMP63 is the pm63 just saying

Luis Meza: I believe captain price is gonna be in the battle pass or in a bundle thats a 50/50

CILONTRO Games: I just want someone to edit this so it just says pp when he says ppsh

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