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Larry Boyd: No shit the dude teleported you just came out the same door don’t see why you’re so confused lol

Brittany Monroe: Please play black ops 4

Brittany Monroe: Please play black ops four 😰

Conner Zitzloff: Don’t tell them to nerf the shotgun

enVy Voidz: the new map kinda gives me bo4 vibes. Me like :)

Alexander Jutras: Raid can you gift me a battle pass

Shadows: bro the new assault rifle is just the exact same grav from black ops 4 dude

GDM Si: This shotgun looks like pre patch street sweeper 🤣

CBNTdragon: If you think about it this new map is a 4 lane map the two on the sides the straight path and the red door

Vedo Cash: Love the content but 14:25 your girl likes what🤨🤨

garciatanis: Sucks

Frederik Andersen: What is the name of the skin?

M.TAHIR NAEEM: Will you play battlefield 2042?

Nava Floof: "We have Mason"😊.......and Adler😑 🤣🤣thas the most depressing thing I've heard

riley busse: You are wrong the Galileo is in black Ops 2 as well it was only in zombies but it was still in black Ops 2

James Veatupu: Raidaway it's not about the modders it's about how much players are in one game ya know?cause the last game I played in bo3 was a week ago and I had 1 teammate and one enemy player

Mystery Armani: Raid no way

aniMeow: POV: it’s 2:26 am ._. Why raid why

Jamez *: Yo raidaway what do you mean by last season of cold war

Kyle W: great marshals now this....come on COD

Toon Vanseer: Jes zombi new best dps shotgun ai think 🤔

SparkyTaccc: Good stream bro, enjoyed it but am not that impressed with the battle pass

Jason Statham: Can you hook me up

Jan De Groot: When youve played the campaign you understand adlers continous

Will Lovelace: Just me or does mason look like Jason stathem and this is gotta be the best battle pass since season 2

Faded_Ferious: Why are there no comments

NotOmEN_: Did anybody else’s seen a panda on the battle pass skins and and it disappeared

phat: Bye rich or raid away

phat: Good night bro

SoaringThrough: Nice stream!

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