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EnvySpades: when he called one of the take downs brick lesner I started dying so hard 😂

Naruto5kbarrage: What's your name again raidaway

Zach Van Harris JR: *can you compliment me?* 😔

John 15:7: John 3:16-18 Jesus loves you Jesus is coming back very soon to judge this world and set up his kingdom that will reign forever and ever. Hell is real, hell wasn't made for humans but for fallen angels but if you reject Jesus and his sacrifice you will end up in hell. Whoever you worship on earth is who you will worship in the afterlife. Repent before it is too late. Please i plead with you for the sake of God.

Carlos Zuniga: The battle pass sucks

joell zaayer: how are those lobbies so shit

dylan J: That’s the fal…. The fal is full auto in real life 🤦🏼

Reece Thomas: Let’s not drop a like.

DreamGaming: How do I see the livestream

SAO louftho: C58 is man o war on bo3 ?

Devin.: i had that same reaction. "what did i just watch?!"

Des Anderson: Lmao and you didn't even get the best play. 🤣

Anuj: This guy sounds so f annoying.

jesse cantu: He gonna be upset guys lmfao

skyler salzer: I thought they added headshot to the amp63

Echo Toxic: code Geass is a good anime its my personal favorite also I think its on Netflix

HealthyRobert 8: Cod is so annoying to play right now every just running around with special weapons trying to get nail gun

Mason Trundle: Your my favorite youtuder. Z😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😀

Noah Ammori: @raidaway can we one vone

Frozzzn: tyler could have bought cold war with all the donos he gave lol

STILL: One can only try to understand an equal, judgement occurs from a pedestal 🎈

Riley Grams: They need to bring back the scar lmg from bo2

erikpaulli: Aim assist players 🤣

Cristian Ramirez: 61

Fuck You: I searched for new season new guns and i found your shitty gameplay 🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢

kianbfc: https://youtu.be/fMN-CbdqDRM

Aiden Mathis: Hi

Lil Wra1thy: Rich what if they made an ar that changes fire rate depending how far or close your shooting someone

Santinie Clan: I don’t even have enough storage for the update 😫

Evan Dainty: got back from school and im soooo hyped

Jxnathan’sWRLD: Why did you put your name as 999. 999 represents the positive the opposite of 666 search it up meaning of 999

Ethan Windle: Play zombies please

GoldAway _: Who els watched this hole stream

xXvaporKILLZXx SLIME: I hate when this man mute people in game like make a video of u making people rage instead of muting them

Landon Leander: Out of all the newer maps which one is ur fav

David Mcduffie: Stream was lit bro!

Ax Strike: watched this stream live and the nuke was hype

KRACX CLAN: The COD Updates make me delete every game so now the only games I have are COD games lol 😝

Carri Thiel: We love your vid’s

Carri Thiel: Love your vid’s keep working hard get to the top

Ethan Cartagena: Hi

Kenneth Wilkes: Man I didn't know that this stream happened I was asleep

Dylon Lepine: The c58 is like the g3 from mw1 or mwr

A Random Turtle: Raid away is pretty hot ngl

Pamela Mixon: Xjdwjx

Hamzi JR: The nail gun need to update man

Junior Vazquez: Hey I just woke up loved the live stream

GibberGibGabber: Raid: turn me up! Me: *turns up sound

Mirza Poricanin: Posalji napacenom bosnji jedan skin hvala

IMPULSE DAME: It seems like the nail gun kills pretty fast tbh so once you get used to it, it should be nice

Jeannie Massey: hay raidaway wolud you give me sum cold pois ples

Stijn: Yo the Diamond eyes song in the beginning is so fire

Xander Wuilchez: Me when I see crank job gesture: guardians of the galaxy????

instant kill: is this safe to play on ps5 now?

Shaun Muety: The cat is sad coz it’s not getting likes      />  フ      |  _  _ l      /` ミ_xノ      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | |

Elixir: Honestly I think your just cheeks it’s amazing bro

Christian Holland: They did Rambo so wrong. He looks weak.

LyndonBIGmanHD: I didn't know you where live nooooooooooooo

Kristan Lobato: Shot like your definitive deaf or can't talk be blind brain games with pain you have to be a rocket scientist in outer space!

Shadow1717: Ngl imma be rockin a nail gun and a ballistic knife build

Will Fourmile: Hi

VANO !: Bar from ww2 mix with galil new ar

Cockaroach Communist: Sheeesh

Alex Chavez: I wish you could put attachments on it

Alex Chavez: The nail gun is something else

TheNorthBeast 59: Im pretty sure the new AR is like the G3 from COD4 modern warfare way back in the day that’s what it looks and sounds like

ghost jakey 5: Hi

Judy Cramer: How tf did you hit that rc cd wtf

Caiden Treadway: I got you I used code RAID

Raye Marthe: hk9 vum.fyi

TheSleazy: Raid the c58 is the g3

Zaap08 : Wow

DivineSnipes: the new ar is more like a galil and the mp5 its just slower

parkour addict: I want cherry fizz Camo from bo3 to come back

Jasper Covarrubias: It was The regular show

Scope Plays: for some reason cod summer updates always hit way different . I can’t wait to play more this season.

Meliodas 7: Hello

Utsuro: My disappointment is beyond immeasurable

Jerry Alvarez: i was watching the stream and you said your dropped a nuclear with the nail gun? you are truly insane and deserve to be in faze

strzsiahlol: Is it live

Julio Hill: That was a good game

ali sharifi: Comment if you want more reactive camos and a dm ultra upgrade

Ur Gay: Texas god is me

Yo boy A4S3NAL: love you're vids raidaway keep up the good work👍

Ricko Bob: Early

Taco Tuesday 247: Gg bro goodnight


bugants rule: live stream hehe bboi

Backnormal 999: First comment

FaZe treyarch: Im 1st 1

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