New Season 8 Bomb Teasers & Salvo Ship Apex Legends + Upcoming Game Modes

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Nikola Milosevic: Takodana is a planet from star wars

8timesScpz 9999: This guy talks weird af

RIOT-786: Plz tell the dive trail



Rachel Ttofi: Fuse's ult reminds me of Johnny Cash- the Ring of Fire and I love that

Niki: Dude I was in a the top three, ready to destroy these kids and I all of a sudden started to hear whistling noises and oh dear lord did I think, *My god damn game is being nuked tf*

Obito Uchiha: The quick queue may be a way to join a game mismatch, to a team that lost their third or second

Shawntel Votion: just buff rampart to make Shelia detachable make her alower and un able to slide boom fix

Edgar Eduardo Gaytan Jimenez: Can someone link the gif or video of the dogs taking a bath from the intro? Also, great video.

Potato Titan: I think they should change the damage to 15 but once you leave it, it should be lowered to 6 damage after getting out of the fire ring

CrimsinTiger X: I'm thinking it's gonna be a strong ultimate if there's multiple bombs like gibby or bang

Aaron Harrison: Omg I thought there was a Bangalore glitch lmao

Charlie Marks: When you shoot the bomb thingy it makes a heart with the fire, does that relate to anything maybe?

Nifemi Sadiq: Omd it’s a skinny gibby

bruh ghost: Said everything so quickly lol

HonourMate: Damn, the guy playing and getting 2 and 1 must have an elite streak of 50 atleast

ghillysniper45: Hey water don't know if you've gotten this yet but the new legend seems to have a mortar (that's what his bombs look like)

My Instant Search: 6 man will be exciting

Xavier Loredo: Quick que would be so awesome the loading screen takes a good 30-40secs

Justin Mabb: I want an official solo mode not a no fill ☹️

Jukebox Fandango: "Takodana Arenas" Star Wars? Are they doing a crossover event?

Eric Kociemba: This voice cadence is killing me.

MagickMoore: stop ending every sentence in an ellipses...please

Umair Bashir: I searched up this video cause I just saw the teaser ingame when it was a final 3v3. The bomb confused me and the other squad came in and killed me


JonEw27: Thé takodana name is interesting because it’s the name of a planet in Star Wars

fun guy: Hey water when I was playing in world's edge i saw a 1 second earthquake do you know what that is

IvanThings: Fuze? *Rainbow Six Siege flashback*

PTGTIMO: There gonna add 6 men but not even solo...

Darklaw: How about take back all these updates and gives us a new hero

Joker: Man, you deserve more attention than that!

itchoke: Holy shit season 8 is going to be interesting. Havent been this hyped since season 5!

Bully: Death Trigger - One Bullet in gun , One HP, maybe like One in The Chamber from CoD?

v PinkWolf v: Mirages ship is by Octanes place on kings canyon

Rocket Warfare: Do you know what time the bombs will start appearing today?

Adam S: Anyone else feel like more recent seasons have been going by MUCH quicker than the first few seasons?

Thaakir Bohardien: That was in the season 5 trailer

Valar Morghulis: what does LTM stands for btw?

Efe Bayar: Dude ı just realised that in the season 5 trailer there were bombs that fell to Pahfinder and Mirage ı tought it was Bangalore's ult but itt was teasing Salvo all along! Share this knowledge!

Fire_star_pilot: 0:21 the ship shape is like ion splitter rifle

FBI: So he’s like a caustic Gibraltar

YAHBOI: Plot twist: Fuse gets killed by Forge clone

Mike Pace: Water i really like your leaks and content but my wife can not stand your voice lol she says you pause to damn much and sound like you have a hotdog in your mouth

roy kirk: Horizon plus fuse ult

samurai radius: Last circle with Bangalore Gibby and fuse : I am industructible Watson : hold my ultimate accelerant

Paul Mims: Wait Takodana, like the Star Wars planet?

Oversimplified 2027: Considering the mortars are in rift i think that place will get destroyed

Yevan Godet: Breath bro

DNVX_Sniper: Bro who played kings canyon today like cuz I played

Dauntt Eh: Death Trigger could be linked to Revenant or Bangalore Edit: I think it may be a Ltm for Bangalore’s collection event

Trevor Hutson: Pretty hyped for the next season. Idk why people say apex is dying. Ive been having alot of fun this season, and I really liked Holoday Bash because it was constant fighting the entire time. Really improved with my aim and handling 2v1 or 3v1. Apex's future is looking pretty good imo!

Nyktelios Sol: Cannot wait for fuse to come out ;p

CHAOTIC_Gamxr: I saw that ship

The Baz Has the FUz show: fuse's ultimate feels very similar to bang and gibby so im not a fan

Blu Brin: I imagine the mortar would be like bang's smoke not like gibby or bang's ulti

Amaré: Gameplay videos question mark question mark?

Steve Armstrong: I'm still crashing and getting a server failed menu alot

conflicc ricks: Fuse is gonna break the game


Aoki Oco Jongco: I'll sing the song"ring of fire" everytime i get a kill with fuse

J. Reapmusic: Ash is coming

Fendi Wattson: Why can’t we have a legend with actual skill 100$ bucks this new legend won’t even be a low profile legend but can drop a shit ton of bombs and manually 😂 basically they just introduced C4 and you guys are going 🥳🥳🥳🥳🤩🥳🥳🥳

PETARDAwNABIAL: what? An object lands on the ground and deals dmg over time? U wont believe its not Caustic... i was saying that since Revenants skills leaked and 1 of them was poison daggers - We already have everything. Now its all reskins and rearrangements. Whats Wattson? A Caustic, but more obvious. Whats Horizon? An Octane, but tactical. Whats Crypto? A Bloodhound, but remote. Whats "fuse"? A Gibraltar, or Bangalore, But also Caustic.

Yul Witherspoon: My boy Water the sauce

Daniel Mondelo: The "Death trigger" mode reminds me that everyone might be using fuse's ultimate or evryone is using fuse

The Artificer: I believe the mortars will explode on impact, but he only has one shot so this is fair.

rskwonderv2: Death trigger = gun game?

BUGBRO 2016: "These are test server game mode's, this doesn't mean they will be coming anytime soon" Yeah not anymore since more people are leaking information making the dev's more mad, your content is good buuuuutttttttt, i feel like something's should be held from the public since it just lower's the amount of people joining the new season's

Koopakiing ratmode: Why water though? 💡

Dijiboss: I hope we get one for all ltm i mean yeah its not normal but it can be a small ltm for 2 days mixed with other small ltm like they did last year with 3rd person mode and more

Wafflez :3: So where does that put bang and gibby? Cause all 3 will most likely have the same ult..

Challenge to get 1000 subscribers with no vids: Imagine a team of: Bangalore, gibby and fuse with their ultimate all charged.... Delete the game

TEN NO SHiN'EN ZARA: Sad truth the ring of flames looks underwhelming asf wraith phase out, loba braclet out, watson pylon counters it maybe. Rip

Aiden Nicholson: Fuse gonna be op

I Love Troye Sivan: Would be nice if they added solo's, cause I am tired of joining matches with bad teammates that fly somewhere else or die and quit right away, and I am not a very social person so I don't have many friends that play apex so don't suggest I get some friends that are as good as me It would just be nice to finally not have teammates bringing me down and leaving it up to me to fight a whole squad

Francois DelRio: fuse should have a passive to cook grenades

Staszk: Imagine if a legend could do that much damage with a tacital that easy, and yet people still would complain about caustic.

Unusual Nick: Can anyone explain why I was suspended for a week? I’m just an average gold 1 player who died most of the time and never gets more than 12 kills so why was I banned 🥲

orando15: Is Fuse going to make Bangalore useless now since he has airstrike with fire bombs😳

atom_il: I feel like the after fire shouldnt be a ring but a area around the bomb that does damage over time and stays for awhile so it can block off chock points

Kail: Camping with nukes around caustic gas

SK Souls: Fuse= Better Bangalore question mark?

Mr. Degenerate: i should have taken a picture of the ship

Mr. Degenerate: i actually the salvo ship in game today on worlds edge

Froakie production: The games crashing a lot today and I’m actually sad because I play the game everyday lmao

Shardy Daoud: New Update; Mirage Voyage has returned on Kings Canyon as that has returned as well and Mirages Phone has moved inside the ship with a new voicemail FROM his mum.

roxrookie: There is a mirage ship in king's kanyon. I played that map today.

Literally Your Mom: Takodana is a planet in Star Wars... Battlefront 2 x Apex collab?

EnderCreep72: The ship is in World's Edge today, I've been lied to!

SKILLSHDLOL11: Apparently there is a horizon voice line saying only one legend left so it must be a possibility for solos and there supposed to be bring back iron crown stuff and solos were out when that was out so mabye in season 8

Just A Wanderer: The one thing that's making this game annoying, is the amount of people leaving, forcing you to play solo. It's so damn annoying. They may as well toss in a solo mode. And if the excuse that some legend's would be useless, just have it for damage characters or something.

Kieran Sherman: Why didn’t you tell us about your rap accoubtb

Titus LeRoy: 0:02 dude that bucket looks like its full of ramen

Ben: Where is the new map???

Stoned Duo: All that recoil control on an R 99, seems a little sus...

Jrman513: Hi I’m lava

Jrman513: “Hi I’m water”

grimmfruit: fuse+gibby+bang, hell yea

BigRed DaMan: 6 man squads would be fun af

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