Apex Legends Season 11 Legend Ash Abilities & Teasers

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Sebotsa Mapate: If you play the audio logs in Big Maude with Rampart, blisk talks about a special job, I think Rampart is building a body for Ash

Epischer Wane: can't wait to Defeat ash like from the campaign again.

thebrokenafrican: Past 3 seasons they always say its ash

Stephen Naylor: "They are in the game but they are hard to see" yeah, when you can't play the game it's pretty difficult to see! Joke of a game right now and I'm going off it big time!

WalnuT ツ: Increasing damage against enemies=new main

Lukas M: Can we please get another support legend for once...

Ryan Kulcsar: I think she could definitely be the next legend but I reeeeally hope she isn’t. I always love how creative the new character usually are and I don’t think we need another edgy robot it just seems kinda lazy

kxngz_unknown 07: Ashe is going to be nerfed so much just to be a legend of she is

Erisson Magalhaes: I’m hoping ash skin looks hot

James Jameson: I want lots of titanfall voicelines like "An ultimate so soon? you scare to easily legend, etc

Addison Andrews: I have a feeling that the ash glitch and other stuff are a decoy like forge just to trick code leakers and then they will reveal the real legend coming to apex near season 11 or in season 11

Lukas Don'tKnow: Well at this point if they add her as a legend. I hope they wont bring Blisk to the game. Imagine playing as a owner of apex games and die. Would have feel so wrong.

Wolves _zx: I just hope they fix her face, because to me her face is kind of looking a bit wonky.

Monkadude15: I also agree, a human skin would be awesome (heck, it’s already awesome that Ash is going to be the next legend). Anyways, the human skin could be called something like “Humanity”

Silly Fun Games: Hey guys! Check this guys channel has some of the best apex advance settings that can really change your game. Really underrated and deserves some subs and likes. https://youtu.be/NnBV1sAqK_s

Thatotherchannel: Maybe it’s a marked for death game mode from tf

Beerculeses D. Zori: Bruh I am pumped and all, but when can I play the game?

Utsuro: I feel like they’ll release a human ash skin like some origin skin just like how valk had one

Radiated Retr0: D e a t h

iMingoz: zenyatta coming to apex

N Rolling: I hope they keep her Portal Ability that goes through walls

Robot Kiefer: The dog has done marine

Keno FlexX: What if thats a model of Mila and shes hacking the arenas 👀

Faizal Nurhadi: What's the hop-up for that gold prowler? Seems new

Azuan Atoya: entire server problem probably due to ash.

endless deaths: Og titanfall players know what marked for death means...

Instructionss: I remember the leak from about 2-3 seasons ago that we thought was her kit.. the portal that went through walls or something like that

chimichangas: I’m gonna main ash if she comes out! Sorry caustic

Master Chef: She’s kinda cute… I’ll probably be shamed for that :l

Mm Ff: Hope her ability

Your Uncle John: Y’all need to ruck off with these data mines. Can’t get away from all these spoilers

Tarik Williams: Hm would love for ash to be a movement based character, hope she has an ability that gives her a vertical or horizontal dash of some kind.

Jacob ibarra: Ash and Rev team lets goooo

S: I thought the next legend was gonna be bangalore's brother

San Bastían: I really hope Ash gets the clothest look to Titanfall 2 version as possible and becomes a playable legend

KillOrBeKilled: I want ash to become a legend but I feel like the way they'll make her will make her body look weird or way different than titan fall ash or current ash

snipesx: I mean they teased seer

MarekCMonster: As a Vincent Dynamics faction in titanfall 2, I hope they make her a fun character, because I'll most likely main her even if I don't particularly like her character

Jaylun Morawietz: Now that you said ash is the next legend she won't be now

poop 212: I think the sphere us going to do damage over time when you close to it

Casey F: She’s not the next legend. It’s another Forge. And I’m going to laugh when you all get bamboozled.

MiCRO: honestly that looks like cryptos sister mila, maybe shes trying to hack into the games?

The Great Baebino: I really hope she has a passive to be able to wall run for a short bit. Since she was a titan pilot in TF2 it would be a cool carry over. Maybe not have her be able to run really far with it, but just to add another movement thing and keep the lore of it too.

Meln: looks less like ash and more like mila. pretty sure mila hacks into arenas to reach crypto

Dark Liquid: Another season... Another "Ash gonna be next legend".

Just Whatieat: Ive heard her passive should be "marked death" if she kills one she can scan the rest of the enemy Team

awesome2927: i feel like this is another Forge for some reason, I just dont see her being in Apex. Even though she was previously an apex predator but still

EPG ESSUS: In titanfall 2 marked for death was a limited game mode were one player from each team would randomly be marked for death whichever died first would gain a point for the opposite team I highly doubt she is coming to the games

GoldHerculesGaming: definitely seems like a mark of death kind of ability. maybe it'll spill out like a molly and curse or affect anyone in the radius, like a debuff splash ability

youdumbasf: 👀

Honey Badger: Marked for death, sounds like a hunter ability from World of Warcraft.

Jack Ellis: could you start doing the item shop in the start of vids after a rotation ends

Alexander Alabyev: Subscribed!

Maryse Dbd: She’s gotta be badass she’s so hyped

No No: I was really hoping for a new support legend

boostmymint: Hopefully she is a movement character or at least has an ability like wraiths phase

B Sully: You tellin me i have to listen to her annoying ass voice as a legend

MindBull3t: The new ash model is creepy 😬😬😬

Dylan: I’m happy she might be playable but I already know she’s gonna be a offensive legend. Which I strongly dislike bc of how many there are.

Saphira Brightscales: I really like her new current face she has in the Arenas, I hope she has that appearance as a Legend. And please no human Ash!

eatsmoke: Pretty sure “Marked for Death” was one of revenant’s abilities in an early datamine before he was added... 🤔

Synshu: Shotgun leg?

_ Couteaux: fuse cannon changes with his skins, crypto's drone doesnt, ramparts gun doesn't, LL's drone doesn't whats uppppppp??

Parham Sameti: Hopefully she will be the next wraith. I’m depressed since they destroyed wraith and really hoped that they add another small , agile and movement legend


Angus: i actually hope she doesn't get added

arcadiabunny: So is Horizon's assistant isn't Ash then? because Ash's human form doesn't look like the assistant. It is same hair but eyes and eye color etc. looks different. Maybe just me

a a: I hope they release human Ash and not robot Ash lol, have 0 interest in the robot version

Dystrakshyn: It’s be cool if her ult was a charge-up dash with a sword or something where she just flies forward in a line and stuns enemies or something

Drako Sasori: I think all the codes for Ash are just a placeholder for the next legend, like the holospray will be an Ash holo for anyone to throw down

TheHoundGamer: This is actually interesting because revenant originally had an ability in the files called “marked for death” where he tagged someone for 10 damage and they would be marked until either they fully healed, or until they got killed. Maybe it’s the same ability 🤔

The First Trillionaire: I wish she didn’t come back because she’s a predator. It kinda downplays the legacy of the actual Apex predators if she gets rolled by a couple of grunts, showman, scientist, and wannabe pilots. SHE IS A FRICKIN PILOT! And literally one of the best in the galaxy. I don’t think any predators should be in the game for lore reasons, but hey, it’s EA am I right? Gotta love those greedy money fingers.

Prism Master: Mark death may be referring to the old revenant tactical called marked for death, though Ash's Markdeath ability seems to be very different with the area of effect.

Yuul: When Forge

Hol Horse Gaming: human ash isnt possible lmao how are you gonna put a simulacrum back in a human body

GHST project: I go full ash simp if there will be a human ash skin for sure!

barni Fazekas: I hope she's Abilitis are good

Osiris_ official_: If ash is the next legend that means we have 2 apex predators in the apex games ash and valk

jamie du plessis: I like that Ash that she well be the perfect legend for season 11

jamie du plessis: That Ash looks different I thought it was going to be the Ash from titanfall 2 but that's Ok

Koby Shotta: I wonder what kind of legend she would be a recon,defensive,support,damage or whatever

Jungle the natty: She won’t be the next legend.

I 1ns4n3 The: Yesterday I was playing arenas with rev and he says something unusual when ash was talking about playing arenas and revenant literally say like she knows what I'm talking about or something lol, really i don't remember but rev was talking kind a she were a legend and there be like he likes she lol.

rocket361: Hello sir Garret, quick question, can you explain why ash would even want to join the apex games, seeing that she is kinda the host makes me think that it would not make sense lore wise; any theories?

Adonis T.: It won’t matter what her abilities are the second someone is killed by it and complains it will be nerfed. Lol

harsh das: I'm waiting to play season 10

Sappireflames000: NO, there is still a chance for surfer dude.

Pramey: we need a new movement champ bro im a pathy main but based on how every other champion is so boring i dont even consider anything else after horizon got nerfed after her first season.

Krecko65: What i always Wished her q or passive to be Able to wallrun and her ulti a Mini titan

Christian Dye: I remember before they released revenant there was an ability in the game files called marked for death, it was speculated that it would be one of his abilities. The original ability was to put a marker (highlight like seer BH crypto etc) on an enemy for up to 60 seconds or something but it would go away once they full healed

Yvan Brunel: Garret. Are you a Mirage Main too?

FinFan 83: I can not imagine if Ash will be a Legend what voicelines will it generate if your squad also has Horizon ! I guess Loba vs Revenant and Lifeline vs Fuse will pale in comparison to them two...

Estevan Delgadillo: If ash is the new legend then they could put blisk as the new areanas announcer

RamenNoodlez: Well if Ash is the new legend, I hope pathfinder and her have voice lines 😁

Savion Allen-Harding: What if it’s a revenant skin? Like an elite skin from rainbow six

Amauris Joaquin Linares: Maby her ability would be that of interrupting enemy sights were if you get hit by one of her projectiles you will get instantly blinded until a few seconds or her ability might be that every player that comes close to her or her fild of view will be blind for a limited time and she might also not be able to be scanned by any of the recon characters

Bluesnake462 ?: If you can still play as marriage during the Christmas event where he is the announcer I don't see why we couldn't have Ash.

Aaron Hall: Ash is definitely not gonna be the next legend people have been hyping her up to be ever since the broken ghost quest its not gonna happen they had a clear chance to in season 9 and they didn't and if they had every opportunity to do so they would have by now shes not the next legend give it a rest.

EzMoney 2007: What if marked death is an ability that after being hit with it and you knock or kill that player, their teammates are pinged so you can see them.

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