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✞jaVexXu..ł✞: am i the onlyone who think that seer looks like lil nas x?

Syed Ameed: Seer's tactical and ultimate makes a lot of noise, that's kinda irritating

R.V.G Adventures: I just can't wait for season 10 p

NoobfromID: Bloodhound + Crypto = SEER

NN555: Have you guys checked out this amazing APEX game play video? It’s mind blowing! Watch the Live streaming here!

Louie loo: Doesn't Seer kind of remind you of Raiden from MK?

Ali Abi: Lil nas

Montez Hicks: Which skin should I get for seer I like all of them but can't choose.

Ara ara: All skins are ugly, including the season pass

Natsu: he reminds me of kunglao

A S: Gaaaaaay


aadit dasgupta: 3:07 The exaggerated swagger of a black teen

Solomon Jackson: I see Lil Nas X made it into Apex

Jack: Lil nas x vibes

Wizz: i see this character i think of NAS X

Beanfed2 Yt: Off brand bloodhound

MJH6: I don't like the midriff. That's my only problem with Seer.

Going _Gr33n_TV: Sitting on a 0.5% update progress. Noice

Jawby: Hard pass.

Aria Mohaghegh: Yeah the passive totally isn't exactly like pulse's from rainbow six siege

Guilhermerfor: Pog video

Jamin Martinez: His ultimate is gonna be hella useful for endgames ngl

LemonFlavouredDryWall: "There is no such thing as a coincidence"

BlackNeck POV: Is it me or was that Itemps 😂😂😂🤙🏾

Szlendak: 3:13 oh god why are you so judgemental ffs

Szlendak: Tiger eyes 🥵🥵🥵

Ace WMD: This guy is just bloodhound with health bars

jay_the_jinchuriki: for those who want to counter seer pick crypto, he has a emp and is basically immune to seer's ult, my main finally has a use

Alex Amorim: 3:15 you're so homophobic that you can't even watch a man dancing expressing art through his body.

Punjibob: Seer is gonna be broken lol but i think valk can counter

Cameron Cantu: As a black man I am just like damn... They couldnt just have a masculine black dude...They had to make him super feminine and I can almost gaurantee you he is going to be gay...fuckin sad man. Can't have a strong black man that takes care of his family in videogames anymore. SIGH

Deshon Spencer: I like this seer character but what about loba lol

Amir Nazrin: seer getting some jojo vibe skins

Ashley Bailey: They did my boy bloodhound dirty 😤

TaillessSwagger: Fake Fruity Version Of Geras

Awiatop: 3:25 perfect music timing

Ed U: Seer looks super gay!

Slica: SwagboyQ after seeing the swagger back emote: 😮‍💨

AJ: 3:10 my dad going to think Seer is gay for sure jajaja

ThatXpert Kid: The Light Snow looks like Raiden from Mortal Kombat.

rustine07: a rdr2 lenny summers skin is needed for seer in my book

JMeyels: Cutie

Xeph: show the epic skins

FIREXALLST4RZ: Wait seers emotes look gay and his legendary skins are ass who the hell thought this would be a good character to release ?! We should have gotten Ash instead.

Ella Jane: His legendaries are ehh

TheEmeraldDodo: Anyone else think that the legendary skins have been getting worse recently?

Yoda: Lil nas x in apex

Kirbybros.: I was hoping he’d get like a witch doctor lookin skin, that would’ve been cool imo.

Dr. Nicky: i hate octane and im buying that banner!

Occurredccx: Octane mains be like: Brrrr TO SLOW

le gouloog: Love thé Prowler back

Anthony Armenta: The white skin reminds me of Raiden from MK, I hope they give us a baron samedi Halloween skin for him that would be really cool

Henry Fitzwater: How did you get in that game to play seer

Edward Davis: I main pathfinder , he has no heart. Lol

Ghost Angel34: I would like more support characters

XpertAtGaming: Seer's Light Show skin reminds me of MK's Raiden

spooki: Loba was dead on with the description, seer does have a sense of fashion

Junior: Tbh the scariest thing youll see in season 10 is a seer with over 500 kills and a rampage lmg

Janush Halt: Hmm nja.. Bloodhound is a better recon.

blub3rry: i personally hate octane, so thank you. for showing me that banner C: (all jokes)

The big FPS: Pov :u waiting for him to use prowler 💀

Shoyo Hinata: The thing he throws for his ult is his heart chamber that holds his Microdrones

Max van der Walt: Bro if he is gay😤😤

Games4life: He looks like lil nas x but im fine with that'

Laura Oblivion: Holy f**k we are dommed. 🥲 Guys Im also making Apex gaming videos. Just started. Every support matters 😭😭🤘💜

Samuel Caldwell: Can path finder avoid the heart beat sensor because he is a robot he has no heart

Ali Jan: Tf happened to lol??

DemeVice XVI: They fucked up those legendary skins. The potential was immaculate but they macked out.

Welliopat: Bruh when you put the meme up there

Sparkykunnn: Seer got that drip

me n' we horses Horses: Why didn't you show his finishers.

Cendulinas CZ: ok, Now i know, he is SHIT, thx nice video

Esad Mehmedovic: Oh its lil nas x

The Cloaker: I have but one simple question: launch bundle skin?

Bill S: They should have made a Dennis rodman style skin for him or something. Similar to the Lil pump crypto skin. The legendaries are trash

Lunatic Child: He is definitely the fruitiest legend, followed by Valk

Toda AMVs: Seer emotions* Me : cringeeee

alex imosemi: Bros dance is soo gay 😂

Zeus Ramsden: That first legendary skin looks like raiden for some reason

Abode King: I think he is gay

István Nagy: Crypto 2.0

Ashley Lawrence: Seer and Bangalore is going to be absolutely game breaking.

StrikerHeadshot: Dude revenant, octane, and seer team comps are gonna rule

StrikerHeadshot: There's not an outlaw skin with an overcoat and I'm disappointed

source:Cory: Now playong lil naz x and Jack Harlow - industry baby

isäs: Lil nas x in apex

Kyon Kon: Seer looks like Lil Nas x

Lord Flacko: Lil Nas X gonna change apex forever

robublynde: Crouch walking with rev would be good against his alt

Hanz Fran: i dont like Seer that much because he’s basically a better Bloodhound which replaces bloodhound’s use

Rio Kaman: I’m buying the light show skin so nice

Klaudio Abdullaj: seer's legendary skins suck

JtD theningaj: Can you show what he looks like with fibre optics

ThatsMasterChief!: Bro imagine combining this with revenant, so picture this, you see an enemy squad fighting another so you plop the rev totem and rush in and you use your ultimate to scan them even if you leave the area mind you, you get them weak but come back to the totem and combining this with an octane jump pad to push and you use your tactical to stop them from healing then you kill the whole squad, Seer is pretty busted

Deox: seer's ult cd is way too quick, they better tone it down

Horriblebadwolf: I’m discounted with he’s outfits,banners and dances since there like only 1 or 2 of each stuff that I like

raymond portalatin: Wait a minute they add a little Nas X to Apex

unilityy: Lil Seer X is that you??!!!?!

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