*NEW LEGEND* SEER ABILITIES AND DETAILS! Season 10 Launch Trailer Reaction (Apex Legends)

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kandyrew: I couldn't figure out too many map changes from this trailer, but the most notable was at around 4:10 - where it seems like there's a new area with ski lift style transports going over lava. The buildings in this scene look entirely new. But it is difficult to tell where this is exactly. My best guess is that since we saw the ski lifts before from the EA website (it's the picture where Seer is taking out Caustic, behind them is a backdrop of an area that looks like this), this scene in the short might actually be the same area as that image.

vercz is unknown: new combo Bloodhound Seer Crypto

Charlton Johnson: kandy look at mirages mom and at the woman who created pathfinder

Qus: I main crypto, and I also feel sad about this. Hopefully respawn make a good decision to balance the every legends

Ben Vadolia: 3:56, seer looks like a moth

Job ruis: He acts and looks like kung lao ffom mortal kombat

Heinzrich Nathanael Pangestu 1306129: hold on bro i gotta use my ability ok bro- *starts twerking*

R McD: 3:00 double jump? Titanfall?😂

The Homie: Imagine competing for over a million dollars only to be stopped by Lil Nas X

Javier Solis: Kryoto is the most useless in arenas period,as soon as I see a drone I go to the very back and find him,and take him down lmaol.

HennyThing: Movement is still better on PC…

Ignacio Ramirez: He can transport a teammate near him.For them one shot enemies.Which would help especially when your one shot yourself. If not you’re welcome respawn. It could be called nacho time. Or Not your Time Seriously

WhyDoPpl: cat believe valorant and apex are in the same universe

Ernest Themadhatter-2-: Be cool if you shut up and let them talk and then voice your opinions thanks

Cryptomane1: If cryptos buff is good enough I might not play seer


Fhitz Capalit: Cypher why are you- you know what nvm

Gomi350z: Is it just me or is arenas dog water...........RIP Crypto

Dominic Siañez: That was basically an SMR but it shoots different grenades

Whehehr: Revenant: talking about how he and seer might get along Seer: proceeds to hand his robo-hiny to him

GetTaken TV: aim assist doesnt exist as much ass you think kandy...it hurts more than helps us

GetTaken TV: "making sure the price and economy is correct" SAYS YOUR $20-$60 SKINS such a greedy company

GetTaken TV: people love arenas bc there is no 3rd parties...thats it nothing else

GetTaken TV: lil nas vibes

Shifted Studios: My favorite shot is when Seer dives after Crypto because the ruble is made to resemble moth wings

Syah: Complains about aim assist But can airstrafe across the whole map

ez_.wiccan Maximoff: Nope aim assist is rly weak on apex there was a vid showing it on tik tok

SenpaiiKunnn: 2:47 seer wants to be Kung Lao

Iron Fetus: the budget for this trailer must have been $12 and a reach around

Aiden Geissbuhler: Omg I just bought this head set at Wal-Mart like 16 hours ago

Alex Bowler: So do all Pc players think aim assist is aim bot or what because they seam to not understand that they have full on control with their mouse n shit y’all can be much more accurate with keyboard and mouse way easier to control recoil

Xdevita: The new gun might be the volt but you can use thermites as ammo

Afro X: And in one fowl swoop, Bloodhound and Crypto become obsolete...or...Bloodhound, Crypto, and Seer become the greatest tracking team of all time...get ready for across the map chases, boys.

Ron G: Beside being a cinematic masterpiece .. this trailer gives me a feeling they are heading for 5 v 5 somehow could be arena or something 🤔 but yeah this trailer is just beautiful.

Koyomi Araragi: 3:00 kandy : "imagine if we could move like that" warframe be like : FURTHER AND BEYOND XD


Starkill3r 306: “Some people are gonna be super triggered by that” Kandy 1 second later “reeee aim assist”

Natko Bratko: First they gonna make him op and 0 days later uselles

Samuel Lopez: how would mirage work in the sphere

Mini Beast Gaming: It pisses me off a bit when people say aim assist is overpowered because people on controller only get their thumb to control their aim when people on keyboard and mouse get their whole hand and arm to control their aim, just saying.

Kalum Ford: Pathfinders creator is mirages mom🤯

SirShinki: Aim assist isn’t even that OP yah Drag that so much 😭😭let it go

Philip Melcher: apex is so under rated like the story line and lore is good enough

Rogue: No offense to Apex but they totally could have made Seer better passive to hear heartbeats sound dumb but since his eyes have a curse why can’t his passive be if he looks at an enemy there is a small chance they will miss their shots if they are far away and his tactical could be he sends his drones and there is a small animation making the drones fly to your face and start ringing so you can’t really see for like 5 seconds other than that his ult is good and he looks really cool.

Playonmystation: Your entire arm connected to a hand which is rested on a mouse is op vs aim assist .. how would aim assist values be higher in algs .. I don't get that part .. I don't get how pro players complain about aim assist when they have an entire hand rested on a pro mouse ..far more accurate then some assist on a thumbstick

MLGDestroyer 123: Seer is a boot leg lil nas x😂😂

Goldfish: I’m ready for whiny pc players about aim assist

Ricechrispy0527: Seer's ultimate, sounds like the sonar thing from Halo

Ricechrispy0527: That new area looks like it's a redone refinery or overlook or maybe even survey site.

Ricechrispy0527: Kinda sweet how they're bringing a light ammo lmg finally.

BALD_kid 0: This headset looks good

Letlhogonolo Nlashwa: 2years ago Apex Legends came out of nowhere and one hundred million player and 17 legends but no African servers Whats next?

Simo Msomi: They better keep aim assist for consoles that's the only advantage we have against PC players

KKPL12: this new character is definately going to ruin crypto players

ULTIMATE Gamer: Controller only has aim assist, pc has so many more “buffs”

Ronald Watson: I think loba gettin a heirloom weapon this season

Mason conde: Why turtle beach🤣

DuMpLy şåñ: Mirages mom is pathsfinders creator....

Shen: 1:35 and more cheaters too xD

Demon Slayer: Can crypto use his emp to destroy the dome?

Calvin Ferren: Imagine seer with a rev and octane combo use seer to see where they are then jump and ape them

Balsamic: Why did he specifically say lifeline was his girl

Tripptank: I switched to PC because aiming on controller sucks. Aim assist is overrated.

Louise Tickle: Plz wattson buff and causthicc

Dru Id: I seen everything on ea play but im still watching your video to support you

Vali Valy: I wonder if you can destroy mini robots from the end of that new legend with the ultimate of crypto

elijah tom: i like the fact that they're multicultural with their characters, i hope i see a samoan/tongan character

666dior777 blade: lmao now crypto guna be like s1 bh

Hejira#2854: Stop pretending like aim assist is strong lol. People who think it is, literally don't play console. Two janky sticks do not compare to the precision of a mouse. You can literally make recoil nothing because you have so much control.

Zombie Deathrays: Fix the devotion in arenas 😂. Purple with turbo so cheap.

EXIDUS_Cav: Just saying you sold me on those turtle beaches im buying some tomorrow

Monkey_Man !: Xbox and um ps I’m hurt

Beacon of Wierd: Why didn’t the go the mindcontrol route :( He is basically a vodoo priest, let him mind control enemy players :D But have him do it in a fun way for the person being mindcontrolled, for example, if the person being mindcontrolled matches the movement he can break out of the mindcontroll, this way it’s a challenge to try to predict how the other person will try to move. So it’s not a ”I’m disabeled, better go take a coffe break” moment, it’s a ”I have to outsmart this” :D And have the mind control only engage if you look at him for too long. Say you activate the mind control ulti, then anyone who looks at you for more than say 2 seconds gets mind controlled :) So you can easily avoid it by just not looking at him… but then you can also not shoot him :p Or even funnier, have him ”swap minds” instead, so you take over the other player, and he takes over you. A death totem can appear at your location and you get out of the swap when you die and get teleported back to the death totem. I just want to see something cool and different, not the same old ”He can see footsteps!!! But only if they are moving fast…”

Dexterdehedgehog leon.: Kandy you say that aim asist is op on console but wath is beter and console not has is no recoil wat pc has

Siwi: "People are loving it"?? Really? It's fuckin cancer, you cant play stealth in this game, sometimes you cant even play at all no matter how good is your pc that's how laggy servers are....

Iam Emnesty: Another homosexual legend... wow

Ahmad Sandra: Seer = bloodhound 2.0

CATFISHDAVE612: And they still couldn't fix Titanfall.

lalram hruai: so what does that mean for Revenant then? Because he can move fast crouched? Will he still get detected or be good?

Dark Master: Oh, thank god octane was finished bcs I wasn't prepared for crypto to get hes ass kicked again...

Joseph Pugliese: Your just trAsh there is aim asitst is not good

Yxin: He look like lil nas x

Soundlless: Seers voice wants to make me scream without the s😫

Toxic Waste: aim assist this aim assist that WERE ON FUCKING THUMB STICKS STFU

Ko Runny: He basically like bloodhood

James Gammon: Yo are they ever going to fix player base match making?

dx31desatup: If you move fast In his ult he sees you if you walk he dont

Ima: Seers ability totally could have been a crypto one.. maybe they'll give crypto dual drones in the future

Sirhc Elgnid: That’s xavier woods from WWE 😂

Simone van der Merwe: this launch trailer is right up there next to season 3's launch trailer.. so friggin cool

MajinBlack: That ult can definitely help with pushing

Hogan plays the game: Xavier woods is in the trailer!

Raffeal Hunter: Grenade ammo? Are they going to be easier to obtain now

Chaseracer23: this is the love triangle valk likes loba and loba likes bang

Buttcheeks areanusarmor: I don't think Kandy remembers that the "ski lifts" have been in the game since worlds edges release

InSiDiOuS_MaRe: IDK which ability it was but he just parted the gas like moses and cut off wattsons alt

Elijah Cortes: I mean when it comes to console its not really about aim assist, pc players have way more room for small movements which is better flexibility other than a controller player who is limit to the joystick's movement and delay the only reason console players aim well isn't because of aim assist ONLY but also due to the fact that its easy & smooth when it comes to tracking while shooting just moving the joystick unlike pc where you move your entire arm THEN pull down for recoil.

eric barrera: The host was Xavier woods from wwe

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