Season 8 Launch Trailer Reaction! New Legend, New weapon, Kings Canyon Blows Up (Apex Legends)

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EtherealRonin: Fuse: You can’t just blow up the surface of kings cany- Maggie: 1:24

Pietro Carbonelli: 1:34 GIBBY THE BUBBLE THE BUBBLE!! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

babygirl. paris: First it was lona destroying kings kanyon and now someone else lol

babygirl. paris: It doesn’t even feel like it’s been a while since season 7 came out😭

Andrew Romulo: Are we not gonna talk about how all the civilians were on that mountain

Popeyes Biscuits: Bobby Copperhand

The Matrixs: can you make a video on all the videos of horizon messages about her son, as all 3 messages are out on Olympus??

Gameplay: Kings canyon season

Alex The Gamer: lmao bunker has to be one of the only ones not destroyed

Spark: i feel like octane and fuse are gonna get along just fine xD

XplosiveBunny: that I remember, those MRVN without right hand in Olympus is teaser for Fuse

indigo pfeffer: Anyone else wondering who the girl lifeline is saving she looks to unique to be no one, and has the logo on her dress lifeline has on her headband

lestro krembe: Ngl if bunkers gone I'll miss it

[Blank]: Why is the game fallout 4

Aryan parkstone: So uh gibby has a dome shield AND DIDN'T USE IT TO SHIELD THE PEOPLE WHEN THE SHIP WAS SHOOTING *yeah ok*

Aryan parkstone: Me: reads the fucking video name and sees the thumnail Also me: FUCK NOOOOOO O O. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Der_Positive _tee: there canons on this ship because the war in this galaxis its playing in the universe of titanfall

Tanko: This is cooked lol. Was everyone a hologram or did they just decide to wipe out a bunch of innocent people for the lols of introducing a new character. Wtf did I just watch?

The MadHotDog5: are we not gonna talk about the emp he used

Just Greed: Would appreciate if they add back the if kings canyon

John Katsaros: Question for fans ONLY When was Kandy's first gameplay??

Malachai Francis: Aye s8 legend finna be MRVN

IACOB FLORIN: Ooo man I cant wait

Stephen Stephenson: WHY does his friend have a kiwi accent?

Pajo Lee: And with the thoughtless spoiler in the thumbnail, a follower was lost.

Lardoo 12360: At 1:01 was i the only one who thought he just died? :/

FhuckingTypo: It is pretty much a hunger games type of inauguration.. that's why there is cannons on the ship

Robongu: why gibby didnt do his shield so they can hide in the doom shield 1:35

CliffySilver 66: They better not touch bunker

NeverStop Fighting: Who's maggie?

Yoxek TV: Gg kingcanyon

Gluttony Biscuits: He reminds me of Kano from MK. Probably just because of the mustache and AUS accent

Kobi Hemmerle: That’s such an Australian depiction it’s not funnny

sharingan: i will miss kings canyon 😢

DELTA TPG: Maggie: You syndicate pay for that! Now ima blow up ur map! Syndicate: oOoOoOOOooO. Cool addition thanks.

Darran Fo: i love your video's also you should make another tier list before the new season starts

Ace Glorinz: I think that when the gameplay trailer comes out the demo will be out for youtubers

Oni: Me: see explosions remembering Titanfall tone core💀

lightless: You missed something at 0:50.

TenurialDuck Taco: Caustic DUMY THICC

Sahir Rabbani: Fuse and mirage are gonna have a rivalry or a romance idk

Chad Wozniak: I think they might bring her as a legend next season as a joke.. maybe lol

AI Zachie: Imagine you said thank you to Bloodhound using fuse and bloodhound saying “ALLFATHER SAYS NOT TO THANK YOU”

Abhishek K R: The big mountain in the middle flatten out in the kings canyon

- - Ginebra: Fuse: Damn boi he thicc

Thomas M: useless gibby didnt bubble

lSweatyl117: Literally the new legend is fuze from siege.

blue flames: Bloodhound 😂😂😂😂

Lol Lol: That chicks on her period

Octane Silva: Ain’t no one talking about kid wattson

Incredibilis: I love him already new main calling it

totoros dad: Bruh leave kings canyon alone nuke tf out of worlds edge please

QuarkedButt: Well it looks like my Wattson main is more relevant again, this is going to be a no 'nade zone

Rj Singster: Ik you get this a lot but, you saying the name "Magi" in this vid brought bsck serious the walking dead memories

Sup3rN0va: welp, he is now my main just because he's Australian

MrBorn2rhyme: So 3030 repeater is most likely going to be a heavy g7 style weapon and probably will use skull piercer or maybe not but I have a really good feeling it's gonna be a heavy weapon

Fatemeh Arabpour: عشقی

Jace Shadrock: Hear me out here... Mirage and Fuse have about the same characteristics. So maybe some point in the season they might or could possibly be related like be brothers maybe? This is just a theory though. It may not be right but i think Mirage and Fuse are very similar characteristic wise

Star Lite: I hope what your saying is correct and they didnt destroy all or most of KC

antwon valentino: He's a real one for saving that mrvn

Malfuncation: this is getting wormed


DEMONIO: Yes MLM Marvin lives matter 🤩 (no I don’t mean to make fun of BLM never)

Revenant: I was just confused that the season 8 trailer before the ship crashed into KC, the season 5 map has a pink-ish like sky, and the trailers, it has the normal blue sky

CastielUchiha: *millions dead*

Aidan Riddle: Can we just say that I all the legends and people just fucking got up obliterated 🤣🤣🤣

Datu Al-Qazwini Sinsuat: Apex got acused of copying a character from BulletVille that looks the exact same

Lugia Bugga1: The explosion brings season 2 trailer vibes

Plasma Zhyrox: Damn, Gibby didn’t put his bubble down😅

John Dinkel: Btw the ship has guns because it’s an x syndicate military ship from titan fall2

Mr. Ranch Dressing: bro ain't nobody talkin bout how Gibby could just dome

Anthony Magallon: Bro i cant play i need a new ps4 man dang

vahid Aria: The other legends didn't like him 🤣🤣😂

BigNateDog05 ,: Fuse reminds me of mirage a lot, but not so full of himself

THICC_ bo169: I’m certain the ship fuse was standing on is based off (or is) the IMS Thermopylae which was one of two escort ship for the draconis during the mission “THE ARK” During the trailer I believe i saw an ims logo on the side, ims being the initials before the name of an IMC ship in Titanfall 2 This doesn’t mean it is the Thermopylae but definitely a similar model built by the IMC I didn’t see this earlier but the name Thermopylae is actually written on the side of the ship 3:02

BigBaynesy: Hopefully Fuse's passive is being able to smack caustics ass

BigMac Original: people still get excited for updates in this game but it's still the same shit. people will never learn.

Aaron Schwartz: Theory maggie has a legend on the inside that set up those explosives in kings canyon

BDT outlaw: Yo are we going to be able to pick up our down teammates on our shoulders now? Like the way he picked up MRVN

EDM RIPPER: I have a feeling that he will be next to rampart in the chart

Tomato Jeff: Really was hoping that everything was so blown up that it would be fully restored and S0 King’s canyon would be back.

Jaxon Lock: Wattson heirloom

Jonathan Tate: But did you see the bones in the background. It looks like the ones from the spot close to octane's town takeover.

Herbert Wied: Bloodhound isn’t having any of it

LTD shadowz: Wait he has a mullet is this lazerbeam legend

Jamkillerz: Pretty sure Slum lakes has a huge change

ThePepsiManiac: Yo Kandy I saw you in the chat for the trailer lol. Thanks for the awesome apex content.

Timon Hall: If u blow up skulltown one more time somebody getting knocked tf out

Atlas R: 5:43 Kandy i believe there are rappels on the ship from like the “legs” to middle area

Shorty the Guy: I told my friends in season 6 that a grenade specialist would be a cool character and that his passive would be kinda like Watson's but with grenades.

supaipai: Revenant needs to stab Maggie! 😂 Its funny that Fuse and Forge both have F's in there names and robotic arms.

Leegit: Anyone else get Borderland vibes

HippityHey: Bro my favorite map was kings canyon and now its going to be gone

Grant Whitaker: season 8 is going to be awesome!

Tristan Thor: I don’t like this new season already they took our home land away from us.

Gabriel626: He used a EMP grenade on his ship

matt bunney77: Fuse sounds like he’s Australian

Thisweird GUY: That explosion was a bit of a BM wasn't it?

Icy _Animal: U understand why Maggie is mad, we saw what the Apex predators did to the frontier

Mide Fatanmi: They’ve made King’s Canyon bigger.

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