NEW Season 8 Kings Canyon First Look Revealed! - Apex Legends Season 8 Launch Trailer Breakdown

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Seiraj Shergill: 10:03 i am impressed

nendez15: I don’t see how PlayStation people can move like this, that controller is so janky and misplaced. I swear PlayStation kids be cheating somehow

Elizabeth Revocatus: I wish my internet was fast and i was this good

Matthew.Taylor: A game with staycation!!!!!!!!! Awesome!!! Lol doesn’t even sound like him. My 3 favorite players in apex teamed up! Ya love ta see it

Big Black Boykyn: We need more Stay and Soofar

Jeremy Cardona: Yeah let’s destroy the map and add a couple terrible POIs to make up for it

crayment83: When did iTemp start playing with Staycation? This is sick!

tanner !: No skill town no care

NorthsKing *: Poor so far quite as hell

BLKOPSTUBE _1231: I hope they add 4 man squads

Jarom: Bloodhounds and caustic's reaction to the spank were hilarious

Psycho__Hawk: 9:56 - 10:07 best part of the video LMAAAAOOOO

Jacob Currin: Is it just me or does his grapple garb farther away than mine

Jay Murray: Can you do a crypto drone reload challenge, just to show the noobs how its done?

equitine _: Thats a revamp of slums m8 its not far away from the viewpoint its the same distance you can also tell because of the trench wall leading to runoff.

Matt drift: i was hoping for an olympius map change so good to have kanyon back in the rotation surley im not the only one that hates olympius

Liam Malone: I bet Fuse, Horizon and Caustic will make a deadly combo💀💀💀

Tbrawlen: I'm still so blown away by Stays Canadian accent and I'm Canadian lolol

Jaxson Streufert: Hey guys its crayator

David Mowrer: That Loba impression was spot on! Well done sir 😄

Chunnu Timalsina: Make a warzone video

Jake Crane: Caustic low key high key enjoyed that booty smacc

Jake Crane: Yeah so fuck artillery I guess 😐

The modern viking: I love how stays say I dont think anyone is big on fb now I hope my man stone sees this comment

Skittle DaNiro23: Here before a mil subs

Marvin Christmas: Yup it's big on Facebook. There's a ton of streamers on there.

Tim Schultz: It's like the beginning of a joke or something... "An American, a Canadian, and an Englishman walk into a bar.... " LOL @iTemp Plays

5m4llk1ng: never like staycation before and now he even like tiktok.. so yeah big no no.. I wish I never see him in rich video anymore..

WelmHxc: Brother rich and staycation! Hell yeah, love to see more games with him.

Ronboy 20: Would’ve been easier if soofar would’ve helped at the end 😂

Jeff Schroeder: Rich:hates diving board dweeb Me: give me a charge rifle and ill be happy

TheShabalala: what does he mean by diving board POI??? anyone?

Endi Koa: Really fun to watch thank you 😂😂😂

X3ExiL3x: Definitely slums

Jordan Morgan: I laughed when fuse slapped caustic on the ass went to do it to blood hound and wasn’t having it lol 😂

Lazarus Valladares: Is it possible to play with itemp plays?

James Ferguson: 5:35 what!!? "I hit him for like 300" 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Moonish Plays Nintendo Switch Lite: finally getting it on switch 👀👀

jbrijalba: Who's ever outlook made the meeting noise, made me think I was missing a meeting of my own. Thanks for scaring me :)


Dustin Noll: Bloodhound is a strong independent woman, part of the reason she didnt want her bum spanked

Dustin Noll: If I run into 1 more diving board dweeb I'm going to lose it 😂

B B: haha what is that staycation dude smoking? How is georgia boy a weird name and how do you not know that a shitload a games are streamed on FB

Antony Ramirez: More impressions please

Justin Plays: On Play station4

Justin Plays: How do you do that with your grapple hook

Brandon Khalil: Kings canyon sucks ass

BABABABBA YAGAYAGAYGA: Let’s goooo stay and temp

ilkay vatansever: Team is good, video is bad..

Hamza Azad: 0:42 RIP diving board dweebs

Ryan Thompson: Broooooo... you sound just like Frankieonpc

Samarth79: Fuse: Tries to slap blood on butt Blood:I will slatra our enemies

Donderr Head: 10:03 i thought he was doing a racist chinese impression

Avi Omrany: Honestly this was some pretty dry game play

Tim Joe: 11:34 gave me a heart attack, thinking I missed a meeting.. mute your Outlook noises rich! 😂

Max Rodriguez: I would seem kings canyon was made smaller now -,-

sam c: Every time I watch a rich video, it’s always along the lines of “my aim is off because I was playing COD” lol

Mounir Aharchi: Itemp: I hit him for like 300 hundred. Bullets: Whaaaaaat!! Not one of us landed on octane 😂

Belvies: Not tryna be rude but I'm not a fan of the NEW GUY...

Hufex Chan: Just sayin don’t get to hyped for fuse, I don’t think his abilities will be going to deal too much damage, cause that would be too overpowered.

Alex Lawrence: Dream team: Rich, Stay, and SooXfar 🔥🔥🔥

Christo Sinclair: Haha sooxfar mad af 😂

koolwhat: Damn... Sooxfar was soooo triggered at the end there... lol!!!!

Empty Smile: 11:22 I've never been so disappointed in my team in my entire life... lmao 😂😂😂😂😂

gamerpr001: Dude, YESSS! My man is finally doing collab with staycation!

dillydoor: Staycation is such trash

Daniel belmont: iTemp X Staycation has been a duo I've been wanting to see

Jeremy's Random Life: People stream on Facebook. The fb was a Facebook streamer. I have a couple friends who stream on that.

lotuss6: i kinda wanted the map to be like a dusk setting but i guess this is good too

Robert Pennington: Have you thought about pursuing ranked?

Torrence Williams: If you see this Rich...Alot of folks from mixer went to FB and Twitch. Alot of those mixer folks were playing br/fps too, so Facebook has since then gained a significant following in that space. Twitch is the better option though imo.


Blaze_The_Ninja: 11:36 ahhh PTSD

swapna praveen: The was every gaming youtuber says he is weak even though they missed all of their shots is classic.. XD

Priti Mala: Is he playing with staycation

CHROM3Z: Been here since 100k, I’m glad you’re so close to 1 mil!

CloudyB MT: Looks like Fuse can carry downed squad members.

Swastik Srivastava: Hey staycation collabed

Junior Diaz: Kings Canyon AGAIN?!

cav main: That was slums look at the artillery canons in the backround

Mr Hash: I think Wattson is getting a heirloom😳

TamTheScotsman: Streaming apex now ! Not quite as charming or good as our man rich but hopefully one day ! TamTheScotsman !

Sasaki Max: 2:47 Did anyone notice that Rich had 14 syringes in his inventory??

Somerandom: goddamn that outlook event notification scared me. I freaked out, then remembered I don't have outlook on my home pc.

Bruhify Army: Kings Canyon finalyyyyyyyyyyyyyy WHITE SKY

Firlly Wahyudi: rich at 5:36 is how my team mates acts all the time.

vahid Aria: The others legend didn't like him at all even want to shot him :)

Chaka Gaming: 3:47 “I hit the man for 300 he’s weak “ hahaha

Jooj: New season means Vikstar stream😂

Brian: They need to add healing on ziplines you can shoot on it why can't you heal on it they need to add this in S8

Michael Boyle: No lie at first I thought sooxfer Mike was messed up and I thought it was him 😅😅 my bad for watching it at 1:30am uk time

Aiden Arnold: Staycation is so Canadian it hurts 😂

Hunter Thorne: 8:10

NunezWoe: Rich and sooxfar need to voice loba and horizon💯

harvey tuck: Everyone running for their lives: “somebody do something!!!!” Gibraltar refusing to dome shield: “You’re a little too slow brotha”

Lance Ropiha: Two

YoBoyMG: First time rich played with stay let’s gooo

OneEyeWilly 3: I feel like the cluster is the ultimate and the morter is the tactical, cluster 💣 can be lethal as of the morter seems easier to balance

Collin Otipoby: You are my go to guy to watch apex when I can’t play

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