Reacting To Apex Legends Season 8 – Mayhem Launch Trailer! Huge King's Canyon Changes Coming

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Urijah Dibble: Why is lifeline like that one girl so much

Urijah Dibble: I think caustic is gay

Ryden Rodriguez: I think his Ultimate would be that giant cannon That’s a Nessie’s get shot out of

David Bussard: Since he jumped off the ship with a marvin, maybe there will be Marvin's in KC?

Khris 1873: 4:44 so how did she take control of the ship??

Maura Vazquez: Bruh caustic got that drip and that slap

Im a Cup: fuse: *slaps caustic in his butt* caustic: wtf blood hound: AHHAAHAHA Fuse: *almost slaps blood hound* blood hound: stfu *pulls out weapon* caustic: lol

Im a Cup: 0:44

Phantom Pyro: One thing that I noticed while you were rewatching it is that the EMP Fuse uses to disable the ships weapons looks similar to the one he launches as a tactical. Now I've got this idea that his tactical will allow you to switch out the type of grenade you get to launch

Giovanni Garcia: He has 3 bombs

Rodrigo Corral: His passive has to be some sort of flack jacket right?

FRAAY L.A: so did everyone just got blown to bits in the explosion? that doesnt sound very pretty

The Dark Phoenix: I’m I the only one that heard Maggie say “bring me this traitors OTHER arm”?

Devonte Wise: You were right all along. A while back you had a theory that the Apex games was like wwe wrestling. That they weren't actually trying to kill each other and legends dont actually die in the ring. They are just putting on a show

Laftah: Fuse Is gunna pull a forge

DarkBlood: wait i jsut relised what is that grenade? arc grenade?

Emerald Archerr1: People have moaned that kings canyon had to many mountains and cliffs that took up room so I think this is the devs way of blasting it all down

saphirefish: i think boom will be friends with octane

Niceguyeddy 78: You can see were it’s gonna be at1:07

Hermes Job: 4:08: Remember Fuse sold out as part of Salvo loosing it's autonomy to the corrupt Syndicate, who is putting on this probably propagandic presentation to honor him. That crowd or at least the signs were most likely just the Syndicate trying to white wash history and act like the colonial force was actually the freedom fighter.(this is how they've sold it to the public and the fan's ate it up). Fuse's friend is a militant freedom fighter and seems to have resorted to terrorist tactics in response to Salvo being taken over by the Syndicate and her old friend so casually joining in on the profiting from their enslavement.

nakde LASAGNA: Impact cluster grenade?

Dr. Antabus the dark: Wait he's name is fuze?!?! Hope he doesn't kill any hostages

Jaeke Up: Apex just added junkrat

Sir Flame: Caustic felt awkward with that slap because he hasn’t been shown a friendly gesture in a really long time

Ronex Rigix: see at 18 second in the cinematic there is already a sign of maggy

Seth Bennett: Caustic: The team player

U WOT M8 64: Got a hunch, Bloodhound might not like fuse too much.

Abhishek K R: The big mountain in the middle flatten out in the kings canyon

Gabriel Pugh: Him and octane are going to be be great freinds

Lorenzo Aloia: Buff Rampart

Raccoon Playz: Honestly I’m happy artillery got flattened. I hated dropping there.

Jet Bizzle: Hey congrats on 300k subs mate 💪💪!!

Kuro Neko: I think mirage just open his ult n vanish lmfao.............. n that butt slap it seem caustic is liking it kekw........

Bear0 Wolf: All the civilians dead no repercussions and there is no way the legends would have survived the moutians collapse even if it was gibby shield they wouldn't have all fit and it wouldn't have lasted long enough and IDK why if he had it on him why he wouldn't have used it when the ship was firing, here were no bodies of the civilians which is weird and I love how caustic had the hammer but I wish bloodhound had of had their axe in the right hand and pulled out the gun with the left when fuse went for the slap

rayrp 24: 1:39 Did they just teased Tropic island when they zoomed out to show us kings canyon big explosion?

ovo xo: It’s not crazy as being a traitor to your whole planet who wants freedom from the syndicate when you join the enemy 😂

an0ther w0nder: They destroyed my favorite place to ping on Dropship. Those mountains always made teams laugh and for a chill game with randoms. Like who doesn't want to drop into those pools of water :D

Samir Lima: Merchant has those punchable Tobey Maguire lips that are sucked into his own face.

JCU: Cluster grenades was on his chest, not his hip. Those are the missiles that they have been teasing Looks like water treatment is changed too

IHRH 04: I feel like fuse and pathfinder are going to be buddys

Besota Ñun: He saved a MRVN so Pathfinder will be his best friend :))

Wattson Nessie: Fuses ability reminds me of northstars cluster missile for Titanfall 2

Exist64: I wish Gibraltar had some sort of shield ability he could use to protect the innocent crowd from the battleship shots.

EtherealRonin: maybe you can control when the cluster grenade explodes?

Fuyu_Seishin12: Could you not blow up Kings Canyon for 5 MINUTES!? Respawn: y’all hear sumthin

rickey quiles: Why do you think she wants his other arm?

King_Blastyou: that girl kinda looks like wattcon tho

Excuses Gaming: I believe his tactical is gonna be like a cluster grenade you can detonate in midair by pressing the same button you use to launch it so use it to launch into a room and just blow it up in the center and spread that damage

Dayonce the one: Its funny how Gibraltar forgot he had a dome shield.

Ollie Osborn: I'm sorry but I have to do this Blowing cluster charge

sultanmm2012: imagine Fuse passive is to carry his downed teammate.

Mr. Trickster: I'm just gonna say that maybe one of his passives will allow him to carry downed teammates or store throwables in his inventory. (hope I'm close)

BlingReaperYT: Merchant: I have the wrong finisher on🤦‍♂️ Me with just one finisher for every legend😂🙄

InSiDiOuS_MaRe: The initials charges were planted in the unplayable mountains. I smell a larger KC coming!!!

Beans Rgud: I really hope bunker doesn't get nae nae'd our of existence it has been my favorite landing spot since launch

OG Sushiman: My first thought is hasn’t kings canyon been through enough

Jacob Shellhammer: The c4 in the mountain is one of the charms from season 6 battlepass

Emanuel Oqueli: 0:41 slow

LokoYT: If hes passive are explosives throwned at people in rooms than Wattson is coming back.

Yassin Monir: bloodhound's proudest moment right here

Wizard Ish: 6:38 Well, Olympus is only on psamthe, and we saw how that went

venom: I knew I remembered you from minecraft you where a part of my child hood and I didnt know it was you😳👍

Wizard Ish: Whenever apex devs run out of ideas: Right let's blow up kings canyon

Bill Cipher: My theory is that “Maggie” is Maggie Simpson in the future

BruhSociety_: Fuse: *spanks caustic* Fuse: dang bro you've got some cake Caustic:😑 I've noted your appreciation

Slisaey: Idk why but i have this feeling that the girl Lifeline saved is going to be in the game some day, she looks much more detailed than the others in the crowd

Iubinter Gaming: 1:11 Dome Max

von shelman: arc grenade

James Jesus: Maggie: so anyway I started blasting

Jamkillerz: Looks like they might be making the map bigger, explosions were north of Artillary, so i think Slum Lakes will get a make over same with Artillary and diving board north, plus maybe we are getting an EMP nade?!

Kaiden sleeps: I bet any money that fuse will be like a big brother to octane and lifeline will resent him thinking he is a bad influence.

Marley: 5:29 Petition to make "Mad Maggie" her canon name

Ty Downing: Looks like each gold ball from the grenade explodes individually

PwOp YT: This trailer is about as good as Titanfall 2 single player trailer.

rickey quiles: You think there's a new grenade?

Pigeon_Man: I think he is gonna have two types of rocks you can launch with is launcher because he had a big one on his back and smaller ones on his leg also I think the cluster bombs are in his arm

B Ward: Fuse was teased in the Wattson's Desk photo!

Jed elmer: So they’re opening up the back half of the map? KC just got bigger?

Samuel Straker: Bloodhound tho lul

Jed elmer: Looks like he gets the bandolier. So extra grenades as passive?

Bree: Who else was there in the live when the trailer launched.

DO N THA BEST I CAN 69: His granade looked like an EMP. Maybe he has different types.

Alpine Playz: Respawn: 2 air strike characters should be more than enough Also respawn: urm about that...

ApexAcceleration: 2:05 someone is in the backround? Or it’s just the MRVN he saved

Idris Amir: Titanfall players love this guy He tried tho

The Apex Prey: 3:22 caustic trying his best not to hammer fuse to death

Cable Neato: “One grenade did all that?” Octane: _yes_

Zynos GD: *slaps Caustic's cheeks* "This bad boy can fit so much gas in it!" old meme I know but it was perfect

George Mcauley: Don't worry i don't think it will be too bad i think they are opening the map around the mountain area of kings canyon near slum lakes. There may be some damage to the surrounding area but also some new poi.

Jeremy Zucker: Congrats on 300k man!

Lukáš Vystrčil: F for King Canyon

killkin: Kings canyon was gonna be next after worlds edge on the rotation

Gheorghe Bîrsa: Am I the only 1 here that could compare fuses tactical ability with razes grenades from valorant because it seems way too similar?

Luis Franco: So... map expansion?

Blaise P.: Fuse casually slings an 800lb MRVN over his shoulder and starts running.

Dayton Vandall: God bless you all💜 Virtual hugs💜

Kars99 Plays: Anyone else think king canyon is looking like world edge

Gabby Hart: I wonder what she killed all those people for? Like he’s still gonna be apart of the game

Mirage: I think something to note about Fuse is that he isn't like the others on Salvo, he didn't want the innocent people hurt and he even saved a MRVN.

Ines Aldas: Bloodhound really said “😑don’t”

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