Apex Legends Season 10 Legend Seer (Abilities,Teasers, Lore)

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Thordan Smash: Shrugtal has found the seer teaser on Olympus: https://twitter.com/shrugtal/status/1416448442025533441?s=21 3rd chapter of The Moth and the Flame Out now: https://twitter.com/PlayApex/status/1416489759208132608?s=20

BoLe511: So I guess his tactical is not a grenade but a dron wich you can put on a wall and it scans the aarea for 15 seconds. Like one of the charecters of Valorant, cypher or something idk it for sure

Corey Stamper: In my eyes, i don't see the ult being what was leaked mostly because its just a Caustic trap combined with his ult. Bigger area but immovable once active. And if it does end up being that ability, is it gonna do more damage than Caustics or the same? More dmg would give even less reason to play caustic, and being the same dmg isnt gonna scare people to get out of the area. We'll see how it unfold soon enough :p

Anakin Sandwalker: there is no way you thought that intro was a good idea

Rhys_Lloyd2611: It sounds like Seer might have one of the abilities of my favorite leaked concept "Immortal" had regen abilities for shields caused by a cloud of nanodrones, which is sad if true cuz I wanted Immortal

Ventus: My question is, how they have children if the husband was literally murdered 😭

SpookyGamer King: The abilities in this video are not true for when you pick up the moth drone in-game the banner screens will turn into a black background showing the icons for his abilities and one of the icons is the moth

Migsing27 Y: I know who I’m gonna main to third party in rank now hehe boi

joel G: Is this a firestorm situation 🤷🏾‍♂️

Watts2clutch: The Intro video was perfect 🔥 bro

Inanimate Jr: Data miners cause so much hell for the developers 😔

Max/rose Fox anime: The only thing I'm cerious about is sdm steam the heck is that?

Max/rose Fox anime: Rev getting a friend would be a mess now if that friend a tracker lord lol

karl-robert Vaarma: Weren't the abilities shown in the video Pariahs abilities? I think ya might have messed up a bit there... The text behind the shown picture also hint that its pariahs abilities. Correct me if im wrong.

Robin Jankovic: i think "seer" would have a orange color-scheme.

Elated Glint: This legends seems way more promising than fuse hopefully

???XZ: Ok yep couldn't get past the first few seconds

Parth: Can you make a video on all the spawns location of the drone. Because i had played 30 games but couldn't find it😔

Bergen: What is the legend is the moth reincarnate

Triz: Im 10 levels away from level 500 on switch,is something wrong with me?

Kyle Chandler: There is a teaser with a moth(I thought butterfly originally) in the middle of the garden on Olympus that we found today. It gave this charm.

trust 1988: Well I can tell you one thing the new characters either going to be op and Nerf it or it's going to suck and they'll buff it and fix any cold glitches that you find out you can do with the character hooray

FullMetal CAM: I found the moth drone in the game earlier today, when I get home I'll update the comment with the location

Saphira Brightscales: If those abilities are REAL, then I have a good amount of tokens ready for her

Jonathan2844: imagine a seer, crypto and bloodhound combo

Decoy Master: better hound

Josh Temple: lol

Levi Campbell: His tactical has to be a grenade that after a second spawns a moth hologram like in the teasers that chases people

Ᵽບᵯpꝅɨก ꝅɨกǥ: So seer is just better blood hound?

No: Ive seen something protaining to a tac for him called nano swarm it was more recent and the ones used in this video are old as shit im sure they where made before seers lore was made up or he was the character he is rn

The Real Rock Power: the drone will be able to shoot lasers and thats facts

J L: Wtf was that intro?

GeekachuXMachettyve 4L: I saw the teaser today it’s a bright light and then a loud sound

TorterSauce 69: He’s from the middle east

Grimmreaper2112: Some crazy sounds on worlds edge

Fire Fox: What I wonder is if, since moth drones are involved, how will these abilities coming out (if they're different from the leak from season 8), impact Crypto's ability? They both are somewhat revolved around the drone premise. I don't know. Just a theory. 😶

pereda jose: Well we have someone who can pretty much control black holes so a talking moth wouldn't be weird

Rev enant: Seer: a human with transplants that see death, he makes moths so he can explore the world The "moth": Pariah Pariah: the female cyborg seer looks through (Note I literally have the lore screenshot)

Jeremiah Rosa: Pariah is probs for a later season

Towelie: Seer is the child of those parents

sleepyTaco: Still holding out to Seer being Pathfinders "Child" as well

Giovanni Lewis: Man this "can detect enemies" thing is so boring now couldnt they think of something else????

kingyot: So bloodhound is kinda useless

Jackson Topolie: I'm not sure the video is supposed to end that way

Prince James J Jackson: This shh ain't biblical lmao 🤣 dumbass humans

Abrahan Pacheco: I heard someone mention a theory that like what if the drone has its own set of abilities explaining why priah and seer are kinda smushed together

Fierce Cobra: with rampart if you do this teaser she says “ooh my boys coming the games gonna be turned up a notch” that means rampart knows the new legend

it iz what it iz: What if Listen just listen Rev said the new character is cursed right What if it's the reincarnated butterfly the new legend? (Since it was cursed)

Rashid Bushara: Not that it matters but anyone else notice that little cut at 2:23-2:24 😅

F: False sir, the new legend is a human. Revenant only calls humans meat bags.

LonghornBS: Rev literally calls them a "skinbag" something he only calls flesh human beings. I doubt they are a simulacrum or A.I.

RUTHLESSMAFIO: The 7 dislikes are waters remaining fans lmfao love your videos thordan keep em up ❤

Bobby Lashley's Headband: We got two talking robots in the game: one who's too happy, and one who's always angry. Now we a talking moth. What's next?

Corey: lol what am i missing about the intro?? it was concise and well worded but i don’t get the hype?

leopold sabri: Why does he say "Drone" all the sudden in a deep voice at 2:23

Xaiver dunson: I can already hear the racists making up slurs to when I'm playing the game 🖕🏾 round 3 b**ches

Scott Shortal: What was that subliminal msg in there did u say “drone”

WindowsSu: wait what happened at 2:23

LiplessSpy84: How could Seer be an A.I when Rev refers to him as a "skin suit". Make it make sense

fai7h ™: Ah yes more skins that i can't afford 🥺 with 0 ac

Tanker156: Season 10 getting me hype.... lore is getting good

Tomas_Crusader17: Caustic ult with a bloodhound tactical

SpongeNutt: rev said new skinbag, meaning he is probs not a robot, but sometimes he call pathfinder in game a skinbag as well so idk

Ace Glorinz: i was hoping there would be 2 new legends in season 10 to celebrate 2 digits

Rashawn Robinson: I like the Romeo and Juliet reference Respawn got going here

Tyler 95: Revenant is a human consciousness in a robot body...and the new legend is a robot consciousness in a human body loo

Shotz LikeMe: Seeing enemy health bars would be insane and really valuable info for your squad.. if that’s actually one of his abilities it could be a W.

Seal_The_Deal: what if the moth isnt a drone but the grenade itself that gets thrown when doing the sonar

Paul Blart: Maybe the passive will be like the spirit tells you the enemy’s health with moth waves or something like wraith voices

Cataculoth: Can I just say that this dude has all ups and no downs as of my post? Amazing.

YouKnowRell: Bro I wasn’t sure if I clicked the wrong video or I got ad at the beginning 😭 good looks on the info!

Reyking 503: This character is not goong to be meta if they they keep bloodhumd the same. They have the same ability of tracking

Rage_Scorpio: The leaked ultimate is like Caustics ultimate or am I completely wrong?

Sir Oofus: What I'm noticing is that the icon for the ability "Sonar Grenade" that biast12 provided looks an awful lot like the icon of Tone's Sonar Lock in Titanfall 2. The leaked(?) ability also seems to share a similar effect to both Ton's Sonar Lock and the Pulse Blade tactical ability. Hopefully, the character, if it ever comes out, is not as overpowered as tone.

JonMusiyon: I hope everyone knew that it was mythology... who actually thought that moths talk in apex?

Michael Rayner: WAKANDA FOREVER!!!! NO!!!!! APEX FOREVER!!!!!!! YES!!!!!

Anton T: I just played a game on Olympus, and in the middle of gardens saw her drone rattling on the ground... followed by a swarm of moths! (Once activated and three keys drop)

Gabriel Chavez: I think the moth drone is actually a model for one of seer’s abilities where they send out a drone that automatically seeks an enemy out and latches on to them to then explode into flames kinda like a thermite but with less duration a bit less damage

iiTzHaroon: You can find and interact with the drone it's in Gardens

Chaz farlie: Rev says skinbag. Why would he say that if its a simulacrum?

SpicyMink5: I dont think seer is a simulacrum. Revenant calls him a skinbag.

Sleepy Hollow: Your one of the few good parts of this community. Love to see your vids, they are the only thing that keeps me semi hooked on this game


Šimon Lukáš Bucek: Yooo that sonar grenade tactical picture is tone's sonar lock from TF|2, that brings some terryfying memories 🤣🤣

louduzit: Ngl Seer’s abilities looking a little OP

Blank Blank: When you grab the drone you can actually see his abilities on the banners

Burshadow: Question is how far can you see the enemys health from...😈

your dads big toe: One thing they will nail is the music packs with cultural influence, can't wait.

Cotton-daylight: Ima laugh is seer is actually ash but in a different form

brainbox: Kit sounds very niche, which I like, I hate heavy meta characters

Goonta: So will my drone fly i to the bright light beam in worlds edge

Anxiety Plague: I highly doubt he's gonna be picked alot

Dan shiba: 2:26 Rev calls him a skinbag though i thought that term was only reserved for humans so seer being a simulacrum is pretty low

King Dripz: so seer is basically a fuse and bloodhound combined

aptkays: my theory is it’s actually black magic and when that ‘curse’ is lifted the moth is reincarnated as seer. And this story is the back story since seer will obviously be older when he’s in the apex games

aptkays: looking at the story, now the ‘sacrificial romantic’ makes sense

Beefy Boi: 5 dollars the new dude is like blind and has to wear visors

Prince Derand: the like to dislike ratio is immaculate

DapL: It's the banners

Scott King: Not tryna start anything but that picture that’s been going around of him is just really weird it straight up just looks like a weird human with no eyebrows, I really hope it’s a bit better than a DARK dark man with a white hood. Just gonna have to wait and see though

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