The Island Of Dr. Moreau

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Teguh Pambudi: I want to see THE GODFATHER 1-2-3

Jeanette Johnson: Wow

Ron s: "Those creatures"!! "What were they"!! "What were they"!!?

Lena Quinn: boring as hell

Michelle house music Chapman: X men ....back in the day!!

Michelle house music Chapman: I saw this movie at the theater back in 1984...I think!!

FELICITY929: This movie is disgusting, psychopathic doctor playing God to make animals human.


Fred C. Wilson III: This movie was sick, ultra-violent, with only one woman (sad), twisted and I LOVED IT!! Now I know where the House of Pain is!

Adrian Johnson: I saw this version when it came out in the summer of 1977. Great movie all around.

Jeff Lardizabal: Had everyone watched this before the Capitol violence they may have stayed home. Now, however, we've slipped over into the divided house of pain. Let cool minds prevail. Cool movie.

Saint-Juste Duprieuré: President island is the true name of doctor moron

jack flak: Tossed a meal overboard...

nimky nasir: Totally purile 🤞

Peter Cotton: RNA vaccines think about it

Azlan Ameer: classic and presequal of movies on mutations.

Keith Stone: Me to I have seen this before but with Val kilmer and Brando. This version looks good.. Thank you 4 good movie...

Liza Galwan: Nice movie, i like it💖

Phil Wheatley: The Island of Boris Johnson

yousef khayeri: I have discovered significant resemblance between nature of globalist governments and Dr. Moreau !!

Rony T.: where are the details of this movie- the year of production, for example?

X'tropiqy'ztria Smythe-Smythe: Albert you would have made a good James bond. I love Bert lancaster! yes I know I spelled it wrong but I'm using voice text it doesn't know I spelled it wrong! Anyway Bert you had a class act every class that you acted and this is no acting class exception of course this is classic acting and in the classic sensors in the class of acting like no other class of actors that have been classically acting in a very classic sense, that you are not that far away somehow comforts are souls that you are looking down upon is watching this movie come oh great one, oprah, show me, oh my, oh me oh My show me the way oh great one oh mighty bird oh Oprah Almighty Burt Lancaster Almighty Elsa Lancaster Almighty everybody is okay with me and there you go in a class by Little Joe and now he's leaning over my Momo with my grandma on my on my case talking about my schemes and dreams and blames and slams and flames and and volumes and phloems and bones you know what I'm trying to say? Ebony ebony booty p ibidy ibidy ibddi slim who knew and he wrote flew in the slew with the boo boo boo boo boo boo boo flippity flippity boop ity pip any poo poo pie oh no my my my oh slow boomo goodbye low flow in travel lab dababy boob {exclamation-point} celebrity lamp clippity clamp ramp ramp ramp ramp you tramp ramp lamp ity flamp poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo pee pee pee do o pee pee pee Doo poo poo poo poo poo poo pee pee do do {exclamation-point}

Penfold8: This is before Dr. Reinhardt built Maxamilian!

Dr.USMAN latif KHAWAJA: I had seen the Brando - Val Kilmer version ! This is definitely much better in every perspective

Sebastian Aril: I Saw this film when I children. I didn't forget of this. Thanks 14 jan 2021. During coronaviruses pandemic in the world.

John Heller: Great flick. I remember seeing this in the theater. It has always remained a favorite. Island of Lost Souls is just as good. And I appreciate the '96 version despite it's journey through production Hell.

vik a: now i got to know how bat shit crazy was marlon brando in the newer movie. here he is portrayed as god fearing, serious thinker , pshyotic inventor sort of way. brando does the exact opposite.

AngelMediadorEntreNosotros=Amen: ¡¡ CIEGOS GUIAS DE CIEGOS !! ¡ HIPÓCRITAS ! Porque no hay cosa OCULTA, que no haya de ser MANIFESTADA; ni cosa ESCONDIDA, que no haya de ser ENTENDIDA, Y DE VENIR Á LUZ. MAS LO QUE OS FUERE DADO EN AQUELLA HORA, ESO HABLAD; PORQUE NO SOIS VOSOTROS LOS QUE HABLÁIS, SINO EL ESPÍRITU SANTO..💯⚖🖖🏼👈 EL ESPÍRITU SANTO, al cual EL PADRE ENVIARÁ EN MI NOMBRE, él os ENSEÑARÁ TODAS LAS COSAS, y os RECORDARÁ todas las cosas que os HE DICHO. cuando VINIERE aquel ESPÍRITU DE VERDAD, ÉL OS GUIARÁ Á TODA VERDAD; porque NO hablará de sí mismo, sino que HABLARÁ todo lo que OYERE, Y OS HARÁ SABER LAS COSAS QUE HAN DE VENIR. 😎EL CONSOLADOR PROMETIDO❤⚖💯🖖🏼😇 Sí hijito; el llamado capitalismo perdió al llamado mundo cristiano; porque nó se puede servir a dios, y servir a la vez al oro; toda la humanidad pidió servir al Padre sin interés; el extraño sistema de vida basado en el oro, perdió a toda la humanidad; porque toda acción mental, fué influenciada por el interés; no hay criatura humana, que no tenga puntaje de tinieblas, por haber conocido el interés; no hay quien no llore por este puntaje de tinieblas; mientras mayor es el puntaje en contra, más alejado está el espíritu del Reino de los Cielos; mientras se fué interesado en la vida, cada ser debe sumarse un punto de tinieblas, por cada segundo vivido; a partir de los doce años de edad, HASTA EL INSTANTE DEL ARREPENTIMIENTO MISMO;.- Alfa y Omega EL LLAMADO CAPITALISMO, NÓ ESTÁ ESCRITO EN EL REINO DE LOS CIELOS; PORQUE NADIE PIDIÓ SER EXPLOTADO, EN NINGUNA FORMA IMAGINABLE; NADA INTERESADO EXSISTE EN EL REINO; ALLÍ EXSISTE LA IGUALDAD Ó COMUNISMO CELESTIAL, CON FILOSOFÍA DE NIÑO; EL EXTRAÑO CAPITALISMO, PERTENECE A UN LEJANO Y MICROSCÓPICO PLANETA LLAMADO TIERRA; UN EXTRAÑO SISTEMA DE VIDA, SALIDO DE LAS TINIEBLAS, QUE PIDIERON AL PADRE, CONOCER UN MUNDO DE LA LUZ.- Y pondrá las ovejas á su derecha, y los cabritos á la izquierda. Entonces el Rey dirá á los que estarán á su derecha: Venid, benditos de mi Padre, heredad el reino preparado para vosotros desde la fundación del mundo. Porque tuve hambre, y me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y me disteis de beber; fuí huésped, y me recogisteis; Desnudo, y me cubristeis; enfermo, y me visitasteis; estuve en LA CÁRCEL, y vinisteis á mí. Entonces los justos le responderán, diciendo: Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos hambriento, y te sustentamos? ¿ó sediento, y te dimos de beber? ¿Y cuándo te vimos huésped, y te recogimos? ¿ó desnudo, y te cubrimos? ¿O cuándo te vimos enfermo, ó en LA CÁRCEL, y vinimos á ti? Y respondiendo el Rey, les dirá: De cierto os digo que en cuanto lo hicisteis á uno de estos mis hermanos pequeñitos, á mí lo hicisteis. Entonces dirá también á los que estarán á la izquierda: Apartaos de mí, malditos, AL FUEGO ETERNO preparado para EL DIABLO y para SUS ANGELES: Porque tuve hambre, y no me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y no me disteis de beber; Fuí huésped, y no me recogisteis; desnudo, y no me cubristeis; enfermo, y en LA CÁRCEL, y no me visitasteis. Entonces también ellos le responderán, diciendo: Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos hambriento, ó sediento, ó huésped, ó desnudo, ó enfermo, ó en LA CÁRCEL, y no te servimos? Entonces les responderá, diciendo: De cierto os digo que en cuanto no lo hicisteis á uno de estos pequeñitos, ni á mí lo hicisteis. E irán éstos al TORMENTO ETERNO, y los justos á la VIDA ETERNA. La Cárcel o Prision =LAODICEA=Latakia Siria, Colosences capitulo 2.💯⚖🖖🏼👈 TODOS, NACIONES Y HOMBRES, NEGARAN MI NOMBRE.😔🙈🙉🙊 👉😎MI DIVINO NOMBRE NUEVO.❤💯⚖🖖🏼😊👈 Apocalipse capitulos 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian =Jehova, El Altisimo, El Todopoderoso, El Soy El Que Soy, Nuestro Divino y Amoroso Padre Eterno. Maria=Sasha Msto. Mahoma=Yazan Mesto. Fatima=Jennifer Mesto. JESUCRISTO =Mohammad Msto. La Divina Familia del Reino de los Cielos. 2 Juan capitulo 1. El Espíritu Santo de la Verdad, El Consolador Prometido, Juan capitulos 14:26, 16:13, 7 Sellos, Los Rollos del Cordero de Dios, Apocalipse capitulos 5. Y 10. ❤⚖LOS CIELOS SE HAN ABIERTO🖖🏼😇 www.AlfayOmega .com www.AlfayOmega .pe www.CienciaCeleste .com ESTO NO ES RELIGION ALGUNA DE HOMBRES, NI SE LEVANTARÁ TEMPLOS MATERIALES COMO ERA LA COSTUMBRE HUMANA EN SUS PRUEBAS DE VIDA.💯⚖🖖🏼👈.....

Levi Nesmith III: Watched in the 50's, ... you might be disturbed. Watched in 2020, and having watched the Star Wars saga. Cinematic genius.

Ben Seifert: Wow the last 20 mins are really great

Plexi Glass: Bill Gates Dad.

Bruce Durand: After all these years I've never watched this until now, what a psycho!!

Richard Mecklenburg: what year are these movies? They never say. Seems like one of the more important pieces of info.

Kendall Kahl: Barbara Carara at the height of her youthful beauty. As she matured she kept getting better but she is still a girl in this.

Gene Whitman: Quality movie ...H.G. Wells was a friggin' genius.

Connie Wojahn: Stupid waste of resources turning animals into humans. If you want more humans, just breed them.

Anita Richmond: Wait a minute, in the opening scenes were there three men in the boat and I decided to throw one overboard ,that guy was moving ... NOT DEAD YET !

geotechms: “House of pain!”

Maestro Classico: Michael really was (and is) a great example of a true English gentleman, handsome man, and really good actor Am I suffering from Mandela effect?.....Or is there an Alternate Print that shows very clearly.... Maria reverting to a cat on the boat in the 2nd to last shot of the film? Braddock is reverting back to human, but we see her eyes totally changed and she is conversely, reverting to cat.....I just could swear that that's what I saw when I saw this on Network Television.

Steven G: These guys are tough! At 1:14:15 a dead guy assists the monster lifting him by grabbing his arm! lol

Kevin O'Hare: I have a vague memory of seeing this when I was a kid - but maybe not. I suppose maybe it's a minor cult-classic, or even a bad-movie favorite. I didn't think this was bad, though; it was somewhat entertaining. I thought Burt Lancaster did great in a different kind of role for him. Michael York had a familiar wide-eyed role. Nigel Davenport (he looks familiar, but I didn't recognize the name) was pretty good too. Things were a bit confusing at times - or maybe I was trying to overthink things. The ending (last 10-15 minutes) were fairly thrilling, though, and the animal actors were a treat. Not a great movie, but not sorry I watched it, either.

mjh zen: A more talented writer and director might have saved this from being prosaic and predictable. Too bad, a good cast went to waste.

Robert Mitchell: What is the law ? Back to the 🏠 house of pain Sounds like the anunakis avatars el hoheim Those who descended the powerful ones Manipulate our DNA and created the human race Battle of the Gods ? Same as the humans here fighting each other

A Dog: Yeah that's geneic'$ for ya

Gerald McGuire: Hello Stephen always thanks! Just curious about what's your thoughts about the take over at the white house? Enjoy Florida with the family!

The Rap Vault: I appreciate the free movies but why can't YouTube ever give us good solid movies for free ?

mauldus: 19:17 The movie in 20 seconds. I had never seen this version. The Marlin Brando version was a lot of fun to watch though.

Avec Moi: I like this more than the 1996 version. I think this may be closer to what the novel was.

Pamela S: Does this somehow make you think of the Covid Vaccine and what they are doing to humans today ? By changing human DNA 🧬 with a vaccine. I WILL NEVER 👎🏻 TAKE THAT VACCINE

Dynastic Light: Human evolution at its best.What;s really changing.We are all on Planet Moreau ,like it or not .

atrocchia: Outstanding made-for-TV movie. Back when TV was great.

Lizzie Sangi: The original was made in 1933 with CHARLES LAUGHTON, ISLAND OF THE LOST SOULS. Both, this version and the version with Marlon Brando and mini Brando, are remakes, take-offs of the original. The original is literally impossible to find in its complete form. Even at the beginning of VCR Tapes, where every movie under the sun was put on VCR and DVDS, ISLAND OF THE LOST SOULS couldn't be had. Hollyweird only knows what copyright laws the original has against it because you could get WHITE ZOMBIE, ALFRED HITCHCOCKS' silent movies and all kinds of obscured, what are now considered, classic movies. But try to find the complete original ISLAND OF LOST SOULS with CHARLES LAUGHTON. Then there was CAT PEOPLE, where no one knew this beautiful woman was really a black panther and she had to take the "shot" to keep her human. One hilarity of this movie was at the bar we frequent after work. When everybody was drunk enough, including the bartender, the bartender would suddenly yell at the top of his lungs, "What is the law?" And the entire bar would go through the whole routine. It was the top of hilarity 😂🤣

Lynder Herberts: Cool! A golden oldie of the monster kind. Kudos!

Dan Watkins: Why didn't they eat him

Steven Daniel: Dude, right off the bat, when they throw dude overboard...a perfectly good waste of food!!

Paul Brasier: Wow, that didn't age well.

Rocío Aguilera: Stem cell transplant? No, you'd better go to Dr. Moreau's island. Adrift again... naturally

Dave Kauffman: The cheese is strong with this movie!

David Espinoza: Happy New Year's!!! AWESOME MOVIE 🎥. Best wishes to everyone on 2021.

honeyhorizons: far far better than the one with Marlon Brando/Val kilmer. Their version was HORRIBLE. The make-up was not that great in this movie. But all around better cast and acting. Especially Michael York.

CUI BONO: This is where bill gates and dr fauci got their ideas

Don Van Damn Johnson Long Fella: I have to say they did a much better job of splicing DNA of people with animals in the remake in the 90s .

Don Van Damn Johnson Long Fella: My arm hurts. Think I'm going to die of a heart attack soon. Meh. Oh well. They will probably blame it on covid. I don't even have a cough.

Don Van Damn Johnson Long Fella: Why did they throw away their only food source? That's stupid! Like 100 lbs of meet on that body.

Don Van Damn Johnson Long Fella: Is this one better then the 90's version?

Joyce Pacheco: This is sad , grossly made


Musa Masih: Birth Lancaster shouldn't do this role, it wasn't for him, movies like this would damage your career, movies like avengers would damage everybody's career movies like Superman Batman b******* man they are all junk

Robert Dougherty: the one animal that talks looks George c Scott lol

bubba boo boo: 👍


Rick Johnson: I prefer the old one.

Arnulfo Gonzalez: Good movie 🍿..I really enjoyed it 👍👍

bloodharlet: !st time watching it and enjoyed it. Didnt know there was an older film. Ive only seen the 1996 one. Both great movies


Paul Espinoza: If you have read the book, you will “see” the vast difference between your imagination and that of the cinematographer.

jert opp: 2:00

Advanced Solutions: NO WAY!! I've been wanting to see this infamous gem for years and years and finally, here we are. I hope it's as horribly great as people say it is...

Gina Harrison: The "Vaccine" that Moreau started in the 1800s has now been perfected in 2020. The "VIRUS" is just another stain of the flu w/ a 99.8% recovery rate. No vaccine is needed to save your life from a flu that is less deadly than any flu from the past. This "vaccine" will change your human DNA. There is CRISPR-CAS9, mRNA, aborted baby DNA, & dog, chimpanzee & mouse DNA in the "vaccine" which WILL manifest physically just like the movie: Michael York's character that he played. Plus, one must have a second shot of the "vaccine." Bill Gates of Hell refuses to get the "vaccine" & he has NEVER allowed his own 3 children to get even ONE vaccine - ever ! Yet he wants all humans to get the jab twice!! 😡👿😡

Net Film: The Island Of Dr. Moreau HD Movie ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ʜᴇʀᴇ ➼ 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗦𝘂𝗯𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘀 ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ 17-летний аристократ влюбляется в доброго, но бедного художника на борту роскошного и незадачливого R.M.S. Титаник. Титаник - это американский фильм 1997 года, снятый и снятый Джеймсом Кэмероном, Tanjiro Kamado, junto con Inosuke Hashibira, un niño criado por jabalíes que lleva una cabeza de jabalí, y Zenitsu Agatsuma, un niño asustado que revela su verdadero poder cuando duerme, aborda el Tren Infinito en una nueva misión con el Pilar de la Llama,.!? =====================

Shirley Murphy: In our day was it near Jeffery Epstien ' s isle land?

michael demaranville: These are the vaccine shots they want to give you, the chemical DNA shots will cut your DNA strand and put you in the same predicament as that doctor did to these animals !!!

Alien Soup: Very uninspiring, formulaic drama. Lots of running and chasing and fighting, and some talking. Some juvenile moralizing and ramblings of a crazy man.

George: So flicks are just this bad, mad scientist flicks for the public.

Tony Young: I didn't understand what made the bull-man want to rebel. Did I miss a scene?

LATVERIAN1: Transhumanism at it's most evil.

Mike's Movie Club: A saw a manbearpig

Phillip Karnehm: I borrowed this from a comment on Orwell film but in quotations make doctor Marrero fiction again...!

Derek Super Strong: Come on man this movie is a classic just like Joe Biden.... Joe Biden is a genetic freak they designed hill to not be able to complete a sentence and I have absolutely no integrity top that

Mark Loren: No humans were harmed in the making of this animal.

Ben Kays: 26:59

John Berry: *Flex Seal;* *_Fix Holes and Repair Leaks in Boats -- Testimonials . . ._*

Richard Nogan: wow!!! CCCrrreeeppppy. Animal people, makes one wonder. great plot, photography and acting.

Wry and Dry: This gives me an idea. Let's invade Afghanistan and Iraq and Libya and Syria. Then we can turn them into orderly democracies and get them to live by our law. They will love us for it. Are they not men?

Robert Mclean: One of the few movies when BURT bites the dust. Another one is Gypsy Moths. Come on UU tube give us that 1 for free please!! Cheers

Cissy Brazil: I have not seen the remake but after seeing the original I have no interest in the remake. Pretty good movie for its time.

Eric Panissidi: Love this this movie.i even liked the remake.

Arceli Collins: God only knows what's in the covid-19 vaccine. Looking at this movie and the movie I am legend should tell us something. You better not take the vaccine. God help us all. 😡

Kyle Conboy: We landed in China and were given a vaccine for free!!! Then booted out of the country now I see Unicorns and flying nuns...thank you Dr. Muro

Luan Nguyen: HELLO. THANK YOU .

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