The Curse of Oak Island Season 8 Episode 13 - HD 720p (Feb 09, 2021) The Curse of Oak Island S08E13

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Dan Hudson: If it ain't "Seventeen 'undreds" it ain't on oak island 😂

Coree Coppinger: No not new, but come on guys you are so close to defining the mystery. Dig out the remains of the ship dry dock it for history, with the amount of men it took to create all these tunnels the land has got to cough up it's secrets, so keep up with the work you guys will be forever logged with all the information on the history of this oak island. Turn this island into historical site with a museum.

Specialized 29er: Come on why are they ginning around with this and not digging for the treasure?

Dean Walker: Tip to the show Producers: do it more like a documentary.... with date and time stamps on when each part is taking place....and adios the corny narrator. Please.

Ray Towers: these idiots couldn't find a bone in a butchers shop

Rogério Cesar Gonçalves: A PROCURA DA ARCA DA ALIANÇA.

Ed Lugo: A swiss cheese island. Holes all over. And nothing has been found.

JKevin: I’m wondering about that bad gas that caused the tragic loss of life in the past.

Joe Brown: This aint the new episode

neo: Amazon Prime keeps screwing up and not delivering these video's on schedule. This will be my last year of paying to watch this catastrophe in action...

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