Destiny 2 | NEW VENDOR RANKS! Season 13 INFO! Reissued Weapons, Jan Update, Stasis Nerf, NO Tokens!

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xHOUNDISHx: Some interesting stuff on the horizon for next season! How do you guys feel about the changes? DMG Also said they'll have a little more to say on PvP, but a bit further down the road! Let us know what you think :)

Zaleucus: How is adjusting ability performance "against players" different from balancing the crucible separately from PVE?

Chingi chonga: I like how the community is salty that they are reissuing the old weapons and armor, but if they reissued the recluse etc and other broken guns, people would be happy, I swear this community makes no sense

maverick 123: this update affect crucible token only or also vanguard token and the gunsmith material, should i turn in my vanguard token and gunsmith material for now ?

braulio vargas: What about banshee"s and vanguard tokens?

Cithral: Vanguard tokens too?

Obi Wan Kenobi: Interesting content for next season. More "new strikes and new weapons " boring

Chant Cutler: finally fixing the vendors! at least they are kind of listening now

Patty Ladd: I have wondered what percentage of the community was unhappy with sunsetting, the same level up grind, and lack of incentive to play events on the moon and the dreaming city and so on. I watch probably five to six video's for tutorials and news per week. After about six months the bulk of comments are complaints, that is a lot. That isn't good Bungie in case you didn't know.

Gomola Speed: I think everyone should boycott these reissued weapons.

D Kat: Really ? the fools here is not Bungie the fools are us suckers who paid $70.00 for this crap. I love this game but im really getting tired of all the BS...and we all thought Activision was the culprit hell they we nothing compared to this shet.

Matthew Fraser: Wet fart

Hannes Burger: I've quit Destiny 2 a year ago sadly. Your video just came up in my recommended feed. Not gonna comment about the video itself as I don't give a damn anymore, but just stopped by to say: Still love your intro. Keep going with Destiny 2. The game needs creators like you and Aztecross. I always appreciated all your work, and still do, even though the game lost me. Btw: I only left due to FOMO. I miss the game so much but I can't do it to myself.

Rahphion: I was on D2 from dusk till dawn. Beyond light made me lose my passion. ggz

Rabtarg: I have like 8k tokens for each activity... I'll be grinding god rolls for days

StopaskingformynameYouTube: Who cares about higher stats on random drops? I don't. I want more pinnacle sources and more upgrade modules. Getting better stats on random loot means nothing to me as i allready have high stat gear that is masterworked. If they want to make a destination relevant, give pinnacles and things to do, not this shit. Meanwhile i'll play other games and check youtube to see if they have fixed the game after they took away 4 planets with content that i loved.

Yunas Alblushi: Destiny has gone from a daily chore to daily ritual. This is force grind. And the nerfs lol remember nova warp!? That's how they will turn stasis into nova warp eventually. .

IamMattDamon: Re-issuing old shit.. How about creating new things to keep it fresh instead?

Michal Paulik: the new rank system is just for crucible ?? or for all the vendors?? including gunsmith?? thanks

Tristan Zeaman: If you get any info on the subject pls make a vid on the crossplay coming this year

Revenge of the progressives: Like the fact they thought " hey people just brought Shadow's keep, let's remove it" was my last straw. Normally I would just move on and keep playing but dude I grinded for a while for that pulse rifle just for them to be like whelp that's going away too, which really started to make me think " why did I even purchase the last DLC?....why am I wasting my money? seriously, I dont have endless time to keep grinding same weapons you forced me to delete cause you limit vault space" at some point I have would wonder if bungie are just low key sociopaths who like to make gamers waste money and time. No thank you, I'm getting too old for that shit being damn near 30, like it's been fun but I just can't do it anymore.

Ryan B: Bungie: *Slow suspiciously wet sounding fart* Me: Yea that about sums it up

fxranger326: They're doing this because they want those locations to relevant? Seriously? C'mon bungie. We all know that the real reason why you're doing this is because you dropped the ball with Beyond Light when it comes to "new" loot. So you slap the player base in the face when reissuing weapons that were sunset and then have the audacity to have us grind for it again. I can see why players have taken a break on this game. You keep doing the same shit over and over and over....

james howard: this game stilll a thing? lol

2 ricks: PvP and PvE I'm happy with how stasis is (apart from how long titan super lasts) what needs to be looked at is that peek shooting 120 HC users. 120's RN out range everything apart from snipers and are soooo OP. Im glad the weapons are relevant but again like AR's the crucible is ruled by one weapon tight now. Peek shoot hide X 3, I hate that myself and others have been reduced to such a passive game style.

Sir Crimson Wolf: It is possible that but she’s giving us these mini side quests just to kind of dip their toes in the water whether to see or not whether to give us more missions trip similar it’s not the same to the zero hour the three man raids if you would because I think that because the dungeons are so successful bunch you might plan to expand on that but that’s just my theory theory

jcd248: My thoughts are that Bungie and it’s leadership are broken. Something significant needs to change.

Lil Morth: Yeah I hope we are able to be patient and graceful to bungie. Very hard for some companies right now

Kenpachi Nozarashi: Bruh jus stop. Destiny 2 jus isn't worth anybody's time.

W4YNE3D: Reused stuff is now getting out of control what was the point of sun setting our stuff so we delete our good rolls etc just for them to come back it’s ridiculous. And why strikes always get put back for reworks when they announced forsaken they said strikes will get reworked and yet they just keep adding ways to make pvp and gambit better and not once we get anything for strikes. We need some higher influences like you tubers to start bringing up these problems instead of just hyping the stuff they keep bringing us

decoder55killer: Can’t believe they are going to push this mechanics until 2022 with (supposedly) the last destiny 2 expansion... they are getting boring and repetitive. Instead of pushing this game for so long until 2022 they should get to work with destiny 3 with new graphics new engine that would make so many new things possible, especially with the next gen consoles.

tzp2gameknight: So now we’re back again to a D1 system. Ranks were standard in D1. It’s an improvement but not really... new. 🙄

DoktorSmiles: Can i infuse something into my s8 premonition or do i need to farm it again?

Gabriel Grim: Of course hunters get a nerf, fuckin bungie always fuckin hunters

ValZic Playz: Can Bungie just bring back the old Destiny 1 super customization? Bc everytime they say we'll let the players customize their super, there's nothing to really customize if everything is the same.

crimsondemonx: This is why I quit destiny reissued weapons and armor is not content why can't people see this? Like we already grinded our ass off for these weapons and armor they sunsetted them and then reissued them again so we can farm the same weapon again how is this ok? Why is this ok?

APHKHALLU AKHKHARU: You idiots keep on asking and complaining makes Bungie want you to quit Destiny 2, I advice watch your mouth and don't make Bungie pissed off. Remember, if you complain in a good way Bungie will answer and make the game better, if you complain in a bad way Bungie will answer and make the game seem old.

APHKHALLU AKHKHARU: You players complain about stupid things and so Bungie does a big fuck you in your face. You wanted old content back, choice your words more carefully, you wished for it, but your words were misunderstood by Bungie.

APHKHALLU AKHKHARU: I don't care about PvP, that change better not effect PvE

Demogorgon47: Actually I'm in favor for these changes. Frankly what pisses me the fuck off about this game so damn much is the fucking grind from one thing to the next, it really makes it difficult to get everything you want done. You gotta raid it up, visit europa, go on strikes, then gambit, then crucible, then swap over to your other characters and do it all over again and all the while you need prisms, and cores, and it just becomes fucking tedious and I just plain reach the point where I just can't be fucked doing trials over the weekend. No seriously! I CAN NEVER BE FUCKED TO EVEN BE BOTHERED WITH TRIALS! By the time you grinded through all the weekly upgrades for levelling gear, the raids (which I fucking dread doing due to that one asshole who always fucks the thing up for everyone!!!!!), how the fuck are you supposed to have time to grind for prisms and ascendant shards and blahh, blah fucking blah! At least with the new reputation system you get prisms as you go so you don't need to grind for another 10 bloody enhancement cores to trade it for the prisms! I mean sure you can do the nightfall but unless you're levelled out and over grinded to max level and then level up your goddamn artifact, the nightfall is an arsepain too! So at least they're giving players options and new sources for those ever illusive prisms.

Smacknducks: Still waiting on them to fix them bugs with the Prophecy Solo Flawless completion rewards

jesse allen: I may have missed something but this is mean we have to hand in our tokens for gambit strikes and possibly iron banner as well

fo0za: Sounds like another season without any new content. No thanks. Got better things to do then grinding gear i already have.

dzac85: Bungie is full of bs! Destiny’s starting to become a grind and delete, then grind for it again just so you can delete it!

Josef Zemanec: Death Game!

Filthy Rando: Deleted the game, and deleted the companion app. Love your videos Houndish and I wish you well. This is where I part ways with Destiny.

Slitheringpeanut: So just in terms of legendary weapons, we're going to be losing 21, and gaining 6. THIS is what we're supposed to look forward for?

Casey Blalock: Great hunter abilities are taking a 400% nerf. I just love being the most hated class in destiny. 🤦🏻🙄

Henry De Coster: Too little too late once again...

charndeep singh: Sorry can someone just break it down for me, is it better to go through the forsaken campaign mode now to unlock all the dreaming city stuff or just wait for the new season to roll out in case of new weapon drops etc Thanks Much love, stay safe

rasdiggle: Enjoy all the reissued weapons and armor as Bungie has a laugh when the same exact weapons and armor become so called sunset... Thank you Bungie for appreciating my time playing your game.

Cory McCarty: Does this mean Vanguard tokens are going away as well, or am I just spending the thousands of Crucible tokens before the next season?

Jose Franco: I hate bungie for this.

One_Chill_Gamer: Seeing that EOT that I dont have yet hurts my soul is

Naveen Sensei: Nerf fucking titans man. I'm tired of grinding for good builds only to be one punched or fucking shoulder trusted 🤷🏾‍♂️😂😂😂

Sipe88 -: Is it safe to keep Recon data for crow? Or that also changing?

Layla Petty44: Why tf do they always go make the shitty Hunter shittier🙄 Like we already aren’t struggling to compete. I don’t get it!!

Shiddy123: What about vanguard tokens?

Mako Shinkai: I’m really bummed about the final pit of heresy reward change, it was nice to get a guarantied 6 prisms every week

Scot Ruf: Does this affect Iron Banner and Vanguard tokens? Should I dump what few I have? Thanks for the informative vids, they help me a lot.

Soulofisac: Things looking up a little

Joe Beaver: I just wanna know when we can get the warden seal

TheCubanGeneral: thanks bungo for making me re grind the same weapon after I already did for days to get a good rolled waking vigil. :))) very epic

The Eternal Empire: I'm on step 18 of the Beyond Light Campaign

ayu fever: how about only the curated rolls of the 3 altar of sorrow weapons get an same infusion cap increase to match that of the reissued drops?

TikTik Boom: They shoulda thought about that a bit more originally with the locations and the reissuing of gear. Maybe in the future they’ll realise if the deatination is still in game it’s loot should always go up to newest cap. 🤷 shame though cause I didn’t like any of that stuff 😂 well maybe I liked dreambane armour but I didn’t like everything else so much.

Eliot T.: Hmmmmm yes Sunsetting armour to just rerelease it a season later Makes sense

Ikarai: I’m gonna go with a realisation that they subset too much in relation to how much they added with BL. Needing to give us a larger loot pool and keeping DC and the Moon somewhat relevant, this was a decent, semi-quick fix for them. New weapon perks and higher stat rolls on the armour make them more attractive for players; I can see newer players enjoying this more over veteran players that have played those locations to death.

MAZEY: It's good that shattered throne and the pit are coming back but it's hard to get excited about weapons that were sunset last season... Grinding for shit that I have in my vault and never use? Nahh I'm good.

Aaron Boakes: So they sunset stuff just to bring it back again.... why do I see them doing this on everything in every expansion thats still to come?

Pixicron: Please, for the sake of my sanity, some saying "Coo de grah", it's much closer to " Coo de Grass" in terms of pronunciation. It makes my ears bleed every video. I'm French, that's probably why, and the way you pronounce "Grâce" sounds like "Gras" in French, which means "Fat", so instead of meaning "Finishing Blow" in French, you're basically saying "Blow of Fat", nice.

Flash: Very dissapointing. That is it. I cannot be positive about the game right now so I will move until to new stuff comes our way

Jonathan Keylor: My RNG is so horrible I barely got the horrors least pulse rifle from the corrupted nightfall 4 weeks b4 sunsetting. Now they're starting this vicious cycle again. Drop rates are horrible. I've ran over 80 legendary and 20 master lost sectors. Still haven't got any new exotic armor.

Jon Smith: Instead of master work, armour will drop at 7 from the dungeons. Reissue weapons, less rewards all round. Bungie haven't answered any community problems apart from nerfing the hunter again.

Kyle Mason: imagine being in the action mmo genre and half of your players dont even recognise the systems. they named it sunsetting so you guys would get it and move on. mmo, current expansion is for max level gear, old content is for leveling.

Total Kong: I’ve got over 70,000 tokens (combined) to turn in????

nR Bartez: Oh great another hunter NERF 😂 glad they are nerfing opwarlock, but yeah I reached 1260 and I haven't played in few weeks and from what I see no reason to do so, for what sunseted and reissued weapons 😂😂 that's a joke

Destiny Lore Videos: I havent played all season im just giving up next season sounds promising but if there isnt enough loot to go for then im out for another season

Persona Wildcard: Seriously what is with those hunter nerfs? It's bull and what's the point of sunsetting if they are bringing them back? Starting to think there's no point

Lee Byrnes: They are fixing the frostbite glitch and you didn't even mention it, that's the real news!

MirouMirou: I really didnt like moon dunguen change :-(

Erkan BC: We gave Crow Freedom but hes still there with Spider he have the Stockholm Syndrom god damnit

miles501st: What a complete load of utter bollocks from bungie.

Stuart Simmonds: Bungie have lost it. What a joke

nozemi: Well, now they reusing old weapons that they sunsetted. This has never happened before and here it is again. And no one expected that. No one. Yeah...

Hojhunter: Wonder what the icon on the new season vendor armor is, house of light?

TheWhiteWolf: This is why I have quit this shit game. Sunset gear, then reissue that gear with higher cap. That's total BS!!! I predict more player leaving. If bungie can't be bothered to create new loot then I can't be bothered to play thier trash game. When the main rewards for playing is upgrade materials! That's more BS. Houndish you need to quit. If all the big D2 names quit like HUSH bungie might start to listen that we want more loot. This game is dying unless bungie pull their finger out thier arse.

l saith l: I think houndish should start covering more games. I feel Destiny is pushing more and more players away. Self included. I haven’t touched it since the beginning of December and haven’t had any desire to go back. I paid for the whole years worth of content but I don’t care. I am having more fun in CoD than I have had in D2 in recent times. I’m just waiting for halo, then I’ll be there instead. Destiny used to be good but I’m sorry it’s a shell of what it could have been. Too busy writing lore to put on their web pages rather than developing interesting ways to put it in game. I’m good. At this stage they should just make it an audio book.

l saith l: Reissue isn’t the solution. So done with this game.

Metaris: They're reissuing those weapons because this game lacks any worthwhile content right now, so they're hoping to force people onto old treadmills. Lazy as hell. I'm disgusted with what this game is becoming.

Thangamba Moirangthem: But how do u rank up vendor reputations, by just playing or by completing bounties?

Daftwullie: so they're reissuing weapons/armour that was sunset instead of introducing new items. You can't see my face...but I'm shocked...super shocked

Josh Felix: I’m getting tired of this game

LithuanianBadger: Birthday present shatterdive nerf😁👍

Sadistic Overlord: What they should is make previous season shaders and Ornaments skins available at certain vendors, that would be nice.

Epicness: I have a feeling that eyasluna will return

Ray Adnyana: This is already a warning sign this year gon be bad

R. S.: I’m done with destiny , Luke smith is dragging this game into the shitter 😂

Kuro Maru: As a hunter, I’m happy they’re gonna change hunter stasis in crucible. I hope it’s more fair for crucible to be fun again

Jorigis Balčytis: I can't wait for the vedor udates

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