Destiny 2 - 10+ CONFIRMED FEATURES FOR SEASON 15! Crossplay, Stasis Weapons, Subclasses, MORE!

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Dylynn Reyna: Hopefully we'll get a new dark subclass in witch queen

Anon ymous: The D1 Super subclass Trees were the best. Not sure why they are trying to re-invent the wheel.

Anon ymous: Trails will now be unplayable. Console against PC,? Seriously? WTF Bungie. Console cross play, I agree, but Console to PC cross play? Morons

Anon ymous: new storyline missions, just another really stupid mind numbing activity to be forced to replay over and over again. Strike specific loot? New PVP maps? Nope just stupid activities and cross play........

Keith Pierce: The only thing im really really excited for is the cross play and well the new season.

Link Exe: Its funny how you believe bungie cares about community, while friendlists on steam are bugged since the launch of shadowkeep xD I mean something so simple and fundamental is like the base of everything community related and clan member list doesnt work properly and chatserver break at least 5 times a week!

Michael Brown: I'm a bit confused on the whole valor and infamy thing. Are they getting straight up removed or replaced by something else?

TJCM6: I know this isn’t Bungie’s department per say but will they ever address the PS4 vs PS5 issue? PS5’s increased specs make Destiny 2 crucible a breeze and quite literally a cakewalk against PS4 players.

T-Minos Gordy: and new crucible maps? we need

Chris Hansen: Hopefully this time stuff will work and drop like it is supposed to . Something is always messed up ! Each and every week !!!!!

Byronic Hero: Please tell me the sword fix is just in crucible. I can’t do jumping puzzles without a sword

Stinky-Dirty Rat: Bro what? they literally babied transmog, it wasn't even that bad before you honestly just had to put in effort to do the quests. Still a good change though I guess, much friendly to New Lights/blueberries so they can actually participate with transmog, even though its optional and completely cosmetic

URSoDead2Me: They don't want to give us Stasis weapons because of all that bitch ass whiney PVPers. Just give them to us and just not let them be used in PVP, plain and simple.

better then average bloke: I want the super black shader back.

Dagger: They should make cold heart stasis

Jojo Useda: The only thing that I see with peaking are warlocks and titans putting down a rift or barricade to still peak. Still nice to see them address it 👌

Blaze: Damn I won’t be able to emote guardians when I kill em sad oh well

GusherFrog: stasis trace rifle plss

Hung Jury SR4: I would really hate if we had another season of arrivals

Shaddai Prejean: I hope and pray that with the stasis legendaries they use that as a way to have kinetic fusion rifles

biggie cheese69: Destiny launches crossplay Me: *disables crossplay*

Aza Rootz: PS4 & Xbox one can not play with pc players☹️

Minidemigod: i'm sooooo hyped for next season and the future of destriny!!!

Dylan Hurtado: We need a hard point type of game mode

Dylan Hurtado: We need rift back


Gomola Speed: Couldn't give 2 shits about cross play. Another waste of resources imo.

John Owens: Does anyone really care about cross platform voice chat? I've never played with a fireteam that wasn't using Discord. Is this only important to console players?

Hamzeh Dagh: Soo... I haven't played since beyond light released. I am planning to buy beyond light and return but I would like to get a guide or a roadmap or what happened between where I am gonna start ( beyond light) to the current status of destiny .

ThatBroMan: I'm PC, Now I can re-unite with my FireTeam on Ps5

Mate397: I'd like some dino armor :D

Cursed Sinner: They should of done it as your input as m&k together and controller together for pvp cyz as a pc controller user I'm at a disadvantage :/

Garrett Viewegh: Leaks can be 50/50 true or false but, if the Hive, specifically Savathun was able to cheat death while ridding herself of her worm, some people have speculated that she would have a ghost as well. Like any Guardian with the light. I think it would be a more interesting design if her Ghost was incorporated as a physical part of her sword or whatever weapon she uses in battle (if any). It’d be a cool way to highlight how the Hive are different from lightbeares even if they have the light.

The White Recluse: Error code buff is gonna be the only one that matters

Casdan: Thank you very much for this. It was vary organized and easy to understand.

Mediph Eranz: Big issue with that "can't use without ammo" Most cheaters give themselves infinite heavy. they always have ammo.

Atheon, Time’s Conflux: Praying that moments of triumph will let us get the old raid armor and shaders in the bright dust store, as a way to celebrate our conquest of Sol and eventually beyond

Kris Rivers: Considering this is significantly increasing the player pool I really hope they add region lock to pvp game modes because I’m tired of playing people with 250 ping

Frost spirit gaming: Crossplay? LETS GOOOOO

Ryan Marino: PC is just a dumpster fire of cheaters in PvP.

Ken kaneki: Are they going to change everything on season 15 for which queen.

barlok667: First of first for me as a PS player hearing cross play with a crucible background scared the jesus out of me. Second dawning armors are the Best lookin armors for a whole year i farm dust to spend it on it... Nortlight warlock is matter of hearth.

Alexander Zoubul: Great now pc players can carry me in PvE

King kobra: the dawn and chaos nerfs will be nice hope more warlocks stuff gets nerfed

Brooks Manis: Be honest do you guys wish they would overhaul weapons again?

Tomáš Liewehr: ps4 tryhards going to meat PC hackers, and bungie wont care 😅

N A P K I N: I'm gonna get shit on by pc players in crucible

Josef Smakal: I really am hoping that ada-1 can also give modparts

sewermutt: I havent played in a little while. Im gonna start today

ChillyWolf: Does anyone know if fov changes will be available for console? Like on pc

Jamie Scott: Still can’t believe stupid dinosaurs are going to be lost armor! I never look forward to season armor but hell really not now! Been saying for awhile bungie needs to fire their season armor guys!

Zumone1one: I wish statis wasn't such a grind to unlock!

TWW: one thing that will never change in any season of Destiny 2 - my KD in crucible, it's always gonna be 0.5 lolol

Zac Creighton: when will it come to pc gamepass tho

Dead Frosty: This game can suck it till they bring back Titan

scoobypup01: Can’t wait to see if there is a fifteenth wish or darkness subclass

Beewaar: I don’t want another Season of Arrivals, the content drought was really bad.

Catalyst375: Still wondering if the Legendary Stasis weapons will end up in the Kinetic slot rather than the Energy slot. Cryosthesia 77k was put in the "Kinetic slot", so I would find it odd if it stayed there while every other Stasis went into the Energy slot.

SneakyKatanaMan: I'd like to see primary and heavy guns being exclusive to darkness elemental types, be kinda encumbering if secondaries were also having new elements

Justin Brefka: I heard it was gonna be an extra 3 months season 15

Gregory Chedmeir: So glad they removed emotes in one of the major communal space activities in destiny. What a fucking bandaid fix.

Chris Nichols: So the darkness subclasses will be Freeze, Poison and Blight I assume? If the final darkness subclass is blight, which will come with Lightfall, is THAT when we’ll finally see a Malfeasance catalyst? Cuz I’m sure Thorn is getting a catalyst with Witch Queen to fit the theme of poison. Malfeasance fits the theme of Blights. I’d love for Malfeasance to finally become meta. I use it even now and it’s pretty good. Just can’t hang with 140s if the other guy is a good enough shot. The intrinsic perk helps with the lack of range, 5 shots for an insta kill as long as those shots connect. So Lightfall, Malfeasance catalyst. I’m saying it now.

Jake Yost: I doubt there will be another season, i'd prefer if they added content to witch queen

Frankcast11: 7:45 Hopefully they are actually earnable in game and not just cash shop only.

TheArabianLord: legendary statis weapon = statis enemy shield

Massive Disaster: Fusion rifles are getting an overhaul

Literal Sarcasm: Anyone know if crossplay will work with stadia?

Xayvion Sherman: Imagine a legendary/exotic stasis trace rifle

Thunder Struck: Wait, third person weapons why not just say swords? Unless

Rakunasha: Would luke to see an expanded weapon pool fron the weapon vendors that are non exotic

MizzyMore: Because of the light supers having multiple choices I think stasis should get multiple super choices. I would want stasis supers to get other weapons and abilities, like a Titan builds an ice fort where the crystals regenerate, Hunters roaming tomahawks and warlock where you slam the ice staff in place and a tornado like the revenant stays in place with the staff

Azrael Wolfsblood: I just want my sunsinger subclass back

suicidal coffee: Great now the crucible is gonna have more hackers thanks to the pc people

divinity: I am wait for legendary trace rifle

legendi chan: Some guy told me to use anarchy in a raid I said no all of you have it i don't need it and its next to be nerfed Next twab had including of its nerf

Tritanis: Isn't there a fusion rifle rework coming?

ForgottenNuts Yo: HEY! Can we get the paper masks as transmog items! I wanna smash face looking like a vengeful Rahool.

MarineBubbles79: If we’re having stasis weapons, will it be on kinetic slot or energy slot?

The Enderman 145: I still find it Interesting that they said, “third person weapon” and not sword

crim somreaf5555: 4:20 wait wth when was the ghost and sparrow Available? I didnt see it last moments of triumph.

spicy hands: 1:50 why is there a tiger thing in the background??? lol

Riely Fluty: Buff nova worp ( dont touch its melee ability) and give us a thorn catalyst that gives it range

Starzaria Guy: I wonder if they’re gonna show the new subclass.

Barely Functional: They don't mention that your dlc isn't transferred between platforms, found that out today as i just got my first pc

SHadd*: I hope Bungie will add the ''Toxic'' Subclass in Darkness classes :)

Energy Vanquish: Can’t wait for the point we get enough stasis weapons for a enemies to get stasis shields. Will make things more difficult for match game!

Sam Crompton: I have a feeling that ikora would give use the light aspect and fragment quests

Scott Harrison: Part of me can't wait for the light subclasses update but the other part of me is weary they'll unintentionally ruin the subclassas I like by changing them, hopefully I'm worried about nothing

Just a Bot: I want a stasis 600rpm auto

Monarchy: titanfall the cheaters, make them face each other, that’s an easy way

Hernández: For any 3-peeking scumbags out there. 😂 take the L, loser. Looooooooooooooooooooooool Taking the mask of a 2kd player. Just to see a 0.1 KD trash can. It’s an exaggeration. Of course

Saint Veloth: They def confirmed Moments of Triumph.

Blaxomoose: A N A R C H Y N E R F :((((((((((((

Diego Martinez: I need an emote where I'm giving everyone the finger.

Handle: I’d like a Stasis version of Sentinel Shields, Golden Guns (Stasis Gun), Stasis Missiles, Stasis bubble etc basically make the Stasis subclass evolve and mimic the Light subclasses in someway.

Golden Life: 7:45 Warlocks legit have the WORST armor out of the other two classes!

Clifton Jackson: Omg finally be able to say "hey nightfall? " in the tower

sj the seagoat: i cant wait to cross play in my dino-armor

javan napoli: 3:50 I HIGHLY doubt Stasis legendaries will feature any unique elemental effects, I think they will serve the exact same purpose as any other elemental weapon in that they are used to break their respective elements shield type. This would mean that we are getting enemies with stasis shields next season aswell.

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