Destiny 2 - NEW TOWER FOUND! What We Know About Next Season!

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Dev Patel Gaming: I feel that we will find the house of light if we get old Chicago. And we could get that in the witch queen or some future season

Delay Mental: The area at 9:29 looks like the Exodus colony ships in the cosmodrome, because this area is similar to the dome thing at the top of the ships, it seems to be in space and it has a structure like the failsafe and she is the a.i. of one of the exodus ships.

Megrim: What if the Cabal get some cheesy name like Blue Legion since they're kinda the opposite of the red legion

zaow868: I'm just getting fed up of them bringing everything we played in D1 back..... We're paying new money for new stuff. If the want to bring back old stuff, then let it be free.

Lee Cummings: Hopefully more content with Mithrax. I would love to see him in House Light as an ally.

Lee Cummings: Hopefully more content with Mithrax. I would love to see him in House Light as an ally.

Extreme Ethan: The season symbol looks like a simplified silhouette of Zavala's logo with the Traveler above it.

vol Rogue: Bro if we get the old tower back as a social space, with new areas and changes, a Eliksni are allowed to roam the tower like the people do, that would be 👌😀

Nick Cage But he's in a banana: Theory: The game will lose support from the skeleton crew running it. So long Destiny

Jason Temple: Seaon of Chozen. After being frozen when he couldn't beat Daniel Chozen returns to wreak havoc!

R: They may be making an area for house light. The sigil looks a bit like a fallen captain face with the dots on the bottom representing the breather mask. Any additional social space may include variks returning along with possibly the crow being our liaison to house light. My two cents.

Jaspberry: love this games, will never stop palying

meme tier Gaming: what if there was (l oremasters dont attack me) Taken Guardians and call it season of betrayal.

Joseph: Wow More New Old Stuff from destiny I cant wait lol.

The_?_Kid: hol up real quick am I having deja vu because Ive never watched this but I was thinking of the same exact plan for the vendors for crucible and stuff like a couple of days ago

SelectionLP: I do hope they bring a new tower into the game. Sure is time for a new social space by now

Ryan: Why is it the 'Old' Tower? It's just the Tower, we're currently on the wall.

Chris Bishop: I just want new dialogue for NPCs. Rahool needs new lines man c'mon.

Caleb Mills: What if the dark vanguard (drifter, eris, and the stranger) take over the current tower while the light vanguard move to the remade of tower? That's what I'm personally going for

KelticRogueYT: maybe setting up for cross-platform social space , perhaps?

Rayqui 12: actually the first siting of mithrax was in the "Enemy of my enemy" mission back on titan and he decides to ally with the light if you kill the hive knight trying to kill him beeing him walking back from the methane reactor and thanking you then leaving after noticing guardians arent just brutal killing machines(even though thats kind of what they are most of the time)

one chain: Am I the only one that wants Cabal and Fallen as a playable option. Like who's going to mess with a cabal titan

Onno Morsch: The logo looks like the mask of torobatl

Steven Neumann: Bring back the old jukebox to the tower

Pan Meowgi: The season symbol looks like IronMan mask for me... and maybe we will see in the next season how Rasputins is now an exo?

freakctc: I'd like to see another 'social' area open up in the tower, looking similar to the original tower, and including new merchants and NPC's - like MIthrax, Ana Bray, Crow's new location, Rasputin, a new setup for Saint-14. Maybe move Drifter, Ikora and Zavala, and include the factions a little more.

Mardusflame: "What We Know About Next Season!" Me : That its likely going to be just as shit as this season.

SystemLordMoot: I'm fairly certain that's just a skyscraper at the centre of the Last City, it's been there a long time. (of course my memory and imagination could be collaborating in order to fool me lol).

Linda H: The tower we are in now in Destiny 2 is a service tower. We are just using it until the old tower is rebuilt. And we will be getting a new Speaker.

BlueBerry Sherry: The biggest question is: will there be one or more chosen ;)

LadyHavokk: The crow is gonna be the new speaker. The symbol looks like Anubis! The entry way to the vault of glass if gonna be at the end of the strike the glass way (Just some of my theories)

Maxammo 76: I hope the new social space has a statue for all the important Characters we have lost like Cayde-6 and Sagira(Osiris's ghost)

Night_ Wolf: No one notice that the social space at the moment isn't the tower and is in fact the wall no just me

Bleach Btch: Reeeeaaaaallllyyyyy hope we get a revamped Tower like shown here Omg 😍😍😍😍

KamiEuKiTo: I would absolutely love if Bungie eventually made Cabal & Eliksni new playable character races (for a Destiny 3 game perhaps.) Bungie's experiment with the structure of the darkness class could be a framework for what these new races could be like.

Darcy Waterfield: yes

Humberto Chávez: The Devil's Lair strike also returns

Mason Reycraft: OH MY GOD!! Watching this video just made me piece a few things together! We helped Mithrax clear out the old tower and that's where the House of Light is hiding! They are the ones that have been fixing it up, not the humans or the Vanguard!

gnarghh 2: I'm glad I was totally burnt out on pubg and mw.....looked thru my games and apps had d2 downloaded it and got totally this game

Matthew Rutter: They should make a social area for each of the classes, like the hunter's den.

Spectre Gaming: I think it’d be really cool to get a Pyramid ship loading zone as a Dark Tower kind of deal. I also hope with darkness abilities we get other stuff. Poison damage types and stuff. Light has Void, Arc, Solar Dark has Ice. Would be nice to see the Darkness abilities expand to whole new damage types

Robert Adams: That season symbol looks very similar to the hieroglyphic symbol for the Egyptian goddess Isis. Wh

dexx: honestly wouldnt mind seeing siva back at some point

ClayLess: what about that out-of-galaxy place they found oob in the edz? Looks like traveler stuff to me

JP: I would love if the old tower was revamped as a new version of Tribute Hall/Personal Guardian Space (Like your own special area to customize and invite friends to)

J. S.: My theory: *two weeks into the new season, y'all will be complaining again*

Cyber 405: 11:21 the farm isn’t in the game anymore though, it was removed with beyond light.

Cayde 6: The traveler looks different

Jacob Holcomb: Why do people want the old tower to return? Apart from nostalgia, what purpose would it serve that the new tower doesn’t already serve? Seems like a waste of Bungie’s limited resources.

Raven of Watches: One problem, Bungie still hasn't fix the server's and like the last campaign you have to pay to enjoy, and Bungie just like to laugh at the players how pay for the season pass or anything you have to pay for, really giving players a few things to don't think about it is the way Bungie saying f@#$% you to the every player in game, no matter if you can pay for everything, still is a middle finger from Bungie to all players.

Rushboard Technologies: If the old Tower is returning with a revamp, maybe House Light takes up residence in our current social space? Or perhaps it is designated neutral territory to meet with Fallen and Cabal? We also know much of the Solar System has "disappeared", with the Vanguard sending guardians to investigate... a larger hangar may suggest players will be joining this search, with options to modify or upgrade ships. As to Season 13's title, we could be exploring how and why some people (i.e. Uldren) are chosen as Guardians.

Sami Bacha: Crows only staying because the activity is staying for the year, also I believe it’s pronounced Kai tul

Frraksurred: If we got our own 'appartment' where we could show off achievements,, favorite weapons/ armors (Ala Skyrim) with its own personal hanger, I personally would be stoked. Destiny needs something like this.

snakebuilder5 hue: I think the symbol looks like the banners at the old tower with the traveler in the middle

Vitalabyss: The House of Light is curious to me. Because it makes me think back to a mission where you had to choose to kill a Fallen Captain or a Hive Knight. Choose the Hive Knight and the Captain leaves peacefully. Could he/she/it now be the Kell of Light? Was that interaction the start to this House and a potential alliance? Curious. Curious.

kurtis sinclair: That symble looks like hive tower with the orb in the spikes

Aaron Lamberte: To me it would make sense that we're gonna get a new Tower. The game has seen so many changes and many creators have commented that Beyond Light feels like D3, a sequel. It would make sense that with this year, they may want to add a new social space to make it feel even more like a new experience/game. Also the fact that there are two potential cubemaps that would belong to this new Tower signals to me that they would be intending for it to be of comparable size to the one we have now, granted it could be condensed but there are still a lot of vendors that would need their own space inside the Tower.

Ego_Toaster: I kinda like the new tower, I don’t really wanna leave it

S Graves: can we have new / old tower I hate the one in d2

AFKayboard: I've been wondering if maybe we'll be going to a different timeline (probably not the exo stranger's one cuz it sucks) and if some of the "old tower" stuff is from a timeline where the Red War never happened.

Archwing Gaming: I love the fact that the intro song to this video is on the beyond light album

rtsbama79: I miss that old opening song. Hope they bring that back to D2

John Kane: I'm hoping next season is based around us getting a new tower obviously and then us forming an alliance with most of the fallen houses and have mithrax as the season vendor/leader of all the fallen,while also having to deal with a more powerful Eramis based on those photos of her in that exo looking body/uniform,and then also having uldren..sorry crow and the vanguard story occur aswell

doc Kaos: There's people that like destiny 🙂 then there's people that go way beyond liking destiny

Vini Balfour: The only reason I believe they would bring back the old tower is for the house of light as in thats the social space for them and that's where they live cause I dont think everyone in the tower would accept them in to the new tower also crow might live there with them for similar reasons

Milo Balcziunas: Luke Smith said we will eventually go back

UZKxDEATHSTROKE: Let's hope transcendence Blessing works this time around!!!

InkHunter_: I miss dlcs or seasons opening with something like just a random patrols mission or answering a distress signal and the mission goes completely wrong. Taken king was really good with this

Benjamin Delvaux: new icon Looks like the eye of Sauron 😂

Pyro213: The new logo I think should be compared to other logos BEFORE we guess. There has to be a pattern.... Second, I would love Destiny to have like a player house. I think that one thing lacking from the game. As well as like a trophy rack for the house, showing off times, and bosses killed as busts or holograms

Jeffy: Wow! Are they gonna give you guys ANY new content next season, or is this next year gonna just be rolling out updated versions of old shit? I don’t know what keeps you lot going anymore, but happy trails I guess.

Savitar: Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope

heliarc 43: Why pay for something I already have I like to see all new stuff and not old weapons just with new perks

Marco c: this tower cube map is totally different from the original one, and the last city, still has it's craters from the Red War. so it's a new looking tower

Ethan Scott: The new season symbol is the eye of sauron

Davad Miller: The next season image looks more like the cabal that is standing next to zavala than a tower. The farm is no longer there not sure why you thought it was

Sam: Hold up.. Is Mithrax female?

Rene Arjona: Symbol looks like Osiris helmet

Silent Dragon: I hope we get new warmind weapons since seventh seraph get sunset in season 13

Jalen Hines: Gotta have a new tower. Need a new space for that ship in the EDZ

DeathXV808: to me the Icon is a Face with the sign For the Sun as the circle in the middle In relation to Osiris's Heritage

Theodore Kalfagiannis: Wait! the city area behind this new tower looks very familiar ??? isn't that the same city space we walked through during the season of arrivals ending? I always thought it was really weird that they built like 2 load zones for a space we got to interact with for 30 minutes or so.. Its possible that we could be given access to the market location which may serve a new purpose, I mean they did say they wanted to make this game more MMO like? possible trading, older vendor placements? and so on ?

KingEnder 19: The symbol looks like an Egyptian symbol so it mite have something to do with Osiris.

swegwards JD Khaled: I just wanna find out what that cutscene with Zavala, Osiris, and the Cabal is all about

Sethe Newman: Maybe the house of light are in Old Chicago??

Christian Lejon: Think that season symbol reminds me of something darkness connected.. also reminds me a bit of the symbol in "Anomalous Signal" emblem.

Mathew Jimmy: will the aspects/fragments that we currently have access to be available to earn next season?? i still havent played bl on my other 2 characters :(

alexander moon: The new symbol looks like a Mashup between a Cabal Symbol and a Fallen Symbol.

Bzrk o0: all i know about next season is i pushed my uninstall button

Tigglet: It's the Eye of Sauron

Tom Mehok: Hot take: the wraithborn hunts were only enough because they came with a dlc, if next season is with the wrath born hunts again but the cabal it’s going to have to be way more complex

cptsponko32: There's new and theres also brand new.

mell_man79: The only thing coming is what has already come. So yeah.

ALEXTHEGR8 Animations: What if season of the chosen means that we’re getting the tower back and the vanguard finally decides to find a new hunter vanguard and it’s crow because technically it should be him since he killed cayde and I think that means he’s the new vanguard

Robbi Huyghe: you should have use the word recycle insteed of reissued

Muhammed Raja: It’d be so awesome if they added the old tower back o_o or if they make the farm relevant.....

Alex Wong: That's what they say b4 about the " Farm " now look at it.....

maksimgames1: not gonna lie, the very first thing that came to mind after seeing that season symbol wasn't even destiny related, in fact it was the "eye of sauron" from lord of the rings for some odd reason. XD

Dave MOFF: house of light, friendly cabal, I see something happening like the end of mass effect 3, altogether against the evil darkness

Martin Reinhart: There is no more farm in destiny 2

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