Taken in The Tower [Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer]

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D. A. R. C. I.: weeks ago i had thought the vex effects around the tower were worsening, like the little radiolarian "bushes" on banshees kiosk, i lost my mind trying to figure out if they were there at the start of the season or not.

Duskbringer: Me: *Just goes to turn some stuff in and then sees the Taken mess.* "...Thank the Light Saladin is not here right now..." Saladin: *Transmats in.* "Why did you say-" *Sees the Taken masses.* "THE HELL HAPENNED WHEN I WAS GONE!?"

Checco 01: Savathun that bitch...

Rafael Morales: I can’t even do GM due to bungie error code baboon wtf fix this game crap Enough of this lazy crap. I’m done with your game bungie till you fix this baboon


TheChosenOne: Vault size needs to increase...especially now that weapons and armor not longer deprecate.

Gustavo Sales: Umm is this a bug of some sort or its actually a real thing? Didn't go to the Tower yet today

TheSovietOnion l: What happens when they take the traveler?

manu hell: Lakshmi: ThIs mUsT bE tHe FaLlEnN FaUlT11! 11!

Obetovan: What a cruel amalgamation of vex, hive and taken aesthetics

Lego WarMachine: Wait, is this the Midnight Coup Hand cannon was foreshadowing...

darroch oliger: Oh good... everyone at the tower seemed to have "taken" it "blightly"...

SimpleTimes: A spoiler leak was on twitter before being taken down about 2 weeks ago.. you can guess what's gonna happen at this point

Fireshark72: Did anyone else just shrugged and jumped onto one of the spheres and start dancing? No? Just me...

NumbZkull: Meanwhile Lakshmi-2 about Eliksni: Oh no... Anyway.

XionsEmpire: Taken blights literally by the work of a Hive queen mastermind… Lakshmi: *squints* Eliksni…

Zerph13: Fwc and New monacy: we are going rev Dead Orbit: fu this sht iam out

메이: Fun fact) you can 'ride' that taken thing

Chunkle Mc chunky: here are 3 reason why taken lookin balls are here a: we are screwed as a box o rocks b: it's just some shameless thing to promote the upcoming dlc c: the end of destiny 2?

EXIA x ZERO: The Taken: "Listen up, good people of the City!"

DARK: Hangar has anti taken repellent

Megadon 1337: I dont want to loose my vault to Savathun's goop

dsmacawesome: The young wolf still needs to take up the mantle of the Taking King if the hive still hold to the sword logic.

Mohanad Dialdin: What is the story?????

mfw i lose in touhou boss fights: My 2nd hard disk decided to commit not living Life is suffering

João Pedro Avelãs e Silva: Wonder if these bligth-balls unlocked any new secret jumping puzzles

sell god Xid: Luckily they didn’t attack the tower while he was there

Best Why Not: Thanks for the spoiler in the title and picture...

kdox187: They're looking for Ikora's emails🤣

Ace Raphael Bongalos: Lmao I thought my game was the one bugged.

Doomsday Paladin: Great and just when we took the tower back from the cabal

Liquid Snake: The Taken Corruption isn't actually showing up in my game, I've done all the quests and the weekly one, yet no taken blights.

Joe Purified: I just saw that

Nathan Olaiya: Wait what the hell is happening

Devin Granger: Is it me or does the traveler look farther back than usual

Filipe: Theo witch wants esoterick for her

arch: destiny lore is for children

Anarchy: stop watching taken in the tower and do ur gm solo

cian c: savathun could only afford taken balls for the tower main are. lol poor

Necrochasm: next thing you know, a taken phalanx comes out of one of the spheres and blasts zavala off his balcony.

The White Recluse: Yay more parkour

Crematoria: They're really taken over the tower 🤭

Fearless0202 _-: Well we are all fucked


TryhardTrash_Can: Man we really dont know how fricked we are huh?

FVK4LIFE: What transmat effect is that?

StoicRobot: Put your taken spec on your weps and get Last Wish armor on!!!

StoicRobot: Holy Buckets!

Garrett Demase: I love this addition very cool on Bungie’s part, but a little upset they didn’t have any of the characters mention it.

rafarga1980: Happy Halloween! Where’s the old lady selling masks? 😅

dougbrown04: Pfft. I can solo this. Get good, eso.

dude bro bro: I thought I was going crazy when I saw it

Night Wolf: I've never seen this before but I don't know what's happening

Christopher Saunders: Eva: "I remember when CARLOS and MARIA were taken..."

Jack Henson: 2:32 when your dad wakes up for work and sees you briefly in the kitchen grabbing a snack still playing video games

7easton7: This is about the only thing of Esoterick"s I can actually replicate.....😞

GuardianxInfinity: (Taken in Tower) The People in the tower: "uh, oh Hell No!" (Taken appear) The People: "Were in danger!" Taken: We.........brought.......Piiiizza!!!!!!!! People: Ok, alright, maybe this won't be so bad Taken: With Pineapples People: Yeah were doomed.

ruudik niitmets: completed the quest, nothing changed for me, an other bugged tower instance bullocks

LA4ik: promote Saint already

Edward Mcnair: I guess the taken don't know boundaries....

WeirdFlexButOkay: i think this is a bug, kinda like in season of the worthy people were able to see parts of the tower destroyed. i’ve completed the quest entirely and i’m up to date on it but there’s not blights spawning, plus there would probably be some dialogue that talks about the blights if it were supposed to happen but i could be wrong about all of this. Edit: all i had to do was relog and the blights were there but still something about it seems like it’s not supposed to happen yet.

Titans Rose: Dude I spent liek an hour i there today. How the hell did I not notice this lmao

Saint- 14: What's going on is it because some new taken enemy will appear? ( sorry I haven't played Destiny in a while)

Logan H,: How do I activate this? I finished the splicer mission

JayTheTruth: Its still a normal tower for me, even tho ive done the weekly missions

HollowOreo: The traveler really is useless if the vex can coat the last city with eternal night and let the taken in. He's probably just there if bungie writes themselves into a corner.

Wolfemperor_N: I see quira far in the distance of the city Edit-my bad it’s just a ship

IvIooDy أنا مودي: Can you do grandmaster nightfall solo ?😂

Nope: Holy shit , cant wait for next week story mission <3

噢噢噢噢噢: ttk back?

SuperNova: Don't get this on the series x

MegaRhombus753: It's not appearing for me?

André Príncipe: Good moment to wear the dreaming city armour set, use the tincture of queensfoil and walk in the tower looking like a taken lol

BadAnalogy91: The janitor frames are gonna have a fun time cleaning up all the Taken goo.

Jamar Reedy: First time I saw this, I jumped on the ball in the center and danced and a bunch of people joined in. It was nice.

Pancakes: We are going to have a black solstice :(

James Edwards: OK, I haven't played D2 all year. What the fuck is going on?! I need to binge Byf...

Andrew Klecan: hey dude you didnt speed run this and make bungie devs look like they cant create a proper game. lol

TheEmperor1080: There's still one more mission next week

Jetpack Boy09: Everyone: *freaking out* Awoken in the Dreaming City: First time?

Jae Nassir: Wtf dude noooooo🥺NOOO MORE TAKEN PLEASE bungie😤

Faizan Malik: it seems random for people. when i loaded in twice, it wasnt there. i had to join on my friend who had it. Did this happen to anyone else?

KizaKun: At this point I think Eso just has their own Throne World.

Jaleel Shamsuddin: Drifter is having a field day

💚CLARA💚: Dead game




Kepnach64: Wonder if we have to fight taken npcs or guardians that would be amazing.

Blackronin357: Never thought I'd see the day! This is why I fux with destiny story game right now!

Blackronin357: Yoooooooooooo👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀😵😵😵😵😵🤯🤯🤯🤯

Wolf Sider 1998: No way

kill The Heretics: This just went from worse to a lot worse

Pizzazoomman: *Stuffs all of my exotics forcefully into my briefcase* well c’ya!

Mellemrum Reading.: Wish i had money to actually experience these changes while doing season pass missions and stuff The only only reason i keep playing is to get the hunter ornaments and the bitcrusher ghost shelll lol

RiddimSTAR1: "It's about to go down"- Kevin Hart

Colby Klassen: My tower looks normal, I finished the quest this week and nothing.

CDen: Everyone at the Tower: "This is fine."

Salvarore Santaguida: What?

Julian Pilcher: Dammit I wish I had just logged in and saw this for myself without getting spoiled

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