Destiny 2 | GET THESE RIGHT NOW! Must Have Exotic Catalysts for Season 14 - Season of the Splicer!

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Jarv: Sandbox changes are a breathe of fresh air, make sure to get your hands on some of these to make the most of them! <3

Kn Holmes: But you got to remember the first fusion rifle that broke destiny was packing Infinity

jmbrady1: if you got the catalyst for polaris lance before the change, you still need perfect fifth kills

eelnikar: Add rolls every 2 minutes is really excessive

Zane: Where does Fourth Horseman catalyst drop?

Chris Innes: How do you get these catalysts? Strikes! That’s where!

KingCraigers: I still can't get mida cat.

viT climb: So get all of them 😂😂

ItsMeHere: I got the telesto catalyst from killing the legend lost sector boss, not from the final chest.

MANIACO-81 !: Where does the 4th horseman catalyst drop?

TrillPaint: If you find a way to get the outbreak cat, pleease post a video bout it

Kurosh Nahavandi: Question: I'm working on the Perfect 5th for the Polaris Lance - and now you're saying it drops for free? Am I stuck having to finish the Perfect 5th for the catalyst I currently have?

Nukyyy: 1minute of intro without any content and then 7min of talking about something you could leave out or sum up in 2min. Very bad video

Serious Spaghetti: oh i have the one for the sleeper xD

Chuckles Maillet: I heard you could get the 4th horsemen catalyst out of Legendary lost sector competitions?🤔

Anthony Parlette: Do you have to run the legendary lost sector solo to get the Telesto catalyst or can it be done as a fireteam?

KAOS GAMING: I got my juju catalyst yanked by bungie because I did tribute hall cheese said I must do tributes to get it but it also says under catalysts that I have it and its completed so my question if anyone knows is can I get the catalyst still to drop in the playlists or am I SOL

Christian Gourley: Am struggling to get the vigilance wing catalyst.

Soul Survivor: You forgot about the Mida Cat that drops from Comp, Just got mine 2 weeks ago

Joshua Dixon: Wait, Skyburners catalyst increases hip fire speed in addition to range?

GAGE THOMPSON: I'm jelly that polaris lance cat was a pain to finish

Colonel Ezekielo: great vid

Insomniac: I still want the catalyst for outbreak perfected.

KaiserShep: The Sleeper’s probably going to be a top-tier PvE pick for next season with the LFR ammo and damage buff incoming. I can’t wait. This thing’s been sitting by with no love for too long.

Faint Karma: 3:56 "To complete the (polaris lance) is just need to get enemy kills" - I just ran mine, got kills up to 100% still stuck at 7/50 perfect kills. So either mine is bugged or you still have to get both kills and perfect (elemental) kills

FazerCordy: literally loaded up an adept nightfall and got sleeper catalyst first try, then found a guy handing out thrallway checkpoints. i finished my sleeper catalyst from bone nothing in 20 minutes

MatthewsEmulationStation: Season of the splicer... and no outbreak perfected catalyst. Genius.

TomZentra: I wish Bungie would rework the catalyst for the Rat King. Considering this weapon became available at the beginning of D2, it is unreasonable that we should have to obtain a Rat King fireteam years later to complete the catalyst with its 1,000 kills.

Robert Lujan: Would be nice to see a catalyst for Wishender some time soon.

TomZentra: DIM shows a progress bar on Insert the Catalyst for the Sleeper Simulant. This might provide some indication on your progress towards obtaining the catalyst.

Tony Allen: Cries in Malfeasance Catalysts,(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)

Wolfemperor_N: Well at least I have all but 2 of those.

Chris Wilson: Whispered breathing is bugged rn.

Lethal_Giggles: Where that Graviton Catalyst tho

Faint Karma: Are you sure Polaris lance is just enemy kills? I've been leveling it and it is a bear. Catalysts drop like candy now. Got 4 last weekend running nightfall ordeal easy, and playlist strikes Lumina, wardcliff, prometheus and sleeper stimulant. Somewhere between 10-20% drop rate Only ones I'm missing on your list is Telsto since I can't do legendary lost sectors, and Legend of Acrius which I will be getting in a few weeks

Terrence Peters: No jötunn catalyst?!?

Naud Perez: You can get catalysts from hero nightfall I got sleeper catalyst and icarus shotgun catalyst

RdyPlyOne: The Telesto catalyst just won't drop for me...I've done about 40-50 solo LS's with no drop.

DuckofDeath 80: Been non stop farming nightfall ordeal for sleeper catalyst for past month and it just will not drop Is there any known bug I should know about or just bad rng

Laurance Bell: Huckleberry still have the old rampage % also. Which I think is 50% while the current one only go up to 30 or 33% now.

Sander: What about Mida catalyst?

Mike Milliron: Unless I misunderstood the Polaris Lance catalyst that drops DOES need regular kills AND perfect fifth kills. Actually, hints on where to complete the perfect fifth kills would be helpful. That is what I'm working on now.

Jordy Matthew: Actual guide starts at 1:30

DETHWARMEDUP: Wait.. Polaris lance catalyst hasn't changed? You still need to get 50 "5th shot" kills.

Spare Rations: When are we getting a spare rations catalyst? smh

Ugarte Facundo: Everyone gangsta until Heir aparrent gets catalyst Wait

Lunar Rsca: U are wrong for polaris, to fill catalyst u need burning kills

TEAizBaGG1N: Graviton Lance is one of the only one i cant seem to get to drop. Supposedly it drops from the Crucible and Strike playlists but its just not appearing for me!

Raziel Moreno: I hope Arbalest gets a catalyst soon, you know, since linear fusion rifle are getting a buff next season.

Colin Tentis: I mean, Skyburner's is still one of the worst guns in the game. Not Exotic, guns in general.

SGTBrownT: 4th horseman cat drops from legend lost sectors.

That Guy You Know: The only catalyst I am missing is Mida Multi-Tool. Because, well, I hate comp. 😐😑 I have all the other catalysts and they are all completed.

Crota Prime: The only catalyst that I’m missing is for Fourth Horseman.. I really hope it’s added to the loot pool soon!

3 strikes strider 1 Trigger: Venus should've came back but its bungo. Everyone whip out your wallets it's time to feed bungo money

CarJunkie: Any chance they bring back the outbreak perfected catalyst ?

Joshua Mosley: Telesto is only one I don’t have

Ran Brooks: I really only care about huckleberry, worldline zero, heir apparent and sturm catalyst and I got all those

[FATE] zzzNARDSzzz: First, why isn’t Outbreak’s catalyst available? Did they just forget about it? Second, Telesto’s catalyst does not drop...I’m not sure how many dozens of LS I’ve done but this drop rate is waaaaaay too low 😡

CJ Dines: Hey how do I get mida multitool caytalist?

xuxon24: I've been playing a ton of nightfalls this season and still haven't seen the Sleeper stimulant catalyst.

marcellino sabastian: My friend tell me that sleeper's catalyst can be drop at legend/master lost sector.. is that possible jarv?


Cayde: Nice content

Inquisitor Jesus: It took me literally 53 runs of Arms Dealer on GM before it dropped this weekend... It was excessive.

Cory Knibutat: I literally finished my polaris catalyst yesterday but I had the old one needing perfect fifth kills 😓

James Murray: Really helpful info Jarv. Nice one man.

Jeff Ellis: Thanks for the video, but it seems if you have progress on a catalyst from before like Polaris Lance it's still the old requirements. It still is wanting Perfect Fifth kills for me. Worldline zero does show 300 kills instead of having to hurt each of the five bosses on mars. I grabbed Sleeper Simulant from my vault and it had the catalyst and I only needed the 300 kills for it. I knocked at 40% of that in an hour on the moon. It would be nice if they brought back Outbreak Perfected and Whispers catalyst

ThatOneVeryOriginalName: Too bad the forth horseman catalyst isnt in the game anymore

Frraksurred: The only Catalyst I still need is Mida. With 1500hrs in the game and hundreds of those in PvP (where it's supposed to drop), I still have not gotten it. Hopefully with its perk changes, it will also receive a bump to its drop rate next season. EDIT: Only drops from Survival playlist, guaranteed if you hit Legend

Doom Slayer: Polaris isn’t even worth it. You’ll remember when you have to get kills for it...

ozzie 314: Totally missed that Worldline catalyst was available... Thanks for this vid.

RedGhostSamurai: Dont forget about the rat king catalyst. I think it drops in the nightfall playlist I think...

Chelo Del Alto: I only miss the 4th horseman catalyst :(

Eranga Prasad: Any chance that sleeper and la catalyst drops in 270 nightfall?

Jonnp99 Tv: I got the Huckleberry from a random mod that I killed it was a random dropout of nowhere and I got its catalyst same time.

Warrior Of Hade's: Is there a catalyst for malfeasance

Samael_the_Golden_King: 5:04 no one talking about how that dude went YEET?

Outlaw49x: Why?

Nong_Ing: I don’t even have Izanagi and Sleeper But still going to finish the video in case something useful Lately not but I don’t want to miss

Angel Martínez: What about whisper of the worm??

Adam Velander: can you not get the sleeper catalyst anymore?

Sephirrot100: whats with the Catalyst for the fourth horsemann

Edo: Any news on outbreak perfected catalyst? It wouldnt make sense if we couldnt get it in the season of the SPLICER

Tartus Maximus: I wish there was a Monte Carlo catalyst

Orion Frost: New lights have no idea how difficult and pain staking it was to originally get any of these catalysts.

Dev Patel Gaming: TELESTO THE BESTO IS BETTER THAN THE RESTO... (Keep it going with the rhyme)

Jackson Campbell: I honestly love the Huckleberry!

The Lament: I was farming for a better roll of mask of bakris and got a telesto catalyst to drop, looks like I've got some use out of it even though I don't use it ;)

AkiraRyuzn2010: Telesto's catalyst is the one thing that I don't have. I was able to get the Acrius and Sleeper Catalyst a week before Beyond Light came out. Right now, I'm planning to try a Master Lost Sector, but I don't know if my character's current light level is up to the sector's standards.

Alan Goodyear: why do i have to giv my phone number to join the community 😥

Y EV: Feels necessary to announce that I'm officially the 69th like...

Youwich V.: I'm still waiting for Le Monarque catalyst 😥

A Karrit: Thank jarv! Got the Shuro chi cp Friday and have been getting catalyst done. Sleeper next!

Rodney LeSane: Hey Jarv. Any hint on Leviathan's Breath Catalyst?

JesterFive8: I bought Izanagi's Burden from the monument today. Then ran nightfall once on adept and got the catalyst drop. Just off to buy a lottery ticket ;-)

Ronin Ivey: Well, back to the thrall ways

Grandmaster Yoda: I have the Izanagi's catalyst just haven't gotten the Shattered Throne Thrall CP this week. I already finished The Sleeper and it's catalyst.

Rodney LeSane: Yo Jarv!! Happy Monday

Awoken Lion: Oioi

Jaquon Johnson: Great video

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