Even after nerfs, this is the HIGHEST WINRATE JUNGLER in SEASON 11

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SanvSema: Dude Ivern isnt about letting your teammates carry you but about making your teammates carry you.😅

Rycin: I thought nunu & willump have the highest winrate. Great vid!

Emilio Khosasih 8.1: All yasuo user getting nerfed : *Chuckles, im genting in more danger

LordXennu: The one champion I will never own. Ivern is such a dumb champ.

Claudiu Paun: why the autistic face and moves all the time you fight?

Johnny Chung: May I ask which website offers the most realistic tier list of LOL champs? Thanks.

dalton gabel: 5:07 i wondered why i just heard somebody splashing while i wasn't playing runescape at all

Alicus: Me: trying to play Kayn after watching a “top 10 op picks in season 11” video... Pants: those people who tell you to play graves, lee or kayn in s11... pathetic!

Otso Rossow: Are u gonna do ranked climb this year?

Twisted X: Hate this champ

Angelo Graaf: Bro can you do guide for Diana Jungle plz I been watching you a lot but Diana is my favorite Jungle I went 20+ kills nearly 2 games now

Dete Lina: You can target yourself by pressing Alt + E (Alt + ability)

Erre: Thanks for not spoil anything at the beginning, here's my like, keep doing that ^^

Nel Jones: Graves.... RANK D?!??

Jake Malinoski: Normally you want to show jungle pathing and not highlights if you are trying to show people how to play Ibsen

Rigden Atsatsang: Will u ever post games from ur main account? I feel like that would get hella views cuz I’m interested in seeing you play full tryhard. U don’t have to force urself to do commentary if ur focusing

BlueSun: didn't even play ivern correctly early game ivern has so much burst you beat most 1 v 1.

Jamal: If you can't target yourself you can hover over your champ picture on the hub to self cast and you can also hover over your team's pics to cast on them

Paul Roggan: ALT + Skill to target urself btw

oliveraspointers: 6:18 when enemy blitzcrank catches you with Q

The Best Gaming Youtuber: I've been going ap ivern mid its fun

YT 。Lost: Pants : I can`t e myself there`s ppl on top of me GAME : ALT key exists XDDD

Nathan Stimmell: i like that you use Runescape sound effects in your videos. Cant pull a sneaky on me

vemund løvlund: play shaco Would be interresting......

rifaai mamoun: Am i the only one that finds it cringe to play a champ only because he is "meta" and good ? But i play Bard full ap mid so im just gonna STFU.

Mark Laurence Paragas: Z

Evol Kcuf: How someone commented before 2 days video is literally just some minutes out

Evil Mo: Not sure if he knows but you can self target, when playing enchanters, with the alt button 👨🏾‍💻

modo kun: pants doesn't wear pants?

Faris Ymeri: Bruh moment 17 views pants you're so bad at youtube tbh go do something else.

LordEngelbert: Odd because he just got dismantled by some Shaco fun boxes :p

Hanson Hoang: I dont even jungle, but I till watch this mans video :)


Ποιος είναι Εσυ: 1rst

Evol Kcuf: Damn early af damn

Intentual: Damn another good vid :)

Bryan Ferreira: Wow im early 😂😂

Joshua Lorenzo: Pin me

Confused Cat: Does pant gives heart?

iEpic: wow first

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