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Rai Choss: I want this to become an SPL pick at least 1 season

Kevin Chow: Incons reaction to that portal at 20:02 was amazing!! 🤣🤣🤣

German Wojtek: That was off the shizzack

Talismanila: 19:59

Wally Cola: Do you ever lose lol?

Clashy animations gaming and more: How to you get past the verification on ps4?

David Casaus: Will that skin be available after the Odyssey ends?

ke met: That blink over janus portal and then secured the kill.sheesh!

The One Truth: I just hope this becomes a huge meta play where hunters take the jungle no matter what cause then Danza would be medicore at best and out the meta for awhile !

Jeff May: Hey man, I saw the video from 4 years ago about all the bullshit going on, and I'm happy to see where you have come to! You are a prime example of what the pros should be like, both in smite community and streaming. Keep up the great work man, I've been inspired by you!

Amber Murray: the play @15:49 your welcome

Nils Tavella: Nice vid

Alex Anderson: As a jungler, I feel like giving us prots for enhanced speed buff would have been more fair than ccr. I mean ADCs can get 25% attack speed...

alex c: Do you think teleport glyph will be effective for hunter junglers? Faster map travel and farm

Star Moral: Would Da Ji go better with Blue Stone or Manekin's Scepter?

Prometheus: Is pts back online?

Tommie: 15:48. Incon you did it again

Beans2069: That janus kill under the tower was dirty

jaqueline: pretinnhosp is hack

Misae Tate: really good entertaining game

Nicanor Rodrigues: Looking at the thumbnail be liek - Wheres cernnunos ?

Melanie Lindberg: I know that like everyone hates Cern but he has and will be one of my favorite gods, not sure why.

Myo Ti: This char is overpowered, so pro like Incon with him will broke the game. I abused the hell out of this toon.

Michelle Spaleny: Why i my hud so different? Can i change mine?

CallumWyattWH: Great now casual games are going to have people trying to replicate this...

Rick Kcir: This day in history: 532 - Nika uprising against Emperor Justinian I in Constantinople fails, 30,000 killed by troops loyal to the Emperor in the Hippodrome.

Daniel Scivetti: That kill at six minutes was prime cern usage... love to see you representing him so well

Frances Diflavis: I've yet to see the new baba yaga skin played in s8 conquest @incon maybe you could be the first to upload a game with her??? 👀

Zetkin: I love Cern so nice to see him having a Jungle Blast.

MadGingerGaming: I'd love cern to return to the meta!!!

Dualities: you can't call god the best god in the game or best item in the game when u are just farming lower leveled enemies like cmon. u are making people feel like this god or item is unbalanced when in fact u just have number advantage so u can content farm for youtube. not everybody is stupid. do that in Arena if u can playing against even leveled enemies

Cookie Latte: Ullr: Am I a joke to you?

Chairless Crocodile: Great video. Im going to watch it now

Hollen Huber: Is PTS up again???

ohDJ: Ladies and gentlemen, please do not disrespect the ‘Con

Adam Adair: Woot Woot!!!

Charles Bronson: AOE autos definitely make for great jungleing

Corrie McGregor: ooo early


Incon: Big fan of Cern in the jungle for Season 8, his passive means he doesn't need a jungler starter!!!

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