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eduardo padilla: Season 8 sucks so far. I haven't been able to play a full match without people quiting early

Drew Gentry: Appreciate ya

RoyalOji: Ok guess I won't be playing conq this season aswell lmao

Prizsmo: I dont vibe with this

Highwalker: Haven't watched incon in a while. And damn, dude's been on a health streak! Kudos incon, kudos.

Mickey Marasca: Hey man idk if you're still reading this but thank you for helping me learn this complex ass game

kieran pearson: Jungle and solo start speed and then go to harpies and then blue

Flashy 05: Nice cut u look like a different guy

djXpress4: Thank you very much 🙏

Jamison Berg: Goat 🐐

anthony lluberes: 2.55M favor..Incon Rich

Sagastar: He looks much younger without the beard.

Race: As a solo main I really really don't understand why anyone starts at blue. With the new starter Items, i can start in lane and roast wave by myself, walk near blue while the jung is finishing, which gives me lvl 2 without actually helping. And my opponent who started blue is down a level because he's missed ATLEAST 3 minions that I shoved into tower. I did this last season too.

Jay: oh looks u can teach and not sound condesending somone should link this to we3kend or however u spell it

godrick aka blazing_nerdxD: Thanks really appreciate this advice having trouble with the new season really good players on lately

DatalysJR: Holy shit Incon without his beard is a first for me and I’m digging the new look 👀

BoondokPunisher: Alright, I’m a new sub and I gotta say, you, my friend, are a handsome man! Love your videos, they’re definitely helped me out in my games!

Colin Malonik: My boy looking fit and sexy af! Good for you brotha

Girangoeroe: Wait what!? The beard?! Where is te licious beautiful viking beard!?

Balthasar Gelt, Supreme Patriarch: Incon looks much more crisp without the beard


X_Lucifer_X: Seid dem update hat sich das spiel verhalten komplett geändert, warum laufen alle nur noch rum und kämpfen ? Keiner bleibt mehr auf seiner lane warum ?

Nils Tavella: Nice vid

Mario DeMaria: Incon looks amazing here

Kamataros: i sometimes like to clear all 4 solo-side camps together and then go for an early sololane gank

Prince Vegeta: Hear that people. Remember what babyface incon says. I've started alone at red buff and almost died way to many times :(

michael cluesman: I wish every single smite player could watch this so they actually understand where to start I don’t how many times I need to tell my mid lane teammate to go to red buff instead of yellow

AsgardAwaitsYou: I main supp an buy HoG so once my adc comes close it just insta clears an straight to lane idk if anyone else has been doing that but it works well.

philipp colling: Incon looking good

Talismanila: WOAH THERE!! You lost a decade with the shave! You look great, man! You were a pretty good looking guy before, but I mean... Damn... Who knew?

Mr Dank: Has anyone encountered the double nuwa ultimate with Morrigan its literally bs

No Shade: The only thing holding me back from starting to play conquest is that im so bad and slow at using the voice commands how do people do them so quickly? it takes me like 6 seconds to press V and find the one i want, and sometimes i miss-click

TrinimanBanton: thank you

CJ M: who is this mans bro, looking like a snacc

Anthony Morales: An absolute life savor 😭😭😭

Nickky G: okay, im level 2. now what

gavin sandoval: Thanks for this supreme guide! 😁👌

Austin Wehunt: Fresh cut in

Adrimano: perfect explanation lol i was so lost

M Qatari: You look better now.

BlueTornadoXD: Thanks Incon \o/

David O: OMG i just spent like 40 mins trying to find a code for squarespace! and then i gave up.. decided to watch your new vid and you gave me the gift i was looking for! gonna try it out and make a website for my small business :D thanks!

A.J. Ferolie: JUst an FYI, Arachne can do that first jungle start without HOG or even going to blue. Web speed, double web blue, then back, and drop a 4th web on speed when the spiders hit the ground. With manikens, you have the buff killed very fast, and as soon as you finish speed solo should be finishing blue, letting you be level 2 faster then anyone. After that I like to gank mid instantly, get the kill, then start going to town. I actually have a video of it here on my twitter Incon. Hope you like this start!

Jered Light: Did I con get a new camera or did he lose weight? He looks way smaller all of a sudden.

joe gaming: Can you do a new god guide for the junglers the content keep it going

Felipe Moya: Good cut incon

KillaOfAnythin: Lookin good man!

Jack Hanlon: Thank you 💗 as always

Jack Skellington: incon knows what smiters want and need

Talbacca: Thank you very much for this.

AjaxOutlaw: How do I not fall behind in the jungle? Anyone have any tips? 😅 I always end up falling behind on xp towards the 15 minute mark

Donald Sanders: Who is this dream boat?

Guilherme Sena Pacci: unless you have good comunication, go for the ''lvl 2 at lane solo'' start, less risky

Pat McCalk: I’m going to need to test this out but I feel like the first jungle start would work incredible on Arachne, drop one spiders on speed as you walk past to blue, drop one web on blue and back, you get back to speed and fast clear with 2 webs/hog plus share xp with the solo if their clear is good

Doctor Exam: I miss the beard though.

Ihsan ingersoll: I’ve been wondering since first seeing your rotations, why not have jungles start on blue and go to speed? It would get solo in lane faster and not have to worry about using blink or getting there in time

High Tech Prosthesis: I had a support and a carry push solo lane yesterday. They though we were playing opposite sides. After serval times of telling them they we're on the wrong side and they got demolished. They left after being proven wrong. Kinda pissed me off. People need to focus up.

Arthur •: Could it be a viable strategy if jungle & solo start at blue ? After that, the solo can go lane (and get level 2) or can do one of the both harpy (this case seems to be a strange path for solo but finally it's not longer than doing speed -> blue). With this start the jungle ends to speed, it's a little more far from mid, but instead of doing mid --> solo --> mid, he actually just did solo --> mid, so I think it could be faster for the two.

Rick Kcir: Fact of the day: Abraham Lincoln is in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. In his youth he was an accomplished wrestler, losing only once in 300 matches.

HannahGotNoMana: Great can't wait for ppl to waste hog on speed and for my solo to be first blood as he doesn't hit lvl 2 in lane....thanks incon

Cj D: No more viking beard

Karl VanBurkleo: Incon is better at explaining things than my college profs

hidden ENVOY: Hello my shaven friend

SIR UNKLYDUNK: Oh good, now I don't have an excuse when I suck

Julian Newallo: Instructions not clear, what is this purple stuff and why am I on the other side of the map.

Cperez6604 p: Thanks for this I haven’t played smite in some time so I forgot how to play jungle

Ashton Alvey: One of the first yeah!!!

Chai Tea: Incy omg he’s so skinty you look adorable


Incon: The first of our season 8 guides! One thing I forgot, sometimes the jungle just does speed to both harpy and doesnt go to blue at all, thats if the solo is just gonna clear it before the jungler would arrive! Also shout out to Squarespace for sponsoring some of our guides :D

Necromancy: Noti gang

OMG Waffi: SMite

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