SMITE - Mid-Season Update Show - VOD

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Limb Weaver: Please tell me yemoja serving pina colada 🤩

Ralph Cabiling: Tbh i want the drauger camp when killed to spawn a drauger to defend the phoenixes. Ofc it will be weaker than the normal drauger that you kill and weaker than 7% power maybe 5 and 3% mitigation and not 5 per god defending since it is a seperate entity with its own attack and health bar

Necromancer: Trash HiRez nothing more

Kefka Palazzo: I love all this, now revert Nike so I can HP5 troll again

Alicia B.: This is the coolest thing to happen in a while!!!

GOD: Bring back sidelanes In conquest. Like in beta

Terry Davis: Whos eset?

john: Apolo skin, Instead screaming would be cool if he say freeze

Comics AUniversalAlliance: For accessibility in the future. Would you consider adding closed captions to these update shows? Please.

Alex Diaz: Bro the community wants changes but doesn’t want to stick with the changes that our smite team have already done, we never know how everything will turn out until we actually play with the new update. By the way the skins are amazing but what in the freak is that Bachhussss skinnn bro😭!

Jonathan Nanfara: Of course, the game crashes while being shown the new map. They're getting us prepared for the release for when it's down for another whole week after the update launches

DWBR Gaming: Yemoji 🤤🤤


Joe Vazquez: How about buffing the towers so people won’t tower dive at level 2 and take 5 shots

Mateo Brandon: man just give me a fafnir skin

Felix Cruz: Cupcake aka Annika albrite😱

Felix Cruz: I want to see cupcake play with her cat 🐈 😁😆

Justin Fox: Best patch ever. But that Le Fay skin is nasty. Voice pack is gross too. I'll wait for the next one.

Felix Cruz: So alot of ppl complained about paragon being slow,smite about to be slow af

Kurtis McKinnon: Sol change isn’t too great. She really only has two range abilities and should’ve stayed the same

Wing X Custom: 😍 That Morrigan skin. How dare you Hi-Rez, mining my browsing history for skin ideas. The betrayal! That's between me and Jesus Dammit! 😤

Blitoz: The only good thing from this patch is the Battle Pass and maybe the skins, because your balance system and reworks it's one of the worst things I've ever seen and could ruin the Game in the future...

BJ: The best patchnotes in years! Finally Pon and balance team realised that they need to buff less used gods instead of non-stop nerfing "meta". Give more options, not constantly rekt everything what players like and invest time to practice. Clap for that! Also nice new side camp which reminds me closed-beta map and extra buff for supports, finally :P I just with one day we will see nice realistic graphics of the maps instead of this "cartoon" sh*t what Smite became. I hope it will not crash the game even more especially with that new ward buff too. And lastly Smite without boots and shoes...? Yea! There we go ! One must-have item in every game is gone and we have more options earlier in the game <3 Btw. I said this on the reddit few years ago and got too many downvotes for that. But its a good choice and iam happy that you have done it. Good patch notes overall, seriously ! More buffs instead of nerfing meta, new objectives on conquest and gameplay switch with shoes removed - and all that in one patch ? Finally a useful patch in my eyes. Just upgrade my lovely game to UE5 that i dont feel ashamed when I shows it to friends and we are goochie again <3 Happy Panda

Saruhem Dominguez: Can we get a demon slayer collab please

immortalls96: The bonus balance kinda blows

Tek9 Remix: Isn’t removing boots gonna effect snowballing?

XxPHOBIAxX Power: nerf nerf nerf and nerf only NERF GD

Makro: I despise Stranger Things, but the skins are so well made that I think I'll have to get the battle pass.

ArcticWolf1023: Personally, I stopped building tahuti just because of the power nerf. If I wanted power, I’d just go Doom Orb

Shizamza: I like the patch notes where they talk about a cat for a lloooooong time

Par Kor: I haven't watched an update show in forever cause it never makes me more happy about smite........nothing has changed some of the things they do make me wonder if they actually play the game they definitely don't listen to their player base at all

Jermaine Falconer: I'm so excited.... To get disconnected 4 times a game after the update. And the most exciting thing is the bans I'll receive afterwards

Snipecelly Boyz: Fix morgan le fey, her slow can bug and you'll be slowed forever till your beads or die.

fred king: I'd rather have this guy with the blue hood become a caster seems like he could bring a lot of quick insights I miss the old castors

RvngX: The rama skin 😍

Dark Nubent: I want Slash gamemode

Kurumi Tokisaki: I don't think they realize how potent they just made the katanas for every jungle start in conquest. Any item from the katana tree + speed buff make it almost impossible for laners under lvl 7 to escape from a ganking jungler. Junglers like Mercury & Arachne are gonna gank as soon as they clear their usual start in the jungle.

John Crane: We need more patch notes with hirezdaddy 😍

Junior: Friendship with Persephone has ended my best friend now is Morgan Le Fay

KinGxNetheaD: The boots change is brilliant.

Kaiser Tiago: We all know that Morrigan skin is based on the vayne skin which both are based on Bayonetta!

Simm: I guess I'll be the only coomer but she is super cute. This patch is gonna be wild

Goyo: 39:22 since no one wants to help get through this muck they call a show.

Goyo: I'm indifferent about no boots but I do think its dumb overall though. No clue how you will now handle speed. Kinda big deal. Worse part is how much of a change that is anyone with sense knows the game will crash hard on patch day. Yay.

Ice Soul: regarding green buff what if tiamat have red and green buff?

Rainbowzombies7: Me and my friends aren't even playing smite anymore because of the map changes in joust. Look forward to you fixing this

Rafael Vasile: I don't really like this stranger things skins..... and with the boots remove it will be harder to juke any ability soo idk... i belive alot of players will dislike being so slow...

Utkan Aktaş: Why they're try to bring basic attack base warriors to the solo meta ? Why ? It never felt good with'em.

Utkan Aktaş: As a support main I'm so happy that we have a support main in the titan team now :D :D Ponpon bring guardian buffs pls :D :D lol

Vlad Nicolaescu: Finally some changes that change the game a lot! No more boots! finally, 6 actually good items slots, without having to wait for very late game when you can replace boots.

Lmacncheese: Tera don't sound like a female with that smin but it looks awsome

Lucifer Morningstar: Oh no the speed force is dying again.What have you done Barry?

salem amar: Why don't you think to bring hastened fatalis back

salem amar: Why always the nerf with new gods

Darkguyver666: You know I just barely got back into Smite after a hiatus... And I love the game but I got a problem with the game designers as they really like nuffing s*** to the ground... This patch they did a Nerf bat on mages and a couple of warriors.. but did no nerf on guardians or hunters or any of the gear they use.

Esteban Random times: I have never seen berserker shield on a hunter is that just me Or no??

Pegas: I don't play the arena, I don't like it.

Apostolos Nikolis: The Bakasuras are coming, Bellona mains UNITE

Atlas Exiled: Khan Maykr Morgan Le Fay

Gustavo Totel: Jing, Sylv and Morgan are the best skins <3


Wdym Ar-Kan-Saw: They should've made Demogoron Bakasura's ult an upside down portal or sumn like that

Celestial Dragon: That Rama skin is mine i need it..I've been wanting to expand on playing more of my male gods

Grec Leclerc: 8.7 is a fantastic update (not 8.6 bonus) but to balance the reworked staff of myrddian I think it should double your cooldown % instead of just ignoring yours and giving you 80% because it will become the #1 core cooldown item now and people may skip other cooldown items because they won’t have any impact once they ult (I assume myrddian affects ult cooldown too). I think it will be very fun to play with because I love Omni, but I would encourage forcing people to build full cooldown in order for them to enjoy double its benefits.


fableboy10: This comment section really shows the disconnect from those who don't play conquest and those that do.

ShadowSlayer Gaming: So Persephone has gotten nerfed into a heavy nerf and is still being nerfed….😔 Her new passive is still useless as f^ck 🤡

Bloodeye622 Reave: Can't believe people are already complaining about Morgana Le fay she hasn't even been out for very long so stupid they're nerfing God that don't need to be nervous here's a better idea go Nerf gods that need to be nerfed

Kyle: So idk why they didn’t address this but what if Tiamat takes green and red? Does his timer stop until the green is gone?

Dirtyporker 69: Would like to see a hellsing anime battle pass next or soon

Sir Snow: Ok i kinda love that they removed boots

Daniel Reyes: The demo walk is so weird looking

Bob Randale: 46:30 - Pon got turned into a cat" - I immediately thought of the Smite bot PonPonMeowMeow...

Keyra Vazquez: I like most of the skins but the Eset skin is really cringe… the art is pretty thought.

Gonzalo Gonzalez: Please please please buff Aphrodite. You buffed hels damage so please buff Aphrodite

DP Seven: Movement speed increase based on lvl would be problematic tbh, being lvl 2 first would be really important, thus early game gods would be still really strong in conquest, the late game gods need more love tbh

Carlos Herrera: De por si a un full tanque no le haces nada con un mago, ahora menos que se agarraron bajando power a los items más usados

Collin DelleDonne: Ok for removing bracer and buffing olorun im putting bamboo sticks into all of your toenails

SirDr McMagical: Starts 18:40

death-by-ego: I appreciate the buff to my Mulan support. Plus with no boots and the reduction of watchers, I get to start with watchers, round shield (since I need some power in the build early without boots.. probably going into a shifters instead of void since the tier 2 is cheaper than full boots and the tier 3 being much cheaper than void) and either a chalice or normal pots or pots and hand. Thanks for the health boost and the protection boost to the ability that will naturally level up first when in support. Now ffs... let both hits from her 2 slow instead of just the first shorter one.

JdogHybrid428: Did they explain how tiamat would work while having the new buff with another one? Does she just have twice as long with the buff?

Malachite Heart: My wallet is in the upside-down after watching these patch notes ☠️

Maikeru Furin: Hi-Rez are snorting bleach with most of the buffs, nerfs and shifts

Storma: Bruh im waiting for a Tiamat mecha skin, Pos already has a robo skin but its unlimited, the ult is actually way better imo in terms of looks aswell.

retro reaper: That KA nerf is stupid, all the people be complaining because they can’t solo to save their lives. This KA nerf is literally just annoying and the cu one too. Sweet now with wukong in meta have fun getting poked from half the lane and never being able to solo him lmao.

Alex Rogon: Really amazing skins.. I hope my buddy jormungandr🐍will get some nice skin soon

THEGOLIATH29: Tainted steel buff is huge

Robert Sobecki: Just rush staff of myroidyn and by the time you hit level 5 you can just spam tf outta ppl lol

Manley, Gregory: 2:17:00 glad y’all kept the cake your art team really knows what’s up

AJ Martinez: The boots removal actually isn't to big a deal to me. I'm just worried about the amount of movement speed we'll be getting. I really hope they don't skimp us on the speed. And hopefully a longer starting movement speed boost. Because that long as trek to your tower has been annoying. *Even* with the fastest boots (WITH the additional boost after you leave the fountain).

Jordan Graham: A bunch of god buffs from LAST PATCH still haven't come through yet

Ganymede: NOOOO. Why Buff He bo? NEVER buff He Bo


Yellmo Kun: Why is Pele the only Polynesian god right now

Apex Predator: Why do you hate movement speed so much? You’re just slowing down the game and it’s stupid.

ghoxmr: You've made a lot of weird decisions smite team. Some great some ok some just downright questionable let's hope this update isn't as much of a mess as I'm worrying it might be.

Rodrigo Marques: FOR THE LOVE OF ALL GODS, we need more nerfs to Cu Chulain and Gilga, 2 TANKERS bursting more than Assassins while Tanking Team Fights..... it's disgusting, i don't want to see Smite becaming League of Legends.

Kaden More: Kinda hate the sol change but whatever. Love the skins tho💕

Vinrule: The bacchus skin 🤣

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