Season 8 In 4 Minutes or Less! | SMITE

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run4walk: That is not how you pronounce Clíodhna. Don't pronounce the d. It's kind of like a "Clee - un - ah". Sometimes it's quickened up and just said as "Cleena"

Gilgamesh AMV: I think the new god will be atropos the goddess of fate since we seen her in the cinematic

MrGetownedLP: This was a perfect rundown you covered mad content in a short amount of time, good shit brother good vid


Slime: hard reset... I can already hear my masters jungle raging at my silver mid

Michell Peraza: LETS GOOOO WE GET CHARYBDIS IN 8.8 (hopefully) 😆😆😆 Been waiting years for that god in smite

Drake uploader2: THIS SOUNDS SOOO FUN!!!

Godlysunfury: Gilgamesh son !

Nevadat: There are GM players trapped in bronze hell right now

Bearwoulf: Perfect thank you

Олег Мизин: When does S8 patch hits the ground?

patata !: What do y’all think they will do to Persephone? I’m a little concerned myself bc she is actually my favorite god and I’m scared they might make her unappealing to me, I do understand why tho since she has been a nightmare to balance due to how bad she is for the casuals yet how big of a cosmic mistake she seems to be in pro play and the highest elos

Andre Bell: I'm excited to play after my god damb 12hr shifts

Roku94Sparda: ty for the video <3

HelloDolly: Thank god. Hard resets are way better than soft resets and no one can change my mind.

r.h.: Thanks mate. Your short update is fine and understandable. I consider coming back after 6 months of pause of the game. You're great intersect.

King StewwyHD: Noooo why did they nerf Poseidon😢


Bailey: now this is fuckin content

Jake: Personally I'm hoping for Dagon over Charybdis. Though I'll be happy either way since all of them seem like amazing picks. Especially Gilgamesh

The Gaming Ideas: Charybdis might be Dagon instead, as it would be another god in the great old ones (and we wouldn’t have two gods from the Greek pantheon in one season) and the trailer talks about humanity being distorted, with Dagon being a Human type fish monster. It’s probably Charybdis but hey just another idea.

Humble: I wonder if the Lahmu's are gonna be added into the game

Quinn Dishman: Glad to see Chronos is getting a buff. He's my favorite Mage and I love playing him in Solo Lane. He can be easily forgotten as a viable God in both Middle and Solo Lane. I don't know exactly what this buff will be but I'm sure any buff would be good considering he is already a great God based on his current position.

Kobe Daniels: I guess the only thing that bugs me about tiamat is that she seems really small to how she is normally talked about.

Sean Coronado: Yo if atlas is a new god then i will probably main him because i have been wanting atlas to be in the game for a long time

Chuu: Persephone rework? :( I’m so sad !!!!

cam cruz0321: anyone know what’s gonna happen to izanami?

Dalton Estes: Im ready to play Cliege

Divatox: loved the resume, thanks :3

Emperor Tyrael: I swear if they fuck up siege I'm going to be pissed, it's the only game mode I enjoy anymore. FeelsBadMan

Wojciech Szatkowski: Battle flag is the only support item that doesn't give you gold and its passive is not worth taking it over any other support starter choice... They should give it a passive similar to spell thief's edge in League. It could open some interesting strats with mages that can play as a support (Aphro, Hel, Nox etc.)

Azmah852: RIP Siege You will be missed 😢


zeroisnine: I think the 2 hunter items (gold, sustaib) that can go on mages will be good for mage ADCs, and I think going for the ward assassin item, might be good for Hunters/Mage ADCs as well. The support items are interesting. I feel like you underestimate the flags, but I do think by their nature they'll be the slowest to figure out. Revive seems crazy in a coordinated group, but probably just okay if just ranked.

Graven: Morgana? Wow I hope she will be powerfull dark mage.

Childish Tykoon: I don’t know who needs to hear this but Ganesha’s passive needs a rework

GreeneGuy: Hey great video brother. Really enjoying your channel

reapfield: Please do season 4 in 8 minutes or less next, thank you

Serenhe: What a awesome resume, thank you so much!

Thorny Rose: As a Persephone main, I'm currently in fear

Sweet Tooth The Clown: New map skin is all i needed

My name JEFF: I hate that they are making Persephone easier she is not even that hard to play you just need a brain and a though process

Jeremy Mell: nooo im a 10 pers 💔💔💔 i really loved pers kit and its really fun to see the difference between “oh they know how to play around me” and “well gg” 🥺 im a 10 bastet too.. i enjoyed the first rework 💔

Hyotai: Yes rune forged for chaac pls

Ear Splitter: Another Baka nerf? :(

CyrusKing Gaming: Personally i cant wait for a another female enchantress....i have already mastered the shit out of my favourites ( Aphro n Hel) plus a few extras (Discordia, Hera, Daji, Artemis, Nuwa,). I dont know if its only me..but i hv always found i play better n consistently with female mages more often than not. Im truly hoping Morgana becomes a powerful one...

Michael Gruet: Damn I missed a lot, thanks for the summary!

skipskops: Noooo, they touching my Bastet. I destroy with her, don’t touch her she’s damn evil if played right.

TT MILKY TT: it’s really interesting that they’re gonna be reworking Bastet again

1234qwer: Need. More. Guardians.and a cabrakan redesign, its horrible

Luca Boldus: I think the last God is nut instead of atlas

Kirkabeast7379: I been waiting for a hard reset for years. I've been in elo hell since season 5🤦🏿‍♂️

Apostolos Nikolis: Wasn't there a mention about Athena remodel? Also I think Osiris will get a rework.

Eios: What about serrated edge , think it was slightly buffed or shifted atleast right ?

Even Aarek: I am so looking forwards to tiamat

CaptainMonkeyTV: What they need to do for ranked is separate it by lvl too along with mmr. I dont need a lvl 34 who has zero idea what to do on my team and I'm going up against a team of former diamond lvl 150+ players with tons of experience.

Nairobi: So looks like I’m gonna wait a bit before going into ranked once season launches. Last thing I want is to be put up against masters players with a bunch of bronze newbies

STAYHIGH993: Gilgamesh!!!!! He better be op af

Maxleono - Fortnite Maps: thanks, very nice. :)

IllI Justin: Is it true Scylla’s ultimate is now an execute?

warren ward: >hard mmr reset. Oh joy, cant wait to have my gold trash ass stomped by masters in bronze tier for the first month of the season

Tyler Beans: Noooooo dont merge siege with anything. Just update the damn map.

juliyum ‘: we havent had a hard reset since season 4 aka the worst season ever... should i be scared

juliyum ‘: spongebob battle pass incomin

Johnny Valentine: Sol doesn’t need any buffs.. why would they buff her???

Bobby Da Bear: I hate to be that guy but Gilgamesh being in the game gives me the feeling that a Fate battle pass is going to be a thing

Caterpillar: They are gonna ruin my op girlfriend Persephone :(

Chris Smalley: Do I smell a Danny phantom battle pass?

adilio m: great vid wow love this channel

John Urmetz: Do we have more details about the greater scorpions that I can’t seem to find or is that information not out yet? These seem like a good idea to start the game with? Or am I wild

Drew Dukart: I hope they make the starter items able to buy earlier in joust. The scaling almost never allows you to get to level 20 before the match is over. Ur at full buold by level 17 or so usually, so I don't think it's going to work very well in joist anyway. Idk just saying

yabo sama: Should I take my play to ranked ? Or just keep doggin casual every match until I no longer want to move due to poor teammate play? Lol

cu chulainn: not all heroes wear capes. thank you edit: i will be so disappointed if tiamat is a mage ohh no this is the worst thing that could happen. been so excited for her because heard she maybe a guardian/warrior


Destructive -_-D: Charybdis is already basically in the game

Gunner McAndrew: why is persephone getting a rework??? shes one of the best designed gods in the game, and the kit is perfect for a change of pace

Cihat Tekin: what should I do with the hard reset, should I try to play or just wait it out?

Brennan Lightfoot: They are re working Janus, that’s the one you missed

Sober: oh boy a ''hard reset'' haven't heard that one in a while

danny Faust: I will main atlas no matter how bad he is cause it's my favorite story

TerraKage: *Sly cooper danza skin please*

OpMc-Kun: Is there a myth about Gilgamesh fighting Tiamat? Or is that just part of smites lore?

Aeden Vivejd: When does this update drop?

Icenflamesrush: Yes morgana would be so cool.

Shami Tomita: soooooo helpful ty

Da Nabendu: So are they removing blessings?

Dylan C: So two mages this season to make up for the Baba disaster, I definitely do not mind!!!

Ahmxt Sxnjuu: Can you build two of these starter items ? I REALLY hope u can

Barthahn: FIRST :D

Hunter Myers: When is this all coming tho

LarzNews: I just hope we get a celtic assassin

andrew cokley: Ah yes I can’t wait for gm players and bronze players to be on the same ranked match

black cat: Thats what i was waiting for...

The Daniel Channel: I feel like Janus was def a buff. You hit the 2 so much more consistently. I love it

Andreas Agnalt: if the avatar skins will contain synvanus appa with socca on the back trowing boomerangs, i called it already in the avatar trailer on smites channel

Angst Legion: Ganos Lal Anyone reconise the name?

Ricardo Saulo: I am looking forward to the new starter items! But I also really hope a new god on the great old ones comes!

jacw212: They keep adding other Greek gods but not Hestia which triggers me a fair amount cuz I LOVE HESTIA AAAAH

Just Some Guy With A Mustache: Ah yes good, thank you.

Chubby Ostrich: Hi

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