Sea of Thieves Season Seven: Official Content Update Video

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Count Robo: guys, it's more of the same. don't forget; open your wallet. pfff

lmlMETALImI: The piano melody in the beginning is exactly the same as Dimmu Borgir's Spellbound by the Devil

Andrew K: Ship customization names I Love Seamen Kraken my Cherry Ahoy on deez nutz Shiver me Clint oris

F?СК МЕ. ТАР ОN MY РIC: I can’t wait to be a respected captain of my crew of 1.

Bort Bearclok: i can go back and watch old seasons of television shows. there's no way to go back and play old seasons of video games. why?

CowboyBebop🃁: i would have liked to see some Npc crew members

Piece cntrl Hug0: Who wanna play

JahJah: Omw to name my ship the most offensive, absurd and racially descriminating slur there is in the English lexicon

Kozma Domonkos: I dont have unlimited amount of gold🥱

HorrorPleb: 5:10 He looks just like the guy from that Crew that ramsey hires (thieves haven)

Joey Latz: My boat is going to be called No Rubbers or Trojans

Air Jason: So in short: No new content but more cosmetic stuff which should be in the game since release. I don‘t waste my gold on things i allready own. In the end i‘m playing the same stuff i‘m playing for years. No thnx.

SneakyIsBack: ah yes another pve update with no real content..... yay

scripture2816: In whom(Jesus Christ) we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: (Colossians 1:14) - Repent. The LORD Jesus is coming soon.

Maria de-flower me now: Literally yesterday, I was doing a commodity run, and I was thinking to myself "dang, I wish there was a harpoon on the dock so that I can do this easier" AND MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED

Cross: 6:47 tarkov arm stamina

Nyiannk: cara o nome do meu navio vai ser Putaria Descontrolada, finalmente

ItzTheGameZ: This is literally amazing!!

Karsyn Eat my Mangos💦: Literally yesterday, I was doing a commodity run, and I was thinking to myself "dang, I wish there was a harpoon on the dock so that I can do this easier" AND MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED

Lilith the Witch: I’m so hyped for this update!! Haven’t played sot in a while since the last adventure was released and I feel like this is really gonna bring me and my mates back to the game! Cant wait!!

Blazing Snape: The no man's sky of pirate games. Constantly delivering great content. Great job devs!

Björn copperside: The lack of character/ship progression is the thing that bugs me the most. A high level player should have better weapons and a better ship than a day 1 noob imo.

Martin Dömök: After season 7 the only things i want is to be able to play music after you sit down and at least 2 more ships per server.

WinterRaven🇬🇧: This looks awesome! You know what would be cool in a future update? MORE SEA MONSTERS!

Илья Граничников: Bring back your game to Russians! It is just game! And your company don't lose anything if you come back it!

MADNEZZ: I would be great for future updates, when you can build your own island together with your crew. Its randomly spawnt on the map. On the Island, you can create your own house and build other buildungs like tavern. This would be a great reason to grind this game for long time.

TrickGaming: what happened to playing a game to have fun, theres just to much work to do.

frost: Fix PvE bugs and glitches

lucas jach: We need Passivmode please.

Rita 25 y.o - check my vidéó: The harpon gun on the outpost is a great addition and have talked about wanting it for a while great dev team

Ricky Rumbo: You guys better make that captaincy song a shanty in game

Hunter J.: Thank yall! This is super neat! I know there's been some people containing. I'm very happy!

Not Whitebeard: no new fighting mechanic ☹️

Meme Tank: Why did the melons plan a big wedding? Because they cantaloupe!

Celty: But… why was it necessary to add the “pay to repair your ship” thing? it’s not a lot of money, but that’s so annoying… Like everything else in this update looks fire, and then there’s that little bit that I’m just kinda sour about 😒

Justin Leibee: I'm excited for everything but the extra incentive for Reapers to screw with me.

Marcie: Damn, it's like a whole new game. Huge update. I can't wait to play. The harpoon on the dock alone has me excited. 😂

quiy dio: gaming since 1985.

Bryson Wedding: So will we be able able buy pirate coin to get the ships? For those of us just starting out, it's kind of unfair to lock it behind such a high paywall

J-Blade: I would love to play again but theres always one guy that just kills it for me.

SportsNGaming: Wow the plunder pass is so bad!!! Was hoping they would add more levels and things you can do with emissaries. Nope, just 2 instruments.....

Marco: Just another boring update. Rare is like its ALL about the money not the glory... Ancient coins to expensive, a ship set costs more than the whole game which is a bad joke. It was my favourite game i played it allmost everyday now i play it once or twice in a month. Rare shame on you, because that game is not what it was anymore all the good feelings it gave me are gone. Thanks to all bad players too..

bandeeto: Angler fish looks great, plunder pass is not exciting for me.

ming xinming: On September 18, 2021, four legal experts spoke at the second webinar of the World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting. They agreed that live organ harvesting by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a form of genocide and that existing legislation is insufficient to curb or prevent the crime on a large scale. In order to stop the CCP’s transplant atrocities, they recommended that countries take concrete legal measures, raise awareness of the issue among the general public, and strengthen government regulation of the transplant industry. These four legal professionals were Carlos Iglesias Jimenez, Esq. from Spain, David Matas, Esq. from Canada, Seoul Administrative Court judge Kim Song from South Korea, and Theresa Chu, Esq. from Taiwan. The World Summit on Combating and Preventing Live Organ Harvesting is organized by five NGOs from Europe, the United States and Asia. Six forums are scheduled over two consecutive weekends from September 17 to 26, 2021. The 38 invited speakers came from 19 different countries, including members of the European Parliament, former French ministers, parliament members, doctors, scholars, professors, judges, lawyers, and human rights advocates. Spanish Lawyer: Organ Harvesting Is a Form of Genocide Carlos Iglesias Jiménez, a Spanish lawyer who represented Falun Gong practitioners in their lawsuit against former CCP leader Jiang Zemin, said in his remarks that the live organ harvesting atrocity is unprecedented. “We are dealing with a crime that is unprecedented, truly brutally designed and intended to kill, while generating huge amounts of profit,” he explained, “The Communist dictatorship has not only restricted and eliminated the individual and collective freedoms of the Chinese people over the decades, but has especially exacerbated faith-based persecution.” He emphasized that there are three distinctive features of the CCP's organ harvesting crime. First, the CCP aims to physically eliminate people with spiritual beliefs, especially millions of Falun Gong practitioners, and live organ harvesting has the nature of mass extermination. Secondly, the regime did so to rake in profits for its corrupt officials. Thirdly, the CCP directly promoted through propaganda that the Chinese transplant system is efficient, advanced, and successful, thus deceiving the international community and covering up the crime. Jiménez stressed that these atrocities cannot be condoned or ignored, and they must be punished. Unfortunately, as of today, Western governments have yet to step forward to strongly condemn live organ harvesting and confront the CCP dictatorship. The CCP has infiltrated international organizations such as the UN Human Rights Council, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations, Jiménez explained. This allowed the regime to cover up its crimes and silence Western governments, international agencies and organizations. The general public plays a critical role in this process. “What makes us different and at the same time unites us as human beings, is to have our own union and certain values: respect for life; respect for beliefs; respect for freedom,” he continued, “These terrible crimes cannot be tolerated, and appeal is made to people to ask for an end to this. Enough with the crime of forced organ removal! Justice must be done for the victims!” “The CCP dictatorship moves very well, over by buying people's will, or by bribing people’s will, or by threatening people’s will. And it can do that with a small group, but I cannot do that with millions of people, who are the brave ones who must speak out,” Jiménez added, “Justice, in the future, will not only judge those who are guilty of these crimes, but also all those people whose complicit silence has facilitated, made it possible for all these atrocities to take place, will have to answer to justice.”

The Countryball archives: Welp, better get grinding for the galleon, 500k, yikes.

Infinity Synthesis: Put in a passive mode and I'll play it. Don't and I won't.

ServantofGod: Wake up Jesus is coming back a lot of people have been ignoring the warnings since 2020 and the only person you’re hurting by doing that is yourself and you’re family God is doing so much and has done so much for you to wake up and understand the times and season you’re living in so you can repent and be saved it’s like the days of noah. God sending his servants in love because God loves you to warn you before judgment comes and yes of course human nature Human beings ignoring God just like the days Noah mockers and scoffers laughing at the preaching of the word scoffing at the preachers and persecuting those that come in love and share in love scoffing at the word of God and all this scoffing and mocking even after all that you’ve seen since 2020 and have experienced Yet everyday life continuing people oblivious to the coming judgement upon this world like the days of noah and ignoring everything that they’ve seen and are seeing ignoring the fact that there’s a war happening in Ukraine which could potentially lead to nuclear war also ignoring the fact that Israel is about to go to war with Iran and China is about to go to war with Twain Ignoring the fact that food prices are rising aswell as fuel prices there’s talks of worldwide famines by 2023 new diseases monkeypox after we just had a virus cause havoc on this world for two years and now we have a new one yet people are choosing to ignore all this signs when the bible told you that this would happen in the last days A time prophesied by Jesus - a time worser then anything that’s happened in this world yet you can still be saved out of that time and out of the tribulation and it’s only through Jesus that you can be saved from the wrath to come and from hell and from eternal Separation from God because of you’re sins for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus you’re in the middle of a spiritual warfare light - against -darkness and you have no idea how great or wicked that darkness is nor what that darkness is doing or planning for you the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back to judge this world and to put everything right God’s will is for all to be saved and for none to perish but time is running out this is not the time to be running away from God but rather to God and for my brothers and sisters in Christ my fellow Christians don’t play church you’re either with Christ or you’re not beloved. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. you’re either in the light or in the darkness you’re either on Gods side or Satan’s side beloved Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. Beloved You have to pick up you’re cross and follow Jesus and deny yourself daily and crucify your flesh daily and be holy because God is holy offer you’re body as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing unto God beloved strive i repeat strive ! to enter through the narrow gate for many will try but will not be able too This message is shared out of love to everyone so you can be saved So Repent and give you’re life to Jesus accept him as you’re Lord and saviour and receive forgiveness and salvation through Christ Jesus Acts 4.12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved John 14:6 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me God bless

Alex_Konor: Подбор, неужели так сложно сделать подбор?! Какого хуя меня вечно рейдят сраные pvpшники на галеонах. Ни одна побрекушка не заставит меня вернутся в эту помойку с отсутствием адекватного подбора игроков.

King Wurtle: 3:00 Wilson!

Noob On Tour: I have few suggestions, new player I killed that lady pirate that took around 30min to kill with crew of 3! As a new player there was no way of knowing if it was killable or bugged I have a suggestion to the game, is it possible to share it to the Devs? For one, give an indication that the boss is going down! One thing could be: let every 1/3 of max hp that boss lose a leg or an arm so we have visual indication it is actually dying, it loses it briefly then one skeleton she spawned rush to aid, goes into pieces and then the limb "grows back" and the next time also buy it now can be the leg! Also if the fight have to be this long would be nice to add stages to the fight when new things happen, repeatable skeleton spawn, teleport and detonation was fun the 1st 5-7 min but not the remaining 20ish.

jusef810: I love u I want TO PLAY NOW THE NEW SEASON

ZETROCZI: PvP update when? For a PvPvE game there's been an awful lack of development on the PvP side of things for some time now. I understand the focus and why PvE gets priority, but I and many others quit a long time ago due to what has become stale PvP. With seemingly nothing on the horizon, it's unlikely many of us will ever return.

ThePenguinBro: I noticed that there was a voyage with a worm bundle on it, speculation but this might mean we can now have hunters call quests, like catching certain fish and delivering them

BossPipsquik: So who's the killer?

Good Ol’ Neil: Oh my god I’ve been waiting for this for a year

Tyrone Jaquavious: This update don’t change nothing about the game it just adds another pointless feature that you can spend worthless gold on. You should be able to use gold to upgrade your ship and weapons

unofficial Mordecai n Rigby: Sea of thieves I have An idea Can yall make a Party Ship set? if yall Will Then I'll be happier Then ever😄

Ballooncoast 848: I don’t like the idea of your ships damage staying

AngeloH96: What happens if my 500.000 coins galleon sinks? It’s lost forever or will it respawn as usual? What happens with the log book? Does all the progress reset?

Cintra: Please stop with this buy resources crap.

Dr. silent: cant wait to argue with my friends on who gets to be captain (Me lol)

Baron Von Mott: The main thing I'm happy about is the reasonable gold costs for the ships - I was afraid Rare might push it up into the millions, but thankfully it seems they've found other ways to add "gold sinks" into this update.

Zionist Jew: Shitty game, now even shittier

Abigail Rodriguez: I really wish they would add dolphins

Alphahunter IX: Sea of Thieves - the best pirate game on the market! Skulls and Bones is just bs against this 😎🤘

Marble: I really want to play sea of thieves but I’m on PlayStation 🥲

Linda Jones: no bad

Skyler Wassel: Anyone who is reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, the doubt exit your mind right now. May replace the confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life.❤️💕


Mick Coolman: Best update ever

mexicandaddy371: i’m not sure about this whole outpost thing where they turn in it for you that’s really weird and defeats the point of going to the individual one by one and even for athena stealing it’s easier to turn it in just more PvE stuff too

Kih L: cant believe this game still active

PredatorChin: No new shanties I take it? Shame.

Lucky Jack Aubrey: Dang, I was hoping for bow and stern chasers.

Ben Jammin: 4 years ago when this game was released we played for a bit and then my friend said "i cant be bothered to keep sailing around just for a pimped out boat", 4 years later and thats all it seems it still is. the only decent content ive seen on this game was the pirates of the caribean update, everything else has been reskinned quests just for loot to buy cosmetics and now youve got to buy a boat (that you used to get for free) just so you can pimp it more? man the team on this game need to give there head a wobble and rename it sea of cosmetics

Icedragon2712: I will not be happy with this game till flameheart comes back

Martin van der Merwe: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

koel kast: nice trailer, good quality of life updates and as always 0 content.

SemicolonGeek: Where are the crabs and lobsters? As a fisherman I need them. May you add some looting from the environment not just from the barrel, to make more elaborate dishes.

Historybums 🇺🇦: If I buy a ship and it sinks do I have to buy a new one

Millet Zebari: Can’t imagine the spyglass sniper well come agine 😍😍

SinSon: Make things more expensive, 1.5k to repair a completely f'd up ship is a little too light, 15k seems more right

FeralForlorn: waow another fomo seasonpass. what amazing content.

Flamefart: 5:18 just now realizing the pirate playing the drum is one of the pirates in the Thieves Haven memory with the Pirate Lord :O

Totherkoala: Why is it so expensive tho. As someone who has other commitments I don't have thousands of hours to put into this game. I feel like, considering it would take MONTHS of playing to get that much gold for a casual player, the prices kinda need a bit of reduction

OmegaFart: Nice, when are actual pirate clans implemented ?

KindaOutdoorsyNate: Despite whats coming in season seven with captaincy, wirhout a closed friend/invite only type session (like GTA5 online) being a play option I finally raised my white flag after 64+ days on the seas and admitted that online multiplayer PVP just isnt my thing. Will continue to play my weekly hour on Insiders but thats it for now. Cheers🍻 to all the awesome pirates willing to sail and conquer the Sea of Thieves.

Dominic C: Ah sea of thieves the game where you grind for hours to buy new paint for your ship

Zwei of Pembroke: Not sure if I agree with the costs of the customizations and the ship licenses, but this update does seem magnificent.

CyberGuardian7: It's probably a bit odd that I'm wondering about this of all things, but what's the little background tune from 0:00-0:18? I'm rather curious

Dominik 5: what a joke

Gavin Nowin: fajne

McDoosh2011: So the logbook will start from the day of captaincy or have progress already from the day you originally set sail?

Phil Turner Music: Any sign of 3rd person mode? I sadly still can't play as 1st person makes me motion sick.

Rizu YT: Great Update

TheGuy82#3049: In the loading screen you can see a trident, a mask, a knife on merrics picture and a hunters call book on the floor :)

old school gamer: I feel sorry for people who think this is a game...

GamingViking26: Can't wait to name my ship THE ONE PIECE

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