Apex Legends: Hunted Battle Pass Trailer

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IsaKamii: The loba ult 💀

ATOZ: Walter White

Schlagstock: R.I.P apex legends forever worst season off all time ranked for solo q unplaybel

Milad Rahim: That Caustic skin looks sharp.

Biohazard: I loved the part where reactive skins of guns I will never use is made to look absolutely amazing. Truly an Apex Legends experience.


Buia Nona: I love the part where the entire comment section is about "I love the part"

daVinci: Уже 9 августа, где обнова?

Cheekytron: Garbage

Mc Dee: Is kings canyon returning???

nusret anlar: When

Roger Fletcher: We need an octain win tracker pleaseee

Lord Savior: Ofc wraith again the queen of a Million Battlepass skins

MobileFridgeUser ?: Secret legends lore: all legends are slowly getting cancer, starting from wraith, now caustic

Shynx Void: Is never something for ash even in her season wasnt many things, u completly forget about her, but no for kick her on the ground 😭

Alpha Q: I loved the part where the apex community is talking about the what part they loved, truly an apex experience

たるしー: カバー大好きマンの自分は新しい子を早く使いたい…

Tokyo Morning: Wraith with yet another skin 🙂

Erik Veles: 1/10

HMFC Edit: this games lost all hype for me tbh

Jakerz: I loved the part where I landed and immediately got legendary loot, but died to a 9th part since the entire lobby landed same spot. Truly and Apex Legends experience.

zuck diggerman: I already hate that little Bat this is the beginning of the end of Apex; big jarjar binks vibes here....

ProzacPropano: no one Need storm point for the ranked. exactly?????

Cryptlux: I like the part where the bat had a 1v1 with ash rat Truly an apex experience

FROSTii: I loved the part where Titanfall 3 was hinted towards. Truly an Apex experience

Jung Bdr Sahani: I loved the part where I loved the part, truly an Apex Legends experience!

HOENN: Wraith wingman sleeper content

RadarHits: Trash bp

Roden Steals: The comment section is truly an apex experience

Olivia Smith: I love the part where the sweaty wraith throws a thermite but shes just so good with the wingman she killed the octane before he even made contact with it. Truly an apex experience

5ドラゴン: 楽しみー

Roden Steals: Apex is soon going to be purely a movement shooter and I like the idea

Shiranui Rake: Bruh we have enouugh Wraith skin ffs

Atha Nagata: Truly an Apex Legends experience.

TheVaPro: Experiencing Apex Legends experience, truly an Apex legends experience.

Mattatron18: wow, is that yet another wraith skin? Because why make skins for any other legends that haven't had BP skins

CallmeJohn: The memes are getting out of hand

Craig Smith: I love how it shows Wraith is executing Caustic, then she's literally running right passed him in a few secs later. This is the True Apex Experience.

max xam: Wraith getting yet another skin

パァッ: どことなくはじめしゃちょー

SandraP4123: I loved the part where Bangalore still didn't get a nice skin. Truly and an Apex Legends experience.

Lanie Pratt: Why isn't Mirage in the trailers much now :/ like he never gets really cool stuff

視聴者: レイス前髪重めにしててめっちゃ可愛い

gui sanch': Good old times when when you came in the comments to discuss with people about the content, now you only have "i loved the part" of people who think they are funny and original when it hasn't been for the 3 last apex videos

joosjep: Cant wait

F1NNICK French: Валька не смогла увернуться только потому, что ее сука пзд занерфили

TheFlyingDutchCheese: Lame

Кирилл Нагаторский: поменяйте дизайнера скинов, у вас каждый бп сборище убогих скинов

Keyvideos: I feel like you should restart level 1 every new season so you could get a heirloom but you have to play to get

DarkraiExia: I love the part we’re getting another wraith skin even tho theres literally other characters never had a season pass skin. Truly an Apex Legend experience.

Eggs&Bacon: Great another chic..

Christelle Erdin: Why is she that big😹

Flatty dog56: 1:35 I can’t tho 🤓🤓🤓

MoonBatz: when are they going to get new finishers? jeez

Francesco Trebbi: wraith always so tryhard

Justin Dominy: Best part where respawn represented vantage pick rate.. truly and apex experience

El M: I love spawn, die and restart. Truly an Apex Legends experience

AzK: AWFUL cosmetics. "I was a very dangerous baby" made me laugh tho

Ruthy: Wraiths outfit 😩 and she got a nose piercing

두부: 코스틱 파이팅 넘치게 생겨서 사고싶게만드네

Brick: Very cool that respawn continues to neglect a good chunk of the legends in favor of the ones that are popular with streamers and pro’s

Game Navigator: I loved the part where people in comments loved the part

マシュまろ: 今回の別にいらんねんけど…

Ilyas Mirza: Awesome video keep it up

MH: I loved the part where they used an old voice over for Wraith in the beginning of the video. Truly an Apex Legends Battle Pass trailer.

H1nasa: Is it me or does respawn just hate octane and mirage mains I haven't seen an octane skin or mirage skin in the battlepass in so long

Kayako!: ALL THESE “truly an apex experience” 💀 I LOVE THIS GAME COMMUNITY

Ad visory: hey devs, do you introduce audio to the game this season? :) would be a great feature for sure!

michael Flood: I loved the part when they put the 4th BP wraith skin in the thumbnail so I don't watch the video and go straight to the comment section. Truly an Apex Legends experience.

UotterBinX: Ну и хуйня ребятки

Joe Bungus: Just a question, is there anyone who actually uses triple take? If never been shot by one in my 4 months of playing.

underrated guys: 1:00 加藤純一 コラボスキン

LewoMewo: I love how unrealistic the gameplay is in this video. There's always that one player who will immediately die after drop. Truly an Apex experience

吉拿棒: 可憐 瓦基直接報廢

Braden Wofford: I loved the part where I’ve never seen that scope vantage was using

David Omotayo: "I was a dangerous baby" 😅

LexaR: а когда будет легенда которая будет выглядеть нормально?

rebel: At 1:13 it says "non br" meaning they are probably going to add more game modes!! (leaks say its gun game and stuff)


Michael Silve: Bat: arhhhhh

Wakko: I love the part where everyone writes comments that go like "I love the part where ..., truly an Apex Legends experience". Truly an Apex Legends experience.

Skim_x: why isn't all BP in Wraith skins? respawn rolled down

川の上のポニョ: ワタシエイゴワカラナイケドミンナヨロコンデソウ アトエーペックスタイケンッテナンデスカ

川の上のポニョ: ワタシエイゴワカラナイケドミンナヨロコンデソウ

Mirito: I love the part when 48 level have 178 kills and 5000 damage. Truly an Apex experience.

böh: I would be so awesome if they made a heisenberg outfit for caustic

ICTE333: I loved the part when vantage says "Its vantagin time!" and vantaged all over the place. Truly an apex legends experience.

hidopa: bald Caustic > bald Wraith

Just Jess: “I was a very dangerous baby “

Coco Sloan: I loved... Oh shutup...

Junior a: There better be more skydiving emotes I miss when there was four for different legends

Stalladir: Let's give a big round of applause to the 1hp bots in yet another trailer. 👏👏👏

• ` Kae - Kae ` •: I loved the part where Wraith got yet another legendary Battlepass skin, despite the fact that all the sweat heads who play her use the bald skins anyway, truly an apex legends experience <3

Rajib Paul: Definitely buying bat finisher 😁shown at the end

Tenma: shameless as always

sussy baka: bruh why respawn why you gotta give me 40.411 gb my ps4 is out of gb

Dubzlbc: this wack

Fyxen: I loved the part where Wraith throws a thermite and it does nothing. Truly an Apex Legends experience.

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