Cobra Kai: Season 5 | Official Trailer | Netflix

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boysopas: can't wait...... for season 6!!!!!

noxious: Season 5 will be sick

Toxic Death: I'm so excited and I think they will get the OG sensei aka Johnny's sensei

Noah Hardy: was that asian girl from any of the movies? i thought it was going to be the girl from the next karate kid when it only showed the shoes

Rhythm Khandelwal: Good Thing Cobra Kai is now releasing new seasons without a year delay

Water is Good: Nice video

Antonia Gimenez: Yeah Well i make Friends pretty easily John kresse os not okey well

Col Wars Studio Brickfilm and more!: They really like karate

thefartofthefuture: LoL! I just love the end bit with sensei kreese in jail

Jessica Spall: i hope robby and tory are still together

Khilee Myers: This was 1000% Badass I can't wait to wait to watch this Season.

Christian: here we go :P this is the last season

killer wolf: Let's goooo

Psjsj Jeueeu: Yessssss

ExoticFloppa: Who's next in season 6 kreese will team with the miyagi do

Nick Gaming: Miguel at his prime 🛐

nikki: peta the horse is here

Sathvick Satish: Hopefully Devon is just a spy and doesn't actually become one of Cobra Kai's members. Also, I'm super excited to see Mike Barnes again. I love how all the og characters are coming back. It would be awesome to see Julie san in the next season.

Buttercup Jones: Is it just me....I'm liking the Cobra Kai series much better than The Karate Kid....

Julie Roberts: this season's gonna go crazy!!!

Victor Steffen: Anybody else notice Amanda Larusso at the very beginning, front row at the Terry Silver speech? Thoughts.

Julie Roberts: LETS GOOOO

⿻ ︴ Kιl .: _Miguel Robby Hawk is like having Goku Vegeta and Trunks together._

Will Richards: Let's be honest this show should have been done 20-30 years ago. It looks kind of ridiculous to see these guys in their 60s and 70s fighting and doing karate moves.

Hami aบlakђ: As a fan i was a bit disappointed with the season 4 tbh but I think season 5 can cover everything up I have big expectations from this hope it will be good

Hoang Tran: Watch the art of defense bro! It will solve this sht show really quck

Hoang Tran: 😂😂😂😂

Dougie YT: A little less than three weeks away, I cannot wait, I’m hyped🔥.

Deadpool: Cobra Kai never dies!!!


Jermaine Wright: I wonder if the music is from airbourne

MONICA AZZAWAN: Screaming crying throwing up 😭😭😭

Ken Nawabi: I think the reason this seems and is such a good TV series, and surprisingly from Netflix, is because the LGBT and political correctness nonsense is kept to a minimal if any at all.

rugby4life: 1:15 Robby missed the kick when he tried to kick Miguel in the face just play it slow and you'll see he missed the kick

TheSpaceman332211: The Godfather 2 vibes.

Chris: Can you please release season 5 on September 2th🙏

Travis Menezes: I hope this series goes on till at least a number 10, please Netflix don't rush on this show it's been an absolute pleasure watching this ♥️

Krazy Cute Gaming: Cool stunt

Dan: Can't wait!

Prodigy’s Squad: I’m so excited 😭😭😭

Matt Viglione: Um where is mike Barnes??????!!!!!!

Gonz: This is so painful

snazzyjohnnycakes: Bro I have chills and my room is 90 degrees 😦

Alejandro Tomas: AleJandro Balon

Spinning Back Side Kick: Looks awesome. Thanks to the showrunners that keep the story going while respecting the original movies and characters. This is how you do it. Wanna see a classic example of how NOT to do it? Check out Obi-Wan Kenobi, the worst show in the history of television.

Michael Jenkins: They need to release the new season already 🙏🏽 I’m so excited

Mallory Lauve: Never count Kreese out

Madeo: Pls don't do Miguel dirty pls I am begging you

Bill Lee: Yes! The sensai - s are going at it and bringing more characters... Few more weeks

ere eer: i can tell hawk is gonna be nerfed big time

Drift King of Forza, Scorching Deity: Those of you people of this generation that may have a slight clue of the 80's if you've heard that song "Raise A little Hell" I think Terri silver has just raised a little too much hell by franchising Cobra Kai

Little Brix Studios: Everyone look at 1:59

Edward Stewart: Looking at Daniel, Johnny, and Chosen standing side by side gives me Dragon Ball Z vibes with Daniel being the Goku, Johnny being the Vegeta, and Chosen being the Piccolo.

Saunders Life: Sweet

Isaiah Kettles: Awesome can’t wait for this season 👏🏾

Ron2121: looking foward for chozen , i think he will be a new miyagi type figure

sheep: This show is something else. Can't wait

Kevin Rodriguez: Yes

Niel Ventanare: Ayo, where is Demitri in this trailer, I’m a little conferned. The line up after the 1:45 mark looks like it’s missing a couple faces I’m used to seeing


Unknown??????: I love Chozen

Renaldo Lama: If Netflix cancels Cobra Kai, I'm cancelling Netflix.

TysonJG: Cant wait

Astemir Pekov10: Кобра Кай I love you😍💖

Astemir Pekov10: Netflix I love you😍😘

Scape_Sword: Chozen is the perfect balance of Defense and Offence, Johny has bettter Offense and Daniel has better Defene but he can counter them where tehy are weak because of his perfect balance

King 13lade: 🔥🔥🔥

Francisco Z: My only issue with this show is how weak they’ve made Miguel. He was a badass in season one and two, he had good character development but now they just made him weak imo.

Heroic Squirrel: No woke nonsense, no hidden agendas, just a badass show based on an iconic badass film

aoooooo: Where is mike Barents

Konstantinos Kosta: Hello Netflix You can Make a series or movie for Book the chronicle of narnia. I know narnia have 3 movies But i think you.can make Better :)

Catskills: That bleached hair, is Dutch returning?

Diego Briseño: Who needs Stranger Things when we have Cobra Kai!🐍

SmashMac: At 2:00 , Stephen "Wonderboy" Thompson and Tyron Woodley, two of the highest level UFC MMA fighters are in that shot. That's gonna be awesome.

Jérèm Rock: What's the name of the song at 1:45-1:50, please?

ITZ_JASHAN: sick trailer cant wait

Ventriloquist Vance 2: Johnny Lawrence an Uber driver? Now I've seen everything.

Imran Yaqubi: How is Tyron Woolley in cobra Kai

JaleelJohanson62: Can't wait!!! Come on Sept 9th!!!!!

Sammy Samuelo: The fear in Kenny’s eyes when he see’s Miguel staring down Robby is priceless 🔥🔥🔥

Angel Ceodore: Cobra kai

Liberty To Serve: The premise ever since the original has been a ridiculous one, but the funny thing is that the show is aware of it. Which is why Daniel wife is my favorite character because she’s the writer’s way of letting us, the audience, know that they know that this is ridiculous, but just role with it lol.

wesley 3k: WHERE IS MIKE BARNES?!?!?!

Jathin : fireeeeeeeeeee

Ali Talaâlachte: tyroon woodly is in this yea he one fore sure

Alan Gascon: Shut up and take my money!!! Cobra Kai is perfection

Fiturise: 2:19 *"I find that a little (Kai)ness goes a long way"* base Kreese

edi_. _tss: Yes I’m happy to see that Anthony finally gets to learn karate

ZanFear: We all know why Cobra Kai brought in a badass female sensei…. …. so Julie can beat her ass when she shows up in season 6!

ZanFear: Dang, totally missed this new trailer. God I’m hoping Hawk doesn’t lose to Kenny.

Hotcocoa: yay

Neeladri Reddy: That debate chick was way too angry after losing to tory, I knew she would join cobra kai, the dark side is strong with that one.

Jermaine Mason: YESS!!!

darren4mc: I love this show

phil ten: Johnny and Chozen teaming up. They better not ruin that and make them look like chumps. The two past antagonist should wreck any of the Cobra Kai's

LILTE man: Finally get to see chozen

SeriousJayy: Doesn’t feel like the same old show 😔😔

Jeffery Muffins bob marley: HYPE

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