COBRA KAI SEASON 4 OFFICIAL TRAILER | Date Announcement | Netflix

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Screen Rant: Are you going to watch Cobra Kai season 4? What's your favorite moment from the earlier seasons?

lastbat: This isn't looking as good as season 3, let alone the first two. Hopefully they make this the last one.

Aaron P.: December 31st? Cruel and absolutely unacceptable...

Mona Vanderwaal: This is gonna be lit

TSBilliards86: So far away!

Ryan N: It’s time to stop now.

geeker: I wish there will be "you're the best" scene

Spencer Cowan: LET'S GOOO

Anthony Felder: Love this series. This is the show that gradually got me into streaming.

E N Fitz: Mrs. LaRusso is 100% the audience in this show.

In-N-Out: Fun fact: Ralph Macchio is actually a few months older than Thomas Ian Griffith.

rpc717: Amanda is the BEST.

David Shimamoto: If you woulda told me a year ago that our family safety depended on winning a karate tournament, I woulda thought you were joking lol

Brody The Brick Builder: Did anyone see Tory and Robby dancing?

Jennifer Letchford: Binge watching to see in the new year.. wahoo!!! 😆

Aaron Ferguson: I am very, very, very excited. I hope Season 4 will be a very popular one and things will not be rushed because I thought it would release 2022 if it is true it will release on the very final dat of the same year.

Skypost4ever: Sweet I have new years day off so I know what I'm doing now

Ronn Rollins: About time

Mat Broomfield: Cracks me up that the story is about a bunch of white belts fighting in a karate tournament. And next year, a bunch of junior high schoolers are going to take on the best of UFC :D

CJJones1978: I’ll watch the full season I one day, If my wife and kids let me 🥺

Blankedf: Another season I’m gonna watch in a day

Rob: The one decent Netflix original show they actually did well.

Evster: I can’t wait any longer, just give us the freaking season already!!!

Claud: Yes yes

Shawn Normandeau: I don't wann wait till NYE!!!! So excited!!!

I Was NEVER Here: Weird how the focus moved from a villains redemption and transformation into the hero to a teen dram-com🤦🏻

A Dude: I wonder what the timeframe of the series is? Does it all take place over a 2 year time period?

Critical Event: This looks like a WB teen drama.

Lance37a: Terry Silver is back!

The2Coolest2: No Chozen...? Hope he's in S4. Maybe will see in the actual trailer (This isn't a trailer, it's just a teaser)

philz2002: I swear to god this is the best thing Netflix has ever produced. This and stranger things of course

Dwayne Barnes: He returned

robywan kenobi: Can't wait to watch this. It will take me 2 days

Ty Roberts: 1st about damn time 2nd whos the pony tail gut?

Geek Dude: I'm taking a personal day on New Year's Eve

The Everything Boi: I think Cobra Kai is the only Netflix show that is near perfect just cause the first 2 seasons were made by YouTube and it's a perfect sequel to the movies


Pip: Whoo-hoo... happy New Year...!

Justin Peterson: I could bet money Robby dates tory In the all valley It will be Hawk v kyler sam v tory Robby v miguel Demetri v rickenburger

cyberayne: Excellent 😁👍

Akatsuki Arts: 0:12 Ben 10 😅

Eating: It is day 46 of asking screen rant for an 8 mile pitch meeting. How’s your day been ?

Amy A. Ramirez: Omg omg omg 😱. Now the real PAIN beings

D & A GAMING: Yes yes and yes just please let cobra kai win

Haris Wani: Huge fan of coca I love it all of it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ and what I mean I love all of it I mean it I love the people in it too

rahul singh: no nudity no violence and no vulgarity just full entertainment one of the best series 👍🏻

Justinian's Legacy: I absolutely love this show. I only ever bother with Netflix when a new season drops.


FTFOX0511: Before one hour club

TaskerFilms: Damn thought there wasnt even a s3. This looks good though lmao

Tyler Hackner: Can’t wait!

Lauren Escarcha: Excited

Batman1234: Can't believe that by the time I see this Sony property I will have already seen Spider-Man No Way Home

CaseX: But is Barnes back?? Please tell me Barnes is back!

Wolverine 314: Silver = gray

Nathan Cruz: 0:40 Tory is looking good as Ariel from the little 🧜🏻‍♀️.

Monkeydluffy Richards: Finally!!!!

Tyrell Grey: Can't wait for Kreese & Silver vs Daniel & Johnny showdown in Season 4 💯

STEVE HARRINGTON: Absolutely beautiful.

Петр Петров: NO MERCY

Albert Einstein: YOOOOOOOOOOOOO TERRY SILVER’S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


George Byron: Terry Silver back!

Elijah Mandaraig: VERY EXCITED!!!

Abdullah Muhammad: Who do yall think Kyle was flipping? It looked like a girl

miyagifang never dies: OMG!!

DW3010: Anyone else really want to hear Terry Silver do “the laugh” again? 😄👍🏻

Marcy See Osborne: This is gonna be insane

Xhoana Mali: I hope Daniel and Johnny beat John and Terry

刘洋: Silver’s back

RoverIAC: will Hillary Swank turn up in season 5 or 6? I'm guessing Yes. (it's not like she's been busy lately)

Ram2k: Hell yeah!!! CANT WAIT!

Revvie Jon: Supa HYPE!

Abdul Sammad: I read it as Corona ka season 4 official trailer. Ka means of so Season 4 of Corona.

The Warlock: Hyped

ChrisMoSquad: Welp, I know how I’m probably spending New Years. 😂🎉

warren byrne: Oh?

Nile Horuseus: I’m so hyped for this

Plus Ultra: Strike First!! Strike Hard!! No Mercy!!

Goob Action: I do find it quite funny how the villains of this show are literally old men now, like John kreese was threatening in 1984, but now he has a pension

Sri Charan: 0:40 Looks like Robby and Tory are in a prom. You have to slow it down to catch it.


Kieran Lindberg: Hyyypppeee, time to binge the whole season in one night

Israel Clough: Can't freaking wait!!

The Tiltedfaye: I can’t believe it’s almost been a year of waiting for cobra Kai again

buttercakeluv: ❤❤

pizza lover: lol

Kyle Stark: I'm so happy I peed myself.

Abominable.: I'm excited

Antonio Posa: ENOUGH ALREADY! And Cobra Kai 5 will see them team up with Sensei Kreese against another terrible evil. And so on, for ever...

RangelGaming: Lets gooooo stranger things and cobra kai trailers om the same day hell yea!!

Bambino Cinéfilo: I can’t wait!!! What a more perfect moment to celebrate new year!

Ravensnation92: You think the black kid from jail with Robbie will join cobra Kai this season?

Tiffany B.: ❤️❤️❤️🙌🙌🙌😃

GrayWoIf: Bringing in the New Years! NO MERCY!

Riley McGlohorn: Looks sick

David vasquez: Finally bruh!!!!

Don McTaggart: I can't believe Ralph Macchio is the same age as the guy who plays Terry Silver.

Gillian Day: can't wait. I hate you, Kreese

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