Cobra Kai: Season 4 | Date Announcement | Netflix

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Brennan Lynn: 0:20

Brennan Lynn: 0:21


CazzSDMF: Really really thought they were gonna ignore part 3....I would've rather seen the chick from part 4....forgot her name. Million dollar baby ..whatever

Yago Oliveira: Either Julie or Mike will be the cliff hanger at the end of this season.

foamyone101: Terry effin Silver!

Young Son: Now question is if terry will be a match for them because realistically speaking Kreese really wasn’t johnny beat the shit out of him and daniel did almost killed the man

Lee Robinson: Ah, Hawk defending Nathaniel from Kenny, a great thing

DarkNinja El gamer: HAWK IS EVIL

Çok Zeki Ali Mert: SİÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ

Tejas Telkar: Literal Goosebumps🥶

04 SYBAF Rithwik: Terry silver is back!!!!!

Beat The Fire: 🐍🔥

Zubair Alim: Yeee cobra kai is coming

Krrish Jain: I can't wait till December 31st 😭

41Fivin: I wonder if the bad boy of karate is gonna show up too?

Gopika Nair: Yes ! My favorite show is back cant wait 😍 🙌 💗!!!

Juan: Wow! Terry Silver aged really bad

Rudith Rayo: Be also epic to bring back Mike Barnes....he was the most menacing of all; except for Silver

Superherolover: OMG IM SO HYPED

Danny Denilson: QUIEEET!

Kushal Handore: This is gonna be awesome man🔪

❄︎PolarnyByczeq❄︎: pod koniec grudnia, zapowiada się ciekawie :)

Sourabh: Can't wait 😍, 🔥🔥👍🏻

Drew914: How about Daniel, Johnny and Chozen vs Kreese, Silver and Mike Barnes?

Tshegofatso Kungoane: December??? I thought it was coming out in October 😖 I can’t wait though 👯‍♀️


Feiyaz A: When ?

Balinekツ: OMG

Oliver Brooks: This is going to be the best season yet

cristyoutube 21: i hope this season will have more scenes of rickenberger

Shakar De: This season will be LEGEN wait for it.................DAIRY

ritesh yadav: No mercy !!

sayo _Draws: Hell yea

Ami Mim: this is a fun good show...but i can't get into it because of highschool melo dramas....though people love it,,,,highschool melodrama bore me

Thomas SHARONIARD: I think this trailer is basically good but WE are so much excited that WE wont even predict the worst to Come : Cobra Kai dojo will WIN the All Valley !!

Jeff Zazueta: It’s crazy cause in real life terry silver is actually 4 months younger than Ralph machio but he looks 30 years older. Even kreese aged well. Terry silver unfortunately didn’t. But I’m looking forward to his return. Can’t wait for season 4

Kameleonic: Terry sensei!

Mark Bell: Terry Silver? You know it bout to get serious!!!

mrwhotheheck: Please make the episodes in this season longer😭

TheJadedJames: It looks like we are going to end this year right! But if they can bring back Terry Silver, you can bring back Hilary Swank, damn it!


The Dirty Game Room: Let’s gooooo!

The red dead redemption Director: put green hair for hawk

Trent Puelicher: Robby Keene shall win and the tournament and turn around in the middle of the fifth season.

Rudith Rayo: "A man can't stand, he can't fight." "A man can't breathe, he can't fight." "A man can't see, he can't fight." - Terry Silver

Sweetie Hunnie: I can't wait for this!!!

FrancisSy CoCo Krunch: ABOUT TIME THEY finish this fight once and for all..

Cain Nuke: December 31st?? Really?? I mean, you couldn't possibly push it ahead any further? Why not 1 episode a month? That would keep the pace going without compromising quality.

crazy clan: this is dope allreddy seen all episodes 5 times

Fightin'Flix: Been waiting for this since summer 1989... You complete me Terry SILVER! 👊🏼🥋🐍💥

Patrick: Season 3: January 1, 2021 Season 4: December 31, 2021 Season 5: January 1, 2022 😂

UK MEME: Abi maja ayega na bidu

Francisco Ramos: Jeez silver is epic

Ant Gaming: I feel like we are going to see a very powerful Miguel this season

JStepz Gaming: Could it be possible that Hawk is still a bully because I saw Hawk pushing a small kid against the wall

Shahan AK: Been waiting for this for the trailer for months,it looks amazing COBRA KAI NEVER DIES

Shahan AK: 0:45 THE PONYTAIL THE PONYTAIL I’ve never been excited to see a guy wear a pony before

Steffen Meier: Terry Silver! F*** YEAH! 😎💪🏻

Edith Ibarra: Holy shit! Is that David Carradine back from the grave?

guyver 36: Finally some shots of Terry silver awesome

LG Warriors🖤: Keşke yarın yeni sezon gelseydi

Sonfoku: Hyped to see Robby's internal conflict and highs/lows. His complexity rose so much over the course of the show and him and Miguel's relationships with their senseis carries.

Samara Wetende: Yesss yesss 😭😭😭😫🤝💚💚💚

Samara Wetende: Yesss yesss 😭😭😭😫🤝💚💚💚

Galaxy Dew: I'm planning on a movie for the series but 10 years later!!!

Toronto maple leafs and spider verse fan edits: Season three has ended

jay sauce: Daniel daughter is 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Toronto maple leafs and spider verse fan edits: NOOOOOOOO WAY I AM GETTING HYPED

Francisco III Estrada: 0:41

Francisco III Estrada: 0:40

Anthony Godinez: 🔥🔥🔥

Elaerock Hunt: Man. Cobra Kai season 4. And Spider-Man movie. Christmas time can’t come sooner. 🔥😅

Arick: Netflix is on fire 🔥... So many new show seasons and films coming

David Deaton: the thing is not sure where series can go after this, i mean see one more season maybe 2 if think good way close it out, but rather this series end on high note earlier than drag out. besides said going make spin off and prequels, everything else of this after.

Gabriella Ponce: DECEMBER 31ST???????

Vinith Palagiri: This series gets more tougher with every season released. This will be the most intense season of all. That’s what will make it amazing when it’s released.

Error: It all started with a Terry Silver teaser, then an All Valley Tournament teaser, and now an official Cobra Kai Season 4 trailer.

Hasham Noman: Kicking off the last day of the year with some Karate

Frozo: If you pause it quickly enough you can see hawk shoving Kenny into a wall this season is gonna be the best yet

ThankYouPain09: New season New episodes Same Amanda

Akshay Jumani: Please ease up on the slow motion this season. The finale of season 3 has 4 of them, really ruins the fun of the action.

Tomas L: Well i am not sleeping December 31st

Money Heist Fan Club: Who think Hawk should win ❤

wcthesecret: How does terry look so old? Isn’t his actor younger than Daniels?

Diaz de los Muertos: It’s not just cool that they brought Terry Silver back—he’s also a far more personal enemy to Daniel, because of _their_ history. His teachings took Daniel down the wrong path, just like Kreese did with Johnny, except that Silver did what he did to Daniel maliciously, as revenge against Mr. Miyagi.

Awesome Justin: 0:19 lol

Jose Martinez: this gonna be great

Michelle Angola: STRIKE HARD NO MERCY LET'SSSSSS GOOOOO 🥳🥳🥳💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


Neil Bagchi: So is there still a trailer coming out soon?

abinav k: Waiting ❣️💯

Jwanie: Somehow I'm not surprised that they chose Dec 31st of all days to release Season 4. They did say it would stream before the end of the year; why not choose the very last day of 2021 to keep that promise? It actually kinda feels right after releasing Season 3 on Jan 1st of this year lol

Cory Basetti: Also getting the feeling that Tory has been fired from the Sushi place.

Crister Daniel Ramos: 0:12 Robby Suits For Ben 10

Cory Basetti: Who's excited for the return of Terry Silver?? one of the all time great villains!

VIVEK KALLA: Let's get Mike Barnes in

Karley Pamer: Ponytail is coming back! Terry silver means business?

Peter Kyriopoulos: I want johnny to get cobra kai back.

Jason Chen: When Johnny said his speech, I felt relieved from the tenseness

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