Cobra Kai: Season 6 | Part 3 Date Announcement | Netflix

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@danieldebrito750: Cobra Kai was a real CRAP, I'm not going to watch this final part anymore because I already know what's going to happen, This series started to get bad after they ruined it with Falcão, the final part with the death of Terry Silver and John Kreese was leaked everyone, many expected their redemption. Both John Kreese and Terry Silver were good people in the past, but both were victims of war that left trauma and developed a bad instinct when meeting master Kim Sun Young. Kim Sun Young is the true villain of Cobra Kay and the developers should consider this.

@andrew_aka_andy: Is Miguel winning

@darkd1122: Miguel in black is not from this seasons you dumbasses 😂

@voidmarvin: netflix saying "only on netflix" makes me laugh

@Isalaperera-p4m: EL SERPIENTE back to kick sm asses 🤤🤩🤩🤩

@Soulmates-k8p: bring kwon back please

@Soulmates-k8p: bring back kwon please

@dinoman6883: You can see that hawks mowhawk is back to the signature blue

@maits7431: Miguellll💪💪💪

@antesuperbach7622: Cobra ki is the best series

@Basze: What’s up with all these bots?

@hollywoodjoseph8336: Miguel vs axel final 🔥

@anxarts7424: they are not promoting miguel will win right?

@_Alex_T_: How can the ST continue after one kid died during a brawl caused by an ejected competitor whose team used drugs ??

@jaideepkanithi648: 2 days before boards is crazy

@SamirZockt: COBRA KAI!

@Memeguy123-x8m: 13th feb is my birthday it’s gonna be the best birthday ever for me

@JOYBOYEDIT.Y: Wow i just finished all series in 2 day

@footkicks-q3n: Nooooo upload more series

@PaolaDacosta-q6s: No mercy

@PaolaDacosta-q6s: Cobra kai never dies

@PaolaDacosta-q6s: Miguel Diaz the win

@jamblanx: Yooooo

@MrQuackUhDoodle: Very very interesting

@Jayden-Kounmpo0567: Seen the leaks Miguel will definitely win. I just wished robby won a chip at some point, Just sad how they did Robby & Sam dirty. Where Robby should’ve won in S1 or S4. He just got injured and miguel and hawk cheated by injuring robby then never did robby get his revenge back. Then he lost focus and didn’t beat hawk. Damn

@vinodsingh4524: 2 days before my exam 😂😂😂 bro why everything's coming between my exams

@Noahkhanprime7870: THEY ARE MAKING COBRA KAI BUT JHONNY WILL BE IN COBRA KAI who knows? Probably daniel

@Toxicity0069: Why does everyone think Miguel and Johnny go back to Cobra Kai. That would be a trash ending. They have committed to taking down Cobra Kai, not reclaiming.

@surafellemaa: 😂😅😅😅😅 so big deal

@肺炎武汉-p3v: Easily destroy all DC

@mardanali4256: We want kwon 🔥

@Toxicity0069: An Iron Dragons spin off would be fire

@braddock3017: We know that it has been leaked that Miguel will win the tournament and everyone will absurdly return to Cobra Kai. 6 seasons to tell us that Miyagi was not that good, that Cobra Kai was the worst and in the end everyone is Cobra Kai. Of course ruining a kid abandoned by his wretched father since he was born, making him lose so that the majority of the public made up of fifteen-year-old Latino jerks can dream through Miguel since their lives are pitiful. Even I would have written a better script with my ass.

@alexg3553: That’s Daniel Voice?????? That says cobra kai never dies?

@Xrd-edits-h1p: Uh guys i think ck is coming out in my bday !!🦅🐐

@brokentoasts: 0:13 obv Daniel gotta glaze miyagi 😂😂😂

@Felvinbooks: Prime miguel and robby??

@SantraviousThornton: Robby is going to get his revenge on axel for killing Kwon

@omerkayaokay2448: Cobra kai never dieas

@anivanyan2601: Trailer date?

@amaarbutt6226: Axel needs to get a damn nerf

@Timepiece80: Finally Axel gets a hit, so he is a human afterall. Good job Robby.

@skred6792: This show became so horrible 😂

@snoppdogg: It's enough now! Just stop this

@BLUESKY-r4m: We want cobra kai season 7

@Cococrash11: Awesome Cobra Kai: Season 6 Part 3 Date Announcement Video.

@Percl0ckzz: Hopefully we get a cobra Kai movie one day called miyagi do with everyone grown

@ggforme1337: What a fun show .


@atharvmali7343: feb 13 is crazy bro


@Javier-js5qq: Did i just hear daniel say "cobra kai never dies"? 😭

@ahazfernando0104: What if at the end Daniel becomes the Real Cobra Kai Sensei, having discovered miyagi’s true intention and Daniel is the actual villain in the Karate Kid movie 2025

@reshmapatel325: I love cobra kai, but the episodes and seasons are far tooooooo short. I wish they kept it going

@alanmcfly1247: The only way Axel loses is because he is still feeling guilty about kwon

@iamfiefo: Is this to coincide with the release of the Next Next Karate Kid movie?

@dorlacanto4189: The "cobra kai"shouting in the backround might be johnnys students

@fatimafakhrualdin5142: I love the cobra effect

@DominicRobinson-j6s: Jesus loves you and died for you turn to him.

@bithikachanda9232: Jesus is God

@davidtorto4404: this may be the end but we do have karate kid legends in may

@alannabors: Please let this show die, yall are dragging it like CW is doing All American

@youtubesucks-g3m: This show is terrible and nobody asked for it

@TheEpicEndermanTV: Sleeveless cobra kai is back ?

@tehaamraza5247: Did I just hear Daniel Saying Cobra Kai Never Dies

@notsmiffy: I wonder how Xolo feels about being the most beloved badass character on the show

@notsmiffy: Miguel was always this generation's Cobra Kai's golden boy

@BeyondBuckets69: Cant Wait For Part 3🔥

@Titania2099: Yes let's go cobra cobra cobra caiiiiiii😊😊😊😊

@jeff636l9: Didn't they say part 2 was the last part? 😂😂😂

@lindacroom2435: Miguel>axel>robby>hawk s6 pt3

@babyzapofficial: The Sakai Takai

@cuzzcrewTomas: Thank you😊

@KumarTheIII: Life will never be the same again 😭

@cherrybloodflavor: Leaks were actually true lol, Miguel back in cobra Kai 😭😭

@Belowaverage541: I just want miguel to be the best in the end i love him ❤❤

@johnnywishbone932: The only karate with the worst karate ever!

@SDTNGUYENDebt6281: Yo, The Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 3 in coming out with February 13, 2025 of end on the Journey.

@azoisetya: Feel bad for Kwon actually😢😢 he was too deep in hatred and brainwashed by Kreese

@TheManiacc45: How is that tournament still going??? Can’t wait to see that

@JoMomma-n4m: Am I the only one who wants Cobra Kai to win? They mine as well call the show Miyagi-do 💯

@Monkey._.91011: Lets go Johnnys cobra Kai is coming back for the final part

@twisted7338: “Cobra Kai never dies” I thought Daniel and Johnny were suppose to go against cobra Kai

@duckitonduck: This is not the miyagi way

@romabenny4292: COBRA KAI NEVER DIES 🗣🔥🔥💯

@YoonWon-o4o: Cobra Kai never dies 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

@K_o_s_h_m_a_r_08: А где теперь будет проводиться Секай Тайкай после етой мясорубки

@CarmenABerriosortiz-g9t: COBRA KAI NEVER DIE 🐍💛

@Sekiadiaz: Let’s goo

@GameGanesh25: Shoutout!! to Miguel's Grandma for having Diarrhea.😛🔥🔥

@crescentmoondriver4343: No way they resumed sekai taikai after a kid got killed 😂. Love this show.

@LeafsClub: When Miguel Diaz wins the Sekai Taikai Joe Esposito You're The Best song will play signifying that Miguel Diaz has always been the best around all this time.

@rethishtm96: Wow super ❤️🌹 Happy X'mas 🌹 RETHISH TM 🌟 Happy New year 🌹 THARANGNI Filim songs for successful life ❤️

@brandonramirez273: Can’t believe that this is the last few episodes of this final season. This show is has been freaking awesome since from the beginning. I don’t want this show to end. Can’t wait to see what happens next. Every character from this show has been my favorite to Daniel, Johnny, Miguel, Sam, Robby, Hawk, Demetri, Kenny, Tory, and everybody else as well. Let’s Go!!! 👍💯

@freeFire-tr3lv: 😊 I am cobra Kai big fan❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@deathstrokevsgreenarrow3592: What if kwon fakes his death 😳

@Forfun-f7e: LETS GOOO!!!!

@BrawlstarsPotato: I just started watching today in the morning and now im almost done with season 2 💀

@Firefeather564: My birthday is on February 13

@no_1__: It gets to a point.

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