Cobra Kai Season 6 | Date Announcement | Netflix

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@Rymar101: I’m so excited, wish they weren’t doing it in 3 parts though. Why not all at once like they always did? Most don’t wanna wait another half year

@thealetube3509: It’s about TIME

@haitsoryx2748: LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!! 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🥋🥋🥋🌳🌳🐍🐍🦅🦅

@doreentan5867: Cringe show

@combataceguy: So part 1 and 2 will be released this year and part 3 will be relased in 2025?

@philliphernandez2998: It’s going to be the most badass season in the history of Cobra Kai. No Mercy✌️😎✌️

@FutureBestFilmDirector: COBRA KAI NEVER DIES

@myronstokes5585: Wow that’s awesome. It’s about time we got something new from Cobra Kai season six.

@pepito2847: I gotta say Seeing Kyler hanging with Miguel, Hawk and Demetri (the OG trio) was pretty mind blowing Can’t wait to see how they handle Kyler’s character development

@alexbueno5946: We getting a fight scene with Robby Miguel vs Kenny and shawn

@KingKindred: All that time waiting for the season to be split is crazy.

@akshaytrayner1960: We get 15

@monsterking1973: This is awesome

@akshaytrayner1960: Finally

@superiormalik.: Waiting For the Clash of Miguel with the new opponent 🔥🔥

@uchihabomber1296: I'm getting real tired of this trend of shows breaking these seasons into multiple parts instead of just releasing it either all at once or just weekly like before. Can't believe even Attack on Titan did this

@yokgor4675: 0:15 Kyler redemption arc? It's about DAMN TIME!!! Let's go!!

@yazancallas: 0:14 Kyler might redeem himself

@futurecloud2189: Terrible scheduling July, November, 2025 - 5 episodes then 4 gaps 🤪

@MoveInSilence919: This is it. The final showdown. I have grown up watching this show. Can't believe it's coming to an end. It's been a wild ride 😌

@Reverse_Goat: arthur morgan victims

@Psl989: Give me Swank

@olivabuckhanon1228: This is gonna be the most Phenomenal season ever made🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

@THEBEASTKING109: !!!!!!

@artgallary715: So the series will come in part 1 and 2

@plankton2878: three parts over such a huge gap is ridiculous and totally kills all momentum and hype

@rickbone3906: I’m curious if this is gonna lead up to the movie they are doing with Jackie Chan?

@ddgiant: I want to see it, but months apart for each part, really.

@manuellim6284: Did Miguel and Kenny beat up Robby and Shawn?

@nylanirzerolf5640: Please tell me each episode will run for atkease 45 mins. Cause 15 episodes aint enough for me.

@DIESELVISION.: I'm a little bit annoyed how its 5 episodes basically every four months. I am excited for the end of the road though.

@ArynWellspring: Glad it got moved to Netflix and flourished

@myphenomenalfigures826: Can't wait better be a good ending this show has been amazing all the way ture!!!

@Mr-Chuck: Cobra Kai Never Dies!!!

@caivue3314: Cobra Kai Final Season! 3 parts?! LFG!

@kevinthompson3569: Man, this trailer is off the hook. I'm so looking forward to this. I wonder if Miguel's fight with Kenny is for real or just a training exercise. I'm asking because two guys are on the ground like they're unconscious during their fight.

@eeshsinger: This is awesome. I can tell season 6 is gonna end this kickass show with a huge bang. Also, did I just see the 3 boys are now homies with Kyler? That's beautiful! I can really tell season 6 is gonna be even more of a feel good season than the last one! I'm so hyped rn that I can't even fathom this :D

@fantasoir: It’s gonna be a masterpiece ❤

@allisonsmith9050: Looks awesome!!!! I’m feeling kinda nervous about not seeing Mike Barnes.

@magpiestu: why in 3 parts, just release them all in july, so much easier

@MatheusinhoGamePlays123: FINALLYYY

@groundbreaker1052: Finally Cant Wait to See them All Cooking Harder For One Last Season 6 of Cobra Kai in All 15 Episodes Baybay LG ! ! ! 🔥🐍🌴🥋🦅💯🔥🙌🥹

@ffestiveffetus7291: bro a 4 month gap between parts…

@oll1998: should have ended last season. Great show, but now it's getting silly.

@alexhart2081: i can't believe this is actually happening

@juampinxsunplugged5168: I need to see Miguel winning sekai taikai. at least that. plss

@zydigitalmedia: 😱😱😱 That’s my BIRTHDAY!!! AAAHHH!!!

@NanduJuice: So 15 episodes each part ?

@santinoaguilar8601: What about Terry Silver Is he not in Season 6.

@leo11lim: Han Julie and maybe Dre better appear.

@keyaanr853: I don’t get what it means by parts. Can someone explain pls…

@Zangetsuv2: Good to see Chozen recovered from getting stabbed by Silver.

@augustinensang3109: Looks like Kyler is friends with the trio now

@BeeRodz: A three parter? At least I have something to look forward to after Bridgerton S3P2. Too bad the final part is next year, considering December would be the 40th anniversary of the Johnny-Daniel final match at the All-Valley Tourney.

@shawnofdanaukota3843: What the hell is Kyler doing here!

@kelex12: I hate this trend of splitting seasons into parts. Just wait until they are all ready and release them weekly. I'm just going to wait until they are all released and watch them at my own pace so I don't have to wait 4-5 months between each part.

@WeeklyWrapUp: NO MERCY!!!!! 🥋

@phearlessjorden2045: Did anyone notice how Kyler is on their side now? Hopefully he's finally grown in his character

@AzulApe: Splitting it into three parts is so foolish. None of the other seasons did that.

@jrbutler7224: Will there be 15 episodes for every part?

@lordspejson8871: This is so different than anything I have expected and the fact they are doing us a 15 episode is crazy! Im so excited for all of this and John looks badass!

@nunomaduro: Can't wait...

@alijaman1978: I'm predicting March release for vol 3 cos it comes every 4 months and i checked the calendar for vol 1 and 2 comes out on Thursday so I'm guessing vol 3 is gonna be on a Thursday so i think 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th of March 2025 gonna be 1 of those release dates for vol 3.

@heavensgate7337: yay final season..

@christyrer4840: Really hope Mike Barnes comes back

@Vert_bum: Wait so is part 1 and 2 this year with final being 2025 or all 3 in 2025

@adamgrunther1367: 0:14. Oh god. Please don’t tell me Kyler becomes part of the group.

@savagegod8555: Stranger things s5 still gonna negg this

@williamcrombie4804: Finally 🎉

@andyandys5356: So it's like 10 episodes of season 6 in 2024 and 5 episodes of season 7 in 2025

@urbanity06: This show is incredibly Genius. I was hoping Cobra Kai would have made to 10 seasons. Can’t believe this is the final season, yet it should have been more than 15 episodes.

@ethanleslie588: You know at first I thought this show was going to be a movie reboot but darn it this show is perfect

@surajpawar4308: Netflix you are badass 😂

@zombieman4782: I’m excited I can’t wait!!!!!

@kaedincrawford2700: YESSSSS FINALLY🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

@hridaythakuria9648: The only one reason I love this series is Hawk📍

@22CaptainAmerica: 0:15 is kyler now friends with miguel, hawk, and demetri?

@erikmore-bt3mt: finaly after 20 years of waiting

@TcurrieThe3rd: Cobra kai be taking off😊

@beastXgaming0: IT'S HAPPENING OMG

@Splinter3385: Let's GO!!!!

@rowanc88: Still no sign of Hilary Swank.

@Gaytheist13: The show had no business being this damn good. I can’t wait til July

@GinaSz4: I can't stop smiling!!!!!!!!

@omgbygollywow: You know there will be many sequels or prequels. So much more story to tell on many of the characters: Mr. Miyagi's story. John Kreese and Terry Silver's story. Chozen and Kumiko's story. And all the kids. Heck, I would even watch a Kyler story.

@michaelperovich6177: So 15 episodes of Cobra Kai 6. Part 1 in this July, Part 2 this November, Part 3 somewhere around 2025?

@josevelajr: Can't wait! Would love to see Julie Pierce.

@j.j.1517: Gonna be so sad when it's over

@Navi-.: Hawk will rain supreme

@plushmakerfan8444: Last season of cobra kai

@AmberLight-pw7iw: can some one help mere I wish to know in Karate Kid went Daniel tells he's mum what is No, not at the Y. At a good school what is the Y?

@user-gp7vb3jr4i: KYLER TOO ?!!

@jonathanmohanathas7246: Finally Nov 28th I can’t wait 🔥🔥🥋

@gustavomd860: 0:14 Now they are friends???????

@Roxasblade174: 0:15 Wait! Kyler’s about to become buddies with everyone? How did that happen after everything he did?

@omgbygollywow: This might be the best series of all time, if the finale ends right.

@velazqueza13x: 0:29 you see kenny in the background with all of them he probably ends of going with daniel and johnny

@cynthiapaen277: Awesome

@3mrwright: They are really milking the "final season"


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