YOU: Season 5 | Date Announcement | Netflix

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@atlanta2076: Season 5??? I've never even heard of the first four seasons ...

@GoldLeafPress: Please give us a good 10 episodes! Please not just pathetic 5! Like season 4. God good thing that stupid season was short.

@ElenaEstherEmmanuel: Joe woooo I can't wait 😍 🙌 😆

@mulukenalemayehu4723: Good!

@LadygagaLaday: I have watched this only 5-6 eps on season 1 and never really hooked, the story line, the dialogue is just bored me idk. I actually liked this kind of series.

@kvtechvarshney5179: Anyone out there who hates Joe?? Or we all love him even though he is a serial killer!


@TheTrueOriginal: Ain’t no way Joe’s about to be a victim of the Bay Harbour Butcher

@Empowz: this always come up when i try to search youtube

@shivansh.speaks: ❤❤❤🎉

@skinnylegsandall19: I keep hoping that Nadia comes back somehow and takes revenge

@pinkrose372: Yaaaaaas

@idkhwted: Bro will stalk the box this season

@jokhunang9759: I always wonder how he shipped that box to a country he's been to 😂

@Visenyaaa: I don’t wanna say goodbye💔

@jrnehoc: What a story arc for Dan Humphrey aka Joe Goldberg, back to NYC high society and falling deeper into his murderous psychosis

@merely-d9n: أين محبين ريتشارد راميريز؟ 🤘

@CJ-nu7dp: I knew it would go back to new york

@Naichellcroes29: Nahhh bruhh i can’t wait till april 24 😭

@tatiaarchvadze2343: Hello, you! Yes we missed you Joe 😈✨🖤

@jadenscott5273: Hello… You

@SomraatHossain: My most favorite series 🌿😍❤️

@priyeshagarwal8083: I see You

@shawnfrosticle: How is this possible, wasn't this dude jus supposed to have died lol

@yuunwatashi: yayyyy my favv joe is back

@mohit2942: best series of all time❤❤

@kralikvikka3148: I’d like to see a crossover with Dexter Morgan :D

@NerdWasi: If Dexter was a sexual predator.

@oceanviewer2025: No happy ending for our Joe

@Hobo_productions: Joe season 27: I still believe in....the one.

@Alexis2i: Remember when You initially premiered on Netflix? We all watched, excited to see Penn Badgley again after Gossip Girl, only to be completely surprised by how good the show was.

@etherealethan: I don’t remember any of their names.

@numokeji8023: Netflix have mercy on us plz! You !! Gosh this series stresses me out and I can’t wait to see it again because he just won’t stop! You needs to learn to stop and get saved! This is outrightly one of your best series after the Lincoln lawyer imo.

@Qwertyz_123: So we're the victim now 😂

@king_jack77: So it's canon now joe's true love is the box👌.

@Glozboy22: I still expect Beck to show up, seeing as we never actually saw her die

@way2high2: You is now him I guess

@shivaay69: Finally The Wait Is Over ❤

@user-ws2rm4hr5k: Season 4 was so rubbish I watched 2 episodes this had better be good

@LTown8365: If he doesn't finally get his, I STG! Up until this point, he obviously gets away with everything, because he's the main character of the show. In the finale, Joe needs to be taken down finally.

@Imolouu13: i just want love back

@mia_thomas33: What if Joe ends up in the box and all of his exes just take shifts watching him? 😂😂😂

@joe8565: The expected outcome is that Joe gets caught and arrested, but I can really see Joe going on the run after being exposed and then kidnapped by a past character and being left to die in his own box.

@MrWoodMan23: Who else thinks this show ran its course after the 3rd season?

@stepbro69038: What an amazing show🔥🔥🔥

@energy-moment: His love is cage

@danieldinsdale3248: I’m calling it now, he’s gonna do the dirty with the box 😮

@thegeminiclub: Super creepy but it’s done so well it’s addictive

@VocalsOfRitam: One of the best web series ever seen ❤

@persiaaua: Goodbye to YOU too

@gregorjust1985: ❤ you

@Canyiva: They really have made us wait. I hope it has a few more episodes than the other seasons❤️

@minkicherry5891: I don't wanna say goodbye 😭

@jeetsingh3130: Wtf ...why I thought it ended with season 4

@ch4rliegaming: "its time to stop being a 1 episode dexter villain.."

@hitmanff8592: Mr joe is back

@addin9862: OMG CANT WAIT

@ramadanteshaevv: I will never forget YOU

@BL2L: He returns after killing half of the Earth's population. 😂

@preciousotoakhia9789: This is going to be great and sad tho

@azlanshah2459: Bro is obsessed with the cage now.

@llm210: I've always thought a way to wrap up the series would have been to have Joe caught and watch him narrate the process of him being arrested, prosecuted, sent to prison etc. maintain his coldness throughout. He's trying to convince us, the audience that it was the right thing to do and we're on his side, leaving the whole thing with moral ambiguity.

@YungListon: well done

@CalebFox-om9el: Hope it's better than season 4. Season 4 was trash.

@fnojan: My sister and I loves this show, we saw it together numerus times. She sadly passed away on April 24, 2024 from a long lasting battle from cancer. Gives me the creeps along with a little bit of joy seeing "The killer finale of YOU is coming to Netflix April 24, 2025."

@armandoojeda3221: I still believe this man was the right choice to play Reed Richards in the MCU

@gabydominguezrojas5438: Joe y Beck para siempre, claro que sí💘💘💘💘

@lunarcat632: I skipped last season but like what happened to his baby? lol I’ll have to go watch s4 before this comes out. I do miss when the show explored his love of literature more, glad they’re going back to that

@wickedhruv: YOU as a show is going through major identity crise , very similar to dexter. The makers really need to bring an end to this now , everything here onwards is just a forced narrative.

@Sophie1911x: I know they don’t wanna drag it on for forever but I’m so sad it’s the last season /:

@ayushmaanpatel1914: No releasing in parts 🤩🤩

@str8ap397: imagine he somehow kills the box...

@MissionMichelle4U: Calling murdering people a “complication” is a…choice but whatever Joe Joe. I’m parked for the shenanigans.

@LaineHughes1: Season 4 was awful but season 2 and 3 ( love saga) was just absolute gold. Hopefully more of those vibes again

@Xeronimo74: meh

@rocco3605: Oh. The other day, someone told me “You is ending”. I thought he was threatening me (albeit with poor grammar). This’ll be embarrassing to explain in court.

@hanging_with_my_gnomic: I’m literally Joe Goldberg

@leratomothapo801: 😁😁😁😁😁 my heart!!!

@miracle_yoshi6757: So where the 5 book ? 🎉

@deniz6530: YEAAAAA

@stars_n_moon9013: The other day, I watched him in The Stepfather and thought he was perfect for playing Joe Goldberg in YOU 🤍🤍🤍

@lavishmisfittink3214: joe i’m so tired of YOU 😂

@TinaMey: YESSS!!! Finally!

@vishnum.s9420: if love isnt back dont even bother releasing this

@naveedahmed8056: are you serious? it's 2025 how

@Icebergslim_1: This crap is still going???


@user-kd3oo8oe5u: 0:35 Soulja boy heard that and wanted to say... YOOOOOOOOOO

@Pervenire: Season 4 was a complete overhaul.

@Elise-bv8uy: Finally bro

@quiara_playz9296: One of the best stalker shows!

@matadordenoob3973: Where's the Dexter and You crossover? It would be an epic ending for Joe

@foulszn: AURA

@LindaLemond-d5l: Mark Harmon l can't get my text message through to you Linda Lemond Love 💗 lLove you are my world please sweetheart 😘 help me get through to you come to me 🙏😭 lam sorry I ain't by your side 💘 right now u can come And we can talk about are married wedding if you can't by me a ring that fine ❤️ they got fake ones and you showed me the stuff you got me you use it for you and Sean l mean it Darling ❤️ Linda Love you Mark Harmon so much

@Joirychelle: Damn Netflix, you sure know how to tease a gal…we gotta wait until April 😮😳🤨😩 This looks GOOD

@isawdottie: the ending to my Journal/Diary

@Marvelmeen: We need stranger Things 5!!!!!!

@kzn._77: what are the odds of this finale coming out on my birthday

@Subhan0056: Of course I remember YOU

@prview4708: I still say they should’ve ended in season 3 he kills love and love kills him ❤ let see how they end

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