*NEW* 30-30 REPEATER in Season 8 Will Be BROKEN! - NEW Apex Legends Funny & Epic Moments #542

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Theme Park Chicken: Idk why but I’m a rampart main 😂

Joseph Conrad: It is lever action not bolt

fraser: i swear new players are like 20x more likely to get a heirloom in one of their free packs

fraser: 3:24 i had the same bug happen to me a few days ago

It'sYoBoiGucci: It might be a DMR but no way a bolt rifle. If you think thats bolt rifle, you simply lack knowledge.

AWildTenshi: Im sorry but the 30-30 repeater is a LEVER ACTION RIFLE

ItzShin: People gonna get mad if it's a peacekeeper skin lmao

IAussie: on steam i got heirlooms in less then 10 packs

sonny lee: It looks like a peacekeeper

games and stuff with landon: Me and my brother were sitting there playing one day messing around out here expecting to get a win and all the sudden we looked at the pirate Hunters only two squads alive me and him and then one of the squad and then all the sudden we put it all up we are champions

MCSRS7: Revenant yeeted himself back into the lobby😂 2:30

krishna Lalwani: I have the best bamboozle but I dont have the clip. I was applying a pheonix and the last guy was chasing by clone infront of me lol

Chris Gregg: how to piss off Gun enthusiasts 101

ShadowHawk05: “This season we’re getting a 30-30 repeater, I assume it’s going to be a shorter ranged bolt action rifle” A repeater is a lever action rifle, not a bolt action

Reed Nichols: Meanwhile, my lvl 280 head ass still doesn’t have a heirloom and this man literally got one his 3rd pack. bruh

Graeme Dutton: How is a repeater a bolt action? That makes no sense.

ThuWeirdSailor Gaming: 4:52 def not bolt action but leaver action

Jimmy Brook: The beginning here is why console is sometimes not fun when force to play against M.A.K., even in ranked

Abby ry bff Hehe I LOVE FRIENDSHIP: Dude it's a repeater..... It's not bolt action. A 30-30 repeater is a lever action rifle😑 seriously

reapershadow 7w7: Pn

GoblinSlayer 9996: i mean a repeater is not a sniper and not bolt action it's lever action and more akin to a assault rifle like how the g7 is

Colin Ryan: 6:05 that man’s controller is currently inside his wall 😂

Colin Ryan: 3:30... as a wraith main, I feel this man’s pain. I’ve had that happen so many times. I even got killed by a door once while in phase. But yeah, she still needs a nerf right? 😂

InSiDiOuS_MaRe: The new gun is not a bolt action it's a lever action and I'm pretty sure it will be the same way that G7 is where you can't put sniper optics on it

ゲームTmcd4me UwU: I feel like the repeater will be like the wing man

Madeline Curren: It's my perfect weapon! So psyched

HOTOUTDAKITCHEN: The weapon literally has "repeater" in the title and you still called it a bolt action.. i guess your excuse can be that youre from the UK so you lack gun knowledge

Pablo Martinez: 3:23 watttt

Carl Gustafsson: Shut up so I can watch

askew bf4 clips: The people in that mirage clip were absolute bots

Bg boii: R99 with no skin hits 25 shots 70 dmg r99 with skin 3 shots 90 dmg 🖕

egy felhasználó: 9:10 definitelly a hacker or something thats not normal first game and 6k damage, bruh thats definitelly a cheater

Wagner 999: That gun looks like the gun from 'The Mandalorian'

FLAccO & maKKo: Killing noobies in consoles isn't a big deal..

Loose- Hotline: Not Tryna be pokey but the 30-30 is never action, not bolt.... but there similar so I’d see why some one would mix em up

Zach Conant: Finally a lever action rifle. Is it actually going to be called the 30-30 as in the irl caliber?

Leadman1989: The SAME thing happened to me. Had a gold shield whole team down. Horizon tried to finish me off, but got killed by one of my traps. One of my teammates left but we won the game anyway. XD Wish I had been recording.

Craig Powell: That opening clip was so clean. Also you and RaynDayGaming are why I got back into apex. Also that sentinel spree was insane

Dylan Fast: That guy that had 26 kills was definitely on a smurf account

TuxedoCaveman: Sooooo, a kill with mirage is a bamboozle?

mental man 69 420: Anybody member when this channel was just 9 year olds who got squadwipes

The Responder: The nEw gun will be a lever action

Randomizing Name: I'm so goddam mad about the clip at 9:13 still... Why cant I have that

Itz ShadowGirl: At 6:29 that had me rolling 😂😂😂 I wish it was that easy.

Wesley Oberman: Thinking a repeater is bolt action 🤣 lever action buddy

Jah: Not better than the sentinel

Nooby: Bolt action? Someone doesn’t know their guns...

Aaron Gutierrez: That was not the best bamboozle you clearly drunk or on drugs

Joel Needham: *literally says lever action* Him: I think it’s gonna be a bolt action

Shubh Dave: 1:00 me litterally every game I land close to a sentinel PS. I am the gibby

Richard Brady: Lever action rifle. Just fyi. Cause it has the big lever on the bottom of it.

JUGRIZZLE: Oh no the dmr comes to apex

Anx: Powerful bolt action sniper rifle optic 6x-10x. Literally a PK clone..

Fusion: 7:29 happened to me

Sound Wave: why there's always controller players?

Hakeem Gamer: Yo man I will take some of videos and I will make exe videos ... it's okay with you 🌚

Flat White: 4:48 lever action*

Magmatic Dude: Hey it’s me again!!!

MaMutTV: im so happy to 30

William Mckay: What makes you think itll be bolt action when it has a lever style grip and repeaters are usually lever action. Come on man

Talha The Shadow: Will it use heavy or sniper ammo?

cody williams: That mirage bamboozle was good on that part but his aim was a bit of a stroke

Michael Mehaffy: Dudes I just got a 450m collateral headshot on a duo team with the Kraber!! Freakin out. Trying to figure out how to edit it before I submit it..... omfg I can’t get over it lol

salkadellic: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 we are getting a repeater.... then called is a fucking short ranged bolt action 😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Lucky Homewood: Being a 30-30 I hope it's lever action

Mike the Yeti: 30 30 repeater is probably gonna b the rifle version of the wingman

Joshua difilippantonio: 30-30 repeater....is a repeater....not a bolt action...or it would be a bolt action 30-30. Its a semiautomatic repeating rifle

Dean Winchester: My favorite is 6:30

Yvng Rook: He says bolt action when it says lever action 😂

jesse shrum: looks like a lever action to me...

MHM_Yadiiel04: Nice bait 😅

TheRedSandal: what was with the guys hair in 3:21

ʙᴡᴇᴀᴅ: I feel like fuse and octane will become best friends

Thomas Edwards: 4:50 is what what you came from by the thumbnail.

DankNutMassacre: why is the smurf getting praise?........ at 9:12

baradiel death: New gun = faster g 7?

Static: 9:46 I played this game since March 2019, opened many apex packs in my time , and still have yet to get a heirloom. This boy opens up a few packs with a very new account, and gets heirloom shards. I'm done.

Tom Car: its not bolt action, is lever action... as you can see....

Ricky J Cruz: every wraith mains would be mad pissed if this happened 3:22

Funnytiger997: I hope everyone know we did got a new gun in season 6 the volt

Levi Stone: Lol a shorter range bolt rifle...? It clearly says a hard hitting "lever action repeater".

Surya Kant: Many of them has bot movement but are regularly hitting in the range of 150-200... is this the power of controller?

Alannah Kakepetum: 30-30 is coming yay.... go hunting for some moose now

Evan Bradley: You need to make a video of you playing

Haitham Dagaish: 6:14 عربي الحمدالله لقينا عربي

Luis AC Quiroz: 8:30 200% wallhack, aim for the wall or objects, then go to the exact location of the enemy, how do you know what is hidden there? If I were I would have looked for the enemy and not go directly to that point, these whiny streamers seem to have preference and "normal" players like me get ban if they play exactly the same

Threia: Yo I’m level 437 snd skill didn’t have an heirloom this is bs

SDOG 12O7O4: 6:15 The reaction time though 😳😳

last bork: If its broken or not i want to see some juicy plays and team wipes with it

Spiros Chitiris: Lmao caustic talking german is like playing" Return to castle wolfenstain" the Hitler's scientists are back😂😂😂

Brian Gust: Says repeater but then says bolt action someone doesn't know what a lever action is

Kazuma: 9:12 ._.

Ricky Richards: Lvl 400 no heirloom lvl4 gets 3... okieee

Hector Rodriguez: It would be real tight if revenant had an animation with the repeater where he flips it to load a round after he fires it like the terminator 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Spike: The bloodhound one was the funniest shit 😂

Matt Smith: That thing is going to be nasty a bunch of 360 shots with it

cihat çağrı koç: i hate this game im day one player level 500 but no heirloom you gotta be kidding me

Bandam: Shameless thumbnail😐

positiver kaktus: 8:28 thats me :D

Abdullah Al-henedy: I hope it isnt a sniper this game doesnt need more snipers

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