The NEW 30-30 Repeater Gun is Overpowered! - Apex Legends Season 8

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iTemp Plays: Hope you guys enjoy today's video! Be sure to subscribe if you're new to help me hit 1m subs this season 😎

Max VanHeyst: First time with the 30-30 I dropped seven kills 😂

Jennifer Franklin: Intense music at the end

Bart Simpson: The gun is so accurate it’s hard to actually hit a shot

Ariana Carey Mariah Grande: ok...i feel better knowing im not the only one who threw grenades at them containers at first....🌚

CaiN CS:GO: how can i see my fps like this?

Ding Ding: Nearly on 1M subscribers

Fitness Monk: The sad thing is, I always have to wait about 3-6 days to download every new season update, and I'm not even kidding about this. Internet service in Ghana is hell on earth..

Charles Couch: I haven’t played this game since a few weeks into week seven I came back on the launch of season eight game is like a completely new game is insane and this new 3030 repeater needs to be taken out of the game way too over powered you don’t stand a chance

Theo Spencer: I love when Rich and Janks both throw grenades at the vault instead of seeing if there is another way to do it

Gabriel Sanchez: for sure feels like a "Wingman Carbine" & is a tad OP, but god damn is it nice using a new gun that wrecks.

IX RAGE: They need to add skullpiecer to the 30 30

David4_0: Plz Dont use Gods name in vain

Ephraim Karavan: Actually, any weapon is overpowered in the hands of a no-life try hard

Kdyn Sosa: i watched jankez pov first n I still enjoy this video alot!!

ricerocket99: Enjoyed seeing Jankz back on your squad!!

Alicia G: I haven't had a chance to play, hope you are having lots of fun :)

Frank Shortt: Ah the 3030, the gun that does nothing better than my other options in game. Anvil guns are better at regular fire, triple take is better long range/on charge. bleh

Dopemanricky: What dose the charge do on the repeater?

Alexandre Chatry: Noobs

Nickolis Grant: Also my update took 80 mins not that long for ps4

Nickolis Grant: Rich ur so close to one mil!!!!

Alexandre Chatry: He's cheating with him rapid fire

Yoseph Worku: good content

Yoseph Worku: hi

Mr.Dude88: It's so fun to watch Sooxfar's POV and then switch to Rich.

A. Schwager: F in the Chat for the Backpack at 7:34

CØLDMIGHT: Rich is the reason why i be tryna grind apex

Jason Damm: I’m gonna play Apex legends season 8 right now

Ethan Klimenko: sprained my wrist extremely badly and cant move my thumb... on the day that see 8 came out

Daan Wijkmans: 1:45 jankz sounds so hyped lol

KrazyPotatoe420: Ya, I don’t like the 30-30

Eric Walters: I like how you get a single round reload if you maintain looking down sights.

SwagTheRipper: Just subbed!

Jo S: Did the exact same thing to the grenade vault🤣.. Repeater ain't that good tho tbh.

Jamie Villaruel: Who else is calling sheila and wally a couple

In a Nutshell: so... ashe from ow?

kingofalljokers909: It’s to good that after like a week of YouTubers hyping it so much it’ll get nerfed

blinkzh: the gun is shit lol makes you move super slow and forget about close combats, the fire rate is too damn low.

Vicente Gonçalves: 8:33 What the hell is he saying? What is back?

BlackRain: Some ppl hate single shot weapons......but I"m from battlefield and that gun is life😇

SupremeDev: Rich😂💀 this is too funny😂 Why is the Tom and Jerry Movie Ad the best way to describe you and Janks realtionship

Tyson Cook: Almost a mill!

Jay Hanks: Who else watches rich roblox channel

Jay Hanks: Rich: the 3030 repeater is op in the future he never uses it

Gavin Shick: Who is here after watching Janks octane vid

The LitStoic: 30-30 seems incredibly slow and inaccurate. Great content though lol

PTSD and CMB: Best trio? 💪

Jester: so when you have a legendary mag gun and swap guns it reloads for you?

bruhtwiste: what happened to itemps original account

James Cooper: Show Cat

JammySammy: "Look at the top right dude" *Looks around the sky* 1:24

Guus Monden: how do u get that waponskin for the r-99

Alex JNA: I don't think the 30-30 is gonna be in the new meta and your video shows it well. If you have to choose between the 30-30 or the Scout... Scout all the way. + the 30-30 is overpowered at the moment to incite people using it but the nerf is coming in a few weeks. They did the same with the Charge Rifle.

shaggy_dabbie_doo: Videos like this are reason we get updates then guns get ruined

Aaron Hall: "30-30 rEpEatEr iS Op" he cant even land his shots wtf

Mike Fielden: "I'm gunna nade this!“.... 😂

Taco Ninja: Never m t if u like that gun

DMike: It is...if you can hit anything with it...which I can’t

Patrick Sweeney: Temp, that 30/30 is no joke. I am a mediocre player at best, and I got 7 kills with the thing in my first match with it. I LOVE that gun.

Roldan Cabarrubias: Why does it feel like it's been a while since you used Pathfinder?

Mitch Fritz: Woulda dropped a nice lil 2k earlier with this, that might not sound impressive but it's alot for me


Germ: First game of season 8, I got a 12 kill game with the 30 30. If I run that with an r9 or volt it’s easy wins

Thomas Peeters: 2:29 he missed a golden light mag sad

Devon Minnick: “30-30 is OP!” Barley gets 1000 damage and only 4 kills

Instant Ramen: The gun isn’t overpowered it’s what it’s meant to be

Jemain Cherry: I am the only one who thinks the repeater sucks? G7 ist better or not?

TopFlight Crew: Think I’m the first one to hit a crazy repeater shot. Was playing around 11 eastern and dude shot up the jump tower between map room and hydro. We got him 1 shot and I hit his ass out the air before he dipped below the wall🤣💯 my dumbass didn’t press the share button I double tapped it and started a video and just threw the clip🤦🏻‍♂️

KDassassin 06: ahri 45 attacks again! I think that's how you spell his name :I

Layten Lafond: Ps4? Comment ya gamer tags

pixelgaming4k: Wait itemp has a cat now I want cute cat pictures

Faide: I’m 600 comment

PwF m: Just me or does every one count 5 and a half sec when he says I'll be back in 5 and a half seconds

Pash 118: The Daily This is OP Now Apex Content

zeilot8676: this gun makes the wingman pointless and the longbow even more pointless it is a heavy ammo G7

Ishtiaq ASif: The bullet drop on 30 30 is crazy tho. First time I used it, the bullet fell right front of the enemy. I'm like the fuck? And than proceed to massacre 2 team with 30 and R99.

krishna yadav: bad aim in long range

justin williams: Yo he gets on my nerves when u doesn't pick up heals

JJoh4040: 7:30 Pathfinder grapple is at 15 cool down instead of 35! Path mains are happy!

Jonathan Rodriguez: As soon as rich goes my cat is in the way. What name do we hear? lmao

BOOMTOWN 30: You missed a gold light mag on god it’s painful

Apollo Rezonate: Shit jumped on and every game we were getting shot by 3 or 4 teams with the 30-30 thing is nuts

CJ 808: It’s not op you just make it Op it’s not the gun it’s who behind it lol

David Fonville: For God’s sake PLEASE reload the light guns. I wanted to see the new ammo count so bad 😂

Hieronimus Joshua Lianto: Road to Golden Play Button?

2DOHRI7: Its a Longbow combined with a Wingman but better :-)))

penis: if you can get a good angle on someone, its easy to get a good 2 or 3 shots on them. easy 70-200 damage

Badger: Mark my words: the repeater will be nerfed.

Terry YT: Thats was every stupid gamer says. (Its OP) they say that about every new thing that comes to game its very retarted

Kazius Collier-delamere: your shit looting annoys me. rather watch soofar

Wyatt: When u watch all 3 perspectives in a row lol

Brawl Brawl: If u 👎your a bronze 3

anda siri: the boiz are back

iiTzAntfarm 1: Damage tracker actually turned out pretty cool

Devon Whittle: 7:41 this drove me insane

gabeslist: I keep thinking the bullet drop of the 3030 is going to be like the g7 which screws up some longer mid range shots.

DROPEX.YouTube: only me have got a texture bug i am on pc

BoncheFN: I played some matches today and got my full purple evo deleted in 2 hits of this thing. Every match it was just me getting beamed by this thing. I'm just waiting for the nerf

GaryGoat350: A game for toddlers shouldn’t have any guns. That’s too violent for you young minds

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