30-30 Repeater + Triple take?? | Apex Legends Season 8

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Firelytical!: This is so satisfying!

Gesang Penta Sanjaya: 30-30 repeeater 3ple tak3 with both equipped with 3x HCOG

ron swanson: nah mate hemlok+30: 30=4k damage

Msr & Alex: Best eating food content

Creeping Triangle: I can’t play season 8 cause it kicks me straight to the menu screen on ps4 when I try to load into the lobby

coolguyHD: Fuses body: fuck this shit im out

Andrej Lorkiv: Take a video about this , at least something in your life will do global satanic elite it consists of around 10,000 people , from well-known Merkel , Sarkozy, bill gates , Zuckerberg , Sergey Bryl and Larry page , the Bush family, the Clintons , Rockefellers , Rothschild, Baruch,Leiba, Morgan, Carnegie , almost all Royal and Imperial families from around the world and many other names .They are behind the world wars, they created and spread the coronavirus, the main goal is to ensure the arrival of the Antichrist and prevent the second coming of Jesus and the last judgment , such conditions are allowed by God, because before destroying Lucifer (iblis),because he disobeyed God and did not worship Adam , he asked not to kill him, to leave him alive, and for this he will experience the creation of God - man in particular and humanity in general, Lucifer(iblis) . For mankind there are 3 options for the outcome of the first coming of Antichrist and the fall spirit that it has not been rewarded with the 2nd coming of Jesus and then judgment will not, and will all be erased in the dust , except for the approximate 190.000 people who helped the devil to defeat the mankind and the Second variant of the Human spirit on a global scale will be such strong that will not work with them to bring the Antichrist , and will have 2 coming of Jesus and then there will be judgment . Well, the last option they will achieve the coming of the Antichrist , but humanity in general will fight for itself and God will let down Jesus and we will win and there will be a last judgment .They are fighting for eternal life for themselves, and for us they want to leave the option that we will all be wiped out and not even bother with the last judgment . The outcome depends on each of you , and your life after death .This is the information you need to know why Satanic is actually doing all this .And our task is to stop them . And let me remind you that the world is developed by industrialists , scientists , farmers , teachers, well, no matter how satanists, they have always slowed down industrial progress

Schnabble Schnobbie: 3:23look at the flyckwodorist

MOKI_2005: 6:15 yea that’s what happens when you have EARS

Volltar: Tbh I always play with triple take and wingman BC I'm a loba main and loba doesn't give anything to the table when she is fighting

gos hawk: ahhhh the long range wingman and the budget PK combo

Saeront: 20 february is my birthday ^.^

Cataculoth: America Explain shotgun edition. In your (this part is subjective) hands, you´ll deal anywhere between 11 - 16 damage with the Mastiff in a line pattern, approximately ish amounts of damage with the Eva-8 in a figure-eight pattern, roundabout freight train damage with the PK in a star pattern, and literally, the very definition of random with as low as 7 all the way up to 116 with HP hop up for the Mozambique in a triangle pattern. Or, conversely, slap a scope on the Triple Take, and just hipfire to annoy other players and viewers (my favorite.)

Jorick Damen: Where did that wraith go? Literally me every game.

IT_ AMONG US: can I stream snipe u next stream?

Superzocker 05: I love the videos

Bender Rodriges: Does your youtuzze also ship to the Europe

DGMNparodox99: Does punch know that octanes jump pad can give insane move speed when combined with a ceiling?

Rubic Mumic: 9:17 Console players: First time?

ForDaLols: how is he playing games without the loot drop mozambique thing

Cyber Security: What is your upload schedule I swear it’s like you don’t post for 3 days and then you post 2 times in an hour! I want to be early but you’re making it hard

Terence Ooi: I love how ur skill is heavily affected by teammate, a decent teammate really can do different in game.

Joshua Holding: Punch, when it happens, turn on crossplay for the Switch smurfs.

Aphro: 30-30 triple repeater...

Jonas Raio: Eyo punch should I unlock fuse or horizon *Anyone else in the comments can help me out too*

GetGarde: Fuse Ultimate is literally useless and is situational... Every time I am surrounded by the ring of fire I get so scared and stressed out... I am not joking

OtaPic: I feel like punch would have a better time with the eva-8 if he's having trouble with mastiff

Motorboi 69: 8:50 Germany to America in ww2

ZANDER BIXBY: Does anyone else think that the shot from Fuse's ultimate is satisfying

Catastrophic: wtf i miss the 14 frame delay at the start :(

Vladislav Tarusin: I'm just stopping the video to say how am I choking with laughter because of the sounds punch uses to censor the bad words

u wot: the youtooz advert never gets old

Keke DaDawg: I love how he doesn’t only show his wins but also his bad matches

Ryze Introvert: Say what you want about console/controller but 90 percent of ppl playing apex on pc have horrible movement and game sense.

Brian Murray: Anyone else have the satellite bugging out for them? I've had a few games where everything says 0 squads in the area, then we get jumped by a team that was right outside.

Brick By Brick Gaming: Idk if anybody is actually curios about this but fuzes knuckle cluster sticks to your enemies but once it pops it stays in the area it was popped.

alastor: Wait is he a fuse main?

Shuletah: Hey man, i know that probably u won't read this but i just wanna give u a little helpful advice If you render your videos at 2560x1440p, even if u didn't record it at that resolution, it doesn't matter, you still can render it on 2560x1440p, that'll enable a codec, vp9, which gives the videos a lot more quality if you watch the video at 1440p, it takes a while to process in youtube but is totally worth it

Jurafoxy Pro: Every time u get scare u sound like a 15 year old girl screaming(no offense)

Lt_Bastian: Everyday I come out of school tired and depressed and than I see you on my recommended, my days becomes 10X better. Thank you punch.

Marcus Lane: Is this before the anniversary event?

Oh No A Random User: 2:49 Fuse really went, “Aight mates, I’ma head out.”

Isaac Merquise: I'm totally okay with his knuckle cluster sticking while exploding as well since wraith gets to just press Q and lose arc stars / knuckle clusters along with the other characters who have extremely strong tacticals or passives.

StrangerOman: You always winning for me ;)

Evil Fox: 0:19 FU

Zrybfty Tcdrghh: Parents started fighting and right when they started I eminently started to watch punch you saved me today ty

Zee: Step 1: get gud 😢

as ge: general question how do you get out of gold 4 i’m stuck there whenever i play i get 5rp away from ranking up then every game after i get thirded and lose even more points than i had when i started?

特朗普唐纳德: The knuckle cluster sticks until it explodes I think

Ethanodis: bababooey

Abodi Motii: 3:45 that what from him might be in my top 3

Kevin John: Love the content Love the vibe Will Simp for punch

Kevin John: Best youtooz ever

Ray14: "this game fucking sucks" _plays another match_

Andreas Thomas: Presenting to all your daily Punch counter: H e l p : 11 Monkey breathing: 2

Veriser: Dude the madlad steamrolled 10 people with a triple take respect

Mellow Man: Why do I feel like this i David Harbour 0:07

Auto The Undead: Fuses tactical sticks to everything but the explosions just don’t follow people

Jayde is too much: When you say he's in the trees it reminded me of call of duty worlds at war

cspLabaz: I farted and caught myself on expecting Pubch's laugh. Is it normal?

EFJ: Anyone else think this game is unplayable right now? All of the enemies I've gone against are fucking crazy and almost every game has been laggy.

Ki: I use volt and 30-30 and a I got 2500 damage yesterday so I'm happy on what I've achevied

GamingJames: Scam montage when

Joezzy Spider: 2:46 made me happy

Turrytheturret: what the fuck

MR_ NOBODY.: 2:46 I must go my people need me

wywrd: Hope everyone who reads this comment has a great day 😊 except the stinky poo-poo buttholes.

Oniisan Noodles: I ran hemlock p2020 hammerpoint yesterday that shit is beautiful 😂

Alex: I love the spongebob type censoring

1st Taylor: Lov your work bro, keep it up

sharoomp: Punch: HES IN THE TREES *Vietnam flash backs*

TFC BIOSHOCK: The thing is, the cluster does stick, he just sucks

CrazyData Gaming: Ealry

luka: Me whos destroyed newt with badically every gun but the prowler: how u dis ba- should probably stop talking i havent won a game in a hot minute...

Aoki Naptune: "I hate characters with no mobility" >Is maining Fuse ATM

project001: I really like that one shotgun with blue bullets

cheesesauce: Holy fuck I just tried this the other day are you in my head or something

Ham Sandwich: punch is best fuse

Diego Arturo Hernández Vega: Perfect timing 1:06

Pokemon GO: I like how the fart sound effect comes just as he misses the shot 1:06

Karzai Sheikh: That’s a nice load out

K666.-KAY _YT: punch get one shot : HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * scream*

Nur Muhammad: Wait? U have club??

Tu Duong: This combo is suck. Matiff triple-take be better

Deadly Senpaii: I love his content so much and I don’t know why👀

Tim Nat: Last time I tried it I got ripped to shreds from a 99 wielder

Communism Dog: Time to play some metal gear revengeance maybe

LeadPencil-223: bro at like 3:52 the gunfire and explosions make a kind of beat

Khan Laereht: What? Why is Husum Button ti close Doors etc. "D"...wtf?

Creeb0w Gaming: I love the triple take because it’s a good shotgun and sniper. Unlike the double take.

dragonX90: 2020: shite as hell 2021: still shite as hell Meanwhile punch:

Tonnikala: this guy motivates me to better at apex

Red 1351P: Next stream when??

Jovin Jimson: 1:05 the timings are getting better n better

HFZynyster: I help me mother.

Bigg Quan: no you did not win

Chris Schaefer: Saying you're bad at using a Peacekeeper is as impossible as Shaq hitting a free throw.

Winter Warrior: Not to be mean but after the round using 30-30 and triple take it seemed like it was just a fail compilation

Dog e: Why no one talking about face reveal

Redx_gamer 69: Dude punch’s videos these days are just him running tf away from enemies LOL

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