The Expanse Aftershow Season 5 Episode 8: Wes Chatham, Ty Franck & Daniel Abraham

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Rijacki Ledum: I miss the shared experience immediacy, too. It's one of the reasons I am thrilled one of my co-workers watches The Expanse. He and I get to talk about it on Thursday and I look forward to that time. He's read the books and I haven't and that gives a different dimension to our weekly conversation, too. Even though we watch a lot of other things in common, The Expanse is the only one with the baited breathe looking forward to the "watercooler" conversation.

bleepbloop101010101: Hearing their writing process was great, I was a bit curious before how that split worked. Lots of insight into book marketing too, and yep can confirm the bright pink lettering against the blue background was genius!

Tyrone Smith: That was one of the best interviews I've seen in a while, keep up the good work guys.👍

Gyasi Williams: Much love to everyone associated with The Expanse! Superb! Thank you!

Scott North: This is ABSOLUTELY NOT BORING wes we could listen to you guys talk and discuss all day...this is our dessert after the main meal! You guys are part of the best thing on tv in the last twenty to thirty years for me no question.

Heribert Schleck: Well, there is still some real truth about the advertisement for the books. I loved the show since the beginning, didn't know about the books at the time. And regrettably it took me until after season three until I read the first book. About half a year later, I almost caught up with the story of the books. Now, in my opinion the books are even better than the screenplay. The story is more fleshed out and is more logically bound together, also the desutions of certain characters makes much more sense or is more relatable than portrait on the show. Even though, I think the books' version of the story is better, I think that the screenplay is a really good addition as it sometimes focuses on different aspects and storylines that are eather very small or not existent (better put: not explicitly described) in the books, such as much of the political background story around Avasarala which is mayor in the show. I love that. I am super hyped for the last book and also for the rest of season 5 and 6 (which unfortunately seems to be the last for now - storywise it makes sense to end it there, but I keep hoping for seasons 7-9, maybe in 10 - 20 years? Then you could use the same actors again ;) - like Star Wars, just better.)

AirplaneModeOn: I got into The Expanse because of the art for season 1. Next thing I knew I was completely immersed in the books!

J. Donnelly: Hey Ty... One request. Can you look into the screen when you're talking and discussing? You look and feel distracted. Just a request. Otherwise, I'm REALLY digging the show and these after shows. :) Looking forward to the next episodes!

Robert Perrotto: why is the Expanse popular - unlike other sci/fi on television and streaming networks, the writing is top notch. It gets themes, perspective, and viewpoints across, without over the top dialogue, or ham fisted messaging. Take Drummers Poly family for instance, it just is, its nothing remarkable, just like a traditional family, not worthy of comment, or justification. Life as is, so to speak. Todays sci/fi, and majority of other genres for that matter, feel the need to browbeat their audience with overt and deliberate cringe dialogue, and subpar writing.

Rani Salminen: Give us the next one!

Justin B: I would definitely recommend binge watching all 156 original twilight zones episodes. I did it a few years ago and loved it!

John Christopher Robert: Not boring at all

MegaVin99: Such intelligent conversations - great job!

Isaac McHale: This episode made Naomi my new favorite character. Sorry Wes, Amos is my close second

Scott M: Was playing Dreadnought on PS4 last night with a guy who was slowly taking in The Expanse Season 3, he didn't want to binge watch, but thoughtfully watch and consider the events, we both enjoy the maturity and seriousness of the way you approach the genre. I had just watched 5o8 and had to bite my lip not to spoil it for him...we speak Belter Lang together in planning attacks and spotting enemy ships during this space based naval warfare gameplay Sasa Ke? Just wanted you to know that total strangers are playing PS4 games and talking about The Expanse and speaking through it as if it were already a video game...

Kevin Hagen: I enjoyed this immensely. It's always a treat to see and listen to James S.A. Corey in his entirety. And Wes is a very good and congenial host.

B HA: I'm still sore about the weekly release. Expanse deserves to be binge watched. Still my favorite show though. Few points 1. Pls invite Fred to this interview. The butcher of Anderson station 2. Naomi has proven her skills just like in season 1 when they were stuck in the small ship after the water howler got blown by stealth. 3. replacing the character from nemesis book by drummer was a good call. She fits right in with enough back history.

Tim Tucker: I don't understand how two people can work together to write so well.

Tim Tucker: I had no clue that's what the marks were for.

Bobby Situkangpoles: I still remember that pink typeface on the cover of the first book!

MMB628 Jr: This episode should have been longer... I got their books after like season 2-3... but much love to this.

ChilleDINJerseY: Yea the only problem with these are they are short

Outland: So... When I'm chatting to 'James S A Corey' on Twitter who am I actually talking to?

James McDonald: God these guys are so accomplished. Imagine how it would feel to make something so fucking awesome.

Sparkyroots: The twilight zone gave nursing some amusing terminology. Someone, way back, created a 'twilight' shift - 4-10 pm ish. There had been an advert for a snack called TWIGLETS, who created a play on words 'The Twiglet Zone'. Thus, an evening shift is roundly known as 'I am on a twiglet'.

Cynt H: I want some kibble too Josep! I want to be a Compadre too Alex!

Jonny B. Goode: Wes and Ty, it would be cool if you could have on Nick Farmer sometime this season or next, since he's the creator of the Belter language, and we're getting a lot more of it this year (and probably next).

Joe Mc: Quick thought! About the airlock - if Naomi filled the airlock full of boxes and stuff, would that reduction in area result in less atmosphere lost with each use?

sanda386: We definitely need a The Expanse videogame

Carl Peters: Every episode of this has been different and every one has been informative and fun. Every one has been worth watching for fans of the series. Thank you.

regs: i thought your blood boils as soon as you hit vacuum. Maybe it wasn't that long of a jump idk.

kamjc: I like this aftershow! I don’t think I would have gotten that little tidbit about cabin pressure. Love the episode. Naomi is amazing.

David R: I love the Expanse... but Pleeeeaaaassssee NO SOUNDS IN SPACE...... It would be so much more interesting and less cheesy if you kept the vacuum like a vacuum. Heck if you have the realism of floating in zero gravity, then you should also remove the sounds. You wouldn't hear explosions, etc... 2001 and Gravity are perfect examples. Just sayin... Thanks.

Lemons: This was awesome. I loved it.

Giancarlo Paniccia: That tequila analogy is insanely spot-on and I'm stealing it.

Jay Rould: I love all of you guys, talent is hard to preserve these days. Don't get cancelled!

Alan Pennie: An episode where not a whole lot happened but I was impressed by Dom's willingness to look so rough.

Zero The Hero: having these guys remake The Starlost would be a good companion to the Expanse....Foreseeing the destruction of Earth, humanity builds a multi-generational starship called Earthship Ark, 50 miles (80 km) wide and 200 miles (320 km) long. The ship contains dozens of biospheres, each kilometres across and housing people of different cultures; their goal is to find and seed a new world of a distant star. In 2385, more than 100 years into the voyage, an unexplained accident occurs, and the ship goes into emergency mode, whereby each biosphere is sealed off from the others.

fixpacifica: I'm afraid I thought it was a boring episode.

Din: Great interview, so insightful from two very brilliant humble creators, and hard to watch with Wes looking so pretty ALL the time 😉

Ecnelis: The only criticism I have for the episodes was it wasn't that clear what the scratch marks were for besides the number of attempts and them playing the distress call too much, it was becoming aggravating to hear.

Doug Wagner: I love that Ty calls it SciFi. For years we were told to call it SF. If somebody creating the best SciFi around can call it it SciFi, I'm gonna call it SciFi. That must have been the snobbish period of SciFi that they referred to.

Gunleaver: This episode feels like it was edited with a butcher's cleaver.

Dion Andress: Awesome conversation ..Loved it <3

Patrick Cahill: I am not a scifi writer but i am LOVE the books and the series. I play eveonline and devour most scifi books or shows. I think your is the most realistic depiction of the future.

Mary Rose Lalli: It interesting, they watched tc after school. I was the kid still at sports or other school activities so missed much of after school tv

Joy Sun: Everything I ever learned about writing and publishing was just blown away by these guys. Absolutely amazing insight into how the world has changed to bring works of art to market in 21st century.

Tales On Wheels: It's good to hear Larry Niven get mentioned. World of Ptavvs is a great between-expanse-books read.

Lillie Bobson: I like the last episode. It was needed to show naomi's skills. Like book readers always whine about, naomi is quiet and does most of her thinking in her head. So the show finally showed that aspect of her. And every episode can't be guns blazing and explosions. That gets stale and the expanse is more than a michael bay boom boom movie.

Ivan Petrov: Watch the show! Give it a chance!

Don Starnes: Wonderful content, as always - Thanks, again!

Sparkyroots: PLEASE would Ty Franck & Daniel Abraham rejuvenate Doctor Who!?

David Franks: Best Aftershow yet. Fascinating to learn more about the origins of The Expanse. I really hope I live long enough to read Book 9 (I have leukemia), cos I really really need to see how it all ends.

Rich Limoges: Top notch, thanks fellas.

Bill Reals: I learned about the Expanse thru a blog, I want to stay Boing Boing

ODiddy67: What's Mao's and Amos' R&B group name? Peaches and Extreme?

Bill Reals: Wouldn't she mainly suffering from decompression sickness ?

SKVP Photo: The show ended and I was like WTF! Nooooooooo

ShishakliAus: These two aren't good enough writers for how smug they are

justgivemethetruth: I don't understand why people like The Twilight Zone, I am an "Outer Limits" man myself, it is so much more rational and sensible.

justgivemethetruth: How much were these guys influenced by Frederick Pohl's Heechee Science Fiction series, because The Expanse has the same feeling and general plot.

justgivemethetruth: Nay-Oh-Me

Paula Ansai: En los créditos finales se ven a las criaturas que mataron a los constructores. Son cada vez más y se mueven como si estuvieran inquietas

Noeland: I absolutely enjoyed it.

Winkkin: Dominique's acting over the last two episodes was Emmy worthy. Same for the scripts. Phenomenal.

Marvee78: The acting in this episode was so beautiful. Cara Gee, Olunike Adeliyi as Karal and specially Dominique Tipper were the standouts. 👏👏👏

justgivemethetruth: That's supposed to be Naomi's ship ... why would she have to do calculations about air volume, she would know that as second nature wouldn't she? Then, also, why would Marco's crew have left any air in that ship at all after it was prepped for its bomb mission? No point in that, in fact it makes it harder to work in or more around it if someone did break in. Why would they have the maintenance area not have pressure, and air is precious. There is only so much air in human space - I think they would not waste it, and a fully equips ship would have extra air. But, after seeing Holden set permissions for Monica aboard the Rocinante, why would Marco leave air-lock permissions for Naomi to roam around the ship?

Donnagata: That was great and not boring at all! About the tequila analogy, I love champagne (not bragging, a decent bubbly is affordable where I live, particularly when your siblings are in the trade and can sell it to you at cost price). Once I met a girl who said she did not like champagne, and I said the same. "You just had shitty one". And she did take a sip and liked it! But also, I will drink any bubbly, although of course I can tell good from bad. It's the same with sci-fi. I'll watch anything, but the Expanse is Dom Perignon level!! EDIT: Wes, you're a very good show host! Consider a career switch (but not before you have completed the series as Amos)

Jim Wilhelmi: Wes is a good interviewer. He knows what questions to ask, and he knows how to steer the conversation. He needs his own talk show.

Tom Van Eester: I have trouble separating wes from amos, and that means he's playing it well enough that i believe it.

Jose Pardinas: Excellent season! I particularly enjoyed the scenes in future Baltimore and the interactions between Erich and Amos. The funereal music that plays over those scenes suggests conditions in the city, and all over the Earth. The planet is dying ecologically filled to the rafters with desperately poor people. And much as today, humanity seems compulsively hellbent on victimizing and murdering itself.

OrigionalButterball: I would play every inch of an RPG of the Expanse!

Guillaume M: Wes is a great interviewer. Would be at home with his own late show :)

Maxime Dumoussaud: To be honest, I'd buy any book titled "Boring as s**t for the fans but atleast I'm enjoying it" :P

George Diab: I bought my first Expanse book because an employee at a book store told me it was like GoT but in space. so I bought it. And the rest is, as they say, history.

Zayne Van Day: Book Cover artwork you are soooo correct ! thats why heaps of people brought Fighting Fantasy Books in the 80s & 90s the Artwork drew you to them !

Zayne Van Day: What makes The Expanse so good is the Writers Actors Directors Everyone involved in the Production and the most important this is that all of them gel together to create what they call the perfect storm !

Zayne Van Day: If you like that stuff try watching the First season of Altered Carbon Its awesome ! Joel Kinnaman Rocks it Second Season not so much

Zayne Van Day: I don't want The Expanse to end EVER lol

Zayne Van Day: After this episode i went back to the start to watch the whole series from the start im up to season 4 when the Tidal wave hits the Protomolicule Structure. I cant believe its been 5 years already ! my favorite Character is Amos a close second is Bobby Draper a fellow Kiwi ! Mind you im an Ex Soldier so that may be the reason why lol Amos = The Ultimate Human survivalist

DuckTape: This episode was like watching Miller on Eros. close shave after close shave and then the ultimate sacrifice Naimo Mark Watneyed (the Martian) the hell out of this. "At some point, everything's gonna go south on you... everything's going to go south and you're going to say, this is it. This is how I end. Now you can either accept that, or you can get to work. That's all it is. You just begin. You do the math. You solve one problem... and you solve the next one... and then the next. And If you solve enough problems, you get to come home."

Guru Hegde: TIL that Ty + Daniel are James S Corey (Pseudonym) .

Clifford Nelson: I want to see them commit to season 7.

OldCountryman: The Expanse started out fantastically. The current season, however, is disappointing and not quite worth watching.

Chris Ford1: Little shoutout to Wes, doing a promo over at Rotten Tomatoes on the "Binge Guide" section, dated Jan 12th, saying how much he appreciated all the people still discovering the Expanse and feeding into the host saying there were 5 other "bingeworthy" scifi shows, but paraphrase, 'don't think of forgetting the Expanse'. 4 present (and 1 throwback added "Battle Star Galactica"). I don't think Chatham had anything to do with the choices, but it's still good for the Expanse if fans of the 5 other shows see their show selected and look at the other "good ones" inc. The Expanse. (FYI, the other ones, besides Battle Star, were 'Lost in Space', "For All Mankind', 'Raised by Wolves', and with a pit of nausea in my stomach, yes, 'Star Trek; Discovery'(The Michael Burnham Show).

Ulf Hansen: "The famous Drummer temper? - That was fun to watch" Well, I suspect it won't be much "fun" before long..!! I loved that scene. Drummer almost losing it after hearing the fake distress call. And then TOTALLY loses it when she hears that Naomi is (presumably) dead.

Arjan Broekman: So far season 5 is boring, except for the parts on Earth.

killroy42: I think this is the first time in my life I heard somebody speak out loud Arthur C. Clarke's name without the middle initial, and it sounds so wrong!

Alpha Momentum: I didnt know I needed this.

Benson M: Episode 8 was dire! Apart from Amos and Peaches this episode could have been at lot longer without watch Naomi's endless back and fourth that was just not good. So much could have been covered in this episode. It was 25-30min of the same thing over and over again. With two episodes to go this is quite frustrating. Out of all the episodes from season one to now this S5E8 was the worst officially.

Acid Energy: Can´t wait for a computer game in the Expanse Universe... preferably open world, rpg, ... Star Citizen has different worlds, one of these should be an Expanse DLC. Not going to happen soon or ever, but I can dream, can´t I :) ?

Sean Huntley: "Gil Gerard doing spin kicks". Not sure why, but that comment killed me. Bravo

huexley Yannick: One thing I like about this series about women is that they are not put forward just to be women but rather because in exceptional situations they are too. The cast for that is just out of this world (Shohreh Aghdashloo is just a simply outstanding actress).

The Max: This is Naomi Nagata of the Rocinante. If you get this message, please retransmit. Tell James Holden I am in distress. Comm is not responding. I have no nav control. Please retransmit. This is going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the week, thanks.

irrational gaz: Not boring at all. Would quite happily watch/listen to this as an extended format podcast.

Voice Over: Little bit of a shame the episode was not really disussed, even though I loved the discussion, as it was such an amazingly intense one and Dominique Tipper was extraordinary in this one. It's so nice to have a genuine scifi show on tv, really enjoying it. With Mr. Robot we had the luxury to have two fantastic scifi shows and now we're down to one, but I'm grateful to have that much. I used to be a big fan of Babylon 5 and there are some similiarities to both shows, and JMS has said that The Expanse is a worthy successor to B5 and I fully agree, even though the stories are very different in many ways, but if we look to for example the Earth - Mars relationship, there are parallells, but it doesn't matter, the Expanse doesn't need the reference, it can stand very well on its own to feet. Do wonder if the writers have seen B5 and were somehow inspired by it.

Weird600: Me, being a rocket scientist, with all the power available and air being a very limited resource, WHY wouldn't the air in the lock be "pumped" out of the lock and back into the ship instead of just vented into space????????? That seems a far more logical process than what is being used here.....

Jordan Bassett: I loved this episode so much because as a writer I look up to Ty and Daniel so much!

Aidan Morgan: I loved this! The deep dive into modern genre publishing was fascinating (and sort of horrifying).

Kristina Colburn: Finally someone else who puts 9 Billion Names of God by Arthur C. Clark as the most impactful work he did!

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