The Expanse Aftershow Season 5 Episode 9: Wes Chatham, Ty Franck & Nadine Nicole

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endospores: I really like the depth the show is giving to Clarissa, and Nadine Nicole embodies the character perfectly.

Tom Hill: Awesome liftoff scene, but I don't get how that would've worked day-to-day with a bunch people having shuttles near their homes...

Adam Rampichini: She looks different

Dar Ma: One of the greatest sci fi show ever,i love the expanse,the whole staff and cast. But except the amus/peaches arc, wich is awesome, the last 3 episodes stuck and are to focused on Naomi...Naomis arc is great but it felt to stretched. Holden and Alex r completly on hold, they delivering good lines,great acting...but since 3 episodes they do absolutly nothing plotwise, only talks and changing their flightcourse. We got till now only one spacebattle with the rossinante - im pretty dissapointed-.- Sadly the worst season for me, but in comparison to other scifishows still awesome:)

Enemy TheBeatmakerYT: Amos is a rolemodel to thirsty mfers everywhere. He busted his murderess crush out from a maxi prison, killed a bunch of people, and escaped from Earth to have her all to himself. He played it so cool. No way Clarissa doesn't know why Amos calls her "Peaches" though. He wants to eat her up so bad.

Den Denov: Обалденно красивые люди в этом шедевре фантастики! Спасибо Вам за очень качественный труд!

rifz42: We need "The Adventures of Amos and Peaches" spin-off show!! it's a working title ; )

Oksuz _: Peaches

John Groen: 509 was epic. Awesome craft in this series. Watching Amos care about Clarissa has been so interesting. It is like he has a homing beacon for people who overcome tragedy and become their best selves... they provide the compass and he provides clarity and strength.

DeForrest Ballou: I hate the shootout. Whoever choreographed it doesn't have combat experience.

Tim Cotton: Wes, thanks a heap. I appreciate what you bring to Amos, and how he has been allowed to become more than just Naomi's psychotic co-worker. The slow reveal of how he became who and what he is, and the depth you give to that, are terrific. I don't think there's a character in The Expanse who is more clearly self-aware. Amos attached himself to Naomi because he couldn't trust his own judgement about when and how to deal with people, but over time, through his experiences with James and Alex, and more important, with Prax Meng, he restored a more normal sense of conscience for himself. Still, you are that guy. Thanks again.

Clyde Inverness: Peaches!!

Jimbo Shimmystrop: Oh, man, I live and die for oners, and I didn't even notice that the shootout was all one take. I'm losing my touch.

WB5ZDD Tony: Holy crap! You don't see that great smile on the show. Why so serial killer-ious?

Pharrow Oz: I love the show, best sci-fi show ever, but.. episodes 8-9 were an absolute drag! Two episodes for Naomi escaping is way too much, especially in episode 9 so much time is waisted. You could have shown numerous marks she made on the wall so we would get the idea she has been in and out loads. There is no need to show us the same sequence 100 times. Then Amos and the gang, that whole plot is stretched out and makes little sense. No way would he let those security guys go like that, completely out of character. He would have followed them and made sure they are not a threat, there was no rush to immediately fix the ship and leave, you have to make sure you are not in danger first. But what absolutely killed it for me is the Earth command on the Moon - what the hell is up with that writing? Why would seemingly reasonable people just turn 180 all of a sudden and decide to slaughter literally millions of civilians in retaliation for a terrorist attack carried out by a renegade commander of a small belt fleet? Come on.. Oh and also where is Mars in all this? Do they not have any kind of leadership or chain of command? Why is no one noticing the missing battlecruisers, why are they not cooperating with Earth to prevent potential attacks on Mars? Yes some of their leaders are corrupt but why did the entire planet seemingly collapsed, because of the outer worlds that they are not even allowed to go to? And a final thing - please get back to the gates and the molecule. Watching humans squabble is a step backwards story wise.

Wm. Jared: most excellent y'all

PluckySmurf: There's a whole lot of intermixing of actor's names and character names in this conversation. 🙂

PluckySmurf: I am in favour of any occasion for Amos to take his clothes off. Wholeheartedly. (!!!!!)

Monster in Head: Great job on this show. Actors are doing a very good bit protraying these complex characters and the writing is great. I admire the story, how all the characters are trying to solve problems, even Inaros, they have motives that make sense from their own perspectives. And how those problem-solving actions collide with the others - it's very realistic. I can buy it, unlike many TV shows that stitch together the action with villain characters that only exist to drive the plot, but make no sense as people. One odd thing I might ask is: how come Amos is always the one who gets shot?

Carter: Peaches!

The Panda: yay! Michigan here too!

Patrick Doyle: I love that I didn't notice the shootout was one shot until it was almost over. They didn't do it just because they could: it was the right way to tell that part of the story. Awesome!

DellaRobbiaMX: 1 2 and 3 were the best seaons for me, so much good action drama a better story and a better character development and we got to see waymore from the 3 sides everybody was involved,and it didn't drag to get something done,unlike now the dragging is real,now they giving us less content,the 3/4 characters they are focusing on right now and putting the rest on the side,its just a nope for me. just bring the entire team back same as before, this show for me its getting boring already, im not familiar with the books,but if ''this is the way'', then im done with this show....

Reza Atabaki: Great great show. Please keep going. It’s becoming one of my favorite shows ever if not the favorite. Specially season 5. It’s so engaging! Great job!

Adam: Nadine Nicole sooo sexy.

tribe 33: Can we add some more strong independent women? Cancel the main white guy lead and add more women struggles. Episode 9 was my last episode. Sci-fi did an excellent job. I'd rather the show have died than watch this strong woman agenda.

Rijacki Ledum: Clarissa's arc has been really lovely this season. I loved the interchange between her and Erich about names and how Amos 'found' her. I also really like that she reminds Amos "what would Niomi do" echoing back to the station and letting people on to the ship when the moon was shutting down. Amos hasn't given it that thought yet, or at least hasn't consciously done so and Clarissa wasn't there to see that, but it is an echo of the other time space was made to save more people.

Matt DeBlass: I didn't know I could hold my breath for four minutes until I saw that one-shot gunfight

Carl Peters: Loving that Ty is giving credit ALL of the staff that works on the show - not just the higher positions. That says a lot to me.

detrix42: Hello Nadine Nicole. Greetings from Holland Michigan.

Brian VS: Thw shootout was one of my favorite parts of the book, and it was tremendous in the show too.

Peyote Pete: TIMMEH!

Teun van Buul: That shot of Amos looking out the window as the shuttle is orbiting Earth is so beautiful. I think it's my favourite shot of the entire series!

WestOfEarth: The point Peaches makes about growing the tribe regardless of perceived value or utility as a human is particularly impactful given Eric's visible handicaps. Eric survived and became ruthless despite (or perhaps because of) his handicaps. I hope the writers explore the idea that, in the paradigm of Peaches, Eric doesn't have to be that ruthless person to survive or belong.

Paul: Clarissa mentioned a couple of times that the ship was suborbital. Doesn't that mean it can't make it to the moon?

WestOfEarth: I was wondering what the tik marks were for! Makes sense. Also makes sense that Naomi is smarter than me and knew she had to keep track of O2

Freedomsaver: This is such a great format.

Emrah Uncu: Kudos to Ty for giving where the credit is due for the line "Marco is our role model now?"

Fungers: Sorry, but S9 Episode 9 is horribad because of the story on earth. The shootout has stormtrooper aim, Clarissa Mao who BEFORE being bolted to a chair to atrophy for years in prison had trouble with one guy now takes on a bunch of armed and alerted PMCs bare handed? What next? She rips Bobbie out of her power armor and throws her into the sun? I love Amos and liked Clarissa, but the writing for this section was horrible for hard scifi and passable for Disney hero movies.

robotcop: Was it really a non-stop continuous shot? Seems like there's some cuts to me. But the scene was amazing anyway

robotcop: Everybody's here for Clarissa 🤣

Michael Hottenstein: Not that I know anything, but what happened to the Earth and Mars stealth ships?

vs9mm: Peaches! 🍑 she’s really turned out to be my favorite this season

Keith A: It's pretty sad they have one season left and they have completely abandoned progressing the story to push the female characters for 3-4 episodes. Literally nothing has happened in 3 episodes.

Michael Vassilopanagos: Nadine Nicole is so hot!

Lillie Bobson: The entire sequence of leaving on the ship was bad arse!! Amazing.

Thomas Main: Saving those people may be a master stroke, if they turn up on Luna with a Multiple Murderer Gang Members from Baltimore and fake identity Amos, they are certain to get a chilly reception, at least with genuine refugee's its going to look a lot better. Ok Amos has a golden ticket he knows Avarsarala, the now Secretary General of the UN.

Tamayo1980: Season 5 is complete amazing and I've been here since season 1 on sci-fi. Can't understand or accept the Expanse will only get 6 season buy thank you all for hard work and dedication 👏🙏🙌

tilemacro: 03:50 Thats not how airlocks work. Im gonna guess its a damaged airlock or something ?

AM: the big little boy who tased, kidnapped, slapped his mother is devastated that she escaped? sit down and be quiet, boy!

bleepbloop101010101: Is anyone else bothered that they left Charles on Earth?

Anusha P: I hate that we have completed 9 episodes in this season and we are still hung up in Naomi's storyline. Wish we could see more of Alex, James and Drummer. Feels like a bunch of great actors just got wasted this season.

Duff Man: Peaches..... I could eat peaches for hours

Izznogood76: Timmy and Peaches!

Wes B: 33:15 Am the king of thought it was a good decision, at the time. 10, 15, 20 years later still paying or suffering the consequences of bad decisions taken then. My wife always says, "if you only had a crystal ball that really worked?"

cmdr tremyss: Melba <3 Clarissa <3 Nadine

Jay Juggernaut: Clarissa's character arc has been socialite, to homicidal maniac, to soccer mom.  Her bad decision-making in this episode (enabled by puppy-eyed Amos) directly resulted in the deaths of the most necessary people (under the circumstances) in their tribe, the shooters. She still makes bad decisions, now just on the opposite side of the spectrum.  But, you know, "growth" or whatever. #hollywoodlogic

Super Trendy Money Maker: I am calling it Amos or James should be Commander Shepard in a Mass Effect movie 🍿

epiccollision: Ok so I get it, but the pacing is way too slow(you ‘be done this before)the shuttle storyline took 2 episodes..why? Naomi 4+ episodes just escaping, I love this show but pick up the pace! the these books are long and all Naomi has done for 2 full episodes(out of 10)is suffocate and recover, for 2 Episodes! most of which you have no idea what she’s is trying to accomplish, you are just along for the ride...the slow suffocating ride...what her goal is shouldn’t be a reveal...

Brent: Nadine Nicole is hot!!

Charlie Brown: Thanks for explaining Naomi's situation and restoring Avasarala to power. Kudos to the entire enterprise. Always a great way to spend an hour. Thanks for the entertainment :)

Matthew Rispoli: I'm only going to state my one criticism because a list of praise would be too long: -Too much plot armor on the main characters. We always know that it's there, but it's the writer's job to make us forget. Apparently all rent-a-cops aim like storm troopers, except the ones that went to sniper school.

mario carrera: I KNEW THOSE WERE BLANKS AND NOT CGI !! the muzzle temperature effect is really difficult to fake so that gave it away, a we so me!

Mark Cooper: Great aftershow. Nadines smile and Wes's enthusiasm could melt an icecap!

The Fire Dragon: Amos' character has the most depth of any on the show. He is by far my favorite character. My second favorite character is.... .... Amos is my favorite character!

Dean O'Brien: This season is just epic best Si-Fi show of all time, 10 episodes not enough wish more but better than nothing. I pray someone else picks up the show for book 7 and the rest. Amazon I will be cancelling my Prime membership once season 7 has aired!!!!

Bobby Situkangpoles: Cant imagine how my weeks would be like without this show and you two!

Qubinets: Nadine is hottest in this show =)

jollyrayda1: "Why does he call you Peaches?" "I don't know" - it's because when Amos met you you were Melba... Gotta ask, is Amos' habit of nicknaming like an Australian on purpose? Because it feels awfully familiar to me and my housemate when we watch :)

Annette George: Will have to go back and rewatch this episode for the shootout. I usually love Amos's scenes the most, but Clarissa and Eric in the cockpit was revealing and funny. I loved it 😍

moeshickenyay: Best episodes yet, Mansion firefight was stellar, and Were really seeing that Naomi is a real Steely Eyed Missal Woman!

Iain Batchelor: This episode was the dogs bollocks! the shoot out was amazing, also I did 8g of hulcinagenic ( spelling ) truffles from amsterdam before watching! proper mental watching it! love you guys! much love from the UK!

p5rawQ: In real I wish Wes would be my neighbor in the show as Amos ... rather not :p

Paul Hudson: why did they use real guns this time compared to the digital effects? Something to do with being on earth I guess

Ondrej Marek: once again, the airlock loses only a tiny amount of air during each cycle, it pumps vast majority of the air back in before opening, hope Ty is aware of it when he keeps bringing it up

CrazyVolus: Every episode of this season feels like its so short. Even though they aren't short. I'm probably going to rewatch the entire season after next week.

Steven Dunn: Erich has absolutely zero chill.

martin foss: Nine was breath taking. Feel the chill.

Josh Powell-Morris: Clarissa may have some of the best character development in the whole series. I am loving seeing her in the show. To think I once said something to the effect of 'can someone please kill this fucker' while reading Abaddon's Gate.

Tekkman 44: I still cannot comprehend how she is 37 years old.

Jeremy Cunningham: Brilliant... dunno how u guys r gonna wrap this up in 1 last ep! Can’t wait. Also love how belter ships r like Russian subs with the pressure hull then the outer skin, with some services etc in between.... season six good place to finish - in terms of what happen in books - I still be gutted tho. Hopefully get the final 3 in a few years eh? Nice one all!

Happy Hiker: Love listening to these after watching the show, great work.

Nando Freire: They should have killed the security guards

Christopher watton: Season 5 started very strong, but boy has it dragged ever since..

Jurriaan de Jongh: My low key crush on Drummer is slowly getting threatened by Peaches. Never saw it coming...

Josh Brennan: Wes has to be the happiest dude alive.. shows how good of an actor he is.. love this show more than sleep..

bob hoskins: I need Wes Chatham to play Jack Reacher

Arthur Henrick: As a book reader, this season follows the book quite closely. They left out completely the Free Navy attack on the Mars Prim-minister and he escaping on the RazerBack. But that would take up a full episode. Would be cool having the Rz escape with 90 friends in tow. The ark of Marcos is greatly expanded than in the book but the near death struggle of Naomi is perfectly matches the book. If they had 13 or 15 episodes (double the budget) per season, they could have a well rounded show but doing great job.

ruigerd: I was watching the shootout and I paused for a bit because I thought:"wait is this one continuous shot?" They changed camera angles a few times though so I thought it wasn't, maybe they had multiple cameras?

Krogan Baby: Can't wait for the podcast to drop, Wes. Botox.

Salvus: Whoever edited this is pro.

Chris Wiz: This show has very easily changed my life, I have trouble choosing what my favorite is, but when it comes to TV shows.. it's easily The Expanse, the Co Authors of the books have created a masterpiece, that being said I only wish the season had more than 10 episodes, I feel like i'm going to be left thinking for over a year about how all these storylines will finish, because I just don't see that happening with only 1 episode left, but all in all season 5 has been great, lot of epic experiences, I do hope that we get more conclusion on the ring gate, and the builders but i'm digging every second of it. Hopefully Season 6 is not the end of the show and the finish each and every book!

LewHen Silvar: I hope Roberta is getting some screen time in the last episode so we get Frankie in one of these

James Webb, Disabled USAF Veteran, CANCER WARRIOR: Just saw expanse s5 e9. Holy SH%t!! It ROCKED!!! Way to go guys!!! Can’t believe u shot that scene in one go. Dang!! Keep up the great work can’t wait to see the rest of the season, Godspeed!!!

Rocky Myint: Loved the episode! Can't believe the next one is the finale of this season. Went by way too fast.

wadya69: Avasarala didn't feel like herself in this one

PresidentWordSalad: Wes. Nadine. Shohreh. Frankie. Keon. Cara. The list goes on and on for perfectly cast characters. Whoever is in charge of casting deserves so much credit.

Xavi Estrella: This was sooo good

Robert: Tys talk about time is bullshit. Time speeds up a lot in the forward direction watching expanse stuff.

Adam Roquemore: All the stuff with the mansion this ep was absolutely awesome; Clarissa, Amos, and Erich have a great dynamic.

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