Help Fund Wednesday Season 2! (Indiegogo Campaign!)

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hayt guugle: Since utoob isn't the only game in town, I wonder if Wednesday might do well on some other platform such as Nebula? I realize I'm coming a bit late to the party. But I thought I'd throw it out there in case something like this hasn't been done already, and in hopes that it might be some kind of good idea. The whole concept, writing, production, performances are no less than brilliant and grotesquely entertaining. I've watched the episodes and enlightened many people as to the joy they had been missing. P.S. If my idea has come far too late to be useful, and there already is an alternate outlet for Wednesday to be fully adult woman, someone please let me know. Thanks!

Ramon Valentine: OMG I wish I saw this 6years ago. I love Adult Wednesday, and Wolfgirl.

Maxid1: What happened to s2e1?

Peter DDB: Sigh. I only just discovered these...

Dion Water: I'd totally date Wednesday. lol she's my kind of weirdo.

Dion Water: How do I help?

Brian Hall: U are beyond amazing i completely wish i was wearing the shackles she is so beautiful the simplicity and homicidal pensions and love of the victorian era the way she thinks of merging life and death together so everyone appreciates more is hard not to love if i could find someone exactly like her id give my life to her every wish

Wayne Bryden: I LOVE you!

Jose Acosta: Continue with your work.. you'll doing awesome

Dellae McKenzie: Google - why am I only seeing this after 6 years - no wonder Trump hates them so much.

Shane: Just had this series's 5 years old but gold.. Maybe copyright has lapsed now.. Time for season 2.

Thierry Gohn: You are so excellent as Wednesday !!! Pretty and creepy ..OMG i want meet you !!!!

The6thRonin: Damn, are you freaking kidding me??? She is WONDERFUL. does a better job than many other actors out there. I LOVE her show an they had to go give her a hard time because she has the talent to make it work and they don't.

The Hermit: Have you ever thought of contacting Christina Ricci for help with your copyright problems?

kathy pellette: I always get a lift from Wednesday!

Kimy Ox Secret: AW!!! I’m happy you’re at least trying... just uh... ONE THING that just ERKS THE HELL OUT OF ME FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.... in one episode... where you said the word “eat” instead of “sleep” of a scenario that makes more “sense” to say sleep. I’m NOT JUDGING!!! “Shit” like that happens ALL THE TIME to ANYONE.

Happy Texan: Melissa, you are great. I bless you with joy, peace and abundance to keep Wednesday in you life forever. She/You are great.

Tony Love: Melissa I will donate to your campaign. Hell yes I want to see it.

WhiteDwarfVR4: "At any level, Wednesday will make a vow not to kill you" ..well rats... so much for One hand washes the other.

John Hancock: This could make millions at the box office

Natalie Leonard: I just now found this

Donald Council: Love it

David Poynter: Melissa, do you have any plans for a season 3, I have watched and love every one of them.

Merry C.: I suggest EVERYONE who likes these point out how magnificent Melissa Hunter is at her portrayal & INSIST they give her permission to continue!

TheVetoSkreeemer: I want to help fund season 3 and 4!

DJ CONTROL 2020: Please make a season 3. How can I donate to help you make season 3

Henry Weaver: The world would be a better place if we all what channel a little Wednesday in us everyday The world would seem a little less crowded. 😊

TheVetoSkreeemer: Are you still recieving donations? For Adult Wednesday Addams Season 3 ? I know many years have passed but fandom doesnt die

Abhilasha Bohra: Can there be a Season Three, pwease?

ShawnGrayV: I would like to donate, I just don't know how. Any thoughts, anyone?

Chirp Chirp: I really wish you could produce more seasons 😭😭😭🔪🔪🔪🔪😭😭😭

D B: Hey Melissa You are genius !! I've watched season 1 and 2 at least 4 times. When will there be a season 3 ?

Jeffrey Conner: Wish I knew about her 5 years ago. I would have started a write in campaign on her behalf.Better that anything the Networks have come up with..

Derek Hill: Melissa, I would love to work with you on a short film or series! You are absolutely amazing and so creative and talented. What can I do to contribute to your art and help you out...and what would it take to work with you (even inna cameo)? I'm an independent filmmaker in the Central Valley. #BigFan #IndieFilms #IFAfilms

Fernando Molina Argudo: This girl must be paid and been aired by Netflix or another platform. She s amazing.

Juan Flores: You`re Great!

Kpanja Karen: I watch adult Wednesday Addams like an addict, plsssss Melissa hunter, anything to make more Wednesday Addams video, made my big sister watched today, and she is now a fan.

Jean Marie Nadal: U kidding...youre THE BEST THERAPY!!!!2020

Omg Giiirl: It's too bad I just only now found this, or I would have contributed! I love this so much!!! She did a phenomenal job!!!

The NonSequitur: Why am I only hearing about this series just now? Where do I find the full series?

De Nachtburgemeester: 👌

Robert Fleming: I love this series....TU Melissa. 🕛🌕⚡👹💀

Coffey Bean: "i didnt promise that"


Money Maker: U dont do no more

Josué Jiménez: Feels really bad know this outstanding show was cancelled... Wednesday is awesome! :(

Mary Bennett: @ Melissa Hunter Wow... You are so beautiful!!! And you are a very talented actress! Keep up the grate work!! P.S. Everything that I've seen with you acting/your shows, I've absolutely loved. I personally think your acting is top notch. ✌️Stay gold✌️

Sasanka Varanasi: Its Really sad that Melissa could not continue Adult Wednesday Adams due to copy right issues. USA is a strange country. bu Great job Melissa

Dave 465: It's really a shame you couldn't Just called yourself Tuesday or Thursday and kept going.

SamofCR: I can't find a donation link. Where the hell is it?

Silviio Freitas: I nom intendy en ingles

Silviio Freitas: Vc eh muito gata

Shawn J: Dang. Just discovering these videos after cancellation. I will totally support these if it starts up again. :D

UMN Mode: HELL YEAH! Too bad I'm finding out about this long after you got the boot on Wednesday.

Paul Howard: I don't know why you don't have a show on TV it's driving me crazy. I love your show. you could call yourself any name other than Wednesday and do the same thing and everybody would get it you know? Please come back and do this show

FoxQuinGamer MMD /Tutorial: what happen to your play list?

dyanna prinz: Start a march store

Ilura Gennette: So where's season 2?

Nicolle H.: Anything new about this? I just watched it, and I want more! Sad this was 4 years ago 😭

Michelle Reilly Patell: Have you thought of a girl fund for ur project.

IAmSo ZEN: Season 3!!!!! Please!!!

Laurie Swanson: Great to watch on holloween

Laurie Swanson: Sweet

Laurie Swanson: Can I have some more please can’t get enough of the shows

Vurgidahn Shibby: I love Wednesday!


Maximo Bistoyong: Wednesday, I do support you all the way

Michael Mejia: 2 seasons and she disappeared. Did she die? (Lucky) Oh well its 6 years later and we want to see MORE!!!

Mico Flores: Netflix?

Bill bartman: Thank you Ms. Hunter. I binged watch season 1 and 2. Loved it. Now I have to check out your other content. You are proof that talent and lots of hard work will always be discovered.

have a cup a tea father would u ,oh go on mrs doyle: I'm sitting in my bedroom offering u money ,but seriously enjoying Wednesdays witty repartee,good luck

Dan Cp: Pig Girl

Solid Snake: So what happened.?

David Fox: I want to be on the show two please

JHONDREWS GUIZARD: Deberían de sacar una serie en NETFLIX

trancelistic: I feel so bad for you guys that you can't continue:( You're awesome anyhows:)

Michael Schweigart: I'm so sorry that Adult Wednesday was cancelled....I just discovered them😭...Blessed Be!

John Truesdale: You are Amazing, your writing, deadpan humor, and topics hit on society of today, I loved the babysitter episode because of the politicians in the funny quip, you are the adult Wednesday I dreamed of when I was growing up watching the original show, I hope that they do a Hollywood production with you as the Star!!!! I'm 53 and I love it!!! And you, not in a perverted way. As someone who appreciates talent!

VENTAS PROVINCIAS: Mayo 14, 2019. ¿Quién allí viendo a Melissa Adams adulta?

Test Rabbit: I will so appear as a Voodoo doll! Get enough pledges and I swear I'll do it live on a channel...provided "Wednesday" understands certain "areas" are not subject to puncturing, burning or any other kind of what would be called "assault" by the authorities... I'm actually NOT being facetious about that part if it would help you raise money, tho I completely don't understand how you aren't already filthy dirty rich from the ideas/performances alone. Regardless, I totally hope that whomever is giving you "poop" over use of Wednesday's persona gets their neck caught in a cigar cutter and that you are able to continue this. It's great! Wednesday Addams is a childhood hero to me!

Test Rabbit: BTW, when you make it big...can I have some money?

Test Rabbit: You are incredibly talented and just generally awesome, but I'm totally broke so what I do is tell everyone how freaking awesome you are and thumbs up your stuff. I'm totally not kidding about being broke or I'd throw some federal reserve toilet paper your way due to student loan interest. However, I will continue to try to get everyone I run across to watch and "thumbs up" your work.

Fernando Lopez: I love you!!!

alexander jhonathan: te amo

Rami Z rey: You so cute

alan H: Brilliant

Winston Guitar: I'm watching this video again, knowing that the story is by now, quite old. We've seen all espisodes of Adult Wednesday, Wolfgirl, as well as Melissa's other creative outbursts. I'm watching it because I love what she represents - a talented actor and writer making her own way, fighting against the odds, and occasionally winning.

The 3rd Winchester: Do season 3 please!

Bryant Hardin: I hope you do come back for season 2 of adult Wednesday Addams I love the show and I love your work keep it up thank you

miyosu sugihara: Great episodes! Sorry you got pounced on by the creators. I'm sure they could have worked out a deal but you were too threatening with your ideas and acting.

Cynthia Mayo: Bring adult Wednesday Addams back I love her

garycsfunlife: TV company should have picked you up to be in a regular TV show I would definitely watch it even a movie or two or ten for real I would pay to see you making a movie or TV show

Pavlo Peña: you are an excellent actress

Madd Zavala: Perfect!!!!!!

Richard Hernandez: 2018! your the greatest!!! :-)

tina hardman: Hey Melissa they screwed you out of your T.V. show. They reneged on that contract that they made you sign. I would start making Wednesday Addams is again! Cuz I sure never seen wolf girl! We looked for that.

Emmy M: can't wait for a new season

720 Nonstop: You are like my stepdaughter weird mysterious psycho Love to hate your show but I like it

Kenneth Connors: do love these videos , you portrayal of Wednesday is spot on ! fun to watch

Ronald Castro: Melissa your a genius, The Wednesday series I've seen is so funny and respectful of the character, they should allow you to continue this great thing you are doing or were doing...I hope you can do it again some day....

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