Wood Elf Season of Revelations Campaign Livestream Part 2

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Simon Wang: Legendary Lord comparisons are some of my favorite videos of yours. Hyped for all the content you’ll be dropping in the coming week.

J-Dubb: Without the trickle the asrai are in a pickle.

Cjur: Did the map always get filled with trees as WE expanded or is that a new thing?

Frederick Martinburg: Where's my entertainment of today? Late again I see

Tom: didn't realise it was wh1 and I got so confused when I saw those settlements near Mousillon lol

Tenhys: Seeing Legend playing Warhammer 1 Wood Elves remind me how utterly broken the hippies were compared to now. Seriously, their limited economy in early game was the only saving grace for every other faction because, when they got the ball rolling, they were just impossible to deal with...

Michael: What should you do if you ally is progressing towards their rituals quicker than you are? I basically control a third of the entire map and they control about a fifth but going to war with them would be a massive hassle at this point.

M.D md: Code "legend" doesnt work on displate anymore

Senshi Bat: we dint want to spoil certain bits of this so we puased viewing and liek your take on the balance.. it will create a few new tacs.. think guerilla warfare hit run wood ambush and not extended contacts.

Chicken Tendies: would sack farming empire forts with empire for artilery be good cheese?

Whi te: Legendary Lord comparisons are some of my favorite videos of yours. Hyped for all the content you’ll be dropping in the coming week.

Eneachril Beneathar: I just had a thought, and I hope I'm wrong... Treemen are the best Units for Woodelves (by far after the Update), Drycha has the best Treemen most likely (seem to have Frenzy) Plus Coedill is stronger than Durthu... so Drycha will most likely win the most Powerful Legendary Lord cometition - and she will most likely not be able to confederate other woodelves. So the Strongest LL can not confederate. Oh I hope im Wrong...

Eneachril Beneathar: @LegendofTotalWar please don't show the new Woodelf Cheese until the DLC drops... i don't want CA to fix it before release. Ýou owe us, none of us ever was able to play the Goblin Sisters with Grom, you were. So don't do this to us again ;)

swtaer vdesn: As a Wood Elf fan, I hope this will be revisited.

oberonmeister: I agree with the idea of limited number of free armies. Or maybe not completely free but using something else as the currency, other than gold. I mean, what the hell would they use that gold for in the forest anyway? Like, vampires at least have it renamed as "dark magic" not being actually changed globally, but the whole idea of forest spirits and elves demanding gold for the service just seems silly to me. Call it something like "worthiness" or "righteousness" etc. so the forest inhabitants follow your lord because they recognize his moral authority to lead them, make it earned through your actions and spent on units and buildings, but there should definitely be no upkeep and number of armies must be limited and raised partially by tech (one early and one at the end of the tech tree – it's debatable) like with Tomb Kings, and partially through buildings, so it would encourage you to interact with secondary forests as well as give you the tools to defend them.

Edward Li: So for those of you who are curious why Legend did a Warhammer 1 campaign, he explained that the Warhammer 2 program on his computer was kinda stuck with the new DLC version because he's making videos with the beta installed, and opting in and out of the beta takes a long time to install and uninstall. If he shows Warhammer 2 in its current state on stream he will violate CA's rules because it is not allowed yet. So he has to play other games. I didn't follow the entire stream, but I think the value of this stream is that Legend shared a lot of thoughts on the new DLC as he interacted a lot with the viewers. He definitely thinks that the patch makes wood elves weaker, like he said he only fielded 3 armies as wood elves after he took all the trees on legendary. He doesn't really think making wood elves more difficult to play is bad, but from my understanding, it's more like "are you sure this is what you want, CA?" He also said that the biggest nerf to wood elves may be actually losing the improve relation technology with the empire. Originally with the early technology it's super easy to make friends with the empire, and then Bretonnia, dwarves and the entire order tide. Now it becomes difficult because the empire may hates you from early on due to the great power penalty and once you are dragged into a war with either empire or bretonnia factions, the order tide will turn against you and the campaign will become a nightmare, since you cannot field enough armies to defend against them due to the poor economy.

Pablito123: will be he able to showcase the dlc? Others already do

Stevenom: going back to the roots huh?

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