A Wood Masterpiece :: Hermitcraft #15 Season 8

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Emmanuel Monforte: 36:00 I love it *in keralis voice*

Emmanuel Monforte: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Patrick S.: Bdubs should pay the 16 clocks for Pearl and Keralis in sundials, which he builds in their front yard.

Chaelze B.: 3:03 WOOD i want to do 😏

sevendinosaurs ate my pizza: great episode b dubs :)

Barundar Streams: The movie you were looking for was 'Entrapment'.

James Sheils: Great idea asking Tango for a sorting system, but I think you’ll need to make the walls thicker for it for work.

Alexandra Barber: Maybe use impulses IOU for the random wood sorting

Tyler Theriot: I swear your so genuine in these vids. I love it

Vincent G.: I love the intro-music

Dokka Chapman: welp, at least now I don't have to wonder what a Hermitcraft version of Saw would be like.

stevanavich: Warped and Crimson boats when, Mojang?

Siliomar Santos: Dude, dbubs Will rise to heaven right away, Holy damnn

CoconutComedy: bdubs about nether stems: "these are considered logs, you can form fences and stuff out of them" netherbricks: :(

Dominic Schell: I was really hoping the next scene after Bdubs escapes with lulu would have been bdubs and Etho going and hunting down pearl and Keralis for Bdubs’ clocks hahaha

[Username Deleted]: [Comment Deleted]

Monster.: payback will be all the more sweet for bdubs

Jamaican Parliament: Next shop could be a watch company

FRANCIS KURIAN: Do you still don't know they used your grass and sold it to him for your clocks

Cafe Gaming: hermitcraft squid game

Concerned Citizen: Just store the logs and just craft from there.

David Lehman: 33:52 pearlalis bit ends

TommyGames-lol: You should give keralis his special ‘clocks’ as payment

Collin Hardy: For revenge take one of their builds and move it somewhere else

TheMockingJay: At the 35:30 mark, I actually like how the fog settings shrouds Fifi's lair in a mysterious atmosphere when looking in it's amazing

Meemi Karhu: I love it how Keralis and Pearl are just always scamming bdubs for clocks

Blaueswunder: Petition to force Bdubs to craft 20 stacks of birch wood buttons. Who's with me?

Marten Mikkelsen: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if Tango could chuck wood?

CeNedra Lea Heldra: Brilliant maze. Good vid

bbotelhoHI: Ngl. I didn’t enjoy the pearalis segment, from all angles. That was a chunk of the ep that I happily skipped

Roshan Surelia: You can’t do that sort that

Coreflake !: now this was some SAW-like puzzles xD

Carl Sto Tomas: 2:02 this sound has meme potential HAHA

Darth Mark: I'm just hoping the storage building gets called, "Yes Eye Wood"... or similar.

David Lehman: Keralis reminds of a young Sjin.

vvv vulkán: This intro is reminding me of the love, death and robots intro.

Elly Johnston: When you said would you could of said wood tango be up for it hahahaha

Of Renegades: The wood "mess" read as cogs to me. Sick build

_La_ _aL_: an episode of clock robbery filled with adventure and puzzle solving as well as reminiscence about season 6 XD

Stefan Sauvageon / What-a-Twist: I feel so bad for Bdubs even if I know he's fine with it

Za Ghurdo: You cut out the best part of the tripwire room.

Khalid Shafiee: Seeing the way pearl and keralis treat Bdubs is honestly really upsetting, even though I know it's just a game and the hermits are alright with it

RO-Q: I skipped the whole trile thing, I just feels that Pearl and Keralis just bully you. not that entertaining to me.

Andy Kruger: Something weird about them premium clocks, they show that you turn at the speed of light. The time changes as you turn around 🤣

TheStagrinDragon: I was really hoping this was gonna give Bdubz a villain arc, this was so much fun to watch

G33v3s: The scar tree explosion had my sons and I crying with laughter!

Iloskros: Personally this would mean war on the smp

Constantine415: You should also designate spaces for all the stone and its variants: stone, cobblestone, smooth stone, diorite, granite, andesite, polished diorite, polished granite, polished andesite, deepslate, cobbled deepslate, sandstone, smooth sandstone, their variants: walls, stone cutter stuff, stairs, mossy, and other stuff.

badwclf: and today we go through bdubs' own personal hell

Ila Bamanya: Please do a house tour I really wanna see moon from the inside

Ila Bamanya: Please do a house tour I really wanna see moon from the inside

HerrJuan 07: Bdubs complains he’s got no diamonds yet he has over half a stack of diamond ore in a chest

CD8: I eagerly await the day Bdubs exacts his revenge on Keralis and Pearl.

Joshua Borre: That was a great adventure they set up for you!! Even still I think it would be hilarious if you made some kind of harmless get back at them something or another anyways that is for the great Video!!

Unknown Slayer: Love that wood storage man it’s amazing!! Also tango could just do a drop off chest then sort underground and distribute with item elevators!

Theo: This was a little much, to be honest. I know it's all fun and games, but still...a bit cruel, especially with Lulu. I felt my blood pressure rising, and, honestly, the reason why I watch minecraft videos is to relax. Bit bummed out now.

BlueCrystal Beast: 27:04 that moment when your pick look liked it disappeared into the abyss, laughing so hard right now.

Ranormor: I’ve never been this tense during an episode of Hermitcraft. 🤣

Orion: It was a fun episode, thanks for the video.

Zoma: Lisp getting richer <3

FhuzPatch: OMG I just LOVE the fantastic, fun interactions you do with the folks you minecraft with (HermitCraft and Last Life)! You are by FAR my favorite minecrafter, from your builds (which are the absolute BEST), interactions (which can be SO fun to watch), to your simple take on life as a rule! You must be a fantastic father too (your kids must love you so much!) YOU ROCK! Keep it up!

glewfw: whats with the bdubs clocks thing?

Mahika Jain: Why don't you make a gold farm in the nether?

JesusLovesYou: I don't understand why you cut out the best parts of your colab with Pearl and Papa K. 👎🏻

MCPhssthpok: You really need to pay Keralis and Pearl with some of those lovely silver clocks like they keep giving you. You know, the ones they say are even better than the gold ones!

Cpt FUBAR: B-Dubs escaping was like learning the cake was a lie

Courage Boss 647: Bdubs: later today we have a meeting with keralis and pearl Everyone: ... ... oh no

Letus the Dragon: I have a feeling that if something did happen to Lulu, BDubs would've gone full John Wick...

Idk Tbh: Bdubs, do the create mod!

AngelofGrace96: alternate episode title: keralis and pearl torture bdubs for 15 minutes

Eden: why did he go into debt with horse head farms if he has 29 diamond ore in a chest

Micah Scott: 40 min video!! i’m salivating

FishyLipz: Love the attitude. However even though it's just a game and people are all sharing a laugh it's still feels really upsetting to see the way Pearl and Keralis treats Bdoubs. Jokes and gags aside this is a show meant for the viewers. And we're not really having it

Vicky: I miss bdubs timelapses so bad 😭😭😭😭 Please bdubs atleast do like quick ones like 1 or 2 seconds.

Brennen Halliwell: The cogs on the wood shop could be deepslate tiles, stone and oxidized copper. Could look cool

kenjamin: 3:30 you forgot to say “don’t tell etho” lol. You are such an awesome content creator bdubs. Any chance of more streams coming soon? It was awesome to see you streaming on YT

Noob Nub: I didn't even realize this was 40 minutes long, worth it

CrepticMoon: It's simple. I see Bdubs, I hit like.

Raddude: S9 modded hermitcraft

Zach Pierce: What if you had a collectable clock shop

Pash _: That was maybe the closest I’ve seen Hermitcraft get to a Saw film

The Last Exodus: Why is the clock in bdubs hot bar spazzing out at 23:46?

Imperial Gamer: you should give ALL of Keralis' diamonds to Gem now instead of just 10 percent

GoldBiscuit: The amount of happiness I feel hearing that intro riff into bdubs voice can’t be explained❤️ love you bdubs!

Bob: That wood shop is next level beauty

Onion Master: This video is making me hate keralis and pearl

twvix: i was on board for the trolling when it was just clocks and items. But putting a valuable horse at risk was too far. What if something had happened to Lulu? You can't just mine and grind for a bit and remake Lulu. I was really hoping they just got a similar horse and you'd get there to find Lolo or Lala or Lyly instead. Gosh i'm upset at the thought of accidentally killing Lulu for a prank...

a random person: With grian killing pandas and now this, i’m thinking that evil x isn’t so evil after all

Joe The Juggalo: Looks like you're all out of time, I mean clocks.

l: Honestly, that felt like a movie with a bittersweet ending

Torrent6: Funniest video ever lol! You should try and create a family tree for Lulu and her descendants

rustyxpink: The puzzles seem so fun!

Valerie Faith Alimane Baja: In the beginning Pearl and Keralis owes bdubs 8 clocks but in the end bdubs owes the two 16 clock. LOL. HAHAHAHAHHA

Max Scofield: This was the funniest video I’ve seen all day

Hemalata Sahoo: Epiosde 15 and 15 clocks

Sol Gladio: Everyone: "Diamonds!" X and Octogon: "Derp Coin!" Pearl and Keralis: "BDUBS CLOCKS!"

Efren Arevalo: 3:50 I'm gonna tell ETHO!

RevereShin: That "No! No interest! No! Please no interest! Please no interest!" was the most genuine sounding plead for help I've ever heard.

AgentNemitz: Oh my that was hilarious lol

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