What Is E750? Camp Cretaceous Season 2 Speculation | Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous

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jarrett gerber: I'm thinking indo raptor

Misty Reigns: I don’t think it’s an Indominous Rex but I do agree with Myles Wolfe statement about the possibility of the sibling having a mutation of some sort thus why I believe the story of the sibling eating the other but let me elaborate with the coverup idea that everyone keeps mentioning and why I agree that it’s a cover up. Here’s my theory about what kind of cover up it is. In the Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous series, when Bumpy was born the kids get to witness the birthing of a dinosaur but Wu states that it’s too early to be hatching. He says something about how it’s too soon to be hatching at ten weeks or something like that when it should be hatching at thirteen. He further explains that a birthing this soon means that the dinosaur is suspected to be asymmetrical so when Wu finally sees Bumpy’s head after Ben removes the remaining parts of the egg and that his theory was right of the animal being asymmetrical, Wu doesn’t seem at all too happy. He expresses this by saying something along the lines of “just what I thought, this dinosaur is asymmetrical. I only allow symmetrical dinosaurs to be viewed in this park.” Which makes you think what does Wu do with the dinosaurs that are asymmetrical or defective in his eyes? Have any of you noticed that Bumpy is the only one in the entire park who is asymmetrical or considered defective in Wu’s eyes? Like we don’t ever see another Bumpy in the park. Now here’s my theory on what they do with dinosaurs that don’t meet park standards for viewing to the public. My guess would be is that Wu found a working system which avoids suspicion from spectators. The way he does this is he feeds any dinosaurs he feels that does not meet the park standards to the carnivores of the park and does so in a inhumane way meaning making sure these dinosaurs can’t fend for itself against the carnivore they’re feeding it to. My theory can be supported with Darius’s statement about a fact he learned when trying to find the beacon in the Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Series and found out that one of the dinosaurs eats 12,000 lbs of meat a day if I remember correctly. In other words Wu performed something very similar to what we see in the first Jurassic Park movie when they feed the lamb to the T-Rex. By doing it in a manner as such, they don’t ruin their brand product so to say for the people to see therefore avoiding spectator suspicions that the park has a fucked up dark side to them. I also suspect he did such an act when the park was closed to the public viewing and found a safe way to put the carnivorous animals to sleep after they ate the “defective” dinosaur so the park staff could safely retrieved and dispose of the remaining bones that were left of their meal thus keeping the clean image of the park for the following day of spectators. That being said I strongly believe that the only animal capable of eating an Indominous Rex with a possible defect of some sort in Wu’s eyes would be its very own sibling as it’s clear that the other carnivore dinosaurs wouldn’t stand a chance and so this is the dark story behind the Indominous Rex eating it’s sibling. In conclusion the park failed the Indominous Rex as we all clearly see in practically all versions of the Jurassic World franchises or other franchises attached to it.

Boitshepo Mphaka: I think its some going to be a prototype indoraptor

Gaming191 Hi: Ahh camp cretacous is doing a scp breakout lol

2pxo brothers: Spino maybe indoraptor but a lot of people think it's spino

Emmet Chang: Tbh, kinda looks like a spinoraptor curled up.

Tyler Mcduck: Sarkasookas

Ultra Petraxe: Spinotaurraptor rex

Ultra Petraxe: I kinda feel sad about eddie he dies on his birthday

Martha Avalos: In all those pictures if u see hard enough u can see a orange eye

Jellynaught: I think it would be dope if they brought back the troodon from the original jp game, that would be sick

mr Cranky: I got a feeling is the 1Tim lock in freezer. Aka the big 1

boi: your not seeing the sail

Camron Easterly: Maybe a prehistoric centipede

Ashton Jones: I think it’s the indoraptor

midas the gamer 65: Imagen it was indor raptor but that makes no sense

Scott Burris: My two cents about the mammoth theory is that it is 100% not a mammoth. First, for E750 being so secret, I don't think they would be carting essential bones through a public area, not to mention the roar at the end.

homelesswonder: giga

Kaydn Roper: It's an indoraptor

Danny Cheung: Its the indominus rex the thumbnail of its theeth is definitely indominus rex

Toby Rogers: My theory is that Session 1 happened before the incident at Jurassic World, then Session 2 happens after the incident at Jurassic World, so I'm thinking the creature in the chamber, E750 is the IndoRapter which would make sense since the people who had the IndoRapter had gone back to the island, so it is possible that they took the IndoRapter back to be auctioned off, that's just what I'm thinking anyways

wasonce there: What if they used some insect DNA?

Justin Battle: Looks like an additional mosasaurus

Owen Worth: I have an idea. it could be a spinoraptor just with icicles hanging of

darkfly: It could be a stegoceratops

GabeGoneWild: I'm hooked.

Thechickengod110: Pretty sure it’s a dilophosaurus in E750

Madz_: I really really hope it is Owns rapter or I do

Jedicrafter Jc: It might be the other I-Rex because the I-Rex we know wasn’t the only one and eat it’s sibling maybe they stopped her before she could finish and made him better that’s why the screech sounds robotic because maybe they gave it robotic parts.

Joe MAMA: “And we say goodbye to Eddie...Eddie is very dead”

Dob Abom: Isn't it obvious? E750 is that thing in the lab that you can see during Jurassic World!!

Evan Jones: i think it might be the one from themovie that got ated my the sea monster

Julča 007: I have question.. what happened with other parks/ islands? And do you thin they can be in JW 3? (Sorry abouth my english, I´m not english girl?)😂👀👀

Eddie Marquardt: I don't think that that with the lots of Spikes is the tail... it's maibe a mouf I mean.... ..... I can be Wrong but I think that there is a eye that I can see in the tank...

Burcu Bagir: This is demon indominus rex

Rootbeer Saint: A different hybrid seems like the best bet to me, who knows though

Kaiden Shepard: Just for a bit of fun. Its probably a dino/Godzilla hybrid, like the kind of one you can get in that jurassic world app game. Monarch sent some remnant of zilla, who knoes, perhaps a scale or whatver ht came off zilla during the last movie and sustained some injuries and they were sent to Injen and their advanced genetic work and Dr Wu with his evil villainness has taken a sample of whatever it was and cobined it to create a mutant dino. Ha ha. Crossing frnachises I know, but like i say, just a bit of fun.

Aashish Ambavaram: The tail is kinda stubby to be a indoraptor

That Aspie Bastard: I've been thinking it's possibly a juvenile giganotosaurus, that'll get lose n then captured by mantah/masrani, and then for dominion, we'll get to see the giga fully grown as confirmed by Sam Neil, Colin said S3 would link into JW3, so I think this is the juvenile/young giganotosaurus that will be featured in dominion n that's the "link" they've spoke of

ņæəþ: I thank there forming the endorapter

LittleLatte: I think it’s a spino or the indoraptor

landon anderson: kentrasaurus spikes maybe?

Mohamed Iqbal Chadhar: Frozen hybrid I think… I can’t wait to see it! I think mammoth and T-rex

Lexi Rose: I think it’s indoraptor because I rewatched the ending and it sounded like the indoraptor

DK: This is a very interesting teaser that left us waiting for the reveal in the future, and although most theories I've seen say a failed indominus rex or prototype indoraptor, I have another idea, I think it could be another hybrid one that players of the mobile game JW Alive might be familiar with, and that hybrid is Erlidominus a hybrid of Erlikasaurus and Indominus rex, I know it's a bit far fetched but the image in the freezer kinda makes me imagine the way the hybrid looks in the game and the fact that it's code is 'E' 750 makes me think about it even more, but in the end still a theory.

Goutham Vinod: If it is an indorapter then not only fallen kingdom also In camp-c it feels like they need the same credit

Daksh Bhardwaj: I suspect it is an Indoraptor but it can be any hybrid

The Machines: I think stegaceratops

Daksh Bhardwaj: It is really confusing

Mr.Cheese: I think it’s indoraptor

THE programme Editor: You missed that when Brooklyn was changing the map to the two people who pretend to be the campers friends it actually says E75....could it be E750? Like if you think the same

Ismail Mbaye: I have a dumb theory but I think that in E750 there is a hybrid Dino that was so dangerous they had to freeze it so it would get preserved until they can get better at handling Dino's but they forgot about E750 and created the indominus-rex but we all know the rest of the story.So when Kenji was playing around the freezing process shut down so E750 broke out of its ice chamber and in the end of season two we hear loud thuds so I think it was escaping so my theory of season three the kids will have to deal with E750.I think that E750 is some sort of spinosaurus hybrid cause i saw a some sort of spine on it like the spinosaurus.

Ding Dong: I just want a feathery Yutyrannus

DarkDivideGaming: Well derrrr it’s a top secret hybrid they where hiding

Zita Zajka: I think in the envelope the numbers 1309 and 1310 on the top of the genetic make-up codes are referencing that they are literally the 1309th and 1310th pieces of the “whole book of the DNA”. Could even be that these are not on record anywhere else just so the “perfect recipe” for such a dino/monster would be missing.

The JB show REBORN: Who else thinks it is none of the theories and could be something no one had in mine like a giant spiky snake but with velociraptor arms and high amounts of venom and maybe lays eggs in the second season to terrorize the kids even more

Yanfei Qi: It could be a boss dino like the ones in Jurassic world the game because if you look closely at the frozen tank you can see spines and a unique pattern that is red and purple.

TroyIator34: I think it was the indorapter combined with the indominous to make a G-V3 but nicknamed as E750 to keep it a secret until the park is fully secure and ready to release due to the indominous incident

นาย หัสวรรษ โชติชวาล: E750 = Erlidominus no.750 Hahaha just Kidding

Harpy Bro: I think what ever that creature is,mount sibo will prb kill it

jeremy cornejo: failed i rex

Joseph Perugini: I think the thing in the tank is a indoraptor or a smaller giganotosouras

Elijah-Chan: i think its the indoraptor


EITHAN SOON HAN JIE Moe: or mayce omega 09

EITHAN SOON HAN JIE Moe: its indoraptor or indominus rex gen 2

Tagteam25: E750 has the opportunity to be something form aftermath

Cobra gamer: i think its a proto indominus rex i call it protorex

Antreas Tofaris: Imagine this.The e 750 is a see monster.It breaks out and hunts other Dino's.Meanwhile the adonymous rex gains energy and becomes powerful and kills kenji because u know...the other kids escape the island BUT the e 750 escapes too reappears at the main land. Well plot twist the eddi guy has accidently created a monster like the andonymous rex.It leads it to the main land and theres a boss fight between e750 and the monster wich actyally belongs to mantacore like eddie.there the monster wins but now its released and can distroy everything.End of the season 3

Sohil Kapur: I think it’s omega 09


Camo Skull: I see an eye around the back left 5:52

Vaibhav Ingole: You milking that thing when everyone knows its indoraptor. I didn't watch the video but I know.

epicgamer210: It’s a cryopoded raptor. Also, who gave ark a makeover?

Arys Handono: So when Eddie said they built monsters, he wasn't actually just talking about Indominus Rex :O

Dare Me Bro: I think Spinosaurus will be in Season 3 but I dont think Spinosaurus is E750. That's probably Indoraptor. Also Brooklyn found a Master Key card so she will obviously open the room and find nothing there but like broken glass cuz E750 broke out. But maybe it's already a skeleton and Dr Wu will bring it to life. And I think the Screech at the end before it cut out probably was just some Compys as a background thing.

Princess Gwyneth Gabinete: rip grim

The Dino Man: Hey, I think it could be Carcharodontosaurus, it has spikes on his back.

navneethreddy645 chanakyareddy: It is indosraptor

Animal Ale: Maybe it’s the Indo Raptor🤔

FanksCast: Its so peak the writers were cold enough to let eddie die on his birthday lol

kitty bunny: Off Topic but I'm I like the only one who can't stand Brooklyn .

Darth Caedus: I was hoping S3 would linked to fallen kingdom and S4 is dominion. Which means more episodes.

TheBlackDemon217: If you wanted to know the tag with "TAGC" is a genetic coding used for DNA strands in different species meaning the tag is likely a code for creating something a new species that wu made that's what likely to be in the pod but it has to be a rapper cause for the sized of the pod matchs its body height and width

Emilio Garcia: I think it's a giga

Slipncobra: I think E750 craeature is a indoraptor

uujims: The 4 letter code are DNA sequences,included ATCG.

Johnny Masalu: Its definitely the Cretaceousaurus!!...afterall it's its camp. It takes 3 seasons but finally we get to see it.

why r u bully me? epik: idk but the ting is when i watch till end it sounds like indoraptor gen 2 to but i dont this eit indoraptor i thinka new hybrid

Ryon Hatcher: The Indoraptor Theory is a very good one, but I was actually thinking back to the Dinosaur tabs on Wu's computer. When you said that E750 isn't a type of Spinosaur, I can understand why you think that. But, if you look back at the Spinosaurus picture on Wu's computer, you could see that the Spino's head was circled. Here's my theory about E750: whatever this Hybrid Dinosaur is, it might have the Spino's crocodillian head.

Garid Tugei: I thought the creature inside looked like a giant centipede like arthropleura

junior Researcher Power: I think it's a spinorapter because the roar matches the one from JWE

AugustDipper: Maybe a troodon.

The Lizard: I am pretty sure that we have already been introduced to E750 in franchise in the minecraft jurassic world map

madi: i think is the indominus rex but im not really sure though

Hungrybaryonyxboy Dodero: I was going to guess a Melasma Or eslasmasuarus

Andrew Mags: It took me years to realize your channel is spelled BestinSlot and not BestinSloth

Andrew Mags: I wonder if it's a baby Irex

Ceaser Zeppeli: Eddie is very deadie

LeroY: Why do people named Eddie keep dying in this franchise

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